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Job Duties
Crops/Commodities: \nSilage, corn, wheat, triticale, hay, beans, sugar beets, onions, manure. \nThis job requires a minimum of 6 months of prior verifiable experience driving/servicing the combination of a tractor unit with clutch and manual transmission, and semi-trailer. Applicants must be able to furnish verifiable job reference(s) or comparable third party documentation from recent employer(s) establishing acceptable prior experience. Workers must be able to perform all duties with accuracy and efficiency. Worker will drive semi tractor-trailer truck with or without combine trailers to/from specified destinations within the area of intended employment; maneuver trucks into and out of loading and unloading positions. Haul on-farm and over roads. Drive heavy trucks/trailers to transport crop to elevator, storage, or other location. Haul harvest machines between worksites. Haul and transfer grain to/between grain store(s). Transfer bulk agricultural products between facilities. Must be able to operate, maintain and repair agricultural equipment with or without direction. \n\nDrive semi tractor-trailer truck with clutch and manual transmission, to/from delivery or pickup destinations. Drive in rain, snow, and other hazardous conditions as needed. Drive in both on-road (paved) and off-road conditions. May drive other vehicle types. Use GPS and/or maps to navigate to destinations. Read/comprehend traffic signage and directions. Interact with roadway officials. Maneuver trucks into and out of loading and unloading positions. Regularly climb into and out of trucks and trailers. Load/unload trailers. Load, unload, and handle products and harvest machinery carefully to prevent damage. Complete pre-trip and post-trip inspection and paperwork on trucks and trailers. Clean/maintain lights, windows, and mirrors, and vehicle exterior. Add engine oil and fuel as needed. Perform preventative maintenance. \n\nService machinery, trucks and trailers. Make in-field repairs. Service/repairs includes but is not limited to: lubricating grease points; inspecting and maintaining fluid levels, tire air pressures, belt and conveyer chain tensions, radiator and filter function, and brake performance; removing and replacing tires, wheels, bearings, belts, wear parts, filters, brake shoes, wheel seals, suspension parts, lights and lenses and chain or chain links.\n\nAssist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences. \n \nWork is done in the field for long periods of time. Workers may assist in handling product weighing up to 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Work required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 10 to over 100 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker's ability to perform the job. Workers should be able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. \n\nSaturday work required. Must be able to lift/carry 60 lbs. Post-hire employer-paid DOT physical and motor vehicle records check. Employer-paid post-hire drug testing required. Valid driver's license, Class A CDL or equivalent required.\n\nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a timely and proficient manner without close supervision.
***RFI Response***\n\nSpecific tasks, tools, and materials the employee will use for ‘artisan meat cutting, processing and packaging’ include the following:\nHand lift and hang animal carcass on meat hanging hooks until ready to cut; processing includes breaking down parts of the animal into cuts (such as shoulder, rib, loin, leg) by cutting, boning, fat trimming, and portioning large cuts of meat to specifications using\nmeat processing equipment such as boning hooks, breaking knives, meat and bone band saws, cutting boards, and scales to weigh; packaging the cuts by using semi-automated vacuum sealing machines and meat vacuum bags to then be refrigerated.\n\n***Original F.a.2***\n\nButchers will be responsible for artisan meat cutting, processing and packaging.
Required to be available up to 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to sheep on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for sheep; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); attend to pregnant ewes in cold winter temperatures; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep ewes gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; herd sheep to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; intensely monitor and treat sheep vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move pregnant ewes at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to sheep on the ranch during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; attend to pregnant ewes in cold winter temperatures; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; intensely monitor and treat sheep vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to sheep on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to \nsick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for sheep; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); attend to pregnant ewes in cold winter temperatures; bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep ewes gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; herd sheep to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; intensely monitor and treat sheep vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make certain animals have access to fresh water; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; move pregnant ewes at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from
H-2A and corresponding domestic workers must be available to perform each of the following job activities in connection with the harvesting and farming operations:\n\nField Workers: Potato Harvest, Sorting, Raking, Shoveling, Sweeping, Dumping, Removing Debris, Transplant, Shed Labor / Packing Facility (preparing freshly harvested crops for shipment in their original, unmanufactured state), stacking & packing, Sanitation & Product Sampling, General Farm Labor / General Ranch Maintenance, Row Boss, Field Safety/Food Safety/Sanitation activities, Forklift Driver, Tractor Driver, Housing Monitor, Sanitization activities, and Health/Wellness Monitor to perform the following duties:\n\nPotato Harvest:\nHarvest\nThe worker works on top of a harvesting machine. Under the direction of the field Supervisors, the worker checks and determines quality of product by selecting and removing product that does not meet the required packing standards. As the product passes through the band, employee removes dirt and other objects. \n \nCleaning\nWorkers walk on uneven furrows. Under the direction of the field supervisor, field workers look for potato plants that do not meet the standard, once identified, the worker bends at the waist and manually removes the potato plant. Puts the plant inside a bag to dispose of it.\n\nWeeding: Field employee to perform the following duties: Employees walk on uneven furrows. Under the direction of the field supervisor, field employees look for weeds around crops and in between product seed lines and use a hoe to weed out unwanted product and weeds. The employee cleans the lot for any unwanted weed on the beds and seed lines and takes it out of the field as instructed by field supervisor.\n\nThinning: Workers walk in uneven furrows. Under the direction of the field supervisor, field workers look for the specified gap between seeds, and using a hoe thins out any excess crop/seeds and/or weed on the seedline and leaves the desired product and gap on the field. The worker cleans the lot for any unwanted weed on the beds and seed lines and takes it out of the field as instructed by field supervisor.
Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; spray livestock with insecticide.
Job duties include farm labor, operating tractors and large equipment such as grain carts to harvest crops. Employees will also drive trucks to transport crops to the storage area. Must be able to operate equipment on public roads. Mechanical skills, maintenance, and 3 months of experience are required. Must be able to obtain a drivers license within thirty days of being hired. Increase or bonus may be possible depending on merit.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are \nclosely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep livestock gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; herd livestock to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body \ncondition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the ranch during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to sheep on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for sheep; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); attend to pregnant ewes in cold winter temperatures; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep ewes gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; herd sheep to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; intensely monitor and treat sheep vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move pregnant ewes at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to sheep on the ranch during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; attend to pregnant ewes in cold winter temperatures; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; intensely monitor and treat sheep vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant cows using roping methods to gently immobilize cow without causing undue stress; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep cows gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; gather and trail cow-calf pairs through sorting and shipping process; gradually herd cows in specified direction using methods which move cows slowly and safely through varying terrain, avoiding deep snow; help with later stages of training horses and shoe camp horses; help with maintenance of meadow lands and repair fences; herd/trail cows to viable water sources; keep cows in small groups to allow grazing on proper mix of forage; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sanded trails for the safety of cows; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move cows at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; protect pregnant cows from harsh winter conditions; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; report to rancher on \nwater/forage/weather conditions; ride unmarked perimeters of designated range area; rope, flank and dehorn calves; shoe horses with sharp shoes for better footing on frozen creeks/slopes; track and report location of sick and injured cows; trail groups of pregnant cows to designated areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress on cows; trail pregnant cows across ice to water sources or to forage area by choosing safe crossing area; use ax to chop large holes in frozen creeks/reservoirs to water 20-30 cows at a time; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant cows using roping methods to gently immobilize cow without causing undue stress; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; protect pregnant cows from harsh winter conditions; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are \nclosely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep livestock gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; herd livestock to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body \ncondition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the ranch during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to sheep on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to \nsick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for sheep; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); attend to pregnant ewes in cold winter temperatures; bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep ewes gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; herd sheep to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; intensely monitor and treat sheep vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make certain animals have access to fresh water; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; move pregnant ewes at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round
Crops/Commodities: \nalfalfa, beans, corn, sweet corn, onions. \nGrade, size, and sort product according to color, shape, size, appearance, feel, and/or quality, in accordance with supervisor's instructions and employer standards. Inspect products for damage/defects and discard inferior products and foreign matter. Place product in bins/trays/sacks and other containers according to grade and mark grades on containers. Load sacks/bins/trays of product onto loader and/or trucks. Weigh products and record weight and/or grade. Handle product carefully to prevent damage. Operate equipment safely, with or without direction. Must follow quality control standards and production procedures. Clean/sanitize work station and equipment.\n\nMust have sufficient hand and finger dexterity to grasp, manipulate, or assemble objects. Must be able to differentiate colors, textures, and other attributes of product to distinguish varieties and identify defects.\n\nWorkers must operate all equipment properly and in a manner that protects operator, others, the employer's products and property. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.\nEmployer-paid post-hire random and upon suspicion drug testing required. Workers with a clean driving record (no major moving violations such as but not limited to Driving While Intoxicated or Reckless Driving) and able to obtain an insurable driver's license may drive company vehicles. Workers with appropriate licenses and a valid doctor's certificate may transport other workers. \n\nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a proficient manner without close supervision. \n \nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker's Sabbath or federal holidays. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. \n \n \nTERMINATION. All workers will be subject to a five-day trial period, during which the employer will evaluate workers' performance of required tasks. Employer reserves the right to terminate a worker at the conclusion of the trial period if the worker's performance fails to satisfy the employer's reasonable expectations, or is otherwise unacceptable. Employer may terminate a worker for lawful job-related reasons, including but not limited to situations in which the worker: (1) Is repeatedly absent or tardy; (2) malingers or otherwise refuses, without cause, to perform the work as directed; (3) commits act(s) of misconduct or repeatedly violates the Work Rules; and/or (4) fails, after completing the trial period, to perform work in a competent and skillful manner, consistent with the employer's reasonable expectations. Non-U.S. workers may be displaced as a result of one or more U.S. workers becoming available for the job during the employer's recruitment period. Job abandonment will be deemed to occur after five consecutive workdays of unexcused absences. Workers may not report for work under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Possession or use of illegal drugs or alcohol on company premises is prohibited and will be cause for immediate termination.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant cows using roping methods to gently immobilize cow without causing undue stress; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep cows gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; gather and trail cow-calf pairs through sorting and shipping process; gradually herd cows in specified direction using methods which move cows slowly and safely through varying terrain, avoiding deep snow; help with later stages of training horses and shoe camp horses; help with maintenance of meadow lands and repair fences; herd/trail cows to viable water sources; keep cows in small groups to allow grazing on proper mix of forage; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sanded trails for the safety of cows; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move cows at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to \nprovide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; protect pregnant cows from harsh winter conditions; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; ride unmarked perimeters of designated range area; rope, flank and dehorn calves; shoe horses with sharp shoes for better footing on frozen creeks/slopes; track and report location of sick and injured cows; trail groups of pregnant cows to designated areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress on cows; trail pregnant cows across ice to water sources or to forage area by choosing safe crossing area; use ax to chop large holes in frozen creeks/reservoirs to water 20-30 cows at a time; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; protect pregnant cows from harsh winter conditions; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are \nclosely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep livestock gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; herd livestock to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body \ncondition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the ranch during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production/harvesting of pumpkins, watermelons, specialty squash, decorative corn, sunflowers, wheat, alfalfa, beans, millet, and cattle. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to general farm work/irrigation/crop production.\nGeneral Farm Work will include the following responsibilities: maintain, drive, attach and operate farm implements/tractors/forklift equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize and harvest crops; make minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery; remove undesirable and excess growth from crops and farm grounds; paint farm structures; replace/repair fencing; perform general clean up of farm areas; drive, load/unload trucks. .\nIrrigation duties will include the following:\nPivots: maintenance/repair circle sprinkler system. \nFlood Irrigation: shovel and pack dirt in low spots of embankment or cut trenches in high areas to direct water flow; siphon water from ditch to channel water into designated areas; shovel or hoe soil to clear ditches/furrows and build embankments to appropriately channel water.\nOther Irrigation Duties: lubricate, adjust, repair and replace parts such as sprinkler heads and drive chains using hand tools.\nDuties related to the production of Livestock will include the following: feed/water livestock; herd livestock; clean/disinfect livestock corrals/stalls/sheds; hoist/stack bales of hay onto wagon/truck.\nDuties related to the Cutting/Sorting of Pumpkins/Watermelons will include the following:\nWill apply techniques as instructed by the employer to: cut/sort/label pumpkins/watermelons by: discard diseased/rotting/inferior product and foreign matter; loading/unloading harvest transport vehicle; report malfunctions; general cleanup. \nDuties related to the Packing of Produce will include the following: \nWill apply techniques as instructed by the employer to: sort produce according to grade, color and size; discard diseased/rotting/inferior product and foreign matter; clean up around conveyors and worksite; place produce in containers or on designated conveyors; bag seed wheat.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. The employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds and into lambing jugs at the appropriate time. Be able to identify signs of parturition and identify potential problems during the process including hypothermia of newborn animals. Know how and when to assist during difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs. Ability to monitor and maintain newborn lambs in winter like conditions. Manage livestock to increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions. The worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted). ***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***\n\n
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are \nclosely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep livestock gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; herd livestock to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body \ncondition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the ranch during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Wooly Acres LLC is looking to fill a Sheepherder position in Ovid, CO. This is a temporary position. The employer is looking to fill one (1) opening from October 01, 2022 through September 30, 2023. The wage offer is $1807.23 per month. \n\nDuties and requirements: Attends sheep flock grazing on range or pasture. Herds flock and rounds up strays. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions. May assist in lambing, docking and shearing. May feed animals supplementary feed. May perform other farm or ranch chores related to the production and husbandry of sheep on an incidental basis.\n\nThis is a full-time position. Workers will be on call for up to 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Workers will spend the majority of the workdays during the period of employment on the range. Range housing will be provided. Transportation to and from range location will be provided at no cost to worker when required. Employer will provide, without charge or deposit charge, free and convenient cooking facilities and an adequate provision of food for workers to prepare their own meals. 4.5 gallons of water per worker, per day, will be provided to workers without charge or deposit. Employer will provide worker with cell phone, without charge or deposit charge, so that worker may communicate with employer. Employer will come to range site 2-3 times weekly to deliver supplies and check on safety of employee and animals. \n\nApplicants must possess at least 3 months of experience in similar occupations involving the herding of livestock on the range. All tools, supplies, and equipment will be provided to the worker without charge or deposit charge. \n\nWorkers' compensation insurance will be provided at no charge.\n\nThe employer will pay in advance or reimburse H-2A workers in the first work week for all visa, visa processing, border crossing and other related fees, including those mandated by the government (excluding passport fees). For workers outside reasonable commuting distances, transportation (including transportation and, to the extent necessary, lodging) to the place of employment will be provided by the employer, if the worker completes half of the employment period (50% period), if not already paid in full prior to the 50% period. Return transportation and subsistence will be provided or paid for to same worker if the worker completes the employment period or is dismissed early by the employer except where the worker has employment with a subsequent employer. \nTransportation payments or reimbursements will be equal to the most economical and reasonable common carrier for the distances involved. Daily meals will be provided at a rate of at least $14.00 per day of travel (or the current minimum subsistence amount published in the Federal Register), to a maximum of $59.00 per day (or the current maximum amount published in the Federal Register) to workers. \n\nThe employer guarantees to offer each covered worker employment for a total number of hours equal to at least 75% of the workdays in the contract period. If during the total work contract period the employer does not offer sufficient workdays to the H-2A or corresponding workers to reach the total amount required to meet the three-fourths guarantee, the employer must pay such workers the amount they would have earned had they actually worked for the guaranteed number of workdays. Wages for the guaranteed 75% period will be calculated at no less than the rate stated in the work contract.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nThe employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions. May assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nThe employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of goats and sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes and nannies using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; administer medication as needed; assist with docking; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for sheep and goats; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend animals in barns during kidding/lambing season; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); bed down animals at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed supplemental rations to sheep and goats when available forage is not sufficient to increase the plane of nutrition; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; make certain animals have access to fresh water; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes and nannies using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; administer medication as needed; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; attend animals in barns during kidding/lambing season; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations to sheep and goats when available forage is not sufficient to increase the plane of nutrition; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; make certain animals have access to fresh water; move animals to appropriate pens; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nThe employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions.\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***\n\n\n
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep livestock gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; herd livestock to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the ranch during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nThe employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nThe employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nThe employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Prairie dog trapping. It is seasonal work since we can't have traps out while we are grazing and or harvesting the fields during the summer growing season. Traps need to be placed over the holes which are located in perimeter and within the field boundaries. Prairie dog networks are extensive underground, if traps are placed over all holes in the community they will exit though holes without traps and trapping will be ineffective. Prairie dogs are a major issue in organic production and extremely difficult to control. The best method we have found is trapping but it requires daily observation, setting, and resetting of traps. Late fall through early spring we have had excellent luck in controlling the population.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to sheep on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for sheep; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); attend to pregnant ewes in cold winter temperatures; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep ewes gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; herd sheep to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; intensely monitor and treat sheep vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move pregnant ewes at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to sheep on the ranch during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; attend to pregnant ewes in cold winter temperatures; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; intensely monitor and treat sheep vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to sheep on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for sheep; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); attend to pregnant ewes in cold winter temperatures; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep ewes gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; herd sheep to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; intensely monitor and treat sheep vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move pregnant ewes at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to sheep on the ranch during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; attend to pregnant ewes in cold winter temperatures; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; intensely monitor and treat sheep vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nThe employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***\n
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nThe work activities involve the herding or production of livestock (which includes work that is closely and directly related to herding and/or the production of livestock). \nThe employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions. May need to work around machinery to provide supplemental food and water to the animals. Workers may be asked but not required to obtain a valid U.S. driver license and operate a motor vehicle. He may drive a vehicle to assist in watering livestock or hauling livestock to another location. May assist with the loading and unloading of livestock into or out of trailers.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to sheep on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to \nsick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for sheep; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); attend to pregnant ewes in cold winter temperatures; bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep ewes gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; herd sheep to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; intensely monitor and treat sheep vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make certain animals have access to fresh water; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; move pregnant ewes at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are \nclosely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep livestock gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; herd livestock to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body \ncondition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the ranch during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Performs any of the following tasks to attend to livestock, such as cattle: Maintain heated watering system. Operate snow removal equipment in order to operate feed wagons. Mix feed and additives. Fill feed troughs with feed and water for livestock; remove ice formed in water. Maintain buildings and equipment used for livestock. Drive to town to pick up supplies for cattle.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; administer medication as needed; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); bed down animals at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep livestock gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd livestock to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; herd to appropriate grazing area; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make certain animals have access to fresh water; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the ranch during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant animals using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; administer medication as needed; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nThe employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions. May assist in setting and moving portable fence, may perform general repairs on fences.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant cows using roping methods to gently immobilize cow without causing undue stress; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep cows gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; gather and trail cow-calf pairs through sorting and shipping process; gradually herd cows in specified direction using methods which move cows slowly and safely through varying terrain, avoiding deep snow; help with later stages of training horses and shoe camp horses; help with maintenance of meadow lands and repair fences; herd/trail cows to viable water sources; keep cows in small groups to allow grazing on proper mix of forage; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sanded trails for the safety of cows; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move cows at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; protect pregnant cows from harsh winter conditions; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; report to rancher on \nwater/forage/weather conditions; ride unmarked perimeters of designated range area; rope, flank and dehorn calves; shoe horses with sharp shoes for better footing on frozen creeks/slopes; track and report location of sick and injured cows; trail groups of pregnant cows to designated areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress on cows; trail pregnant cows across ice to water sources or to forage area by choosing safe crossing area; use ax to chop large holes in frozen creeks/reservoirs to water 20-30 cows at a time; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant cows using roping methods to gently immobilize cow without causing undue stress; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; protect pregnant cows from harsh winter conditions; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to sheep on the range during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for sheep; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); attend to pregnant ewes in cold winter temperatures; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; detect direction from which the wind or prevailing storms are coming to keep ewes gathered and safe; detect through winter tracking methods where other rancher(s)' livestock has been to avoid overgrazing of forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predators prevalent during the winter months using appropriate tracking, trapping, and hunting methods ; herd sheep to appropriate grazing areas using winter trailing methods to avoid undue stress; intensely monitor and treat sheep vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; maintain and set up supply wagon in appropriate direction to provide wind break/shelter/protection for horses & dogs; make sufficient water from snow for horses/dogs at camp; move pregnant ewes at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; operate camp stove appropriately to provide/conserve heat in extreme cold/high winds; properly hobble camp horses; properly use/store food supplies for herder/horses/dogs; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to sheep on the ranch during the winter season: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; attend to pregnant ewes in cold winter temperatures; break ice over frozen water sources; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; intensely monitor and treat sheep vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; report to employer dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in animal body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition or disease; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. The employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds and into lambing jugs at the appropriate time. Be able to identify signs of parturition and identify potential problems during the process including hypothermia of newborn animals. Know how and when to assist during difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs. Ability to monitor and maintain newborn lambs in winter like conditions. Manage livestock to increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions. The worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted). ***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***\n\n
Must have 3 months experience with 800 – 1000 head flocks. One reference required.\nThe employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and take precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against fence lines or into deep ravines where they can pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze and or suffocate to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range so as to prevent death of sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals expending more energy during the winter months especially during extreme weather conditions, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of the animals throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being stranded in deep snow, or caught up against a fence, or stranded in a deep ravine. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals in need of additional nutritional needs, keeping fresh water supply in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions. Herder will attend the sheep riding horses, riding ATV’s, and walking. Lives in isolated mobile camps while attending the sheep. May drive tractor or truck in emergency feeding conditions. May assist with shearing. May perform other farm and ranch chores related to the production and husbandry of sheep on an incidental basis.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nThe employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions. May assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nThe employee must be able to identify approaching storm periods and make precautions to prevent the herd from drifting against a fence line where they pile up and get drifted over with snow and freeze to death. The herder must be experienced in handling extreme winter conditions on a range to prevent death in sheep, goats, horses, and dogs. Due to animals exerting more energy during the winter months especially in extreme winter weather, the herder will need to monitor the nutritional needs of an animal throughout winter. Ensure that animals have access to unfrozen water and to distribute emergency supplemental feed. Monitor snow levels to prevent sheep/goats from being paralyzed in deep snow or caught up against a fence. Herders need to have experience in identifying animals who are not getting enough nutrition, keeping a fresh supply of water in freezing temperatures, and how to maintain animals in extreme weather conditions.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Feed water and monitor food and water supplies. Herd livestock to pastures for grazing and/or to scales, trucks, other enclosures for the care, feed, water and finishing of the animals. Specific duties are as follows:\n Feed and water animals according to schedules and feeding instructions.\n Shift animals between grazing areas to ensure that they have sufficient access to food and water.\n Exercise animals to maintain their physical and mental health.\n Assist with the delivery and storing of food for animals. Load and unload crops or containers of materials manually or using transfer augers, tractors, equipment.\n Mix specified materials for feed.\n Patrol grazing lands and feed yards on all-terrain vehicles, pickups, and on foot.\n Perform animal grooming duties, such as clipping, shearing, and trimming coats, cutting nails, cleaning ears, and docking tails.\n Assist with animal births, breeding.\n Transfer animals between enclosures to facilitate breeding, birthing, shipping.\n Protect herds from predators, using trained dogs.\n Examine animals to detect illness, injury, or disease and to check physical characteristics, such as rate of weight gain.\n Operate farm equipment as needed in the feed, care and maintenance of structures for the protection, care and growth of animals.\n Clean facilities and equipment.\n Work in extreme weather elements to care and protect animals.\n Conduct stock examinations to identify diseases or parasites.\n Provide or/and notice medical treatment need, such as administering medications and vaccinations, or arrange for more extensive medical attention by communicating with supervisor.\n Mark livestock to identify ownership using tags or paint.\n Segregate animals according to weight, age and physical condition.\n Drive tractors, trucks, pickups and other equipment to distribute water and feed to animals.\n Operate towed machines such as manure spreaders to clean animal lots.\n Inspect, maintain and repair pens, yards, fences and livestock equipment used in maintain livestock.\n Communicate with Supervisors, Peers, or subordinates providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, texting, or in person.\n Inspect equipment, structures, material, feed.
