Send your job adverts to . It´s FREE for your company.
We want to be your Recruiter Partner in South America .
Our WhatsApp for faster communication +55 11 9 8935-8841 - Brazil -
Available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, to help you.
We have all the staff you need . Over 212 million people live in Brazil.
We are involved in a large recruitment for a company that works with cargo transportation throughout Europe with over 200 trucks, based in Croatia and Austria.
We proudly support transport companies in Germany, Lithuania, and Poland, as well as hundreds of farmers across the United States.
Our goal is to become the world’s largest truck driver recruitment agency, placing over 1,000 skilled professionals each year and we will work hard for it.
Candidates of the following nationalities are invited to participate in the recruitment:
New Zealand
South Korea
We are looking for a dedicated, attentive and careful professional who is capable of ensuring that the cargo reaches the customer safely.
If you are an experienced professional and are interested in working traveling throughout Europe, this is your opportunity.
Come work for a few months or for many years with us, living and traveling throughout Europe, it's up to you!!
Your benefits:
- Annual employment contract with the possibility of UNLIMITED renewals +
- After 5 years, you will be able to take up residence in the country and take your family to live with you for the rest of your life +
- Company sends air tickets from your country +
- Company will pay for work visa expenses (600 Euro) +
- MINIMUM monthly salary of 2,700 Euro reaching up to 3,300 Euro +
- Accommodation at a reduced cost in a house rented by the company or you can live in the truck +
- 15 days of vacation per semester where you can visit your family +
- The complete process is quick and only takes 60 days for those who already speak English at an Intermediate level +
- They accept drivers up to 50 years old (although they have already accepted our drivers aged 55 years old) +
- Government pays an allowance of 1 thousand Euros per minor child enrolled in public school (information provided by another driver who is already there and discovered this benefit)
- You will NOT be alone = Our drivers who are already there will pick you up at the airport, help you open a bank account, obtain all the mandatory local documents, teach you how to drive the truck , show you the routes , how to use the GPS and tachograph
- Operate large trucks to transport goods such as steel sheets, coils, pallets, machines and others
- Knowledge to operate machines using ramps to load/unload when necessary
- Ensure safe and efficient loading of goods, tying/draping when necessary
- Carry out regular vehicle inspections and report any problems
- Maintain daily photographic records of cargo and documentation
- Complete high school
- Minimum 2 years experience as a heavy vehicle driver
- CNH (National Driving License) Category E valid for at least 1 year
- Knowledge of English, Italian or German
- Passport valid for 1 year
- Be able to start working within 90 days
It will not be necessary to do interviews, as our HR agent in Brazil , Mr. Marcelo TOLEDO, will be responsible for explaining everything and sending us the necessary documents.
We will need the following documents to send to the company.
Please email me, all together, at ONLY TIME at
Write in the subject: International Truck Driver - your full name - date of birth
Sending complete candidate documentation above with:
1. Criminal History: Original color + Translated into English and sworn - HAGUE APOSTILLATIONS - IN THE SAME FILE - DO NOT SEND SEPARATELY.
3. Passport - colored - HAGUE APOSTILLATE
4- Fill out our form
Explanation of documents on video in Portuguese
What does it mean to make Hague apostilled documents?
Documents apostilled under the Hague Convention are documents that have received a specific type of international certification. An apostille is a certificate issued by a competent authority (usually a notary's office or designated authority) that authenticates the origin of a public document, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, court documents, academic diplomas, among others.
The purpose of the apostille is to simplify the authentication of documents for use abroad. By apostilling a document, the issuing authority confirms that the signature, seal or stamp on the document is genuine. This eliminates the need for additional legalization or authentication procedures that would be required without the apostille.
Global Truck Driver Recruitment for a large transport company in Europe. First steps or Marchs :
March 1 - Join our Test Drive today to understant all the process ;
March 2 - Send your long list with all the doubts and fears you still have;
Gear 3- Only if you are 100% safe with us, sign our agency contract OR ask for the Test Drive fee back;
March 4 - (optional) Start reading the book that teaches the basics of English every day;
March 5- Send me the documents required by the carrier;
March 6 - Wait 40 days for the company to inform you that their DMV has accepted your documents;
March 7 - You enter the date you can fly and the carrier will pay for your ticket to fly from your nearest international airport;
March 8 - After 5 years working there, you will gain European citizenship and be able to take your wife and children to live with you in Europe in a 100% legal way, being able to buy a house and the like;
March 9 - Try to translate our website and videos from Portuguese into your language.
March 10 - You may talk to my Drivers already working there before you make your final decision.
Truck Driver Jobs Package in Europe - now you need to have BASIC level English by the date of your trip.
Our WhatsApp +55 11 9 5047 2557 - Brazil
WhatsApp link Compartilhe no WhatsApp
Earn USD 50 per friend who helps us recruit as they can travel, live and work together abroad.
We still have vacancies.
If you are a long distance truck driver with a large experience , please fill this form below:
Contratación global de conductores de camiones para una gran empresa de transporte en Europa.
1 de marzo: únase a nuestra prueba de manejo hoy para comprender todo el proceso;
2 de marzo - Envía tu larga lista con todas las dudas y miedos que aún tienes;
Equipo 3- Solo si está 100% seguro con nosotros, firme nuestro contrato de agencia O solicite que le devuelvan la tarifa de prueba de manejo;
4 de marzo - (opcional) Comienza a leer el libro que enseña los conceptos básicos del inglés todos los días;
5 de marzo- Envíame los documentos requeridos por el transportista;
6 de marzo: espere 40 días hasta que la empresa le informe que el DMV aceptó sus documentos;
7 de marzo: ingresa la fecha en la que puede volar y la aerolínea pagará su boleto para volar desde el aeropuerto internacional más cercano;
8 de marzo - Después de 5 años trabajando allí, obtendrás la ciudadanía europea y podrás llevar a tu esposa e hijos a vivir contigo a Europa de forma 100% legal, pudiendo comprar una casa y cosas por el estilo;
Paquete de trabajos para conductores de camiones en Europa: ahora debe tener un nivel BÁSICO de inglés para la fecha de su viaje.
Tus beneficios:
- Contrato de trabajo anual con posibilidad de renovaciones ILIMITADAS;
- Después de 5 años, podrás fijar tu residencia en el país y llevar a tu familia a vivir contigo por el resto de tu vida;
- La empresa envía los billetes de avión al país de destino;
- La empresa cubrirá los gastos del visado de trabajo (600 euros);
- Salario MÍNIMO mensual de 2.700 Euros llegando hasta 3.300 Euros (Más de R$ 168 mil por año)
- Alojamiento a coste reducido en una casa alquilada por la empresa o se puede vivir en el camión;
- 15 días de vacaciones por semestre durante los cuales podrás visitar a tu familia en Brasil.
- El proceso completo demora 60 días para quienes ya hablan inglés a nivel Intermedio.
- Aceptan conductores de hasta 50 años.
Nuestro WhatsApp +55 11 9 5047 2557 - Brasil
Gana USD 50 por cada amigo que nos ayude a reclutar, ya que pueden viajar, vivir y trabajar juntos en el extranjero.
Todavía tenemos vacantes.
Si es un conductor de camión de larga distancia con una amplia experiencia, complete el siguiente formulario: