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We want to be your Recruiter Partner in South America .
Our WhatsApp for faster communication +55 11 9 8935-8841 - Brazil -
Available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, to help you.
We have all the staff you need . Over 212 million people live in Brazil.
As the job market in the United States continues to evolve, American recruiters are increasingly turning their eyes to Brazil in search of qualified talent. H2 visas, which allow the temporary hiring of foreign workers, stand out as an excellent opportunity for Brazilians and American companies.
The quality of the Brazilian workforce
Brazilians are known for their dedication, resilience and ability to adapt. With a culture that values education and professional training, Brazil has a diverse and qualified workforce. Brazilian professionals are especially notable in the areas of information technology, engineering, agriculture, construction and services, sectors that often require H2 visas.
Advantages of H2 Visas for American Recruiters
H2 visas (H-2A for agricultural workers and H-2B for non-agricultural workers) offer several advantages to American employers, including:
Labor Supply: In sectors with labor shortages, such as agriculture and construction, H2 visas allow companies to quickly fill essential vacancies.
Cultural Diversity: Hiring Brazilians enriches the work environment with new perspectives and skills, promoting diversity and innovation.
Flexibility: H2 visas are temporary, allowing employers to hire foreign workers based on seasonal or project-specific demand.
“Hiring Brazilian professionals through the H2A visa has been an extremely positive experience for our company. They bring an unparalleled work ethic and valuable skills that have contributed significantly to our projects,” says Mike Brown, owner of a farm in Arkansas.
Please inform your staffing needs for the next 6 months.
After you fill this form, please advise me at WhatsApp +5511 9 4858 2000 and we will give you a free acess to our candidate´s database.
Our Candidates
We work both nationally and internationally for the past 33 years.
It has been and is our goal to provide both the employer and the candidate with a long-term working relationship.
These positions range from general employment to upper level management positions from Farming ,Health , Landscaping to Hospitality industries.
One thing that sets us apart from other placement firms is the depth of background work we do before we even represent a candidate.
First, we attempt to check our applicants’ work histories by using work references sent .
These references are then made available to you along with detailed paperwork, outlining the candidate’s background, position desired, positions best qualified for, salary/benefits preference, relocation preference, etc.
Once you have placed a job order with us, we will begin the process of searching for qualified candidates who match the background you have requested.
We also help with ALL Consulate issues and matters.
All our candidates MUST provide a video speaking in English to help you to save your time in this process.