Pre-harvest activities: weeding and driving tractor.\nTo harvest pumpkins includes: cutting pumpkins off the vine, cleaning the dirt off the pumpkins, putting them in rows, sorting by size, applying stickers to pumpkins by size, grading for quality, and loading them into boxes on trailers.\nTo harvest chili peppers includes: picking chili peppers off the vine and putting them into 1-bushel sack and loaded onto the trailer. Irrigate fields. Must be able to lift and carry 50 lb boxes. Must be able to bend and stoop throughout the day. Work is to be done for long periods of time and requires repetitive motion and extensive walking. Workers are exposed to wet weather and the heat of the day working in the fields. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce.
Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production/harvesting of pumpkins, watermelons, specialty squash, decorative corn, sunflowers, wheat, alfalfa, beans, millet, and cattle. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to general farm work/irrigation/crop production.\nGeneral Farm Work will include the following responsibilities: maintain, drive, attach and operate farm implements/tractors/forklift equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize and harvest crops; make minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery; remove undesirable and excess growth from crops and farm grounds; paint farm structures; replace/repair fencing; perform general clean up of farm areas; drive, load/unload trucks. \nIrrigation duties will include the following:\nPivots: maintenance/repair circle sprinkler system. \nFlood Irrigation: shovel and pack dirt in low spots of embankment or cut trenches in high areas to direct water flow; siphon water from ditch to channel water into designated areas; shovel or hoe soil to clear ditches/furrows and build embankments to appropriately channel water.\nOther Irrigation Duties: lubricate, adjust, repair and replace parts such as sprinkler heads and drive chains using hand tools.\nDuties related to the production of Livestock will include the following: feed/water livestock; herd livestock; clean/disinfect livestock corrals/stalls/sheds; hoist/stack bales of hay onto wagon/truck.\nDuties related to the Cutting/Sorting of Pumpkins/Watermelons will include the following:\nWill apply techniques as instructed by the employer to cut/sort/label pumpkins/watermelons by: discard diseased/rotting/inferior product and foreign matter; loading/unloading harvest transport vehicle; report malfunctions; general cleanup. \nDuties related to the Packing of Produce will include the following: \nWill apply techniques as instructed by the employer to: sort produce according to grade, color and size; discard diseased/rotting/inferior product and foreign matter; clean up around conveyors and worksite; place produce in containers or on designated conveyors; bag seed wheat. \n
Job duties may require split, evening and/or night shifts spanning two calendar days due to crop and/or livestock demands. Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production of livestock, hay and corn. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to livestock production. Duties related to the production of livestock will include the following: check physical characteristics, observe general condition of livestock and apply the appropriate care; examine animals to detect illness/injury/disease, rate of weight gain or to determine offspring delivery time and assist in delivery; apply or administer medications, vaccines and/or insecticides; mix feed/additives and feed/water livestock; place mineral blocks; drive equipment to haul/distribute feed/water; herd livestock; confine livestock in stalls; dock, castrate, brand, clip/tag and clamp livestock; clean/disinfect livestock corrals/stalls/sheds; maintain records on animals; hoist/stack bales of hay onto wagon/truck; load/unload/ trucks hauling livestock; washout livestock trailers. General Farm Work will include the following responsibilities: maintain, drive, attach and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize and harvest crops; make minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery; remove undesirable and excess growth from crops or farm grounds; paint/repair/maintain farm structures; replace/repair fencing; perform general cleanup of farm areas; drive, load/unload & wash trucks;; operate motor bike or all-terrain vehicle in the course of performing duties. Irrigation duties will include the following: Pivots: push on switch that activates circle sprinkler system; troubleshoot/maintain/repair pivots. Flood Irrigation: lift gate in side of flooded irrigation ditch/pipe permitting water to flow into bordered section of field; shovel and pack dirt in low spots of embankment or cut trenches in high areas to direct water flow; close gate in ditch/pipe when bordered section is flooded; open gate or connect pipe to underground pipe system that releases water flow into reservoir or ditch; siphon water from flooded reservoir or ditch to channel water into designated areas; shovel or hoe soil to clear ditches/furrows and build embankments to appropriately channel water; mix and apply proper solutions to fill holes/cracks in pipes, ditches, and spillways, and make minor repairs to metal, concrete, and wooden frameworks in pipe and ditch valves and gates. Other Irrigation Duties: remove irrigation equipment from storage and lay out/place in fields; disassemble, service and store irrigation equipment after irrigation season. Instruction, training, and general supervision will be provided by the farm operator or a designated employee. However, the worker must perform required duties without close supervision and listen to, understand, and follow simple instructions of the employer or supervisor. All tools, supplies, and equipment required to perform the duties assigned will be provided at no charge to the worker. The worker will be required to return worn out tools, supplies, and equipment before new ones will be provided. Most duties are performed out of doors and entail exposure to heat, cold, dust, rain, and other environmental conditions common in fields, including mosquitoes during certain seasons. Job duties may also include: repetitive movements, extensive walking, frequent stooping. The worker must crouch, bend, and lift and carry items weighing up to 100 pounds in the course of performing required activities.\n\nHourly work schedule may vary due to the type of work required at this time. Shifts will start at 6am - 2pm for day shifts. If required, the worker may work a swing shift from 2pm to 10pm. If a night shift is required, they would work from 10pm - 6am.
Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production of pumpkins, rye, triticale, sorghum, and sudan grass. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to general farm work and crop production.\nGeneral Farm Work will include the following responsibilities: maintain, drive, attach and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to harvest crops; make minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery; remove undesirable and excess growth from crops or farm grounds; remove rocks from field; paint/repair/maintain farm structures; replace/repair fencing; perform general cleanup of farm areas; load/unload trucks.\nDuties related to the Packing of Produce will include the following:\nWill apply techniques as instructed by the employer to: sort produce according to grade, color and size; discard diseased/rotting/inferior product and foreign matter; cleanup around conveyors and worksite; place produce in containers or on designated conveyors; cut and load pumpkins
Must be able to ride a horse on mountain terrain. Must repair fences on the range to keep the animals contained and assure their safety. Must have 6 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Performs any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on a ranch or range. Doctor cow and calves as needed. Assist in difficult birthing situations, doctor new fall calves on the mountain, water cattle in the mountains, distribute salt blocks in the mountains, push cows in mountain country grazing areas to assure sufficient food and to practice good range management. Applies medications to cuts and bruises. Pull bulls off of cows. Move all cows off permits at appropriate time (October), gather all cows from summer country 25 miles to ranch headquarters on horseback. Brand all fall calves, vaccinate fall calves, castrate fall bull calves, pour all cows with dewormer, wean all spring calves, preg check all spring cows. \nWorkers must be willing and able to perform all duties per the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will on call 24/7. Workers will be on call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Majority of total workdays (51%) will be on the range beginning with the first workday after the arrival of the worker at the place of employment or the advertised contractual first date of need, whichever is later, and ending on the expiration date specified in the work contract or departure of worker from USA. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions. \n***All tools supplied at no cost to the worker for their use in completing the work. Any additional tools are provided as needed. \n
Job requires a minimum of 1 month prior experience picking fruit. Must be able to climb up & down ladder with heavy 35# pack, carry 50# ladder, and pick 20 1/2 bushel buckets of fruit per hour to retain employment.\n\n
Required to be available up to 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identifie
Hay-baling. Duties will include the following: re-bale hay bales from big bales to small bales in a re-baling system. will use hay rake, broom, shovel. Move big bales and bundled small bales with bobcat, use bobcat skid steers and tele-handler. Work in re-baling cab running switches and knobs to make system run.\n\nGeneral Farm Work: Maintain, drive, attach and operate farm equipment, tractors and other implements/equipment to till, soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize and harvest crops (hay and/or other crops). May mix and/or spray chemicals; remove undesirable and excess growth from crops or farm grounds; remove rocks from field paint/repair/maintain farm structures; replace/repair fencing; perform general clean up of farm areas; operate vehicles in the course of performing work; operate chainsaw; trim and cut trees to clear roads and remove undesirable trees from property and worksites. \n\nLambing and calving work: Attend to lambing and pregnant ewes (including night checks) and calving and pregnant cattle on the range as follows: administer medication as needed, feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; monitor and treat both mother and young; report grazing conditions to employer; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals; care for newly born offspring; ensure newly born offspring stand, nurse, feed and water; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; set up and take down temporary pens.\n\n\n
Workers will cultivate and prune fruit trees, thin, and harvest cherries, peaches, nectarines, pluots, and apples. Workers must be physically able to pick tree fruit. When necessary, workers are required to handle and pick from ladders up to 12 ft. in length and weighing 20 to 40 lbs. with 35 lbs. pack on back. Workers must be able to pick a minimum of 5 buckets of cherries per hour and 10 bushel sacks of peaches per hour for job retention. Workers will be required to perform orchard clean up. Employer expects workers to work with or without supervision at such tasks. Some weekend work will be required. Workers will be expected to work in the packing shed performing various tasks as needed. One (1) month of orchard harvest experience is required. Three (3) days of training will be provided to reach production standards.\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nLos trabajadores crecerán y podarán árboles frutales, flores delgadas y cosechar cerezas, melocotones, nectarinas, pluots, y manzanas. Los trabajadores deben ser fÃsicamente capaces de recoger la fruta del árbol. Cuando sea necesario, los trabajadores deben conducir y levantar escaleras de hasta 12 pies de largo y un peso de 20 a 40 lbs. con 35 lbs. paquete en la parte posterior. Los trabajadores deben poder cosechar un mÃnimo de 5 contenedores de cerezas por hora y 10 bolsas de melocotones por hora para la retención del trabajo. Los trabajadores deberÃan limpiar el jardÃn. El empleador espera que los trabajadores trabajen con o sin supervisión en tales tareas. Algún trabajo de fin de semana será requerido. Se espera que los trabajadores trabajen en el cobertizo de contenedores realizando varias tareas según sea necesario. Se requiere un mes de experiencia en la cosecha del jardÃn. Se proporcionarán tres dÃas de capacitación para cumplir con los estándares de producción.
by hand, hoe & harvest, plant, irrigation, wash, pack & palletize squash, ornamental corn, gourds and pumpkins, alfalfa (cut and bale). Operate tractor Exposure to extreme temp, repetitive movements, extensive pushing, pulling walking and frequent stooping Must be able to lift and carry 60 lbs frequently Transportation provided to jobsite from central location
Winter pruning of fruit trees, raking of brush, tree planting, and frost protection tasks. Thin blossoms and fruit from trees. Harvest peaches, pears, and apples at correct ripeness and pack into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb up and down ladder with 35 lb. pack. Must pick 10-bushel bags (approximately 50 lbs. each) of fruit per hour for job retention Perform orchard cleanup. One (1) month of experience pruning and harvesting tree fruit is required. Workers will be trained in Food Safety and must follow guidelines to retain employment. Applicants must agree to random post-hire drug testing. The employer will incur all expenses related to the drug test. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n--------------------------------------\nPoda de rboles frutales en invierno, rastrillado de matorrales, plantacin de rboles y labores de proteccin contra heladas. Delgadas flores y frutos de los rboles. Coseche melocotones, peras y manzanas en la madurez correcta y empaqutelos en cajas de envo. Debe poder subir y bajar escaleras con un paquete de 35 lb. Debe recoger bolsas de 10 bushel (aproximadamente 50 libras cada una) de fruta por hora para conservar el trabajo. Realizar la limpieza del huerto. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en poda y cosecha de rboles frutales. Los trabajadores recibirn capacitacin en seguridad alimentaria y deben seguir las pautas para conservar el empleo. Los solicitantes deben aceptar someterse a pruebas de deteccin de drogas al azar despus de la contratacin. El empleador incurrir en todos los gastos relacionados con la prueba de drogas. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y permitir cero das para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.
Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production of cattle.\nDuties will include the following responsibilities: make minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery and automatic waterers; remove undesirable and excess growth from farm grounds; replace/repair fencing; perform general cleanup of farm/livestock areas; check physical characteristics, observe general condition of livestock and apply the appropriate care; examine animals to detect illness/injury/disease and rate of weight gain or to determine delivery time, assist in delivery; wean calves from mothers; apply or administer medications, vaccines and/or insecticides; mix feed/additives and feed/water livestock; place mineral blocks; drive equipment/trucks to haul/distribute feed/water; herd livestock; confine livestock in stalls; clean/disinfect corrals/stalls/sheds; apply ear tags; saddle/train/ride and care for horses; maintain records on animals; rope cattle from horseback.
This job requires a minimum of three months experience in pruning, thinning and/or harvesting tree fruit and grape vines. Workers must be able to perform all work activities with accuracy and efficiency.\n\n(SEE JOB ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IN ADDENDUM C)\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\nEste trabajo requiere un mnimo de tres meses de experiencia en la poda, el adelgazamiento y/o la cosecha de rboles frutales y vides de uva. Los trabajadores deben poder realizar todas las actividades laborales de manera precisa y eficiente.\n\n(VER INFORMACIN ADICIONAL DEL TRABAJO EN EL APNDICE C)
Harvest and pack peaches and apples by hand at ripeness. Must be able to operate and drive tractor for orchard cultivation and to move fruit bins. Must be able to climb up and down ladder with 35 pound pack on back. Must be able to pick 10 bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. Will also perform orchard cleanup. One (1) month experience as a fruit harvester is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n-------------------------------------------------------------\nCosechar y empaquetar duraznos y manzanas a mano en la madurez. Debe ser capaz de operar y conducir tractores para el cultivo del huerto y mover los contenedores de fruta. Debe ser capaz de subir y bajar una escalera con un paquete de 35 libras en la espalda. Usted debe ser capaz de recoger 10 bolsas de fruta por hora para la retencin del trabajo. Tambin har la limpieza del jardn. Requiere una experiencia de un mes como cosechadora de fruta. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y dar cero das para que el trabajador cumpla con los estndares de produccin.
Prune and thin blossoms from peaches, cherries, grapes, rake brush; irrigate; harvest fruit at correct ripeness and pack into shipping boxes; may spray pesticides. Drive farm trucks on and off the farm premises. Must be able to climb down ladder with 35 lb pack. Workers must be able to thin blossoms off 60 'V' trees, or 25 'quad' trees per 8 hr. day and must average 1440 lbs. peaches picked per day over 5 day period. 1 month pruning and thinning experience required. Workers must be able to work at speed of average worker.
This job requires a minimum of three months of verifiable experience working on a commercial vegetable farm, handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities.\n\nJob includes walking 5-6 miles per day through fields, picking corn from stalk (16,000 ears per day) and packing corn on moving harvester in boxes; loading agricultural products onto trucks; harvesting vegetables and hops, topping onions; sorting, grading, and storing of crops. Cultivate, harvest and field pack vegetables. May spread plastic or other groundcovering. Cultivates, weeds and thins plants. May stake / tie plants, trellis / prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. Picks, cuts, lifts or pulls crop to harvest them. May tie vegetables in bunches or top them. Assist with irrigation and fertilization. Considerable stooping and kneeling is required. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants. May assist with general farm building maintenance and build / repair fences.\n \nWork is to be done in the field for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading / unloading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 80 pounds and lifting to a heifht of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, grasses, etc. may affect workers ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 60 to 98+ F. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. Saturday work required. Must be able to lift / carry 80 lbs.\n \nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding, rock picking, and other tasks related to general farming.\n \nEmployer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations). Persons seeking employment as experienced Farm Worker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. If verifiable: Applicants must be able to furnish verifiable job reference(s) or comparable third party documentation from recent employer(s) establishing acceptable prior experience. If verbal: Applicants must be able to furbish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Successful applicants will be subject to trial period of up to 5 days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated. If the performance during the trial period is not acceptable to the employer the workers employment will be terminated.\n \nRaises and/or bonuses may be offered to any seasonal worker employed pursuant to this job order, at the companys sole discretion, based on individual factors including work performance, skill, and tenure.\n \nEmployer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason. \n \nAll terms and conditions included in the job order will apply equally to all workers, both U.S. workers and H-2A workers, employed in the occupation described in this clearance order.
This job requires a minimum of three months of verifiable experience working on a commercial vegetable farm, handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities.\n\nJob includes walking 5-6 miles per day through fields, picking corn from stalk (16,000 ears per day) and packing corn on moving harvester in boxes; loading agricultural products onto trucks; harvesting vegetables and hops, topping onions; sorting, grading, and storing of crops. Cultivate, harvest and field pack vegetables. May spread plastic or other groundcovering. Cultivates, weeds and thins plants. May stake / tie plants, trellis / prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. Picks, cuts, lifts or pulls crop to harvest them. May tie vegetables in bunches or top them. Assist with irrigation and fertilization. Considerable stooping and kneeling is required. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants. May assist with general farm building maintenance and build / repair fences.\n \nWork is to be done in the field for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading / unloading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 80 pounds and lifting to a heifht of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, grasses, etc. may affect workers ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 60 to 98+ F. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. Saturday work required. Must be able to lift / carry 80 lbs.\n \nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding, rock picking, and other tasks related to general farming.\n \nEmployer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations). Persons seeking employment as experienced Farm Worker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. If verifiable: Applicants must be able to furnish verifiable job reference(s) or comparable third party documentation from recent employer(s) establishing acceptable prior experience. If verbal: Applicants must be able to furbish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Successful applicants will be subject to trial period of up to 5 days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated. If the performance during the trial period is not acceptable to the employer the workers employment will be terminated.\n \nRaises and/or bonuses may be offered to any seasonal worker employed pursuant to this job order, at the companys sole discretion, based on individual factors including work performance, skill, and tenure.\n \nEmployer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason. \n \nAll terms and conditions included in the job order will apply equally to all workers, both U.S. workers and H-2A workers, employed in the occupation described in this clearance order.
Perform manual labor to plant, cultivate, and harvest cabbage, watermelons, pumpkins, and other vegetable crops.\n\n Duties include tilling soil; transplanting; weeding; thinning; applying fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides; set up and operate irrigation equipment; clear and maintain irrigation ditches; monitor crops and determine harvest ready vegetables; identify plants, pests, and weeds to determine the selection and application of pesticides and fertilizers; record crop information such as pesticide use and harvest yield; cleaning, packing, and loading of harvested products. \n\nDuties may also include field preparation; set up and maintain irrigation systems; perform hand cultivation activities such as planting seeds, plugs, thinning, weeding, and hoeing fields; load and unload supplies, boxes, containers, etc.; load and unload produce during harvest; farm maintenance such as repairing fences and farm buildings; operate tractors, tractor-drawn machinery, and self-propelled machinery to plow, harrow, and fertilize the soil or to plant, cultivate, spray, and harvest crops; operate, repair, and maintain farm vehicles (tractors, ATV, trucks, vans, and UTV), implements, mechanical equipment, and power tools. \n\nJob duties vary during the contract period due to crop or market conditions. Workers are given specific instructions for each day's work. The job requires being reliable, responsible, and dependable. \n\nSanitation requirements: When hand harvesting crops for human consumption, it is critical that all workers follow food and common personal safety sanitary practices at all times. Assist with Good Agricultural Practices policies. Employees are required to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before entering or re-entering the field for harvest activities.\n\nPost-employment drug tests paid for by employer.
Workers will cultivate and harvest peaches by hand at correct ripeness and pack fruit using various packaging methods. Workers will harvest grapes by hand into bins. Workers will rake brush, irrigate trees/vines, tie up vines, perform orchard cleanup activities, and provide general farm maintenance. Must be able to climb up and down orchard ladder with 35 lb. picking tote. Must be able to pick 10-bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. One (1) month of experience cultivating and harvesting fruit trees is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards. Work hours and days may vary depending on the growing conditions. \n------------------------------------------------\nLos trabajadores cultivarán y cosecharán duraznos a mano en la madurez correcta y empacarán la fruta usando varios métodos de empaque. Los trabajadores cosecharán las uvas a mano en contenedores. Los trabajadores rastrillarán la maleza, regarán los árboles/enredaderas, amarrarán las enredaderas, realizarán actividades de limpieza del huerto y proporcionarán el mantenimiento general de la granja. Debe poder subir y bajar la escalera del huerto con una bolsa de recolección de 35 lb. Debe poder recoger bolsas de fruta de 10 bushels por hora para conservar el trabajo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en cultivo y cosecha de árboles frutales. El empleador no brindará capacitación y permitirá cero dÃas para que el trabajador alcance los estándares de producción. Las horas y los dÃas de trabajo pueden variar según las condiciones de cultivo.
Drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain and potato crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine and potato harvest equipment. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain and potato trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. General farm duties: area and equipment cleaning, skid steer and shovel operation, all potato harvest duties.\nCrops: Barley, Canola, Potatoes\nEquipment: Automatic & 14 speed dual axle tandem trucksJohn Deere tractors and various harvest and field implementsPotato unloading, sorting, and piling equipment
H-2A and corresponding domestic workers must be available to perform each of the following job activities in connection with the harvesting and farming operations: \n\nHaulers/Truck Drivers, Vegetable Harvest Workers: Iceberg & Romaine Lettuce Harvest, Broccoli Harvest, Beets Harvest & Carrots Harvest, Green Leaf Harvest, Weeding, Hand Weeding & Thinning (Iceberg & Romaine Lettuce, Broccoli, Carrots, Beets & Spinach/Swiss Chard, Green Leaf), Weeding with Small Hoe & Debris Removal, Potato Harvest, Potato, Beets & Carrots Sorting, Raking, Shoveling, Sweeping, Dumping, Removing Debris, Transplant, Shed Labor / Packing Facility (preparing freshly harvested crops for shipment in their original, unmanufactured state), stacking & packing, Sanitation & Product Sampling, General Farm Labor / General Ranch Maintenance, Field Safety/Food Safety/Sanitation activities, Housing Monitor, Sanitization activities, and Health/Wellness Monitor to perform the following duties:\n\nHAULER/TRUCK DRIVER SPECIFICATIONS:\n\nHaulers/truck drivers deliver harvested perishable crops packed and loaded in bins and cartons. The hauling/truck driving activities are performed directly in connection with and as an integral part of the harvest and farming operations. The hauling/truck driving activities are not a separate job. Truck driving activities constitute less than 10% of the total duties performed. Vegetable haulers/truck drivers must be available to perform each of the crop activities described in this job order and will perform various activities throughout the work week. \n\nThe essential work activity involves moving a highly perishable agricultural crop (vegetables) directly from the farmer's fields to the processing plant, the locations of which are all detailed in the attached schedule. The vegetable haulers/truck drivers are required to complete each step of the haul, as part of necessary field-to processing facility activities for the vegetable crop harvest. Vegetable haulers/truck drivers must be physically and mentally healthy. Each worker is expected to operate hauling vehicles efficiently and safely through all types of routes. Workers must be able to operate tractors, trailers, semi trailers, and have adequate knowledge to make minor adjustments or repairs to these vehicles. Must have a CDL or equivalent license, pass a required drivers license background check, and mandated drug and alcohol test. Drivers must have and maintain a suitable driving record, and be insured by the employer's insurance company.\n\n1. Employee may drive Class 8 over the road Commercial trucks with a GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) capacity of 80,000 GVW\n2. In connection with the harvest and farming operations, employee picks up loaded trailers filled with bins in the fields and transports/hauls to the plant’s refrigeration storage site -cooling facility (initial point of distribution).\n3. In order to drive trucks, Employees must possess valid authorized commercial drivers’ license (foreign or state issued) and must be able to pass DOT (Department of Transportation) -recognized medical exam.\n\nAll employees in this position (H-2A as well as corresponding domestic workers), will be given the opportunity to obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL) on a voluntary basis. The CDL is not a pre-hire job requirement. No job applicant will be denied an employment opportunity due to a lack of a CDL at the time of application and/or hiring. Further, no worker (H-2A or corresponding domestic worker) will be terminated for failure to obtain a CDL.
