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The Brazilian Cristiano Parente was elected the best personal trainer in the world in a contest held in New York (USA). He overcame more than 1,700 coaches from 43 countries.


Considered the most important recognition event in this professional category, the contest evaluated items such as professional curriculum, academic training, professional experience and techniques in the development of work.


The Brazilian, the only representative from Latin America, played in the final of the contest with nine coaches from the United States, Spain, England, South Africa and New Zealand.


"In addition to the recognition for the 20 years of dedication to studies and the profession, the award also puts Brazil definitely on the world stage of coaches, showing that we have quality training and development of serious scientific research in the area", says Parente.


The Brazilian personal believes that in order to stand out in this universe, “it is essential to have science as a base, to study continuously and to understand the differences and individual needs to, from then on, apply the knowledge in a balanced and totally personalized way, making the results appear safely, efficiently, quickly and definitively to customers ”, he says.