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We want to be your Recruiter Partner in South America .
Our WhatsApp for faster communication +55 11 9 8935-8841 - Brazil -
Available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, to help you.
We have all the staff you need . Over 212 million people live in Brazil.
Pregnant women by surrogacy or as they are popularly known “surrogacy” are foreign women who undergo a rigorous medical and psychological screening process to be accepted into the process. In our processes, this unique and wonderful woman who will help you fulfill your dream of fatherhood and/or motherhood will be called "Surrogate", an American term, which is favorable to describe a woman who chooses the opportunity to be a '' pregnant surrogate'' for different reasons, ranging from her desire to help others to realize the dream of having a child, and the hope of improving her financial situation and that of her family.
All of our Surrogates undergo meticulous medical examinations, tests, and psychological evaluations.
We just need to receive your advert like this below and we start to find candidates under your profile:
" We are looking for someone to stay with us for a long term basis. My wife is 42 and may not be able to bear us a child. We are looking for a surrogate mother, someone who will carry and deliver our child and then help raise the child. We provide for all living expenses, medical expenses, travel expenses, Visa Sponsorship if required plus salary. A gestational surrogate is someone who becomes pregnant with a simple medical procedure to carry a child for someone else. It is called a Mercy Pregnancy and we will be grateful for the kindness. You will be part of the family and we hope it will be a rewarding experience for all of us. My wife is following Buddhism and intend to keep the whole process very discreet so no one will know and you can go on with life after. You can pursue your own career or work like nursing or nursing school while carrying the child. Plus, You will have the benefit of conceiving your own child later in future more easily. Think about it and please let us know if you are interested in the baby making process. Thanks. Robby - Florida -USA"
If you need a help in South America to find the best person to help your family, please ,
let´s talk today at WhatsApp + 55 11 9 4858 2000