Temporary Seasonal Position: Beekeeper | SOC Code: 45-2093\n\nAll applicants must be able, willing, qualified to perform work described & must be available for entire period.\n\nLockhart Apiaries, Las Animas, CO, Las Animas\n\nPossible shift: 8:00AM-5:00PM. 40+ May be possibility of weekend work. Crops: Bees. Duties may include: Feeding bee hives, inspecting bee hives, move hives and equipment using fork lift, remove honey supers from hives to warehouse, extract honey from supers, clean honey house, maintenance of bee equipment, treat bees & other related Beekeeper activities as per SOC/OES 45-2093 ( Must have 6 months Bee Keeping exp. Static strength; exert max muscle force to lift, push, pull, unload, carry objects up to 80lbs (possible 2-person); may climb, walk, stand, reach, balance, sit, stoop, bend, squat, wash, clean: equip, grounds, area. Tools supplies and equipment provided at no cost to worker. Employer guarantees 3/4 of contract. Work outdoors, exposed to weather, hot or cold; hours may vary (+/-); possible downtimes and/or extended hours. Dependable: fulfill obligations. Attn. to detail: complete work tasks. Employer provided housing available to those who cannot reasonably return to their residence within the same day. No cell phone use during work hours. \n\nMust be able to obtain a drivers license. Drug/alcohol/tobacco free work zone. Worker has 3 days from date of hire to show legal authorization to work in the United States. Cash advances may apply at employer discretion.
Work activities include greenhouse and nursery planting/production, sorting, packaging, watering, general plant care, and loading and unloading products off racks and trucks. Manually seed, plant, transplant, cultivate, harvest, and sort produce such as tomatoes. Workers will perform all work associated with growing and harvesting greenhouse-grown tomatoes. Use hand tools, such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, shears, & knives. Maintain greenhouse irrigation equipment. Harvest produce by hand. Harvest, clean, grade, and pack produce grown in the greenhouse. Maintaining, cleaning, and rotating produce in coolers. Work requires standing, sitting, kneeling, and lifting 60 lbs. Workers must have a minimum of three months prior experience working in a greenhouse nursery, handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities. Work hours and days may vary.\n------------------------------\nLas actividades laborales incluyen la siembra/producción en invernaderos y viveros, la clasificación, el empaque, el riego, el cuidado general de las plantas y la carga y descarga de productos de estantes y camiones. Siembre, siembre, trasplante, cultive, coseche y clasifique manualmente productos como los tomates. Los trabajadores realizarán todo el trabajo asociado con el cultivo y la cosecha de tomates cultivados en invernadero. Use herramientas manuales, como palas, paletas, azadones, apisonadores, podaderas, tijeras y cuchillos. Mantener el equipo de riego del invernadero. Cosechar los productos a mano. Coseche, limpie, clasifique y empaque productos cultivados en el invernadero. Mantenimiento, limpieza, y rotación de productos en refrigeradores. El trabajo requiere pararse, sentarse, arrodillarse y levantar 60 libras. Los trabajadores deben tener un mÃnimo de tres meses de experiencia previa trabajando en un vivero de invernadero, manejando tareas manuales y mecánicas asociadas con la producción de productos básicos y las actividades de cosecha. Los horarios y dÃas de trabajo pueden variar.
See Addendum C - A.8a. - Job Duties Continued.\n------------------------\nVer Anexo C - A.8a. - Continuacin de los deberes laborales.
By hand, harvest and pack (but not pack in retail boxes) watermelons, pumpkins, cantaloupe, chilies, cucumbers and tomatoes. Harvest and prepare for packing (but not pack in retail boxes) cantaloupe and honeydew melons.\nRemove bedding plastic, clean up fields, and transplant and lay plastic mulch. Must be able to lift and carry 60 lb. boxes, toss and stack 25 lb. watermelons, and stoop throughout the day.
By hand plant, weed, harvest and pack watermelons, pumpkins, cantaloupe, honeydew, onions, chilies, cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, okra, eggplant, sweet corn, red beets, dill, peppers, and possibly other crops. Harvest and prepare for packing (but not pack in retail boxes) cantaloupe and honeydew melons. Remove bedding plastic and clean up fields. Must be able to lift and carry 60 lb boxes. Must be able to toss and stack 25 lb. watermelons. Must be able to bend and stoop throughout the day. Assist with irrigation and irrigation equipment.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, spray, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\nCrops: Corn, Winter Wheat, Hay\nEquipment: John Deere R4045 SprayerCase 380 tractorCat 775 tractor2000 Peterbuilt truck2000 International feedtruck w/ roto mix feed boxNew holland L230 skid steerCat 926 M loaderHonda ATV
To harvest, sort-Potatoes, general cleaning, and burning ditches, rouging/scouting malt barley, and seed potatoes fields.\nWorkers will be cleaning the warehouses. \nMust be able to lift and carry 50 lb boxes or bags.\n\n\n
Preparing fields and harvesting vegetable by picking, packing, sorting, and preparing the vegetable crop for shipment. One month of field experience as a vegetable packing farmworker is required. Walking the fields and handpicking vegetables from stalk or ground and placing it on the harvestor machine or off assembly line where workers count the vegetables and place an estimated amount into proper packing box or bin. No tools or specialized equipment necessary. The employer will provide workers compensation coverage for injury and disease arising out of and in the course of the workers employment at no cost to the worker, and will be in effect no later than the beginning date of this order.\n\nWork will be directed and controlled by employer. One (1) month of prior experience as a vegetable packing farm worker is required. The assistance of the referring office in helping the worker provide this information will be appreciated. \n\nNo worker shall be terminated without just cause as specified under conditions specified in 20 CFR 655.122 (b). Offenses considered just cause for termination of employment includes, but are not limited to the following: (These are examples.) All employees working for Olathe Corn Company, LLC are held to these standards which are normal and accepted qualifications required by employers that do not use H2A workers in comparable occupations and crops.\n\n(a) Refuses without justified cause to perform the work for which worker was recruited and hired in accordance with terms of this agreement;\n(b) Committing an act of misconduct;\n(c) Engaging in work during the period of this contract for any person other than employer without prior approval of employer;\n(d) Violating any laws of the U.S.;\n(e) Failure to report for work on three consecutive workdays or excessive tardiness;\n(f) Leaving work without employers permission;\n(g) Failure or inability to perform duties of reasonable quality and quantity with reasonable diligence as described in number 11; \n(h) Drinking alcoholic beverages or other substance abuse on the job,\n(i) Commits acts of insubordination. \n\nEmployer will apply the above standards on a nondiscriminatory basis as required by law.\nPursuant to 20 CFR 655.122 (n) employer will notify the local Job Service of any job abandonment and/or termination.\n\nIn the event of termination for medical reasons occurring after arrival on the job, or occurring as a result of employment, or in the event of termination resulting from an Act of God, the employer will provide or pay reasonable costs of return transportation and subsistence to the place of recruitment and reimburse the worker for reasonable costs of transportation and subsistence incurred by the worker to get to the place of employment. \n
H-2A and corresponding domestic workers must be available to perform each of the following job activities in connection with the harvesting and farming operations:\n\nVegetable Harvest Workers: Iceberg & Romaine Lettuce Harvest, Broccoli Harvest, Beets Harvest & Carrots Harvest, Green Leaf Harvest, Weeding, Hand Weeding & Thinning (Iceberg & Romaine Lettuce, Broccoli, Carrots, Beets & Spinach/Swiss Chard, Green Leaf), Weeding with Small Hoe & Debris Removal, Potato Harvest, Potato, Beets & Carrots Sorting, Raking, Shoveling, Sweeping, Dumping, Removing Debris, Transplant, Shed Labor / Packing Facility (preparing freshly harvested crops for shipment in their original, unmanufactured state), stacking & packing, Sanitation & Product Sampling, General Farm Labor / General Ranch Maintenance, Bus Driver/Supervisor, Field Safety/Food Safety/Sanitation activities, Housing Monitor, Sanitization activities, and Health/Wellness Monitor to perform the following duties:\n\nClean and Core of Head Lettuce: Lettuce harvest workers work as a member of a harvest crew and perform the following tasks: thinning, weeding, general labor and harvest lettuce by walking in assigned furrows behind a harvesting machine platform or harvesting machine, selecting size and quality of lettuce to be harvested as specified by supervisor. Bends and grasps selected lettuce and cuts it from the roots using a harvesting knife. Trims outer leaves from the head and cores it with the coring knife. Employee inspects the head lettuce for defects. Employee places head lettuce onto the belt. The process is repeated. The cored lettuce is then carried down the belt to be dropped in a bin where employees inspect quality, core, remove loose leaves, and sort bin to capacity. Bins are constructed and sorted directly on the trailer on a pallet. Bins may weigh up to 50 lbs empty. Pallets may weigh up to 95 lbs empty, but are carried by two persons. Employee discards lettuce that does not meet specified quality standards. Place trimmed lettuce meeting quality standards as directed by supervisor. \n\nRomaine Carton, Romaine Top and Tail and Mixed Leaf carton: Field worker to harvest romaine, mixed leaf and head lettuce, thinning, weeding and general labor. Employee cuts, bags, packs, and loads fresh romaine, head and mixed leaf in the field. Cutting is done by walking in uneven furrows behind a harvesting platform machine or belt. Under the direction of the field supervisor, employee determines size and quality of the product to be harvested. Then, using a harvesting hand knife and bending at the waist, the employee cuts the head from the roots and trims the outer leaves from the head to prepare it to be placed into a carton or tote. Cutter places the product on a table for the packer to either or in combination of tie, spot wash, wrap, seal and place into a carton, tote or top and place in wash bucket then dumps into belt. The cartons or totes for the product are constructed by unfolding and bending the material as designed to form a box. Carton is labeled and marked as required. The process is repeated. The cartons, totes or bins are then stacked onto pallets on the deck of the harvester or trailer. Cartons or totes with product can weigh up to 50 lbs. Empty bins pallets can weigh up to 95 lbs but are carried by two persons.
Cultivate & harvest vegetables; thin, hoe & weed row crops. Operate farm equipment.
Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production of trees, shrubs, perennials, nursery and livestock. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to general farm work/irrigation/crop production. \nGeneral Farm Work will include the following responsibilities: maintain, drive, attach and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize and harvest crops; make minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery; may mix and/or spray chemicals (according to appropriate restrictive use laws, when/if applicable); remove undesirable and excess growth from crops or farm grounds; remove rocks from field; paint farm structures; replace/repair fencing; perform general cleanup of farm areas; drive, load/unload trucks; operate motor bike or all-terrain vehicle in the course of performing duties. \nWill apply specific horticultural techniques as instructed by the employer when carrying out the following responsibilities: prepare fields/plant/spray/weed and irrigate plants/shrubs/trees; recognize disease and/or nutrient/moisture requirements by plant texture/development or soil condition; observe general condition of plants and apply the appropriate care; apply chemical products; mix planting soil; pollinate/prune/transplant/pinch plants and cull appropriately to ensure development of product; propagate plants; harvest/pack and store crop; maintain and repair structures/grounds; haul and spread soil/products to condition land; dig/rake and screen soil and fill cold frames/hot beds; fill growing tanks with water; plant shrubs/plants in containers; prepare flowers/plants/shrubs/trees to fill orders; move containerized trees/shrubs; dig/wrap roots of shrubs/trees; prepare crops for shipment; load/unload plant materials.\nIrrigation duties will include the following:\nHandlines: connect pipes; check alignment of pipe and adjust for proper water distribution; attach lines to water supply; turn valves to start flow of water.\nDrip Irrigation: install/maintain drip lines.\nIn Ground Sprinklers: fix/maintain any broken lines or valves.\nOther Irrigation Duties: remove pipes from storage and lay out/place in predetermined patterns in fields; observe revolving sprinklers and adjust to ensure proper operation and uniform distribution of water.\nTo meet minimum acceptable performance standards when irrigating, the worker must, after a 10 day conditioning period, move an average of at least 48 40-foot sections of 3-inch pipe or 44 40-foot sections of 4-inch pipe per hour under normal working conditions.\nDuties related to the production of Livestock will include the following: check physical characteristics, observe general condition of livestock and apply the appropriate care; examine animals to detect illness/injury/disease, rate of weight gain or to determine delivery time, assist in delivery; apply or administer medications, vaccines and/or insecticides; mix feed/additives and feed/water livestock; place mineral blocks; drive equipment to haul/distribute feed/water; herd livestock; confine livestock in stalls; clean/disinfect livestock corrals/stalls/sheds; dock, castrate, brand, clip/tag and clamp livestock; maintain records on animals; hoist/stack bales of hay onto wagon/truck
Operates self-propelled custom class harvesting machine to harvest a variety of grain and oilseed crops. Adjusts\nspeed of cutter, blowers and conveyors and height of cutting head using hand tools. Changes cutting head as\nappropriate for crop.\nServices machinery and make in field repairs. Help move equipment to field locations. Must have drivers license,\nproduce and furnish drivers abstract showing an acceptable driving record. Minimum of 3 months of experience is\nrequired. Basic literacy and math skills also required.
Workers will perform pruning, thinning, and harvesting of fruit trees. Workers will plant, cultivate, and harvest peaches, pears, apples, plums, and tomatoes by hand at correct ripeness and pack using various packaging methods. Workers will perform all tasks traditionally included in the operation of fruit orchards, including but not limited to irrigating, mowing, pest control, and fertilizing. Additional duties include weeding, inspecting, grading, sorting, packing, storing, and pre-and post-harvest treatment of crops. Workers will also perform general farm maintenance and cleanup activities. Must be able to climb up and down a ladder with a 35 lb. tote. Must be able to lift and carry 40 lb. boxes. Must be able to pick 10-bushels of fruit per hour for job retention. One (1) month of experience in harvesting tree fruit is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standard. Workers must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19.\n-----------------------------------------\nLos trabajadores realizarán las labores de poda, aclareo y recolección de los árboles frutales. Los trabajadores plantarán, cultivarán y cosecharán duraznos, peras, manzanas, ciruelas y tomates a mano en la madurez correcta y los empacarán usando varios métodos de empaque. Los trabajadores realizarán todas las tareas tradicionalmente incluidas en la operación de huertos frutales, que incluyen, entre otros, riego, corte de césped, control de plagas y fertilización. Las tareas adicionales incluyen el deshierbe, la inspección, la clasificación, la clasificación, el empaque, el almacenamiento y el tratamiento de los cultivos antes y después de la cosecha. Los trabajadores también realizarán actividades generales de mantenimiento y limpieza de la granja. Debe poder subir y bajar una escalera con una bolsa de 35 libras. Debe poder levantar y transportar cajas de 40 libras. Debe poder recoger 10 bushels de fruta por hora para conservar el trabajo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en cosecha de árboles frutales. El empleador no brindará capacitación y permitirá cero dÃas para que el trabajador alcance el estándar de producción. Los trabajadores deben estar completamente vacunados contra el COVID-19.
Crops/Commodities: \nSilage, corn, wheat, triticale, hay, squash, beans, sugar beets, manure. \nThis job requires a minimum of 6 months of prior verifiable experience driving/servicing the combination of a tractor unit with clutch and manual transmission, and semi-trailer. Applicants must be able to furnish verifiable job reference(s) or comparable third party documentation from recent employer(s) establishing acceptable prior experience. Workers must be able to perform all duties with accuracy and efficiency. \n\nWorker will drive semi tractor-trailer truck with clutch and manual transmission, with or without combine trailers, to/from specified destinations within the area of intended employment; maneuver trucks into and out of loading and unloading positions. Haul on-farm and over roads. Drive heavy trucks/trailers to transport crop to elevator, storage, or other location. Haul harvest machines between worksites. Haul and transfer grain to/between grain store(s). Transfer bulk agricultural products between facilities. Must be able to operate, maintain and repair agricultural equipment with or without direction. \n\nDrive semi tractor-trailer truck to/from delivery or pickup destinations. Drive in rain, snow, and other hazardous conditions as needed. Drive in both on-road (paved) and off-road conditions. May drive other vehicle types. Use GPS and/or maps to navigate to destinations. Read/comprehend traffic signage and directions. Interact with roadway officials. Maneuver trucks into and out of loading and unloading positions. Regularly climb into and out of trucks and trailers. Load/unload trailers. Load, unload, and handle products and harvest machinery carefully to prevent damage. Complete pre-trip and post-trip inspection and paperwork on trucks and trailers. Clean/maintain lights, windows, and mirrors, and vehicle exterior. Add engine oil and fuel as needed. Perform preventative maintenance. \n\nService machinery, trucks and trailers. Make in-field repairs. Service/repairs includes but is not limited to: lubricating grease points; inspecting and maintaining fluid levels, tire air pressures, belt and conveyer chain tensions, radiator and filter function, and brake performance; removing and replacing tires, wheels, bearings, belts, wear parts, filters, brake shoes, wheel seals, suspension parts, lights and lenses and chain or chain links.\n\nAssist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences. \n \nWork is done in the field for long periods of time. Workers may assist in handling product weighing up to 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. \n\nWork required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 10 to over 100 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. \n\nAllergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. \n\nWorkers should be able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. \n\nSaturday work required. Must be able to lift/carry 60 lbs. Post-hire employer-paid DOT physical and motor vehicle records check. Employer-paid post-hire drug testing required. Valid driver’s license, Class A CDL or equivalent required.\n\nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a timely and proficient manner without close supervision.
Hand harvest, hoe, thin vegetables: zucchini, cucumbers, squash, onions, turnips, rutabagas, parsnips, sweet corn, lettuces, kale & cabbage. Lift, move & carry 65 lb veg. boxes and irrigation pipe. Shovel irrigation ditches. Stand, bend, stoop, walk and lift throughout workday. Worker required to keep pace w/majority of workers. Minimum 3 months harvesting experience. Employer pays for random post-employment drug testing. Workday is from 7 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday (7 paid hrs/day and 1 hour unpaid lunch hour), and 7 AM to noon on Saturday (5 hrs with one 15-minute break). The worker may be requested but is not required to work as much as 12 hours per day and on holidays depending on weather conditions, crop conditions, market demand or the availability of other workers or other unforeseen circumstances. Worker is not required to work more than 40 hours a week (or 7 hours per day) or on the Sabbath or Federal holidays to meet the guaranteed pay.\n\nBecause the quality of marketable vegetables (i.e., unbruised, uninjured and hand inspected) is important for the farmer's business model, the employer is requiring workers to have at least 3 months of harvesting experience to ensure that workers have the necessary skills to properly harvest, handle, grade and pack vegetables grown. The quality of the vegetables has a significant influence of determining the level of consumer acceptance. Because consumers perceive that the quality of vegetables are dependent upon appearing crisp, fresh and unbruised and uninjured, special skills and experience are required for the proper harvesting, handling, grading and packing to ensure optimum produce quality at the marketplace. Not all vegetables can be harvested, handled or packed in the same manner. Improper harvesting and rough handling can cause bruising and injure vegetables, which reduces the value of the product at the marketplace and promotes premature decay.
By hand, transplant plants to field, plant seeds, move irrigation pipe, hoe and harvest sweet corn, tomatoes, melons, cherries, cukes, green beans, onions, squash, and potatoes at correct ripeness. Must be able to lift and carry 50 pound bucket of potatoes. Will also perform field cleanup.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nA mano, trasplante las plantas al campo, siembre las semillas, mueva la tubera de riego, abone y coseche maz dulce, tomates, melones, cerezas, cukes, judas verdes, cebollas, calabazas y papas, en la madurez correcta. Debe poder levantar y transportar un balde de papas de 50 libras. Tambin realizar la limpieza del campo.
One temporary position openings. $15.58 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. 3/4 time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Yearling Operation--attend to livestock, feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Light Mechanical skills preferred. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping . calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Workers must be able to drive ATVs. Must have 3 months of experience working on a livestock elk ranch. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to, feed, and water livestock by tractor and/or team on the range to maintain herd health. Will wean calves, perform vaccinations and perform pregnancy checks. Workers will move livestock to pasture for grazing, assist and complete identification marking. Perform maintenance of fences, corrals, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper livestock management. Clean livestock corrals, stalls, and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes, and shovels. Must know how to build and repair fencing. Must have knowledge and experience in irrigation management, planting, cultivating, and haying for livestock. Light mechanical skills are preferred. Maintain equipment in working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of livestock. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding supplemental rations or during calving and irrigation season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employer’s requirements during the contract period. Workers will work in conditions generally associated with CO climatic conditions.\n-------------------------------------------\nLos trabajadores deben poder conducir vehÃculos todo terreno. Debe tener 3 meses de experiencia trabajando en un rancho ganadero. Debe poder levantar 75 libras. Atender, alimentar y dar agua al ganado por tractor y/o equipo en el campo para mantener la salud del rebaño. Destetará terneros, realizará vacunas y realizará controles de preñez. Los trabajadores moverán el ganado a los pastos para pastar, ayudar y completar el marcado de identificación. Realice el mantenimiento de cercas, corrales, edificios, mejoras de rango y equipo de ganado utilizado para el manejo adecuado del ganado. Limpiar los corrales, establos y cobertizos del ganado, utilizando soluciones desinfectantes, cepillos y palas. Debe saber construir y reparar cercas. Debe tener conocimiento y experiencia en manejo de riego, siembra, cultivo y heno para ganado. Se prefieren habilidades mecánicas ligeras. Mantener el equipo en condiciones de trabajo y observar prácticas seguras. Ayudar con el transporte de ganado. Es posible que se requieran más horas (turnos de noche durante el parto) y más dÃas (hasta 7 dÃas por semana) cuando se alimentan con raciones suplementarias o durante la temporada de parto y riego. Los trabajadores deben estar dispuestos y ser capaces de realizar todas las tareas de acuerdo con los requisitos del empleador durante el perÃodo del contrato. Los trabajadores trabajarán en condiciones generalmente asociadas con las condiciones climáticas de CO.
Winter pruning of peach trees, rake brush, plant trees, clean/maintain work area, cut weeds, thin blossoms/fruit from trees. Harvest cherries/peaches/pears at correct ripeness, pack into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb down ladder with 35 lbs pack. Must pick 10 bushel bags (50 lbs) per hour for job retention. Requires 1 month experience pruning and thinning peaches or 1 month experience harvesting peaches. Workers will be trained in food safety and must follow guidelines to retain employment.
Harvest and pack peaches and apples by hand at ripeness. Must be able to operate and drive tractor for orchard cultivation and to move fruit bins. Must be able to climb up and down ladder with 35 pound pack on back. Must be able to pick 10 bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. Will also perform orchard cleanup. One (1) month experience as a fruit harvester is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n-------------------------------------------------------------\nCosechar y empaquetar duraznos y manzanas a mano en la madurez. Debe ser capaz de operar y conducir tractores para el cultivo del huerto y mover los contenedores de fruta. Debe ser capaz de subir y bajar una escalera con un paquete de 35 libras en la espalda. Usted debe ser capaz de recoger 10 bolsas de fruta por hora para la retencin del trabajo. Tambin har la limpieza del jardn. Requiere una experiencia de un mes como cosechadora de fruta. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y dar cero das para que el trabajador cumpla con los estndares de produccin.
