Send your job adverts to . It´s FREE for your company.
We want to be your Recruiter Partner in South America .
Our WhatsApp for faster communication +55 11 9 8935-8841 - Brazil -
Available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, to help you.
We have all the staff you need . Over 212 million people live in Brazil.
We have a large database of the following professionals:
• Third Commis Chef
• Laundry Assistant
• Stores Helper
• Tray Setter
• Cleaner
• Ware Washer
Our candidates have the below experience and skills:
• Ability to communicate in English both written and spoken
• High school qualification
• Willing to handle Physical / manual work
• Ability to frequently stand, walk, bend, stoop, lift and reach during the entire length of shift
• Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
We also have candidates with the below experience:
• Experience of using specialist equipment (Electric pallet stackers, very narrow aisle trucks, Forklifts)
• Basic knowledge in food hygiene, HACCP, and basic food cooking technique
Please, try us!!