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We want to be your Recruiter Partner in South America .
Our WhatsApp for faster communication +55 11 9 8935-8841 - Brazil -
Available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, to help you.
We have all the staff you need . Over 212 million people live in Brazil.
Experienced Brazilian Dentist already in the Midde East available for your Clinic or Hospital as a Dental Nurse / Assistant.
+971 58 126 6939 -Dubai
E-mail: – please request to see my Diploma, Certificates and Reference Letters
Date: 18/10/1974
City: Rondonópolis, MT.
Country: Brasil.
I have a lot of experience in the assistance and clinic management of people with special needs and severe systemic diseases, because I have been working with this specific public since 2005.
In behalf of the disabilities, their treatment is specific and technical.
In Brazil, the dental treatment for disabled people is majorly performed by public departments, kept by the Government taxes.
A great percentage of the disabled people's population have some kind of mental disorder and can't communicate properly, but the language of love is universal.
A special look, a touch and warmth makes all the difference during the dental treatment, in addition to the proper technic.
To assist them in the best way possible and providing them a better life quality is my aspiration as an oral surgeon.
2. Education:
College degree:
Post – graduation degree:
(College Integradas de Várzea Grande – MT.)
(Escola de Saúde Pública de MT – Public health school).
03. Professional experience:
State Health Departament (State Dental Center for Special Patients de Mato Grosso - CEOPE/MT)
City Health Departament
04. Technical production:
Technical jobs (events organizations, special committees, consulting services etc.)