Wheatland Industries, Inc. is a dryland family farm operation. We farm approximately 10,000 acres of wheat, corn and milo. We are looking for someone who can help with maintaining and operating large farm equipment and primarily John Deere and Case machinery equipped with GPS for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, moving, storing, harvesting grain crops such as wheat, milo, and corn; drive semi truck with grain trailer or tractor with trailer attached to move crops or equipment to designated locations; grain bin and auger operation; mixing fertilizer and chemicals to appropriate specs; walking fields pulling off type weeds; maintaining farm by mowing, cleaning up old buildings and farmstead; preparing location and assembling steel farm building; driving farm vehicles; daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite. Employer may provide pay increases for performance, longevity and/or experience at employer’s discretion. Employer may provide performance bonuses at the end of the contract at the employer’s discretion.
Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production/harvesting of pumpkins, watermelons, specialty squash, decorative corn, sunflowers, wheat, alfalfa, beans, millet, milo and cattle. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to general farm work/irrigation/crop production.\nGeneral Farm Work will include the following responsibilities: maintain, drive, attach and operate farm implements/tractors/forklift equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize and harvest crops; make minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery; remove undesirable and excess growth from crops and farm grounds; paint farm structures; replace/repair fencing; perform general clean up of farm areas; drive, load/unload trucks. Job duties will also include the production, harvesting, and shucking of industrial hemp.\nIrrigation duties will include the following:\nPivots: maintenance/repair circle sprinkler system. \nFlood Irrigation: shovel and pack dirt in low spots of embankment or cut trenches in high areas to direct water flow; siphon water from ditch to channel water into designated areas; shovel or hoe soil to clear ditches/furrows and build embankments to appropriately channel water.\nOther Irrigation Duties: lubricate, adjust, repair and replace parts such as sprinkler heads and drive chains using hand tools.\nDuties related to the production of Livestock will include the following: feed/water livestock; herd livestock; clean/disinfect livestock corrals/stalls/sheds; hoist/stack bales of hay onto wagon/truck.\nDuties related to the Cutting/Sorting of Pumpkins/Watermelons will include the following:\nWill apply techniques as instructed by the employer to cut/sort/label pumpkins/watermelons by: discard diseased/rotting/inferior product and foreign matter; loading/unloading harvest transport vehicle; report malfunctions; general cleanup. \nDuties related to the Packing of Produce will include the following: \nWill apply techniques as instructed by the employer to: sort produce according to grade, color and size; discard diseased/rotting/inferior product and foreign matter; clean up around conveyors and worksite; place produce in containers or on designated conveyors; bag seed wheat.
This job requires a minimum of three (3) months of prior agricultural field work experience, handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities. Workers must be able to perform manual as well as mechanized activities with accuracy and efficiency.\n\nWorkers will drive tractors to disc, mow and spray orchard; prune apple, pear, cherry and peach trees; thin and harvest apples, peaches, apricots, pears and cherries at correct ripeness; move heavy 8 irrigation pipe; packing fruit in the field and in the packing shed. Workers must be physically able to pick tree fruit, most of which is done from ladders, with lower branches being picked from ground. Picked fruit is placed in a metal-framed canvas covered picking bucket with canvas straps that slip over the head and rest on the shoulders. Filled bucket, weighing up to 35 lbs., is emptied into bulk bins. When necessary, workers are required to handle and pick from ladders up to 12 ft. in length and weighing 10 to 15 pounds. Worker places ladder firmly against or within trees in a secure position so as not to break limbs or knock off fruit and to prevent slipping or falling. All fruit must be handled with care to avoid bruising. Each tree will be picked according to instructions given each day by the orchard foreman. Workers must be able to keep pace with the balance of the crew, maintaining productivity at a minimum of 100 bushels of fruit per 8 hour shift during harvest.\n\nPrimary duty will be to harvest fruit; however other duties may be required including hand thinning fruit, picking roots, rocks and other debris, mulching, pruning, cutting shoots and suckers, raking cuttings and debris, inserting/removing tree spreaders, pulling or cutting thorny plants, weeds and vines from around trees (some weeds may be noxious), hand placement of rodent baits around trees, operation and maintenance of tractors and other equipment, cleaning and clearing fence rows and farm buildings. May load and unload trucks, install irrigation equipment and clean equipment. Employer expects workers to work with or without supervision at such tasks.\n\nMust be able to safely maneuver ladders up to 12 ft. in length on steep and uneven terrain. Must be experienced in distinguishing between apple varieties and be able to spot pick trees for acceptable color. Field supervision monitors workers to ensure fruit is not bruised in picking. Must be able to sort out fruit with defects.\n\nWork will also include heavy mechanized orchard work using power equipment. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, sprayers, planters, and cultivators. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction. Workers must be able to perform all duties of entry level workers as well as perform additional mechanized activities with accuracy and efficiency.\n\nWork is to be done for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, inspect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 40 to 105 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not sever enough to stop field operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. Saturday work may be required.\n------------------------------------------------\nVer Anexo C - A.8a. - Continuacin de los deberes laborales.
Temporary Seasonal Position: Livestock Farm Worker | SOC Code: 45-2093\n\nAll applicants must be able, willing, qualified to perform work described & must be available for entire period.\n\nRocky Flats Ranch, LTD, Lyons, CO, Boulder\n\nPossible shift: 7:00AM-3:00PM. 40+ May be possibility of weekend work. Crops: Cattle. Duties may include: feeding and watering livestock and maintaining/repairing feeding and watering equipment as needed. Worker will assist in herding and sorting livestock. Assisting in calving duties which includes, but is not limited to, feeding/watering calves, weighing calves, and inspecting/treating calves for illness/injury. Duties will also include tending to the farm, repairing fences/structure and animal houses as needed. Worker will also be responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of equipment used in caring/tending to the livestock and maintaining/cleaning animal housing areas and grounds & other related Livestock Farm Worker activities as per SOC/OES 45-2093 ( Must have 3 months Livestock exp. Static strength; exert max muscle force to lift, push, pull, unload, carry objects up to 50lbs; may climb, walk, stand, reach, balance, sit, stoop, bend, squat, wash, clean: equip, grounds, area. Tools supplies and equipment provided at no cost to worker. Employer guarantees 3/4 of contract. Work outdoors, exposed to weather, hot or cold; hours may vary (+/-); possible downtimes and/or extended hours. Dependable: fulfill obligations. Attn. to detail: complete work tasks. Employer provided housing available to those who cannot reasonably return to their residence within the same day. No cell phone use during work hours. \n\nDrug/alcohol/tobacco free work zone. Worker has 3 days from date of hire to show legal authorization to work in the United States. Cash advances may apply at employer discretion.
General farm labor, including but not limited to moving irrigation pipe, shoveling, hoeing, harvesting, loading, removing weeds from crop fields, cutting weeds in fields, picking onions, and clipping tops.
Crops/Commodities: \nvegetables, including but not limited to, pumpkins, gourds, pie pumpkins, beans, peas, squash, pickles, okra. \nThis job requires a minimum of 3 months of prior agricultural field work experience, preferably on a vegetable farm, handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities. Workers must be able to perform manual as well as mechanized activities with accuracy and efficiency. Plants, cultivates, harvests and sorts/packs vegetables. Works on planter, plants roots, seeds and bulbs. May spread plastic or other groundcovering. Weeds, thins plants. Transplants plants, riding on transplanter or by hand. May set poles and wires for vine plants, stake/tie, trellis and prune plants. Picks, cuts, lifts, or pulls crop to harvest them. May assist with irrigation. May operate and help maintain tractors or hand-operated equipment. May assist with general farm building maintenance. Workers must be physically able to perform seeding, planting, mowing and heavy lifting. Considerable stooping and kneeling is required. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants. \n\nWorkers must be able to pick:\n 3 36-inch tall bins of large pumpkins per hour\n1 24-inch tall bin of mini pumpkins per hour\n1 24-inch tall bin of gourds per hour\n2 24-inch tall bins of pie pumpkins per hour\n5 dozen carrots per hour\n5 dozen beets per hour\n1 bushel beans per hour\n2 bushels pickles per hours\n\nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding and other tasks related to general farming. \n\nWork may also include mechanized field work using power equipment. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, planters, sprayers, cultivators and other equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction. Workers must obey all safety rules and basic instructions and be able to recognize, understand and comply with safety, pesticide warning/re-entry and other essential postings.\n\nWork is to be done for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with packaged product weighing up to and including 80 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. Work required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. Saturday work required. Must be able to lift/carry 80 lbs. \n\nEmployer assures that workers will be provided, at no cost, transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations). \n\nPersons seeking employment as experienced farmworker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. All workers will be subject to a trial period of up to five days during which the employer will evaluate workers' performance of required tasks. Employer reserves the right to terminate a worker if the employer reasonably finds worker's performance during the trial period to be unacceptable.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***\n
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Crops/Commodities: \nlettuce, collards, turnips, mustard, kale, spinach, cabbage, peppers, onions, beets, green beans, cilantro and sweet corn, including conventionally and organically raised varieties. \nWorkers will perform field work associated with vegetable cultivation and harvest including weeding, thinning and transplanting by hand, harvesting/picking and field packing/loading vegetables into containers. Commodities include lettuce, collards, turnips, mustard, kale, spinach, cabbage, peppers, onions, beets, green beans, cilantro and sweet corn, including conventionally and organically raised varieties. Picks, cuts, lifts, or pulls crop to harvest them. Workers must be able to distinguish between vegetable plants and weeds. May assist with irrigation and shovel/clean irrigation ditches. Workers will use hand tools, such as but not limited to hoes and shovels. Once workers have been instructed in food safety rules pertaining to commodity production, compliance with such will be expected. . The majority of the work will be performed in the field rather than company?s packing sheds but, workers may be asked to work in the packing sheds to sort, pack, ice and load vegetables onto trucks. \n\nWorkers must be physically able to perform the work which involves lifting boxes weighing up to 70 pounds to a height of 5 feet, stooping, kneeling and working on their feet for extended periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Workers will assist in loading trucks in the field with boxed product. Some qualified workers will operate a tractor upon need. Workers with an insurable driver?s license within 30 days following hire may be required to drive company vehicles, including semi-trucks, within a 50 mile radius of the farm.\n\n\nCare must be taken to prevent damaging the produce and plants. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers? ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 20 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. Saturday work required. Employer-paid post-hire drug testing is required at random. \n\nWorkers will be trained in USDA Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification standards. Failure to abide by GAP standards will be grounds for dismissal.\n\nEmployer has a strict prohibition on tobacco usage. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind will be permitted in the fields, in worker housing, or anywhere on company premises. This is necessary to maintain the integrity of the farm?s production certification as well as to protect against the Tomato-Tobacco Mosaic Virus disease, which is transmitted by hands and tools contaminated with tobacco by-products. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or found in possession of smoking materials including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, marijuana or smoking paraphernalia. Use, possession, transfer, offer, sale or manufacture of marijuana and/or controlled substances strictly prohibited. All work sites are alcohol and drug free work places. Employees must not report for work, enter the employers? property or perform service while under the influence of or having used alcohol, marijuana, illegal controlled substances, or any other substance that may in any way adversely affect their alertness, coordination, reaction or safety. Employer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations.)\n\nPersons seeking employment as experienced Farm Worker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer.
Crops/Commodities: \ncorn, hay/straw. \nDrive tractors and balers, and operate other mechanized farm equipment to plant, cultivate, and harvest grain, hay, and/or oilseed crops. Perform manual and mechanized tasks including but not limited to: bushhogging fields; disking; aerating; seeding (using mechanical drills and seeders); fertilizing, weed spraying, mowing, tedding, raking, baling, and stacking. Operate grain carts. \n\nMow, cut, and weed fields. Prepare and/or clear land for planting using mechanized or hand equipment to remove trash, rocks, or other debris or material that may interfere with planting or harvesting activities. Level land by moving dirt and other materials. Equipment may include tractors, dozers, planters, mowers, plows, sprayers, cultivators, power shears, chainsaws, bobcats, skid loaders, high lifts, and trucks or other vehicles. \n\nManipulate controls to set, activate, and adjust mechanisms on machinery. Adjust speeds of cutters, blowers, and conveyors and height of cutting head. Clean, adjust, repair, and perform routine service on equipment (e.g., lubricating grease points, inspecting and maintaining fluid levels, checking belt and conveyor tensions, and maintaining tires, wheels, bearings, belts, and other wear parts). Repair or replace defective parts. Attach farm implements (e.g., plows, harrows, discs, sprayers) using hand tools. May assist with other general farm maintenance or repairs.\n\nInstall/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Install and remove levee gates. \n\nApply pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other crop protectants. Apply fertilizers, plant growth chemicals, conditioners, and other plant related treatments at the correct times depending on plant type, growth, climate and crop conditions.\n\nWorkers must operate all equipment properly and in a manner that protects operator, others, the employer’s products and property. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.\n\nMust wear assigned personal protective equipment when required. Must report for work daily wearing work clothing and boots or other durable foot wear. Workers wearing clothing inappropriate for work will not be permitted to start work.\n\nOutdoor work required when plants are wet, or during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours may vary. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. Work is done outdoors for long periods of time and requires prolonged periods of standing and/or walking, repetitive movements, and frequent bending and/or stooping. Workers must be able to handle, lift, and carry heavy or bulky objects (product, containers) in accordance with the specified lifting requirements.\n \nClean driving record required. Must have or be able to obtain driver’s license within 30 days following hire. Workers with appropriate licenses and a valid doctor's certificate may be asked to drive other workers. Must have and maintain a valid U.S. commercial driver's license (CDL) or Licencia Federal de Conductor to permit driving of trucks. Must have clean driving record. Must comply with all applicable requirements of the USDOT regulations. Must have no disqualifying factors under applicable law or employer's motor vehicle insurance policy. Disqualifying factors include but are not limited to: conviction for driving under the influence, driving while impaired or the occurrence of a serious at-fault accident.
Three temporary position opening. $15.58 per hour + housing at no cost to the worker. A signed contract may be required. time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, etc.
Two temporary position openings. $15.58 per hour + housing at no cost to the worker. A signed contract may be required. Three quarter time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Performs any combination of the following tasks to attend to ranch duties. Fencing on 5500 acres of land -- 32 miles of private and National Forest property to build and maintain fencing. Set wooden and steel fence posts on private and National Forest land. Install wire fencing and lay down fencing for Nation Forest property. Tools to include post hole diggers, shovels, wire stretchers. Workers will maintain ranch buildings and corrals, and equipment. Build retaining walls for flood protection, mow rake pastures, clean stalls and corrals as needed. Workers must be willing to perform all duties according to the employer's requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Pre-harvest activities: weeding and driving tractor.\nTo harvest pumpkins includes: cutting pumpkins off the vine, cleaning the dirt off the pumpkins, putting in rows, sorting by size,\napplying stickers to pumpkins by size, grading for quality, and loading into boxes on trailers.\nTo harvest chili peppers includes: pick chili peppers off the vine and put into 1 bushel sack and loaded onto the trailer. Irrigate fields. Must be able to lift and carry 50 lb boxes. Must be able to bend and stoop throughout the day. Work is to be done for long periods of time and requires repetitive motion and extensive walking. Workers are exposed to wet weather and the heat of the day working in the fields. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce
Winter prune, thin blossoms, harvest peaches and apples by hand at ripeness. Must be able to climb up and down ladder with 35 lb. pack on back. Must be able to operate and drive a tractor or forklift to load and unload fruit bins. Will also perform orchard cleanup. Must be able to pick 10 bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. One (1) month experience as a fruit harvester is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPoda de invierno, flores delgadas, cosecha de duraznos y manzanas a mano en la madurez. Debe ser capaz de subir y bajar escalera con 35 lb. paquete en la espalda. Debe ser capaz de operar y conducir un tractor o montacargas para cargar y descargar cajas de frutas. Tambin realizar la limpieza del huerto. Debe ser capaz de recoger 10 bolsas de fruta por hora para la retencin del trabajo. Se requiere una experiencia de uno (1) mes como cosechadora de fruta. El empleador no proveer entrenamiento y le dar cero das para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.
Prune fruit trees, thin blossoms, harvest, and pack peaches by hand at correct ripeness. Must be able to operate and drive tractor for orchard cultivation and to move fruit bins. Must be able to climb up and down ladder with 35 pound pack. Must be able to pick 10 bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. Will also perform orchard cleanup. One (1) month experience as a fruit harvester is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPode los rboles frutales, las flores delgadas, coseche y empaque los melocotones a mano en la madurez correcta. Debe ser capaz de operar y conducir tractores para el cultivo del huerto y mover los contenedores de fruta. Debe poder subir y bajar escaleras con un paquete de 35 libras. Usted debe ser capaz de recoger 10 bolsas de fruta por hora para la retencin del trabajo. Tambin har la limpieza del jardn. Requiere una experiencia de un mes como cosechadora de fruta. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y dar cero das para que el trabajador cumpla con los estndares de produccin.
For ten months, workers perform several manual tasks. They plant, harvest grains and hay to prepare food for horses., Repair fences and clean stables and stalls. Twenty-five (25) pregnant mares and foaling begins . Foals and their momas are kept in stables., workers should feed and water morning and night, as well as bath and vaccinate the new borns\n\nMares and foals are managed and well kept inside stables by feeding and watering. During Autumn months, Workers repair fences, clean and prepare pastures (using farm machinery) for planting and harvesting oats. Workers prepare feed for horses and cattle.\n
Planting, thinning, weeding, harvesting labor intensive crops. chili, tomatoes, onions, pumpkins, peppers, watermelon, cantaloupes. On farms, building and repairing buildings. Placing concrete for walls and sidewalks, building and repairing damaged walls. Tin sheeting walls, installing doors, caulk structures, and cleaning job sites. Must be able to lift, bend and carry 60lbs. Must be able to stand for long periods at a time.\n
This job requires a minimum of three months of verifiable experience working on a commercial vegetable farm, handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities.\n\nJob includes walking 5-6 miles per day through fields, picking corn from stalk (16,000 ears per day) and packing corn on moving harvester in boxes; loading agricultural products onto trucks; harvesting vegetables and hops, topping onions; sorting, grading, and storing of crops. Cultivate, harvest and field pack vegetables. May spread plastic or other groundcovering. Cultivates, weeds and thins plants. May stake / tie plants, trellis / prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. Picks, cuts, lifts or pulls crop to harvest them. May tie vegetables in bunches or top them. Assist with irrigation and fertilization. Considerable stooping and kneeling is required. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants. May assist with general farm building maintenance and build / repair fences.\n \nWork is to be done in the field for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading / unloading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 80 pounds and lifting to a heifht of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, grasses, etc. may affect workers ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 60 to 98+ F. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. Saturday work required. Must be able to lift / carry 80 lbs.\n \nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding, rock picking, and other tasks related to general farming.\n \nEmployer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations). Persons seeking employment as experienced Farm Worker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. If verifiable: Applicants must be able to furnish verifiable job reference(s) or comparable third party documentation from recent employer(s) establishing acceptable prior experience. If verbal: Applicants must be able to furbish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Successful applicants will be subject to trial period of up to 5 days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated. If the performance during the trial period is not acceptable to the employer the workers employment will be terminated.\n \nRaises and/or bonuses may be offered to any seasonal worker employed pursuant to this job order, at the companys sole discretion, based on individual factors including work performance, skill, and tenure.\n \nEmployer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason. \n \nAll terms and conditions included in the job order will apply equally to all workers, both U.S. workers and H-2A workers, employed in the occupation described in this clearance order.
The basic duties of a ranch hand on a working ranch are tending livestock and repairing and cleaning fences, ranch buildings, and equipment. Tending livestock usually includes feeding, watering, birthing, branding, shearing, roping, sorting, pasturing, herding, grooming, or trimming, cleaning stalls and basic doctoring skills for the ranch's horses, cattle, poultry, pigs, and/or sheep. Having raised healthy animals through this attentive care, ranch hands must also haul the livestock to market or to a shipping terminal for the purposes of selling or butchering. Ranchers specialize in nurturing and caring for these young animals. Cow-calf raisers must keep track of breeding and calving season, and they must have enough rudimentary veterinary skills to aid heifers in the birthing of calves and even in the treatment of animals that are wounded or hurt during the birthing process. Moving or herding cattle to and from different pastures, transporting animals to new locations or to market, protecting the herd from wild animals or even poachers and providing basic veterinary care to sick or injured animals as the need arises. As with any piece of property, a ranch requires a great degree of general maintenance and oversight. Because of the vastness of many ranches, this work includes tasks such as building and repairing fences to separate pastures and building and maintaining all buildings on the property, maintaining machinery, trucks, tractors, and other equipment used in ranching. Other maintenance tasks for entry level ranch jobs include groundskeeping, operating machinery such as mowing and baling hay fields, removing dead or fallen trees and ensuring there are no poisonous or dangerous plants or animals on the property that could harm the livestock, daily irrigation of fields using modern sprinkler systems, setting up irrigation tubes to direct water to specific areas and digging new ditches to move water to new locations.
Thin peach trees utilizing basic hand tools. Eradicate weeds and perform yard work around peach trees. Harvest peaches by hand and carefully place them in fruit packs. Pick, sort and package harvested fruit by hand. Stack boxes of harvested peaches onto pallets. Prune peach trees using hand tools such as shears, loppers and saws. Perform general agricultural maintenance work to the entire orchard property and facility structures. Much of the work will be performed on 8 to 10-foot ladders.
Job requires a minimum of 1 month prior experience thinning fruit. Must be able to climb up & down ladder with heavy 35# pack, carry 50# ladder, and pick 20 1/2 bushel buckets of fruit per hour to retain employment.\n\n
Manually plant, cultivate and harvest vegetables including but not limited to cabbage, peppers, onions, cucumbers, squash, greens and celery. Using hand tools such as shovels, hoes, trowels, tampers, pruning hooks, shears and knives. Duties will include tilling soil, transplanting, weeding, thinning, pruning, tying vines, harvesting, sealing, packing and loading harvested products. Employee must be able to repeatedly stoop for 30 seconds while picking vegetables, stand up, walk several feet, and stoop once again to harvest crops.\n\nWork Schedule: 7am to 6pm with one half hour break in the morning, one hour long lunch break and one half hour break in the afternoon.
Hand harvest, hoe, thin vegetables: zucchini, cucumbers, squash, onions, turnips, rutabagas, parsnips, sweet corn, lettuces, kale & cabbage. Lift, move & carry 65 lb veg. boxes and irrigation pipe. Shovel irrigation ditches. Stand, bend, stoop, walk and lift throughout workday. Worker required to keep pace w/majority of workers. Minimum 3 months harvesting experience. Employer pays for random post-employment drug testing. Workday is from 7 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday (7 paid hrs/day and 1 hour unpaid lunch hour), and 7 AM to noon on Saturday (5 hrs with one 15-minute break). The worker may be requested but is not required to work as much as 12 hours per day and on holidays depending on weather conditions, crop conditions, market demand or the availability of other workers or other unforeseen circumstances. Worker is not required to work more than 40 hours a week (or 7 hours per day) or on the Sabbath or Federal holidays to meet the guaranteed pay.\n\nBecause the quality of marketable vegetables (i.e., unbruised, uninjured and hand inspected) is important for the farmer's business model, the employer is requiring workers to have at least 3 months of harvesting experience to ensure that workers have the necessary skills to properly harvest, handle, grade and pack vegetables grown. The quality of the vegetables has a significant influence of determining the level of consumer acceptance. Because consumers perceive that the quality of vegetables are dependent upon appearing crisp, fresh and unbruised and uninjured, special skills and experience are required for the proper harvesting, handling, grading and packing to ensure optimum produce quality at the marketplace. Not all vegetables can be harvested, handled or packed in the same manner. Improper harvesting and rough handling can cause bruising and injure vegetables, which reduces the value of the product at the marketplace and promotes premature decay.
