Guarantee of Success!

If  our  applicants don´t pass in your probatory period, we will refund your company with all travel and visa expenses * 

Send your job adverts to  . It´s FREE for your company.


We want to be your Recruiter Partner in South America .

Our WhatsApp for  faster communication  +55 11 9 8935-8841 - Brazil  -

Available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, to help you.



213,482 foreigners were hired last year and we have a database of ALL companies authorized to import skilled labor to the USA.




 The H-1B program applies to employers seeking to hire non-immigrant aliens as workers in specialized occupations or as models of distinctive merit and ability. A specialty occupation is one that requires the application of a highly specialized body of knowledge and the attainment of at least a bachelor's degree or equivalent.


The intent of the H-1B provisions is to assist employers who cannot obtain necessary business skills and abilities from the U.S. workforce by authorizing the temporary employment of qualified individuals who are not authorized to work in the United States.

This visa is for highly qualified workers with a degree, solid experience and fluent English.


We have a database of ALL 213,482 vacancies and American companies authorized to hire foreigners to send your resume UNTIL you are hired.


You will NEVER get such quick results if you are our client. This is a fact.


What is a “specialized occupation”?


"Specialty occupation" is a legal term and one of the H-1B visa requirements. There are different ways to evaluate specialty occupancy. Typically, you want to see a bachelor's degree as a minimum requirement for this position and this requires specialized knowledge to do this type of work. Some people have work experience but do not have a bachelor's degree in the United States, and this does not mean they are not able to qualify for an H-1B.


There are many companies that perform "equivalence assessments" and that would look at a person's degree from a foreign country and their work experience to produce a report "translating" the degree and work experience into their US equivalency.


Those with a master's degree have an advantage because it is a master's degree limit, which means there are a limited number of visas approved each year.


Can H-1B visa holder bring their spouse and children?


Spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21 are considered immediate relatives under United States immigration laws. Immediate relatives are allowed to come to the US with the H-1B visa holder. However, if your children are over 21, they will no longer be considered your immediate relatives under immigration law and you will need to find an alternative visa for them.


EB-3 Visa ( Green Card ) for  Commercial Truck Drivers


The EB3 Visa is a good option to bring Commercial Truck drivers to come work in the United States. If you have a sponsoring employer you can begin this process and ultimately obtain your green card.


A US-based company can bring over a foreign worker under the EB-3 Visa. Commercial Truck drivers qualify under this visa and can be eligible for a green card.

We can assist employers and truck drivers with their immigration process.





Our proposal for you.


We will send your resume to American companies UNTIL your hiring is successful.


We will send a monthly report to companies that read your CV and asked us for more information about you.


We charge 10% of our contract to start work and 90% only after being stamped in your passport.


So we ask you to trust our agency today just 10% and we will trust you 90%.


If you consider our proposal fair and honest to you, so we will need your updated CV in Word format and proof of payment of just 100 US dollars to our Wise app account @marceloc3274 of Marcelo Carvalho de Toledo.


Money-back guarantee: If we don't get you a job interview within 24 months, that amount will be fully refunded.


Happy new life in the USA.


I am Marcelo Toledo, Recruiter based in Brazil since 1990 and more than 8,000 exported clients.


My WhatsApp is +5511 9 4858 2000
my email


Before you make your payment, please read  over  8.000 testimonials from our clients  published in our websites and youtube



Field - Full name: Norton Luis

Campo - City/State where you live today?: Ponta Grossa. Paraná

Campo - City/State where you were born?: Ponta Grossa Paraná

Field - Age: 44

Field - What level of English do you have?: Basic

Field - Approved for which country/position, length of contract and total amount you will receive in wages during the contract? Also inform all the extra benefits that the company will offer you such as accommodation, travel, food, etc.: Croatia truck driver role contract for one year minimum salary of R$ 168,480.00 approx.

Field - Will you be able to EARN / PROFIT OR SAVE TRIPLE what you save today in Brazil?: Yes

Field - Agency time from paying our fee to having the first international interview? : : Around 1 month

Field - Agency time from payment of our fee to receiving the international Job Offer Letter: : 1 month

Campo - Please describe all the stages of your agency so far:: I found out about the agency through YouTube, I contacted Mr Marcelo Toledo on Sunday, I received prompt assistance, I paid the fees, I sent the necessary documentation and within 30 days I was approved.

Campo - Please explain all the Advice and Mentoring you have received so far:: I was very well answered all my questions without delay through Watts. It is worth highlighting the videos on YouTube that clearly explain the steps.

Campo - Did MTV Intercâmbios simply fulfill all its obligations listed in the agency contract or did it exceed your expectations? Which ones?: Everything ok so far

Campo - How long have you wanted to work/live abroad and how did you find out about the MTV agency?: I had been trying for over 6 years. Through YouTube.

Field - What are your next goals, expectations, objectives and dreams abroad?: The goal is to stabilize myself there, fulfill my contract and take my family.

Campo - What is your message to people still undecided about hiring MTV Intercâmbios?: Stop wasting time and look for the agency.

Campo - Do you intend to recommend MTV Intercâmbios to your best friends and family?: Of course yes, I am very grateful to the agency

Field - Tell us a little about yourself, how long have you been thinking about traveling, your desire to go on an exchange program and your dreams abroad -: Since I was a kid, I thought about working with trucks outside of Brazil but I didn't know how to do it and life's circumstances led to Sometimes they end up taking you to another side.

Field - Suggestion to improve our services -: Everything was excellent for me

Campo - Do you consider the amount charged by MTV to be fair, low or very high for the advice you received 7 days a week and for helping you get the job + benefits package abroad? Compare your new salary with the amount we charge you....: The value is fair.

Field - Tell us a summary of your life story from childhood to today;: Well, I decided to be a truck driver when I was 8 years old, I tried other professions several times but without success. I got to know all of Brazil and Mercosur through the truck.

Campo - What was your problem before hiring MTV Intercâmbios and how we helped you solve it. (How did you feel?): Lack of knowledge to work abroad.

Campo - How did you find out about the MTV agency and the factors that motivated you to make a DECISION to give me a vote of confidence in managing you.. (How did you feel?): I was very worried watching time pass.

Field - Talk about your difficulties and how you faced and overcame the agency stages: My biggest difficulty was anxiety.

Campo - Would you have managed to get this international contract if you tried alone, in the same timeframe it took and the quality of the vacancy?: Never.ever.

Campo - Send a message to MTV clients who are still in the initial phase of agency:: Tik tak time is passing. If you really want to work abroad, be prepared, look for the agency immediately and you will definitely make your dream come true.


Field - Full name: Eronildo Santana Lopes

Campo - City/State where you live today?: Jataí Goiás

Campo - City/State where you were born?: Lençóis Bahia

Field - Age: 42 years old

Field - What level of English do you have?: Basic English

Field - Approved for which country/position, length of contract and total amount you will receive in wages during the contract? Also inform all the extra benefits that the company will offer you, such as accommodation, travel, food, etc.: Approved to work in Croatia as a truck driver, contract duration of one year, salary approximately 168 thousand reais per year, air ticket benefit plus accommodation .

Field - Will you be able to EARN / PROFIT OR SAVE TRIPLE what you save today in Brazil?: Without a shadow of a doubt, one year in Croatia is equivalent to my entire life of savings here in Brazil.