All job duties are directly related to the production of crops and livestock with the larger percentage related to agricultural equipment operation. Perform any combination of the following tasks required in equipment operation, farmwork and the production of crops: adjust alignment of pipes ; adjust gates and pipe connections to control water flow; adjust valves to start and/or adjust water flow; adjust, repair, and service farm machinery and notify supervisors when machinery malfunctions; apply medications to cuts and bruises; apply, monitor, and control fertigation (applying fertilizer through irrigation) chemicals applied through irrigation system; assist in delivery of supplies to livestock herders; dump solutions, powders, or seeds into planter or sprayer machinery; evaluate the condition of the crop/weather and adjust harvesting activity based on evaluation; irrigate soil through operation of sprinkler systems which includes but is not limited to adjusting valves to start and/or adjust water flow, using proper material and methods to repair irrigation equipment; loading/unloading trucks; maintain/drive/attach and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize, apply chemicals and harvest crops; maintenance of farm structures and farm grounds; mix specified material or chemicals and dump solutions/powders into irrigation system or sprayer machinery; observe and listen to machinery operation to detect equipment malfunctions; operate and tend equipment used in agricultural harvest and post-harvest activities, such as tractors, combines, shakers, sweepers, water trucks, discing implements, and seed planters; operate maintain and repair all components of a sprinkler; operate multiple types of pumps; perform some maintenance and adjustments to implements/tractors/equipment; plant, cultivate, fertilize, apply chemicals and harvest hay; removal of excess plant growth from farm grounds; remove pipe from fields and place in storage; remove pipe from storage; shovel and pack dirt in low spots or cut trenches to direct water flow; use proper material and methods to repair irrigation equipment; weed, water, pick and gather pumpkins. Perform any combination of the following tasks attending to livestock: apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean and disinfect livestock corrals, pens and handling facilities; clean stalls by removing soiled bedding and manure,replace with fresh bedding; deliver feed and supplements to livestock and operate the appropriate equipment required to ensure adequate provision of both; deliver water to livestock through hot summer months using large water trucks; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; lift and stack bales of hay and sacks of grain and mineral onto a feed truck or wagon; maintain/clean and fill water troughs and buckets; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; operate and tend equipment such as pickups, 4-wheelers, tractors, tub grinders and skid steers trailers (livestock, utility
This job requires a minimum of three months experience in thinning and/or harvesting tree fruit. Workers must be able to perform all work activities with accuracy and efficiency.\n-----------------------------------------\nEste trabajo requiere un mnimo de tres meses de experiencia en el adelgazamiento y / o la cosecha de rboles frutales. Los trabajadores deben poder realizar todas las actividades laborales con precisin y eficiencia.\n\n(SEE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IN ATTACHMENT / VER INFORMACIN ADICIONAL EN ADJUNTO)
Crops/Commodities: \nPeaches, strawberries, tomatoes, melons, lettuce, carrots, other row crops. \nPlant, cultivate and harvest fruits and vegetables. Use hand tools including, but not limited to: shovels, hoes and knives. Plant roots, seeds and bulbs. Spread plastic or other groundcovering. Lay or remove weed barrier cloth. Weed and thin plants. Transplant plants by hand. Stake/tie plants, trellis/prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. Pick, cut, lift, or pull crops. Grade, size and field pack product. Take care to prevent damaging produce and plants. Follow supervisor/foreman's instructions on color/size requirements. Must be able to differentiate between colors. Spot and/or strip pick fruit based on seasonal need. Snap fruit off tree with thumb and palm of hand to avoid stem pulls, punctures, bruising, or other damage. Use/handle ladders up to 10 ft. in length and weighing up to 20 lbs.\nInstall/maintain irrigation water drip lines. Mow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Apply pesticides, and other crop protectants. Mix and apply fertilizers, conditioners, and other plant related treatments at the correct times depending on plant type, growth, climate and crop conditions. Clear debris from field and clean/maintain farm buildings, structures, equipment, and work areas. \nWork is done in the field for long periods of time. Workers may assist in handling product weighing up to 45 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Work required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 32to over 96 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. \nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a timely and proficient manner without close supervision. Workers must obey all safety rules and basic instructions and be able to recognize, understand and comply with safety, pesticide warning/re-entry and other essential postings. \nTobacco use strictly prohibited. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind permitted in the fields, worker housing, or anywhere on company premises. This is necessary to protect against transmission of toxins and contamination from tobacco by-products. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or in possession of smoking materials, including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco or smoking paraphernalia. \nPersons seeking employment in this position must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. \n \nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker’s Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time. \n \n \nTERMINATION.
Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production/harvesting of pumpkins, watermelons, specialty squash, decorative corn, sunflowers, wheat, alfalfa, beans, millet, and cattle. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to general farm work/irrigation/crop production.\nGeneral Farm Work will include the following responsibilities: maintain, drive, attach and operate farm implements/tractors/forklift equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize and harvest crops; make minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery; remove undesirable and excess growth from crops and farm grounds; paint farm structures; replace/repair fencing; perform general clean up of farm areas; drive, load/unload trucks. \nIrrigation duties will include the following:\nPivots: maintenance/repair circle sprinkler system. \nFlood Irrigation: shovel and pack dirt in low spots of embankment or cut trenches in high areas to direct water flow; siphon water from ditch to channel water into designated areas; shovel or hoe soil to clear ditches/furrows and build embankments to appropriately channel water.\nOther Irrigation Duties: lubricate, adjust, repair and replace parts such as sprinkler heads and drive chains using hand tools.\nDuties related to the production of Livestock will include the following: feed/water livestock; herd livestock; clean/disinfect livestock corrals/stalls/sheds; hoist/stack bales of hay onto wagon/truck.\nDuties related to the Cutting/Sorting of Pumpkins/Watermelons will include the following:\nWill apply techniques as instructed by the employer to: cut/sort/label pumpkins/watermelons by: discard diseased/rotting/inferior product and foreign matter; loading/unloading harvest transport vehicle; report malfunctions; general cleanup. \nDuties related to the Packing of Produce will include the following: \nWill apply techniques as instructed by the employer to: sort produce according to grade, color and size; discard diseased/rotting/inferior product and foreign matter; clean up around conveyors and worksite; place produce in containers or on designated conveyors; bag seed wheat. \n
Crops/Commodities: \nPeaches, pears, apricots, apples, cherries, watermelons. \nThis job requires a minimum of three months of prior experience working on a fruit or vegetable farm, handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities. Workers must be able to perform manual as well as mechanized activities with accuracy and efficiency. Workers will drive tractors to spray, cultivate and transport fruit and field boxes; prune fruit trees, thin and harvest peaches, apricots, cherries, pears and apples. Productivity must be at least 50 boxes per day of fresh market fruit, including apples, peaches, pears, and 70 boxes per day of processing fruit, including apples, peaches, pears. Workers must be physically able to pick tree fruit, most of which is done from ladders, with lower branches being picked from ground. Picked fruit is placed in a metal-framed canvas covered picking bucket with canvas straps that slip over the head and rest on the shoulders. Filled bucket, weighing up to 35 lbs., is emptied into bulk bins. When necessary, workers are required to handle and pick from ladders up to 12 ft. in length and weighing 10 to 15 pounds. Worker places ladder firmly against or within tree in a secure position so as not to break limbs or knock off fruit and to prevent slipping or falling. All fruit must be handled with care to avoid bruising. Each tree will be picked according to instructions given each day by the orchard foreman. Primary duty will be to harvest fruit; however other duties will be offered including hand thinning fruit, picking roots, rocks and other debris, mulching, pruning, cutting shoots and suckers, raking cuttings and debris, inserting/removing tree spreaders, pulling or cutting thorny plants, weeds and vines from around trees (some weeds may be noxious), hand placement of rodent baits around trees, operation and maintenance of tractors and other equipment, cleaning and clearing fence rows and farm buildings. May load and unload trucks, install irrigation equipment and clean equipment. Employer expects workers to work with or without supervision at such tasks.\n\nMust be able to safely maneuver ladders up to 12 feet in length on steep and uneven terrain. Must be experienced in distinguishing between apple varieties and be able to spot pick trees for acceptable color. Field supervision monitors workers to ensure fruit is not bruised in picking. Must be able to sort out fruit with defects. \n\nTasks include planting, cultivating and harvesting watermelons. May stake/tie plants, trellis/prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. Considerable stooping and kneeling is required. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants.\n\nWork will also include heavy mechanized orchard work using power equipment. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, sprayers, planters and cultivators. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction. Workers must be able to perform all duties of entry level workers as well as perform additional mechanized activities with accuracy and efficiency.\n\nWork is to be done for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 40 to 105 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations.
Workers will cultivate and prune fruit trees, thin, and harvest cherries, peaches, nectarines, pluots, and apples. Workers must be physically able to pick tree fruit. When necessary, workers are required to handle and pick from ladders up to 12 ft. in length and weighing 20 to 40 lbs. with 35 lbs. pack on back. Workers must be able to pick a minimum of 5 buckets of cherries per hour and 10 bushel sacks of peaches per hour for job retention. Workers will be required to perform orchard clean up. Employer expects workers to work with or without supervision at such tasks. Some weekend work will be required. Workers will be expected to work in the packing shed performing various tasks as needed. One (1) month of orchard harvest experience is required. Three (3) days of training will be provided to reach production standards.\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nLos trabajadores crecern y podarn rboles frutales, flores delgadas y cosechar cerezas, melocotones, nectarinas, pluots, y manzanas. Los trabajadores deben ser fsicamente capaces de recoger la fruta del rbol. Cuando sea necesario, los trabajadores deben conducir y levantar escaleras de hasta 12 pies de largo y un peso de 20 a 40 lbs. con 35 lbs. paquete en la parte posterior. Los trabajadores deben poder cosechar un mnimo de 5 contenedores de cerezas por hora y 10 bolsas de melocotones por hora para la retencin del trabajo. Los\ntrabajadores deberan limpiar el jardn. El empleador espera que los trabajadores trabajen con o sin supervisin en tales tareas. Algn trabajo de fin de semana ser requerido. Se espera que los trabajadores trabajen en el cobertizo de contenedores realizando varias tareas segn sea necesario. Se requiere un mes de experiencia en la cosecha del jardn. Se proporcionarn tres das de capacitacin para cumplir con los estndares de produccin.
Pruning and thinning peach trees & raking brush. Thinning blossoms and fruit from peach trees. Harvesting peaches at correct ripeness, pack into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb down ladder with 35 lb. pack on back. Must pick 10 bushel bags of peaches/hour for job retention. 1 mo. experience pruning fruit trees and harvesting peaches needed. Employer will provide 1 day of training and allow 3 days of work for workers to reach the clearly defined production standard.
General: Workers will perform any of the following duties: Orchard clean-up, building and repairing tree trellises and other hand tasks. Training of apple and peach trees to trellises, including limb positioning, clipping and tying limbs and shoots to wire. Must be able to train trees to trellis without constant management supervision. Weeding, irrigating, cleaning, general maintenance around the worker house. Workers may also operate tractors. Workers will be instructed in safety and operation of the tractor before driving. Tractors should be driven in a manner to protect operator, other workers, products, trees, crops and equipment. Repeated failure to obey safety rules and operating instructions may result in termination.\n\nPlanting: Workers will prepare fields for planting by clearing cull stock, brush and debris, dig holes, plant seedlings or 'liners' by hand and shovel dirt around newly planted trees.\n\nThinning is a manual process used to control the size and fruit quality of grown fruit. Workers will be given appropriate training by supervisors. Ability to pick up, use and safely handle a 12' orchard ladder weighing approximately 40 lb. is necessary for performance of thinning tasks. This process requires the employee to be able to appropriately remove the smallest fruit blossom, bud and/or identifiable fruit from within a cluster of other fruits. Workers will be expected to be able to identify and remove fruit that is misshapen, damaged and/or have other quality problems as directed by supervisors.\n\nPruning: Pruning numerous varieties of apple and peach trees according to established company procedures based on the difference in the treatment of different varieties. Work will be performed on trees for long periods of time using a variety of pruning equipment including hand shears, hand loppers, hand saws and 12' ladders. Pruning and thinning may be done from the ground or ladder up to 12' in heights or from a motorized platform. Workers pruning trees may be required to selectively prune only trees of a certain size as instructed by supervisor. Workers are expected to have requisite pruning skills to be able to identify and remove stubs or broken branches, downward growing branches, branches which rub against each other, shaded interior branches, dead wood and shoots/suckers with hand pruning saws and clippers, mechanized clippers and pole pruners. Occasionally workers may be required to use chain saws and other mechanized equipment in pruning activities. Careful pruning requires knowledge of what to prune, how much to prune and fruit trees' growth habits. The primary reason for pruning fruit trees is to improve fruit quality and thus increase crop marketability and value.\n\nApple/Peach Harvest: Maximization of fruit quality is of paramount importance. Different varieties of apples and peaches will be picked according to established company procedures based on the end use (spot picking for fresh; small percentage of culls for processing). Workers must be able to differentiate between colors accurately in order to perform color-specific picking. Workers will use a picking bag or basket and ladders up to 12' in length and will place picked fruit in bins. Hand harvesters may be instructed to pick culls and peelers (as directed and identified by supervisor) and drop on ground or place in bin. Hand harvesters may be required to selectively pick only fruit of a certain color and/or size. \n\nCare must be taken when picking to not damage or bruise fruit. Workers must be able to pick and dump fruit without stem punctures, bruising or other damage which diminishes quality. Observation, by supervisor, of bruised, damaged or cull fruit will result in written disciplinary action up to and including termination. A written disciplinary notice may occur when a bin is inspected and a significant damage is apparent.
Crops/Commodities: \nlettuce, collards, turnips, mustard, kale, spinach, cabbage, peppers, onions, beets, green beans, cilantro and sweet corn, including conventionally and organically raised varieties. \nWorkers will perform field work associated with vegetable cultivation and harvest including weeding, thinning and transplanting by hand, harvesting/picking and field packing/loading vegetables into containers. Commodities include lettuce, collards, turnips, mustard, kale, spinach, cabbage, peppers, onions, beets, green beans, cilantro and sweet corn, including conventionally and organically raised varieties. Picks, cuts, lifts, or pulls crop to harvest them. Workers must be able to distinguish between vegetable plants and weeds. May assist with irrigation and shovel/clean irrigation ditches. Workers will use hand tools, such as but not limited to hoes and shovels. Once workers have been instructed in food safety rules pertaining to commodity production, compliance with such will be expected. . The majority of the work will be performed in the field rather than company?s packing sheds but, workers may be asked to work in the packing sheds to sort, pack, ice and load vegetables onto trucks. \n\nWorkers must be physically able to perform the work which involves lifting boxes weighing up to 70 pounds to a height of 5 feet, stooping, kneeling and working on their feet for extended periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Workers will assist in loading trucks in the field with boxed product. Some qualified workers will operate a tractor upon need. Workers with an insurable driver?s license within 30 days following hire may be required to drive company vehicles, including semi-trucks, within a 50 mile radius of the farm.\n\n\nCare must be taken to prevent damaging the produce and plants. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers? ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 20 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. Saturday work required. Employer-paid post-hire drug testing is required at random. \n\nWorkers will be trained in USDA Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification standards. Failure to abide by GAP standards will be grounds for dismissal.\n\nEmployer has a strict prohibition on tobacco usage. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind will be permitted in the fields, in worker housing, or anywhere on company premises. This is necessary to maintain the integrity of the farm?s production certification as well as to protect against the Tomato-Tobacco Mosaic Virus disease, which is transmitted by hands and tools contaminated with tobacco by-products. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or found in possession of smoking materials including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, marijuana or smoking paraphernalia. Use, possession, transfer, offer, sale or manufacture of marijuana and/or controlled substances strictly prohibited. All work sites are alcohol and drug free work places. Employees must not report for work, enter the employers? property or perform service while under the influence of or having used alcohol, marijuana, illegal controlled substances, or any other substance that may in any way adversely affect their alertness, coordination, reaction or safety. Employer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations.)\n\nPersons seeking employment as experienced Farm Worker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
Hand harvest, hoe, thin vegetables: zucchini, cucumbers, squash, onions, turnips, rutabagas, parsnips, sweet corn, lettuces, kale & cabbage. Lift, move & carry 65 lb veg. boxes and irrigation pipe. Shovel irrigation ditches. Stand, bend, stoop, walk and lift throughout workday. Worker required to keep pace w/majority of workers. Minimum 3 months harvesting experience. Employer pays for random post-employment drug testing. Workday is from 7 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday (7 paid hrs/day and 1 hour unpaid lunch hour), and 7 AM to noon on Saturday (5 hrs with one 15-minute break). The worker may be requested but is not required to work as much as 12 hours per day and on holidays depending on weather conditions, crop conditions, market demand or the availability of other workers or other unforeseen circumstances. Worker is not required to work more than 40 hours a week (or 7 hours per day) or on the Sabbath or Federal holidays to meet the guaranteed pay.\n\nBecause the quality of marketable vegetables (i.e., unbruised, uninjured and hand inspected) is important for the farmer's business model, the employer is requiring workers to have at least 3 months of harvesting experience to ensure that workers have the necessary skills to properly harvest, handle, grade and pack vegetables grown. The quality of the vegetables has a significant influence of determining the level of consumer acceptance. Because consumers perceive that the quality of vegetables are dependent upon appearing crisp, fresh and unbruised and uninjured, special skills and experience are required for the proper harvesting, handling, grading and packing to ensure optimum produce quality at the marketplace. Not all vegetables can be harvested, handled or packed in the same manner. Improper harvesting and rough handling can cause bruising and injure vegetables, which reduces the value of the product at the marketplace and promotes premature decay.
Five temporary position openings. $15.58 per hour + housing at no cost to the worker. A signed contract may be required. Three quarter time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Performs any combination of the following tasks to prepare and plant watermelon seeds. Install water systems--watering, weeding-- general crop care as well as maintaining water systems. Maintain water systems through harvest. Harvest and deliver melons for sale-- Clear fields for the next season At the same time, livestock care on the ranch -- to include beef cattle, goats, chickens and ducks. General livestock care through the season. attend to ranch duties. Tools to include post hole diggers, shovels, wire stretchers. Workers will maintain ranch buildings and corrals, and equipment. Clean stalls and corrals as needed. Workers must be willing to perform all duties according to the employer's requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Crops/Commodities: \nalfalfa. \n\nInstall/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Install and remove levee gates. \n\nWorkers must operate all equipment properly, such as ATVs/UTVs, and in a manner that protects operator, others, the employer’s products and property. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.\n\nMow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences.\n\nMust wear assigned personal protective equipment when required. Must report for work daily wearing work clothing and boots or other durable foot wear. Workers wearing clothing inappropriate for work will not be permitted to start work.\n\nOutdoor work required when plants are wet, or during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours may vary. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. Work is done outdoors for long periods of time and requires prolonged periods of standing and/or walking, repetitive movements, and frequent bending and/or stooping. Workers must be able to handle, lift, and carry heavy or bulky objects (product, containers) in accordance with the specified lifting requirements. \n\nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a proficient manner without close supervision. \n\nSaturday work may be required, if necessary. Regular work hours will be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, with Saturday work required when necessary due to missed work Monday-Friday as a result of rain, weather conditions, work-load, customer-demand, etc. \n \nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker’s Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time. \n \n \nTERMINATION. All workers will be subject to a five-day trial period, during which the employer will evaluate workers' performance of required tasks. Employer reserves the right to terminate a worker at the conclusion of the trial period if the worker’s performance fails to satisfy the employer’s reasonable expectations, or is otherwise unacceptable. Employer may terminate a worker for lawful job-related reasons, including but not limited to situations in which the worker: (1) Is repeatedly absent or tardy; (2) malingers or otherwise refuses, without cause, to perform the work as directed; (3) commits act(s) of misconduct or repeatedly violates the Work Rules; and/or (4) fails, after completing the five day trial period, to perform work in a competent and skillful manner, consistent with the employer's reasonable expectations. Non-U.S. workers may be displaced as a result of one or more U.S. workers becoming available for the job during the employer’s recruitment period.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of goats and sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes and nannies using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; administer medication as needed; assist with docking; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for sheep and goats; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend animals in barns during kidding/lambing season; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); bed down animals at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed supplemental rations to sheep and goats when available forage is not sufficient to increase the plane of nutrition; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; make certain animals have access to fresh water; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes and nannies using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; administer medication as needed; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with docking; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; attend animals in barns during kidding/lambing season; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations to sheep and goats when available forage is not sufficient to increase the plane of nutrition; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; make certain animals have access to fresh water; move animals to appropriate pens; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
We raise corn, millet, wheat and forage plants. We plant and harvest our own crops. We haul hay to our ranch locations, grain from fields to our storage facilities and employer owned fields/locations. We need equipment operators to operate tractors and various implements (planters, drills, sweeps, etc), balers, windrower, combines, loaders, and trucks. Would require employees to operate a semi-truck and trailer, CDL not required for farm drivers but experience driving a truck required. Regular maintenance/clean-up of the equipment. Yard and shop maintenance/clean-up, including but not limited to trash pick-up, sweeping, weed control and grain storage maintenance and cleaning required.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***\n\n
Feeding, herding, sorting cattle & assisting with calving. Duties may include tending to farm & cattle; repair farm structures & fences; clean & maintain animal housing areas, grounds & equipment. Involves bending, stooping, lifting and stretching on a frequent basis. Must be able to stand for long periods, work outdoors in extreme weather & carry 50 lbs often.
Duties include but are not limited to the following: Build, inspect, maintain and repair fences. Operate irrigation equipment; maintain flood irrigation systems. Remove dead trees/brush and distribute to slash pile, wood chipper, or to use as fence material and fire wood. Property cleanup; maintain well-manicured worksite location. Assist in haying process. Crops: hay\n\nOne hour lunch break offered.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. Attends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions. Range herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range. Incidental work of lambing, docking, and shearing may occur on the range. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***\n\n
To harvest and pack (but not pack in retail boxes) watermelons, pumpkins, cantaloupe, chiles, cucumbers and tomatoes. Harvest and prepare for packing (but not pack in retail boxes) cantaloupe and honeydew melons. Remove bedding plastic, clean up fields, and transplant and lay plastic mulch. Must be able to lift and carry 60 lb. boxes, toss and stack 25 lb. watermelons, and stoop throughout the day.
Winter pruning of fruit trees and grape vines using handsaws and pruning tools. Rake brush and orchard/vineyard cleanup. Thin blossoms and fruit on peach, apricot, cherry trees, and grapevines. Harvest fruit by hand at correct ripeness. Pack fruit into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb up and down orchard ladder with pruning tools and 35 lb. picking tote. Must be able to pick 10 bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. One (1) month experience pruning and harvesting fruit trees/grapevines is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPoda invernal de frutales y vides mediante sierras de mano y herramientas de poda. Cepillo de rastrillo y limpieza de huertos / viñedos. Delgadas flores y frutos de melocotón, albaricoque, cerezos y vides. Coseche la fruta a mano en la madurez correcta. Empaque la fruta en cajas de envÃo. Debe poder subir y bajar la escalera del huerto con herramientas de poda y una bolsa de recolección de 35 lb. Debe poder recoger 10 sacos de fruta por hora para conservar el empleo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en poda y cosecha de árboles frutales / vides. El empleador no proporcionará capacitación y permitirá cero dÃas para que el trabajador alcance los estándares de producción.
Crops/Commodities: \nVegetables/garden crops, including but not limited to herbs, squash, cucumbers, pumpkins, peppers, green onions, zucchini, melons, and sweet corn.. \nPlants, cultivates, harvests and packs vegetables, including cantaloupes, cucumbers, eggplants, green beans, jalapeño peppers, chile peppers, bell peppers, pickling cucumbers, pumpkins, sweet corn, watermelons, winter squash, yellow squash and zucchini.Works on planter, plants roots, seeds and bulbs. May spread plastic or other groundcovering. Cultivates, hand weeds and thins plants. Transplants plants, riding on transplanter or by hand. May stake/tie plants, trellis/prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. Picks, cuts, lifts, or pulls crop to harvest them.Work may include planting and cultivating. Assist with irrigation and fertilization. \n\nConsiderable stooping and kneeling is required. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants. May operate hand-operated equipment. May assist with general farm building maintenance. Employees will receive instruction from supervisor, and will be required to accurately and adequately select cull and premium produce, and distinguish size specifications. Workers must follow all food safety standards. Workers must be able to distinguish horticultural plants from weeds.\n\nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation and other tasks related to general farming. \n\nWork may also include mechanized field work using power equipment. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, planters, sprayers, cultivators and other equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate/maintain agricultural equipment with or without direction.\n\nWork is to be done for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with packaged product weighing up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. \n\nWill be trained in USDA Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification standards. Failure to abide by GAP standards will be grounds for dismissal.\n\nWorkers failing to produce a sufficient number of piece rate units to earn the Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR) for all hours worked during a pay period will be paid on an hourly basis at the AEWR for that pay period. Workers paid on an hourly basis who fail to perform their duties in a timely and proficient manner will be provided up to three warnings, and will be coached/instructed on working faster and more efficiently. Worker may be terminated upon issuance of third warning. \n \nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker’s Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time. \n \n \nTERMINATION. All workers will be subject to a five-day trial period, during which the employer will evaluate workers' performance of required tasks.
Harvest peaches and pears at correct ripeness. Orchard cleanup. Pack fruit into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb up and down orchard ladder with 35 lb. tote. Must be able to pick 10 bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. One (1) month experience as a fruit harvester is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nCoseche los duraznos y peras en la madurez correcta. Limpieza de huerta. Empaque la fruta en cajas de envo. Debe poder subir y bajar la escalera del huerto con una bolsa de 35 lb. Debe ser capaz de recoger 10 bolsas de fruta por hora para la retencin del trabajo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia como cosechadora de frutas. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y no dar ningn da para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.
Hoe and hand harvest vegetables and herbs. Pack and load 60lb boxes on trucks. Must be able to bend and stoop for long periods of time and lift and load pumpkins, cantaloupes, and watermelons into bins.
Operating large farm equipment and machinery for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, moving, storing, harvesting pumpkins; assisting with the operation and maintenance of irrigation systems for watering crops; manually weeding and thinning; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Winter pruning of peach trees and raking of brush. Thin blossoms and fruit from trees. Harvest peaches at correct ripeness and pack into shipping boxes. One (1) month of experience pruning fruit trees and harvesting peaches is required. Must be able to climb up and down a ladder with a 35-pound pack. Must be able to pick 10-bushel bags (50 pounds each) per hour for job retention. Employer will provide 4 days of training to reach the 10 bushels/hour production standard. Employer will pay costs of required random post-employment drug and alcohol testing.\n---------------------------------------------\nPoda del invierno de los melocotones y del rastrillo del cepillo. Delgadas flores y frutos de los rboles. Coseche los melocotones en la madurez correcta y empacar en cajas de envo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en podar rboles frutales y cosechar duraznos. Debe ser capaz de subir y bajar escalera con paquete de 35 libras. Debe ser capaz de recoger 10 bolsas de bushel (50 libras cada una) por hora para retener el trabajo. El empleador proporcionar 4 das de entrenamiento para alcanzar el estndar de produccin de 10 bushels/hora. El empleador pagar los costos de las pruebas de drogas y alcohol post-empleo.
Prune peach trees and grapevines. Tie and train grapevines. Thin peaches by hand. Harvest peaches and grapes at appropriate ripeness and pack peaches into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb up and down ladder with 30 pound pack on back. Must be able to pick 10-bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. Will also perform orchard cleanup. One (1) month pruning and fruit harvesting experience is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n----------------------------------------------------------\nPode los duraznos y las vides. Ate y entrene las vides de uva. Melocotones finos a mano. Coseche los duraznos y las uvas con la madurez adecuada y empaque los duraznos en las cajas de envo. Debe poder subir y bajar escaleras con un paquete de 30 libras en la espalda. Debe poder recoger bolsas de fruta de 10 bushel por hora para retener el trabajo. Tambin realizar la limpieza del huerto. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en poda y cosecha de frutas. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y dejar cero das para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.
To harvest, and grade, sort watermelons, pumpkins, cantaloupe, chile peppers, cucumbers, cabbage, squash corn, and tomatoes. Remove bedding plastic and clean up fields, shoveling ditches and assist with irrigation tasks. Weeding and hoeing with hand hoes. Must be able to lift and carry 60 lb. boxes. \nMust be able to toss and stack 25 lb. watermelons. \nMust be able to bend and stoop throughout the day. Work is to be done for long periods of time and requires repetitive motion and extensive walking. Workers are exposed to wet weather and the heat of the day working in the fields.\nWorkers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. \nCare must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants. \nOne month of experience in the selection and harvesting of mature melons.\n
Job duties include fence building/repair; feed livestock; cut hay; tractor and equipment driving; field prep; water maintenance; manual shovel work; irrigation ditch work; hoe weeds; spot spray; repair/maintain equipment, farm and fences; maintain fields, roads and shop; load/unload trucks; repair/maintain barn, corrals, equipment, farm, fences, fields, pastures, roads, shed shop and water troughs; job involves frequent stooping and exposure to extreme temps; must be able to lift/carry 50 lbs.; minimum three months experience in similar occupation. Base hours offered is 40 hours offered; overtime hours are usually offered during the season and may include an additional 10-40 hours of overtime work depending on the nature of the season; higher wage may be paid based on experience.\n\nLas tareas incluyen la construcción/reparación de vallas; alimentar al ganado; heno cortado; conducción de tractores y equipos; preparación de campo; mantenimiento del agua; trabajo manual de palas; trabajos de acequias de riego; malezas de azada; pulverización puntual; reparación/mantenimiento de equipos, granjas y cercas; mantener campos, carreteras y tiendas; camiones de carga/descarga; reparar/mantener graneros, corrales, equipos, granjas, cercas, campos, pastos, caminos, galerÃas y abrevaderos; el trabajo implica rebajarse con frecuencia y exponerse a temperaturas extremas; debe ser capaz de levantar/transportar 50 libras; experiencia mÃnima de tres meses en ocupación similar. El horario base ofrecido es de 40 horas; las horas extraordinarias se suelen ofrecer durante la temporada y pueden incluir entre 10 y 40 horas adicionales de trabajo en horas extraordinarias dependiendo de la naturaleza de la temporada; el salario más alto puede pagarse en base a la experiencia.
Duties include greenhouse planting/production, watering, fertilizing, loading and unloading of product off rack. Rotate product. Maintain rows of product including providing water and nutrients. Spacing and stocking greenhouse. Upkeep and cleanliness of the greenhouse.\nMaintain the health and condition of livestock. Provide pastures and fodder to maintain appropriate nutritional levels. Moves livestock to optimize feeding opportunities. Maintain pens, sheds and cages, and grow fodder for livestock. Maintain fences, equipment, and water supply systems. Assist maintenance crew gather fodder.
By hand, install drip tape, plastic and mulch; may plant seed with tractor drawn implement; transplant, harvest and field pack crops such as watermelons, pumpkins, honeydew, cantaloupe, chilies, cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions. Remove bedding plastic and clean up fields. Must be able to lift and carry 60 lb boxes. Must be able to toss and stack 25 lb. watermelons. Must be able to bend and stoop throughout the day. Work is to be done for long periods of time and requires repetitive motion and extensive walking. Workers are exposed to wet weather and the heat of the day working in the fields. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants.
By hand plant, weed, harvest and pack watermelons, pumpkins, cantaloupe, honeydew, onions, chilies, cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, okra, eggplant, sweet corn, red beets, dill, peppers, and possibly other crops. Harvest and prepare for packing (but not pack in retail boxes) cantaloupe and honeydew melons. Remove bedding plastic and clean up fields. Must be able to lift and carry 60 lb boxes. Must be able to toss and stack 25 lb. watermelons. Must be able to bend and stoop throughout the day. Assist with irrigation and irrigation equipment.
By hand, transplant plants to field, plant seeds, move irrigation pipe, hoe and harvest sweet corn, tomatoes, melons, cherries, cukes, green beans, onions, squash, and potatoes at correct ripeness. Must be able to lift and carry 50 pound bucket of potatoes. Will also perform field cleanup.\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nA mano, trasplante las plantas al campo, siembre las semillas, mueva la tuberÃa de riego, abone y coseche maÃz dulce, tomates, melones, cerezas, cukes, judÃas verdes, cebollas, calabazas y papas, en la madurez correcta. Debe poder levantar y transportar un balde de papas de 50 libras. También realizará la limpieza del campo.
Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production of alfalfa hay, native grass hay, and cattle. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to general farm work/irrigation/crop production.\nGeneral Farm Work will include the following responsibilities: maintain, drive, attach, and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize, and harvest crops; make minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery; may mix and/or spray chemicals (according to appropriate restrictive use laws, when/if applicable); remove undesirable and excess growth from crops or farm grounds; remove rocks from field; paint/repair/maintain farm structures; replace/repair fencing; perform general cleanup of farm areas; drive, load/unload trucks; mow and weed-eat farm areas; plant, weed, irrigate, and harvest communal garden; operate vehicle, motor bike, or all-terrain vehicle in the course of performing duties. \nIrrigation duties will include the following:\nFlood Irrigation: lift gate in side of flooded irrigation ditch/pipe permitting water to flow into bordered section of field; shovel and pack dirt in low spots of embankment or cut trenches in high areas to direct water flow; close gate in ditch/pipe when bordered section is flooded; open gate or connect pipe to underground pipe system that releases water flow into reservoir or ditch; siphon water from flooded reservoir or ditch to channel water into designated areas; shovel or hoe soil to clear ditches/furrows and build embankments to appropriately channel water; mix and apply proper solutions to fill holes/cracks in pipes, ditches, and spillways, and make minor repairs to metal, concrete, and wooden frameworks in pipe and ditch valves and gates. \nDuties related to the production of Livestock will include the following: check physical characteristics, observe general condition of livestock and apply the appropriate care; examine animals to detect illness/injury/disease, rate of weight gain or to determine offspring delivery time; assist in delivery; apply or administer medications, vaccines and/or insecticides; mix feed/additives and feed/water livestock; place mineral blocks; drive equipment to haul/distribute feed/water; herd livestock; clean corrals/stalls/sheds; dock, castrate, brand, clip/tag and clamp livestock; clean/disinfect livestock stalls/corrals/sheds; hoist/stack bales of hay onto wagon/truck. \n
Hand harvest, hoe, thin vegetables: zucchini, cucumbers, squash, onions, turnips, rutabagas, parsnips, sweet corn, lettuces, kale & cabbage. Lift, move & carry 65 lb veg. boxes and irrigation pipe. Shovel irrigation ditches. Stand, bend, stoop, walk and lift throughout workday. Worker required to keep pace w/majority of workers. Minimum 3 months harvesting experience. Employer pays for random post-employment drug testing. Workday is from 7 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday (7 paid hrs/day and 1 hour unpaid lunch hour), and 7 AM to noon on Saturday (5 hrs with one 15-minute break). The worker may be requested but is not required to work as much as 12 hours per day and on holidays depending on weather conditions, crop conditions, market demand or the availability of other workers or other unforeseen circumstances. Worker is not required to work more than 40 hours a week (or 7 hours per day) or on the Sabbath or Federal holidays to meet the guaranteed pay.\n\nBecause the quality of marketable vegetables (i.e., unbruised, uninjured and hand inspected) is important for the farmer’s business model, the employer is requiring workers to have at least 3 months of harvesting experience to ensure that workers have the necessary skills to properly harvest, handle, grade and pack vegetables grown. The quality of the vegetables has a significant influence of determining the level of consumer acceptance. Because consumers perceive that the quality of vegetables are dependent upon appearing crisp, fresh and unbruised and uninjured, special skills and experience are required for the proper harvesting, handling, grading and packing to ensure optimum produce quality at the marketplace. Not all vegetables can be harvested, handled or packed in the same manner. Improper harvesting and rough handling can cause bruising and injure vegetables, which reduces the value of the product at the marketplace and promotes premature decay.
by hand, hoe & harvest, plant, irrigation, wash, pack & palletize squash, ornamental corn, gourds and pumpkins, alfalfa (cut and bale). Operate tractor Exposure to extreme temp, repetitive movements, extensive pushing, pulling walking and frequent stooping Must be able to lift and carry 60 lbs frequently Transportation provided to jobsite from central location
Prune and thin blossoms and fruit from peach trees. By hand, transplant plants to field, plant seeds, hoe, and harvest various vegetables at correct ripeness. Harvest peaches by hand at correct ripeness and pack into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb up and down ladder with 30-pound pack on back. Must be able to pick 10-bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. Will also perform orchard and field cleanup. One (1) month pruning and fruit harvesting experience is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n------------------------------------------------\nPoda y flores y frutos delgados de los melocotoneros. A mano, trasplante las plantas al campo, plante las semillas, azadone. y coseche varias verduras en la madurez correcta. Coseche los duraznos a mano en la madurez correcta y empaqutelos en cajas de envo. Debe poder subir y bajar escaleras con un paquete de 30-libras en la espalda. Debe poder recoger 10-sacos de fruta por hora para conservar el empleo. Tambin realizar limpieza de huertos y campos. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en poda y recoleccin de frutas. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y permitir cero das para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.
To harvest, grade and sort melons, tomatoes, peppers, onions, squash, okra and green beans. \nRemove bedding plastic and clean up fields. \nMust be able to lift and carry 50 lbs boxes, Must be able to toss and stack 10 lb melons. Must be able to bend and stoop throughout the day.
Gather and remove litter. Use hand tools, such as shovels, rakes, pruning saws, saws, hedge or brush trimmers, or axes. Operate vehicles or powered equipment, such as mowers, tractors, twin-axle vehicles, snow blowers, chainsaws, electric clippers, sod cutters, or pruning saws. Remove weeds from container plants and trees using handheld tools. Water trees, or plants, using portable sprinkler systems, hoses, or watering cans. Prune or trim trees, shrubs, or hedges, using shears, pruners, or chain saws. Mix and spray or spread fertilizers, herbicides, or insecticides onto shrubs or trees, using hand or automatic sprayers or spreaders. Plant seeds, trees, or shrubs and apply mulch for protection, using gardening tools. Mow field areas around trees using trimmers, lawn mowers and riding lawn mowers. Rake, mulch, and compost leaves. Use irrigation methods to adjust the amount of water consumption and to prevent waste. Maintain irrigation systems, including winterizing the systems and starting them up in spring. Must be motivated to work, be flexible, good communication skills, follow tasks for the day, work well with others, and work well in outdoor setting.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don?t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\n\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Employees will need to assist with harvesting corn and other grain to be used for silage. Employees will then need to drive trucks to transport crops to storage areas. Drive a semi-tractor/trailer in the field hauling silage on public roads to feed-yards, storage areas and dairies. Must complete routine maintenance and repairs on equipment/trucks including blowing radiators, air filters, tires, etc. Farm and Ranch Maintenance and repair. Greasing their truck or trailer on a maintenance schedule.
Workers will work in fields planting, plowing, swathing, disking, baling, raking loading and unloading hay and corn, and silage harvesting. Workers will also operate and make repairs to irrigation, equipment, buildings, and maintain farm grounds as well as construct and repair field fences. Workers will strip till, haul and spread manure and fertilizer in colder months to prep fields for next springs planting.\nThis is a drug free employer and upon incident or accident, workers may be drug tested at the employers expense. Failure or refusal to test is cause for immediate termination. Workers must have 3 months experience operating a 175 HP or greater tractor and field and farm fence construction.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service and incidental repair to farm machinery. Drive semi-trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\nEquipment: tractor, combine, trucks \nCrops: Grain, Potatoes
Crops/Commodities: \ntomatoes. \nJobs offered are working in a hydroponic greenhouse facility to prepare for new crop, perform regular crop maintenance on the old crop, including twisting, clipping, lowering, pruning, de-leafing, pest-scouring, support trussing, middle shoot removal, cleaning, harvesting and maintaining the plants. The following applies to all crops listed:\n- Tomatoes on the Vine\n- Beefsteak Tomatoes\n- Grape/Cherry Tomatoes\n- Cocktail Tomatoes\n\nUnder supervision, workers will perform manual labor to work in hydroponic greenhouse facility to prepare for new crop, perform regular crop maintenance on the old crop, including twisting, clipping, lowering, pruning, de-leafing, pest-scouring, support trussing, middle shoot removal, cleaning, harvesting and maintaining the plants. Preparation and cleaning out of old crops. Workers will set up Rockwool/peat moss, load and unload new plants onto and off of trucks and/or carts, hang and remove string and plant wire spacing. Scout for pests. Clean, sanitize and disinfect containers, materials, supplies or work areas using cleaning solutions and hand tools. Clean and maintain all grounds including gutters, irrigation lines, remove and replace old drippers, scout and maintain botrytis and close beehives. Set up and clean up CMM machines and operate tearout forklifts. The workers will ensure that the plant crop is carried out efficiently and with care in order to produce a quality grown vegetable. Proper use of gloves, hairnets, smocks, shoe covers, hand sanitizers, foot baths and clippers is required. All food safety activities will also fall under the responsibility of this job order both inside and outside the greenhouse to ensure adherence to SQF rules and regulations as well as our strict integrated pest management program. Other general agricultural labor duties as may be assigned from time to time.\n\nWorkers will perform tasks associated with packing tomatoes. Inspect tomatoes, remove segregated tomatoes from sorting stations, hand pack. Grade, sort according to company specifications in regard to size, color, appearance and quality to meet specific customer demands. Discard inferior or defective products and/or foreign matter and place only acceptable products in packaging containers for further processing. Place product in containers according to grade. Measure, weigh and count product and materials. Examine and inspect containers, materials and products to ensure that packing specifications are met. Remove completed or defective products, placing them on conveyors or in specified areas, such as allocated bins at loading docks. Place labels on clamshells or packaging containers. Stack packed tomatoes, stack boxes on pallets, lift boxes or crates, as required. Load materials and products into package processing equipment. Workers may operate agricultural machinery/equipment essential to packing tomatoes, including scales, sorting tables, palletizers and automatic lifts. Forklift operator responsibilities will include delivering pallets of finished product to cold storage, loading/unloading as needed, setting up orders for shipping, record keeping of materials and finished product. Workers will be responsible for cleaning all machinery, electronic equipment and the facility work areas at end of shift. Workers must adhere to all Food Safety Protocol.\n\nWorkers will be working under the direction of the Labor Manager, Head Grower, Crop Supervisor or an experienced Group Leader. \n\nWorkers will receive training on employer’s policies with which they must comply including Equal Employment Opportunity policies, OSHA and Food and Health safety standards and guidelines, FMLA and worker’s compensation leave policies and other standard operating procedures, around the time work commences. \n\nWorkers must attend an orientation session to review and train accordingly.
We are a family owned and operated farm. Our farming operation farms 25,000 acres of wheat, corn and milo. We use all automated equipment in tractors, combines and sprayers. We need seasonal workers to help harvest wheat, corn and milo. Employees will need to load, fuel, do infield repairs and maintenance on equipment. Employees will operate augers, scales, grain carts, combines, tractors, baggers, semi-trailer trucks, and sprayers. Employee must have appropriate understanding and respect for safety protocols associated with farming operations and related equipment including having the appropriate clothing, i.e. sturdy long pants like jeans, work boots or shoes. No sandals, open toe shoes or barefoot will be allowed. Employer may pay performance-based incentive bonuses at the end of the contract period at the employer’s discretion. Employer may provide pay increases for longevity and experience.
This job requires a minimum of three (3) months of prior agricultural field work experience, handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities. Workers must be able to perform manual as well as mechanized activities with accuracy and efficiency.\n\nWorkers will drive tractors to disc, mow and spray orchard; prune apple, pear, cherry and peach trees; thin and harvest apples, peaches, apricots, pears and cherries at correct ripeness; move heavy 8 irrigation pipe; packing fruit in the field and in the packing shed. Workers must be physically able to pick tree fruit, most of which is done from ladders, with lower branches being picked from ground. Picked fruit is placed in a metal-framed canvas covered picking bucket with canvas straps that slip over the head and rest on the shoulders. Filled bucket, weighing up to 35 lbs., is emptied into bulk bins. When necessary, workers are required to handle and pick from ladders up to 12 ft. in length and weighing 10 to 15 pounds. Worker places ladder firmly against or within trees in a secure position so as not to break limbs or knock off fruit and to prevent slipping or falling. All fruit must be handled with care to avoid bruising. Each tree will be picked according to instructions given each day by the orchard foreman. Workers must be able to keep pace with the balance of the crew, maintaining productivity at a minimum of 100 bushels of fruit per 8 hour shift during harvest.\n\nPrimary duty will be to harvest fruit; however other duties may be required including hand thinning fruit, picking roots, rocks and other debris, mulching, pruning, cutting shoots and suckers, raking cuttings and debris, inserting/removing tree spreaders, pulling or cutting thorny plants, weeds and vines from around trees (some weeds may be noxious), hand placement of rodent baits around trees, operation and maintenance of tractors and other equipment, cleaning and clearing fence rows and farm buildings. May load and unload trucks, install irrigation equipment and clean equipment. Employer expects workers to work with or without supervision at such tasks.\n\nMust be able to safely maneuver ladders up to 12 ft. in length on steep and uneven terrain. Must be experienced in distinguishing between apple varieties and be able to spot pick trees for acceptable color. Field supervision monitors workers to ensure fruit is not bruised in picking. Must be able to sort out fruit with defects.\n\nWork will also include heavy mechanized orchard work using power equipment. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, sprayers, planters, and cultivators. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction. Workers must be able to perform all duties of entry level workers as well as perform additional mechanized activities with accuracy and efficiency.\n\nWork is to be done for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, inspect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 40 to 105 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not sever enough to stop field operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. Saturday work may be required.\n------------------------------------------------\nVer Anexo C - A.8a. - Continuación de los deberes laborales.
Perform manual labor to plant, cultivate, and harvest Cabbage, watermelons, pumpkins and other Vegetable crops. Duties include tilling soil, transplanting, weeding, thinning, applying fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Set up and operate irrigation equipment, clear and maintain irrigation ditches. Monitor crops-determine harvest-ready vegetables , identify plants, pests, and weeds to determine the selection and application of pesticides and fertilizers. Record crop information such as pesticide use and harvest yield. Cleaning, packing, and loading of harvested products. Duties may include field preparation, set up and maintain irrigation systems, preform hand cultivation activities such as planting seeds, plugs, thinning, weeding, and hoeing in the field. May load and unload supplies, boxes, containers, etc. Load and unload produce during harvest. Farm maintenance repairing fences and farm buildings. Operate tractors, tractor-drawn machinery, and self-propelled machinery to plow, harrow, and fertilize the soil, or to plant, cultivate, spray and harvest crops. Operate, repair, and maintain farm vehicles, implements, mechanical equipment, and power tools. Operates, repairs, and maintains farm vehicles (tractor, ATV, trucks, vans, and UTV) implements, mechanical equipment, and power tools. Assist in loading trucks with the product. Job duties vary during the contract period due to crop or market conditions. Workers are given specific instructions given for each days work. The job requires being reliable, responsible, and dependable.\n Sanitation Requirements: When hand harvesting crops for human consumption, it is critical that all workers follow food and common personal safety sanitary practices at all times. Assist with Good Agricultural Practices policies. Employees are required to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before entering or reentering the field for harvest activities. \n\nPost-employment drug tests paid for by employer.
See Addendum C - A.8a - Job Duties Continued.\n------------------------\nConsulte el Anexo C - A.8a - Continuacin de las obligaciones laborales.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
Drive and control equipment to support agricultural activities such as tilling soil; planting, cultivating, and harvesting crops; May perform tasks such as crop baling or hay bucking. May operate stationary equipment to perform post-harvest tasks such as husking, shelling, threshing, and ginning. other duties as assigned.\n\n***Agricultural equipment operators are needed to support grain harvest activities at the CO/western Kansas facilities that NORAG operates.
Crops/Commodities: \nPeaches, strawberries, tomatoes, melons, lettuce, carrots, other row crops. \nPlant, cultivate and harvest fruits and vegetables. Use hand tools including, but not limited to: shovels, hoes and knives. Plant roots, seeds and bulbs. Spread plastic or other groundcovering. Lay or remove weed barrier cloth. Weed and thin plants. Transplant plants by hand. Stake/tie plants, trellis/prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. Pick, cut, lift, or pull crops. Grade, size and field pack product. Take care to prevent damaging produce and plants. Follow supervisor/foreman's instructions on color/size requirements. Must be able to differentiate between colors. Spot and/or strip pick fruit based on seasonal need. Snap fruit off tree with thumb and palm of hand to avoid stem pulls, punctures, bruising, or other damage. Use/handle ladders up to 10 ft. in length and weighing up to 20 lbs.\nInstall/maintain irrigation water drip lines. Mow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Apply pesticides, and other crop protectants. Mix and apply fertilizers, conditioners, and other plant related treatments at the correct times depending on plant type, growth, climate and crop conditions. Clear debris from field and clean/maintain farm buildings, structures, equipment, and work areas. \nWork is done in the field for long periods of time. Workers may assist in handling product weighing up to 45 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Work required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 32to over 96 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. \nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a timely and proficient manner without close supervision. Workers must obey all safety rules and basic instructions and be able to recognize, understand and comply with safety, pesticide warning/re-entry and other essential postings. \nTobacco use strictly prohibited. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind permitted in the fields, worker housing, or anywhere on company premises. This is necessary to protect against transmission of toxins and contamination from tobacco by-products. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or in possession of smoking materials, including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco or smoking paraphernalia. \nPersons seeking employment in this position must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. \n \nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker’s Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time. \n \n \nTERMINATION.
On farms, assembling and installing livestock feed equipment and remodeling livestock buildings. Assembling, remodel, repairing and/or installing floors, ceilings, curtains, gating, ceiling panels, feed tanks, water lines feeders and feed lines. Tin sheeting walls, install doors, caulk structures, and clean site. Job requires working around livestock and the strong smell of manure. Work must be completed on or before December 20, 2022. While there are animals currently on site, more animals will arrive for this livestock confinement on January 1, 2023 and the farmer needs time to clean and sanitize the building prior to the barn being populated with livestock due to biosecurity concerns. Must be able to life and carry 75lbs, 75yds, walk, stoop, bend, push, pull, operate hand tools, work in temperature extremes for extended periods of time, work with the strong smell of manure and periodically with livestock present.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nCrops: Corn, Hay, Silage, Wheat\n\nEquipment: Driving Tractors, skid loaders, loaders, semis
Must be able to drive ATVs. Build fencing prior to grazing season and repair as needed throughout grazing season. Irrigation construction prior to grazing season. Irrigate pastures as necessary for maximum crop growth. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings. Range improvements, and livestock equipment for proper cattle management. Clean all livestock stalls and sheds using disinfectant solutions, brushes, and shovels. Maintain shop, milking facility, animal housing facilities, restrooms and break rooms as clean and functional. Monitor water sources such as ditch, wells, city holding ponds, etc. Monitor herd for health changes and report any changes in health to supervisor. Operate front end loaders and tractors to maintain irrigation pivot tracks, pasture planting, pasture maintenance and manure spreading. Assist in talking cows safely to and from pastures during the grazing season. Assist in taking cows to and from parlor for milking. Mowing of pastures and around facilities. Communicate with the farm manager regarding the condition of the pasture and the rotational schedule during grazing season. Treat individual animals and provide for down animals as required by protocol. Wean calves, vaccinations, mastitis, and pregnancy cow checks. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence and flood and sprinkler irrigation knowledge and management. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, extreme heat, etc.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nCrops: Corn, Milo, Winter Wheat\nEquipment: John Deere Tractors and Combines
Nursery Laborer Job Duties: Workers may plant, grow and cultivate ornamental and evergreen trees and other landscape plant material such as shrubs, perennials, grasses, roses and annuals, by hand or equipment. Install shade, drip irrigation for plant stock, install posts and attach ties from planted trees to support stakes. Arm tree and/or plant boxes, wrap trees and plants; load plants onto and from business owned transportation vehicles or customer vehicles. Transport and install plants by hand or equipment. Clean, maintain and repair equipment and light vehicle utilized for the cultivation and transportation of the plants. May assist customers with selection, movement or purchase of plants cultivated at the nursery.\nWorker must be able to lift, carry and load up to 50 pounds of weight on a repetitive basis. Depending workload and weather, up to 5 hours on Saturday may be offered.
Four temporary position openings. $15.58 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. Three quarter time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Worker will be required perform a variety of duties related to the production of corn, turf grass and wheat. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to general farm work and crop production. Will apply specific horticultural techniques as instructed by the employer when carrying out the following responsibilities: harvest/pack and store crop; maintain and repair structures/grounds; sow grass seed and plant plugs of sod and cut/roll/stack/load and unload sod; mow/tend sod using specialty mowing machinery; prepare crops for shipment.
All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of hay and livestock. The larger percentage of the work activities will be related to general farmwork/irrigation/hay production. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks required in general farmwork and the production of hay: adjust alignment of pipes ; adjust gates and pipe connections to control water flow; adjust valves to start and/or adjust water flow; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assemble and place pipe in assigned patterns in fields; evaluate the condition of the crop/weather and adjust harvesting and post-harvest activity based on evaluation; loading/unloading trucks; \nmaintain/drive/attach and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize, apply chemicals and harvest crops; maintenance of farm structures; operate maintain and repair all components of a sprinkler; operate multiple types of pumps; removal of excess plant growth from farm grounds; remove pipe from fields and place in storage; remove pipe from storage; shovel and pack dirt in low spots or cut trenches to direct water flow; use proper material and methods to repair irrigation equipment \nPerform any combination of the following tasks attending to livestock: apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; clean and disinfect livestock corrals, pens and handling facilities; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; lift and stack bales of hay and sacks of grain and mineral onto a feed truck or wagon; spray livestock with insecticide.
Pack or package by hand a wide variety of products and materials.
Cultivate and grow perennials, annuals and ornamentals for wholesale and retail customers. Weeding, watering\nof all cultivated material.
Use hand tools and machinery to assist with the production of stone products. Lift raw product to machinery for trimming and polishing. Sort, count and stack finished product on pallets for shipping. Entry level, requires supervision.
Cultivate and grow perennials, annuals and ornamentals for wholesale and retail customers. Weeding, watering of all cultivated material.
Use hand tools or hand-held power tools to cut and trim a variety of manufactured items, such as carpet, fabric, stone, glass, or rubber.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. May assist in setting and moving portable fence, may perform general repairs on fences.\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Crops/Commodities: \nlettuce, collards, turnips, mustard, kale, spinach, cabbage, peppers, onions, beets, green beans, cilantro and sweet corn, including conventionally and organically raised varieties. \nWorkers will perform field work associated with vegetable cultivation and harvest including weeding, thinning and transplanting by hand, harvesting/picking and field packing/loading vegetables into containers. Commodities include lettuce, collards, turnips, mustard, kale, spinach, cabbage, peppers, onions, beets, green beans, cilantro and sweet corn, including conventionally and organically raised varieties. Picks, cuts, lifts, or pulls crop to harvest them. Workers must be able to distinguish between vegetable plants and weeds. May assist with irrigation and shovel/clean irrigation ditches. Workers will use hand tools, such as but not limited to hoes and shovels. Once workers have been instructed in food safety rules pertaining to commodity production, compliance with such will be expected. . The majority of the work will be performed in the field rather than company’s packing sheds but, workers may be asked to work in the packing sheds to sort, pack, ice and load vegetables onto trucks. \n\nWorkers must be physically able to perform the work which involves lifting boxes weighing up to 70 pounds to a height of 5 feet, stooping, kneeling and working on their feet for extended periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Workers will assist in loading trucks in the field with boxed product. Some qualified workers will operate a tractor upon need. Workers with an insurable driver’s license within 30 days following hire may be required to drive company vehicles, including semi-trucks, within a 50 mile radius of the farm.\n\n\nCare must be taken to prevent damaging the produce and plants. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 20 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. Saturday work required. Employer-paid post-hire drug testing is required at random. \n\nWorkers will be trained in USDA Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification standards. Failure to abide by GAP standards will be grounds for dismissal.\n\nEmployer has a strict prohibition on tobacco usage. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind will be permitted in the fields, in worker housing, or anywhere on company premises. This is necessary to maintain the integrity of the farm’s production certification as well as to protect against the Tomato-Tobacco Mosaic Virus disease, which is transmitted by hands and tools contaminated with tobacco by-products. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or found in possession of smoking materials including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, marijuana or smoking paraphernalia. Use, possession, transfer, offer, sale or manufacture of marijuana and/or controlled substances strictly prohibited. All work sites are alcohol and drug free work places. Employees must not report for work, enter the employers’ property or perform service while under the influence of or having used alcohol, marijuana, illegal controlled substances, or any other substance that may in any way adversely affect their alertness, coordination, reaction or safety. Employer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations.)\n\nPersons seeking employment as experienced Farm Worker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer.
Use hand tools or hand-held power tools to cut and trim a variety of manufactured items, such as carpet, fabric, stone, glass, or rubber.
Must be able to ride a horse on the range to move the cattle from current grazing areas to new grazing areas to assure sufficient food and to practice good range management. Must repair fences on the range to keep the animals contained and assure their safety. Must have 6 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Performs any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on a ranch or range. Feeds and waters livestock on range. Herds livestock to range for grazing. Examines animals to detect diseases and injuries. Assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corral and/or stall or manually restraining animal on the range. Applies medications to cuts and bruises, sprays livestock with insecticide and herds offspring. Binds or clamps testes or surgically removes testes to castrate livestock. Clips identifying notches or symbols on animal or brands animals using branding iron to indicate ownership. \nWorkers must be willing and able to perform all duties per the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will on call 24/7. Workers will be on call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Majority of total workdays (51%) will be on the range beginning with the first workday after the arrival of the worker at the place of employment or the advertised contractual first date of need, whichever is later, and ending on the expiration date specified in the work contract or departure of worker from USA. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions. A signed contract may be required. \n
Must be able to lift 50 lbs. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, and flood and sprinkler irrigation knowledge. Repair and maintain fencing surrounding property. Install and maintain irrigation systems. Irrigate ranch as necessary for maximum crop growth. Administer weed and pest control. Hay property for horses and goats. Prune and maintain shrubs and trees. Slash collection to allow for haying and grass growth. Mow and rake ranch land. Remove debris, weeds and vines from around trees using hand and power tools. Feed and water horses and goats on range or in barn. Maintain all fences, outbuildings, barn, bunkhouses, and ranch equipment. Clean cabins and buildings using disinfectant solutions. Monitor water sources such as ditch, wells, cistern, holding ponds, etc. Communicate with manager regarding the condition of the property. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employer's requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, extreme heat and cold, etc.
Two temporary position openings. $2231.50 per month + free food & housing. Three quarter time guarantee. On call 24/7. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Qualified applicants will have 3 months experience as a Winter Herder. On call 24 hours/day 7 days/week. Performs a combination of the following duties on open range and will also perform duties on the ranch: protect pregnant ewes from harsh winter conditions. Move pregnant ewes to areas designated by rancher using methods to avoid undue stress on sheep. Prevent hypothermia, abortion & death. Move ewes at a pace & distance sufficient to ensure they have enough water available & forage during daylight hours to arrive at natural shelters by nightfall to protect flocks during blizzards, high winds extreme cold. Ride unmarked perimeters of range area designated by rancher. Assist with supplemental feeding (when weather limits us of range forage). Assure viable water sources, use axe to chop large holes in frozen creeks and rivers. Move sheep to ranch when range conditions prevent natural foraging. Report to rancher water, forage & weather conditions as well as wind & storm & changes in health conditions of sheep. Administer minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant sheep without causing undue stress when dealing with ewes. Must be able to ride and handle horses in the movement of flock while assuring the safety of the worker, co-workers, livestock and horses. Maintain healthy hooves on horses for the duration of the winter. Assist with the maintenance of meadow lands & the repair of fences. Employee will work outdoors in all types of weather, including blizzards, high winds, extreme cold as well as predators. Must be willing to work under climatic conditions common to CO. Workers must be willing to perform all duties according to the employer's requirements during the contract period. Majority of total workdays (51%) will be on the range beginning with the first workday after the arrival of the worker at the place of employment or the advertised contractual first date of need, whichever is later, and ending on the expiration date specified in the work contract or departure of worker from USA.\n\n\n
Crops/Commodities: \nCabbage, beets, apples, cherries, and radishes. \nThis job requires a minimum of three months of prior experience working in a tree fruit orchard or row crop farming, handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities. Workers must be able to perform all work activities with accuracy and efficiency. \n\nGeneral\nWorkers will perform any of the following duties: Orchard and field clean-up, building and repairing tree trellises and other hand tasks. Training of apple and peach trees to trellises including limb positioning, clipping and tying limbs and shoots to wire. Must be able to train trees to trellis without constant management supervision. Propping and tying of apple and peach trees and limbs. Culitvating the fields and mending the soils for row crops to be planted.\n\nWorkers may also operate tractors. Workers will be instructed in safety and operation of the tractor before driving tractor. Tractors should be driven in a manner to protect operator, other workers, products, trees, crops and equipment. Repeated failure to obey safety requirements and operating instructions may result in termination.\n\nPlanting\nWorkers will prepare fields for planting by clearing cull stock, brush and debris; dig holes, plant seedlings or ‘liners’ by hand (including riding on the planting machine, reaching and grabbing a tree and dropping it in the hole and inserting liners in a mechanical planter); shovel dirt around newly-planted trees or seedlings\n\nThinning\nThinning is a manual process used to control the size and fruit quality of grown fruit. Employees will be given appropriate training by supervisors. Ability to pick up, use and safely handle a 12 foot orchard ladder weighing approximately 40 lbs. is necessary for performance of thinning tasks. For row crops, thinning employees must be capable of bending over for long periods of time.\n\nThis process requires the employee to be able to appropriately remove the smallest fruit blossom, bud and/or identifiable fruit from within a cluster of other fruits. Workers will be expected to be able to identify and remove fruit that is misshapen, damaged and/or have other quality problems as directed by supervisors. For row crops, workers must be able to identify and remove the smallest seedlings.\n\nPruning\nPruning numerous varieties of apple and peach trees according to established company procedures based on the difference in the treatment of different varieties. Work will be performed on trees for long periods of time using a variety of pruning equipment including hand shears, hand loppers, hand saws and 12-foot ladders. Pruning and thinning may be done from the ground or ladder up to 12 feet in height or from a motorized platform. Workers pruning trees may be required to selectively prune only trees of a certain size as instructed by the crew boss.\n\nWorkers are expected to have requisite pruning skills to be able to identify and remove stubs or broken branches, downward-growing branches, branches which rub against each other, shaded interior branches, dead wood and shoots/suckers with hand pruning saws and clippers, mechanized clippers and pole pruners. Occasionally workers may be required to use chain saws and other mechanized equipment in pruning activities. \n\nCareful pruning requires knowledge of what to prune, how much to prune and fruit trees’ growth habits. The primary reason for pruning fruit trees is to improve fruit quality and thus increase crop marketability and value. \n\nApple/Peach Harvest \nMaximization of fruit quality is of paramount importance. Different varieties of apples and peaches will be picked according to established company procedures based on the end use (spot picking for fresh; small percentage of culls for processing.) Workers must be able to differentiate between colors accurately in order to perform color-specific picking.
Cultivate & harvest vegetables; thin, hoe, weed, & water row crops.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\n\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nThe work activities involve the herding or production of livestock (which includes work that is closely and directly related to herding and/or the production of livestock). \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range. May need to work around machinery to provide supplemental food and water to the animals. May assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. Workers may be asked but not required to obtain a valid U.S. driver license and operate a motor vehicle. He may drive a vehicle to assist in watering livestock or hauling livestock to another location. May assist with the loading and unloading of livestock into or out of trailers.\n\n
Must have 3 months experience with 800 – 1000 head flocks. One reference required.\nAttends sheep and/or goats flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attends to sheep grazing on the range or pasture to include riding horseback, riding ATV’s, or walking on foot. Beds sheep down near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals with the aid of livestock protection dogs. Prevents sheep from eating poisonous plants. Drenches and or applies topically medications for parasites. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer medications or vaccines as indicated. May assist with lambing and docking. May check pasture (perimeter) fences for needed repairs and perform minor repairs. May perform other farm and ranch chores related to the production and husbandry of sheep on an incidental basis. May drive truck, as necessary. Must be able to attend to the needs and care of the horses and dogs entrusted to the herder. Lives in isolated mobile camps while attending the sheep flock.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and proper maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range and prevention of ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of the sheep helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility, and improve vegetation to promote a sustainable land scape. Experienced employees hired for this type of herding need to demonstrate knowledge of maintaining a herd on range, so the animals do not disperse in large open areas, promote proper grazing of the range, and predator animal control.\n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\n\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Operating large farm equipment such as tractor, combine, sprayer, planter for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, moving, storing harvesting grain and oilseed crops; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***\n
On a 65 acre far, workers will hand pick and use hand tools to harvest vegetables into bushel baskets, such as peppers, corn (workers will walk alongside the tractor and hand-pick corn and place into the tractor), tomato, celery, carrots (by hand shovel and garden forks), okra and eggplant (by using clippers), lettuce, cabbage, spinach, and broccoli (by using knives to cut the vegetables). Workers will use hoes for weeding. All tools and equipment will be provided by the employer at no cost to the workers.
Drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, spray and harvest grain crops. \nAttach Farm implements such as plow, seeder, rock picker to tractor. \nGeneral lubrication, service, assembly and repairs to farm machinery. \nDrive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\nOther miscellaneous and manual duties assigned.\n\nCrops include but not limited to: Barley, wheat, soybeans, corn, edible beans, peanuts, cotton.
Crops/Commodities: \nOrganic produce, including, but not limited to, asparagus, squash, cucumbers, beets, okra, eggplant, tomatoes, beans, peppers, pumpkins, strawberries, and raspberries. \nPlants, cultivates, harvests and packs (in field and packing shed) vegetables and fruit. Works on planter, plants roots, seeds, bulbs and transplants seedlings. Workers may spread or remove plastic or other ground covering and drip tape from fields. Weeds, thins, plants. Transplants plants, riding on transplanter or by hand. May set poles and wires for vine plants. Workers must also stake, tie, trellis and/or prune plants. Picks, cuts, lifts, or pulls crops to harvest them. May tie vegetables in bunches or top them. Considerable stooping and kneeling is required. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants. May assist with irrigation; apply agricultural chemicals: herbicides and insecticides and apply fertilizer. May assist with general farm building maintenance. \n\nWorkers must have an understanding of farm/nursery quality control standards and a working knowledge of farm/nursery production procedures. Workers must be able to harvest crops according to predetermined, customer specific standards. Must select and harvest crops which are suitable for various clients.\n\nGeneral Information:\n\nWorkers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations.\n\nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding, organic compost production and other tasks related to general farming. \n\nEmployer has a highly restrictive policy on tobacco usage. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind will be permitted in the fields and in worker housing. This is necessary to maintain the integrity of the farm’s organic production certification as well as to protect against the Tomato-Tobacco Mosaic Virus disease, which is transmitted by hands and tools contaminated with tobacco by-products. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or found in possession of smoking materials including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco or smoking paraphernalia in prohibited areas. Smoking is permitted only during breaks and lunch in designated areas. Workers must wash hands before returning to work. \n\nEmployer-paid post-hire drug testing is required after a worker has an accident at work.\n\nWorkers with a clean driving record (no major moving violations such as but not limited to Driving While Intoxicated or Reckless Driving) and able to obtain an insurable driver's license may be required to drive company vehicles. \n\n\nPersons seeking employment as experienced Farmworker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Successful applicants will be subject to a trial period of up to 5 days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated.
Prune, thin blossoms and fruit on peach, cherry, and apricot trees. Harvest fruit at correct ripeness. Perform orchard and site cleanup. Pack fruit into shipping boxes and perform other tasks in the packing shed. Must be able to climb up and down orchard ladder with 35 lb. tote. Must be able to pick 10 bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. Duties may also include small amounts of vegetable planting, fertilizing, and harvesting. One (1) month experience as a fruit harvester is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n---------------------------------------------------------\nPode, flores delgadas y frutas en duraznos, cerezos y albaricoqueros. Coseche la fruta en la madurez correcta. Realizar la limpieza del huerto y del sitio. Empaque fruta en cajas de envo y realice otras tareas en el cobertizo de empaque. Debe poder subir y bajar la escalera del huerto con un totalizador de 35 lb. Debe poder recoger 10 bolsas de fruta por hora para retener el trabajo. Los deberes tambin pueden incluir pequeas cantidades de siembra, fertilizacin y cosecha de vegetales. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia como cosechador de frutas. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y dejar cero das para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.
Workers will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production, care, planting, of nursery stock throughout the contract period. Loading, unloading, wrapping, mulching, arranging, harvesting, inventory of plant materials to include trees, shrubs, rooted cuttings, perennials vegetables. Preparing soils, seed beds. Workers will use mechanical equipment and hand tools, to include Tractors, Skid loaders, Wheel loader, Excavator, Backhoe, Tillers, Rippers, land planes, drop seeders, Grain drills and other misc. farm implements along with hand tools, shovels, pickax, rakes. All tools will be provided to the worker. Operators of equipment will have the responsibility to maintain, drive, operate, attach farm implements, all operators will be trained on safe operation and daily service requirements. Hand weeding, hoeing, of all crops and areas. Fertilizing of plant materials with organic matter and commercially blended products, by means of motorized, tractor, and walking spreader, hand. Pruning of grasses, shrubs, trees, perennials, vegetables, to promote good branching, yields, and appearance by means of power pneumatic, hedge trimmers, hand pruners, shears. Spraying herbicide, per-emergent (all workers will be trained in proper PPE and supervision and training by licensed qualified supervisor). General tasks during the contract period will include building/repair of shade and trellis structures, installing cold frames, green house, mowing, maintaining shop and yard areas. Cleaning of drainage ways, road shoulders, and ditches, installation of erosion blankets, fabric, and wattles. Identify Irrigation systems repairs by general observation of plant health, installation of water delivery systems to include, pumps, mainlines, laterals, rotating heads, and fixed sprays, low volume drip systems, above and below surface, siphon tube, gated pipe, by means of excavators, trenchers, and shovels. Piping systems to include PVC solvent weld, gasket, HDPE fusion, threaded, remote control valves, gate valves, gated, pivot, automated controllers. Workers will be encouraged to obtain a driver’s license to operate company vehicles, but this is not a mandate for employment. All resident or previous license holders’ drivers must provide a copy of motor vehicle record (MVR) for insurance approval. Physical requirements include: the ability to work in all weather conditions, standing for extended periods, walking on uneven surfaces, climbing, balancing, kneeling, crouching, twisting, and driving/riding equipment over unimproved terrain. Previous experience operating equipment, Manual labor, irrigation, Pruning, and spraying pesticides.
Winter pruning of fruit trees and grapevines, and raking of brush. Workers will plant, cultivate, and harvest peaches, pears, grapes, blackberries, and vegetables by hand at correct ripeness and pack using various packaging methods. Workers will thin blossoms, tie, train, and remove shoots from vines. Additional tasks include weeding, inspecting, grading, sorting, storing, and pre- and post-harvest treatment of crops. Workers will also perform general farm maintenance and cleanup activities. Must be able to operate and drive tractor for crop cultivation. Must be able to climb up and down a ladder with 35 lb. tote. Must be able to pick 10-bushel bags of fruit or 400 pounds of grapes per hour for job retention. One (1) month experience in tree fruit, grape, or vegetable harvesting is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standard.\n-------------------------------------------------------------\nPoda invernal de frutales y vides, y rastrillado de matorrales. Los trabajadores plantarn, cultivarn y cosecharn melocotones, peras, uvas, moras y verduras a mano en la madurez correcta y empacarn utilizando varios mtodos de empaque. Los trabajadores ralearn las flores, atarn, entrenarn y quitarn los brotes de las enredaderas. Las tareas adicionales incluyen desyerbar, inspeccionar, clasificar, clasificar, almacenar y tratar los cultivos antes y despus de la cosecha. Los trabajadores tambin realizarn actividades generales de limpieza y mantenimiento de la granja. Debe poder operar y conducir un tractor para el cultivo de cultivos. Debe poder subir y bajar una escalera con una bolsa de 35 libras. Debe poder recoger bolsas de fruta de 10 bushel o 400 libras de uvas por hora para conservar el empleo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en la cosecha de frutas de rboles, uvas o vegetales. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y permitir cero das para que el trabajador alcance el estndar de produccin.\n
Pack or package by hand a wide variety of products and materials.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and incidental repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\n\nEquipment: tractor, combine\n\nCrop/s: Corn, Wheat
Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production of grass/hay, alfalfa, and livestock. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to general ranch work/irrigation/crop production.\nGeneral Farm Work will include the following responsibilities: maintain, drive, attach, and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize, and harvest crops; make minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery; may mix and/or spray chemicals (according to appropriate restrictive use laws, when/if applicable); remove undesirable and excess growth from crops or ranch grounds; remove rocks from field; paint/repair/maintain ranch structures; replace/repair fencing; perform general cleanup of ranch areas; drive, load/unload trucks; operate vehicle, motor bike, or all-terrain vehicle in the course of performing duties; operate chain saws and other hand tools.\nFlood Irrigation duties will include the following: lift gate in side of flooded irrigation ditch/pipe permitting water to flow into bordered section of field; shovel and pack dirt in low spots of embankment or cut trenches in high areas to direct water flow; close gate in ditch/pipe when bordered section is flooded; utilize/maintain tarps and dirt dams; inspect ditches for leaks/blockages; maintain/repair ditches; shovel or hoe soil to clear ditches/furrows and build embankments to appropriately channel water; mix and apply proper solutions to fill holes/cracks in pipes, ditches, and spillways, and make minor repairs to metal, concrete, and wooden frameworks in pipe and ditch valves and gates. \nDuties related to the production of livestock will include the following: check physical characteristics, observe general condition of livestock and apply the appropriate care; examine animals to detect illness/injury/disease, rate of weight gain or to determine offspring delivery time; assist in delivery; mix feed/additives and feed/water livestock when weather conditions prevent foraging on pastureland; place mineral blocks; herd livestock; clean/disinfect livestock stalls/corrals/sheds; hoist/stack bales of hay onto wagon/truck.
See Addendum C - A.8a. - Job Duties Continued.\n-------------------------\nVer Anexo C - A.8a. - Continuación de los deberes laborales.
Pull weeds/chop: Workers will walk along rows as specified by employer and remove weeds and grass from fields by hand or using a hoe. Cultivate and hand-harvest mixed vegetables including greenhouse tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and mixed greens. Duties may include cleaning, field packing, loading and unloading harvested vegetables. May construct trellises, repair fences and farm buildings, or participate in irrigation activities. Field grade, sort, or classify vegetables by size, weight, color, or condition. Prolonged walking, standing, bending, stooping and reaching. Job is outdoors and continues in all types of weather. The use or possession or being under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol during working time is prohibited. Workers may be requested to submit to random drug or alcohol tests at no cost to the worker. Failure to comply with the request or testing positive may result in immediate termination. All testing will occur post-hire and is not a part of the interview process. Negative result may be required post-hire and before commencing work. Must be able to lift 75 lbs. to shoulder height repetitively throughout the workday and able to lift and carry 75 lbs. in field. Must not hinder another workers productivity. Requires three months verifiable prior work experience hand-harvesting mixed vegetables.\n\nAll workers are required to follow common sanitary practices at all times. This is particularly important when touching crops for human consumption. Workers are required to cleanse their hands by washing thoroughly with soap and water before entering field for harvest activities and after each break. Smoking and the use of tobacco products prohibited during working time.\n\nWorkers may be required to perform work that is incidental to farming the crops listed in the application. All other duties, if any assigned, will be those duties of Farm Worker, Diversified Crops, DOT code 407.687-010 (SOC (ONET/OES) code 45-2092.02). This is a very demanding and competitive business in which quality specifications must be rigorously adhered to. Sloppy work cannot and will not be tolerated.\n\nThe worker understands that if he abandons his employment or is terminated for cause prior to the end of the anticipated period of employment, the worker will forfeit the guarantee and reimbursement of certain transportation costs. Excessive absences and/or tardiness cannot be tolerated and may result in termination. \n\nDaily individual work assignments, crew assignments, and location of work will be made by and at the sole discretion of the employer and/or workers supervisor. Workers may be assigned a variety of duties in any given day and/or different tasks on different days. Workers will be expected to perform any of the listed duties and work on any crop as assigned by the employer and/or workers supervisor.\n
See Addendum C - A.8a. - Job Duties Continued.\n------------------------\nVer Anexo C - A.8a. - Continuacin de los deberes laborales.
Crops/Commodities: \nCorn, sugar beets, grains, alfalfa. \nInstall/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Install and remove levee gates. \n\nApply pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other crop protectants. Apply fertilizers, plant growth chemicals, conditioners, and other plant related treatments at the correct times depending on plant type, growth, climate and crop conditions under direction and supervision of management\n\nWorkers with experience may be asked to operate tractors at the employer’s discretion. \n\nWorkers must operate all equipment properly and in a manner that protects operator, others, the employer’s products and property. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.\n\nMow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences.\n\nMust wear assigned personal protective equipment when required. Must report for work daily wearing work clothing and boots or other durable foot wear. Workers wearing clothing inappropriate for work will not be permitted to start work.\n\nOutdoor work required when plants are wet, or during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours may vary. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. Work is done outdoors for long periods of time and requires prolonged periods of standing and/or walking, repetitive movements, and frequent bending and/or stooping. Workers must be able to handle, lift, and carry heavy or bulky objects (product, containers) in accordance with the specified lifting requirements. \n\nWorkers with a clean driving record (no major moving violations such as but not limited to Driving While Intoxicated or Reckless Driving) and able to obtain an insurable driver's license may drive company vehicles. Workers with appropriate licenses and a valid doctor's certificate may transport other workers. \n\nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a proficient manner without close supervision. \n \nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker’s Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time. \n \n \nTERMINATION. All workers will be subject to a five-day trial period, during which the employer will evaluate workers' performance of required tasks. Employer reserves the right to terminate a worker at the conclusion of the trial period if the worker’s performance fails to satisfy the employer’s reasonable expectations, or is otherwise unacceptable.
Wheatland Industries, Inc. is a dryland family farm operation. We farm approximately 10,000 acres of wheat, corn and milo. We are looking for someone who can help with maintaining and operating large farm equipment and primarily John Deere and Case machinery equipped with GPS for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, moving, storing, harvesting grain crops such as wheat, milo, and corn; drive semi truck with grain trailer or tractor with trailer attached to move crops or equipment to designated locations; grain bin and auger operation; mixing fertilizer and chemicals to appropriate specs; walking fields pulling off type weeds; maintaining farm by mowing, cleaning up old buildings and farmstead; preparing location and assembling steel farm building; driving farm vehicles; daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite. Employer may provide pay increases for performance, longevity and/or experience at employer’s discretion. Employer may provide performance bonuses at the end of the contract at the employer’s discretion.
General farm labor, including but not limited to shoveling, hoeing, harvesting, and loading
Crops/Commodities: \nalfalfa, beans, corn, sweet corn, onions. \nMow, cut, and weed fields. Prepare and/or clear land for planting using mechanized or hand equipment to remove trash, rocks, or other debris or material that may interfere with planting or harvesting activities. Level land by moving dirt and other materials. Equipment may include tractors, dozers, planters, mowers, plows, sprayers, cultivators, power shears, chainsaws, bobcats, skid loaders, high lifts, and trucks or other vehicles. \n\nManipulate controls to set, activate, and adjust mechanisms on machinery. Adjust speeds of cutters, blowers, and conveyors and height of cutting head. Clean, adjust, repair, and perform routine service on equipment (e.g., lubricating grease points, inspecting and maintaining fluid levels, checking belt and conveyor tensions, and maintaining tires, wheels, bearings, belts, and other wear parts). Repair or replace defective parts. Attach farm implements (e.g., plows, harrows, discs, sprayers) using hand tools. May assist with other general farm maintenance or repairs.\n\nWorkers will perform tasks associated with packing and sorting vegetables. Workers must adhere to all Food Safety Protocol.\n\nInstall/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Install and remove levee gates. \n\nApply pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other crop protectants. Apply fertilizers, plant growth chemicals, conditioners, and other plant related treatments at the correct times depending on plant type, growth, climate and crop conditions.\n\nWorkers must operate all equipment properly and in a manner that protects operator, others, the employer’s products and property. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.\n\nMust wear assigned personal protective equipment when required. Must report for work daily wearing work clothing and boots or other durable foot wear. Workers wearing clothing inappropriate for work will not be permitted to start work.\n\nOutdoor work required when plants are wet, or during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours may vary. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. Work is done outdoors for long periods of time and requires prolonged periods of standing and/or walking, repetitive movements, and frequent bending and/or stooping. Workers must be able to handle, lift, and carry heavy or bulky objects (product, containers) in accordance with the specified lifting requirements. \nEmployer-paid post-hire drug testing is required upon reasonable suspicion of use. Workers with a clean driving record (no major moving violations such as but not limited to Driving While Intoxicated or Reckless Driving) and able to obtain an insurable driver's license may drive company vehicles. Workers with appropriate licenses and a valid doctor's certificate may transport other workers. \nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a proficient manner without close supervision. \n \nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker’s Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
Use hand tools or hand-held power tools to cut and trim a variety of manufactured items, such as carpet, fabric, stone, glass, or rubber.
Hoe and hand harvest vegetables and herbs. Pack and load 60 lb boxes on trucks. Must be able to bend and stoop for long periods of time and lift and load vegetables (childes, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, melons, sweet corn) into bins.
Five temporary position openings. $15.58 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. Three quarter time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Light Mechanical skills preferred. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Build/repair fences. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\nEquipment: Tractor, Combine, Grain Trucks\nCrops: Corn, Hay, Wheat
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Irrigation of crops. Flood irrigation, open ditch, some gated pipe. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \nCrops: Alfalfa, Corn, Sorghum, Wheat\nEquipment: Tractor, Combine, Grain Trucks
Temporary Seasonal Position: Beekeeper | SOC Code: 45-2093\n\nAll applicants must be able, willing, qualified to perform work described & must be available for entire period.\n\nLockhart Apiaries, Las Animas, CO, Las Animas\n\nPossible shift: 8:00AM-5:00PM. 40+ May be possibility of weekend work. Crops: Bees. Duties may include: Feeding bee hives, inspecting bee hives, move hives and equipment using fork lift, remove honey supers from hives to warehouse, extract honey from supers, clean honey house, maintenance of bee equipment, treat bees & other related Beekeeper activities as per SOC/OES 45-2093 ( Must have 6 months Bee Keeping exp. Static strength; exert max muscle force to lift, push, pull, unload, carry objects up to 80lbs (possible 2-person); may climb, walk, stand, reach, balance, sit, stoop, bend, squat, wash, clean: equip, grounds, area. Tools supplies and equipment provided at no cost to worker. Employer guarantees 3/4 of contract. Work outdoors, exposed to weather, hot or cold; hours may vary (+/-); possible downtimes and/or extended hrs. Dependable: fulfill obligations. Attn. to detail: complete work tasks. Employer provided housing available to those who cannot reasonably return to their residence within the same day. No cell phone use during work hours. \n\nMust be able to obtain a drivers license. Drug/alcohol/tobacco free work zone. Worker has 3 days from date of hire to show legal authorization to work in the United States. Cash advances may apply at employer discretion.
Workers are responsible for ground preparation, planting, watering usage, mowing, fertilization, pesticide applications, harvest. Workers will use mechanical equipment and hand tools, to include tractors, skid loaders, wheel loader, excavator, backhoe, tillers, rippers, land planes, drop seeders, grain drills and other misc. farm implements along with hand tools, shovels, pickax, rakes. All tools will be provided to the worker. Operators of equipment will have the responsibility to maintain, drive, operate, attach farm implements, all operators will be trained on safe operation and daily service requirements. Identify Irrigation systems repairs by general observation of plant health, installation of water delivery systems to include, pumps, mainlines, laterals, rotating heads, and fixed sprays, low volume drip systems, above and below surface, siphon tube, gated pipe, by means of excavators, trenchers, and shovels. Piping systems to include PVC solvent weld, gasket, HDPE fusion, threaded, remote control valves, gate valves, gated, pivot, automated controllers. Workers need to communicate all cultural or plant issues to the supervisor immediately. Workers are responsible for the troubleshooting of crop issues and diagnosis of unknown health or damage problems, maintaining records of crop activities and observations, including growth records to ensure the most effective data to produce the highest quality for each grass variety, responsible for following growing schedules by determining schedules with supervisor, responsible for seed/fertilizer room to ensure quality controls are in place, seed is weighed and packaged correctly, responsible for IPM schedules, application rates, treatments, and other responsibilities to ensure that all grass varieties are as healthy as possible to maximize harvest yield, working with other employees to ensure production of grass and environment is optimum conditions. Working with other crew members and supervisors on grass health, scheduling timelines for production, overseeing SOPs, and setting harvest schedules. Work well and effectively with fellow co-workers, observe, see, hear, and respond to directions given with effective outcomes, perform other duties as assigned. Physical requirements include: the ability to work in all weather conditions, standing for extended periods, walking on uneven surfaces, climbing, balancing, kneeling, crouching, twisting, and driving/riding equipment over unimproved terrain. Previous experience operating equipment a plus, manual labor, irrigation, pruning, and spraying pesticides. Must work indoors and outdoors year-round, in all types of weather, excellent attendance and reliability, willingness to go above and beyond and to be flexible with schedule, adherence to company policies and procedures.\n
Performs any combination of the following duties concerned with the preparation of soil & growth media, cultivating, & otherwise participating in horticultural activities under close supervision on acreage, in nursery, or in environmentally controlled structure, such as greenhouse & shed: hauls & spreads topsoil, fertilizer, peat moss, & other materials to condition land. \nDigs, rakes, & screens soil, and fills cold frames & hot beds to prepare them for planting. Fills growing tanks w/ water. Plants, sprays, weeds & waters plants, shrubs, & trees. Works in conjunction w/ supervisors w/ tasks involving seedbed preparation, planting (seed, bare-root, cutting, or potted plants), irrigating, cultivation, fertilization, weed control, harvest, seed processing, plant preparation & seed & plant storage. May be asked to assist in planting of increase fields, products for reimbursable & cooperative agreements, research projects & seed collections. Assists in maintaining grounds and buildings. Helps to perform needed maintenance, winterization & repairs on equipment. May operate agricultural equipment based on ability and skills. All outlined activities and schedule will vary per weather, field conditions, & unexpected occurrences. Will normally work 6am to 3:30 pm with 30-minute meal break at mid-day. Employer will provide potable drinking water and insure adequate first-aid supplies are available. Must be able to lift 60 pounds. Workers must be able to understand and follow instructions given in English. A signed contract may be required. Returning workers may be offered longevity pay and/or bonus. \nWorkers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, etc. Temperatures in early spring and late fall are cool; temperatures during working hours in summer can reach a high of 100 degrees F. \n
Calve out calves during the calving season. Medicate, vaccinate and treat for seasonal sicknesses. Prepare pastures. Repair and build new fencing. Move cattle to and from summer grazing pastures. Prepare fields for planting. Pick rocks and operate tractors to till the soil. Operate farming equipment in order to plant, spray, harvest and haul small grain crops. Service and repair farming equipment. General farm related duties such as winterizing farming equipment, facility maintenance and shop work. Move cattle from pasturelands back into winter facilities at the end of the farming season.
One temporary position opening. $15.58 per hour + housing at no cost to the worker. Three quarter time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock, feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, etc.
Workers are responsible for ground preparation, planting, watering usage, mowing, fertilization, pesticide applications, harvest. Workers will use mechanical equipment and hand tools, to include tractors, skid loaders, wheel loader, excavator, backhoe, tillers, rippers, land planes, drop seeders, grain drills and other misc. farm implements along with hand tools, shovels, pickax, rakes. All tools will be provided to the worker. Operators of equipment will have the responsibility to maintain, drive, operate, attach farm implements, all operators will be trained on safe operation and daily service requirements. Identify Irrigation systems repairs by general observation of plant health, installation of water delivery systems to include, pumps, mainlines, laterals, rotating heads, and fixed sprays, low volume drip systems, above and below surface, siphon tube, gated pipe, by means of excavators, trenchers, and shovels. Piping systems to include PVC solvent weld, gasket, HDPE fusion, threaded, remote control valves, gate valves, gated, pivot, automated controllers. Workers need to communicate all cultural or plant issues to the supervisor immediately. Workers are responsible for the troubleshooting of crop issues and diagnosis of unknown health or damage problems, maintaining records of crop activities and observations, including growth records to ensure the most effective data to produce the highest quality for each grass variety, responsible for following growing schedules by determining schedules with supervisor, responsible for seed/fertilizer room to ensure quality controls are in place, seed is weighed and packaged correctly, responsible for IPM schedules, application rates, treatments, and other responsibilities to ensure that all grass varieties are as healthy as possible to maximize harvest yield, working with other employees to ensure production of grass and environment is optimum conditions. Working with other crew members and supervisors on grass health, scheduling timelines for production, overseeing SOPs, and setting harvest schedules. Work well and effectively with fellow co-workers, observe, see, hear, and respond to directions given with effective outcomes, perform other duties as assigned. Physical requirements include: the ability to work in all weather conditions, standing for extended periods, walking on uneven surfaces, climbing, balancing, kneeling, crouching, twisting, and driving/riding equipment over unimproved terrain. Previous experience operating equipment a plus, manual labor, irrigation, pruning, and spraying pesticides. Must work indoors and outdoors year-round, in all types of weather, excellent attendance and reliability, willingness to go above and beyond and to be flexible with schedule, adherence to company policies and procedures.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Three temporary positions opening. $15.58 per hour + housing at no cost to the worker. A signed contract may be required. Three quarter time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must have 3 mos experience and provide one reference. Must be in good physical condition. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Irrigate fields and row crops using gravity flow. Shovels and packs dirt in low spots on ditch banks, cuts trenches in high areas to direct water flow. Closes turnouts in ditch when bordering area is flooded. Removes obstructions from rows and builds up edges of rows with dirt. Shovels soil to clear ditches and furrows, builds up edges of rows with dirt. Shovels soil to clear ditches and furrows, builds embankments to channel water to designated areas. Workers must be willing to perform all duties according to the employer's requirements during the contract period. Additional hours may be required during high activity periods. \nWorkers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, etc. Temperatures in early spring and late fall are cool; temperatures during working hours in summer can reach a high of 100 degrees F. A signed contract may be required.\n\n
Crops/Commodities: \ncherries, grapes. \nWorkers will prune fruit trees, thin and harvest cherries and grapes. Workers must be physically able to pick tree fruit, most of which is done from ladders, with lower branches being picked from ground. Filled bucket, weighing up to 35 lbs., is emptied into bulk bins. When necessary, workers are required to handle and pick from ladders up to 7 ft. in length and weighing 15 to 25 pounds. Worker places ladder firmly against or within tree in a secure position so as not to break limbs or knock off fruit and to prevent slipping or falling. All fruit must be handled with care to avoid bruising. Each tree will be picked according to instructions given each day by the orchard foreman. Primary duty will be to harvest fruit; however other duties will be offered including hand thinning fruit, picking roots, rocks and other debris, mulching, pruning, cutting shoots and suckers, raking cuttings and debris, pulling or cutting thorny plants, weeds and vines from around trees, cleaning and clearing fence rows and farm buildings. May load and unload trucks, install irrigation equipment and clean equipment. Employer expects workers to work with or without supervision at such tasks.\n\nMust be able to safely maneuver ladders up to 24 feet in length on steep and uneven terrain. Field supervision monitors workers to ensure fruit is not bruised in picking. Workers must be willing to pick up ‘dropped fruit’ from the ground as needed and directed. Must be able to sort out fruit with defects. \n\nPerforms a variety of tasks under supervision in vineyard operation. Primary tasks are grape production and agricultural activities, including planting and cultivating vines and harvesting grapes. Performs vineyard canopy management to permit light and air to circulate around grapevines, including thinning fruit and removing shoots and vines. Performs vineyard maintenance activities, such as weed control with mowers and chemicals. Installs and maintains vine trellises and ties vines to trellises. Assists in moving harvested fruit from field to processing area. \n\nWork is to be done for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 32 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations.\n \nEmployer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations.)\n\nPersons seeking employment as experienced farmworker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Successful applicants will be subject to a trial period of up to five days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated. If the performance during the trial period is not acceptable to the employer the worker‘s employment will be terminated.\n\nRaises and/or bonuses may be offered to any seasonal worker employed pursuant to this job order, at the company's sole discretion, based on individual factors including work performance, skill, and tenure.
Workers may: Clean, cultivate and prepare fields for planting by hand or use of mechanical equipment or vehicles; Plant or apply seeds to fields by hand or use of mechanical equipment or vehicles; Water and/or apply fertilizer by\nhand or use of mechanical equipment or vehicles; Clip, mow, maintain sod fields by hand or use of mechanical equipment or vehicles; Cut, roll and prepare sod for transportation by hand or use of mechanical equipment or\nvehicles; Load sod onto and from farm owned transportation vehicles or customer vehicles; Transport and install sod produced on the farm by hand or use of mechanical equipment or vehicles; Clean, repair and maintain pallets and other equipment utilized for the cultivation and transportation of sod.\nWork is to be done in the field in various weather conditions for long periods of time, encompassing long periods of standing, walking, stooping, bending, kneeling and reaching. Worker must be able to lift, carry and load up to 75 pounds of weight on a repetitive basis.
One temporary position opening. $15.58 per hour + housing at no cost to the worker. A signed contract may be required. time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 60 pounds. Attend to livestock, feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, etc.
Job requires operating farm equipment including, but not limited to tractors with various implements, combines, and grain carts to till soil; prepare and maintain land; and plant, spray, cultivate, and harvest crops. Job will also require tending to farm livestock animals as well as fixing fences, welding, driving semi-trucks, performing mechanical repair and maintenance, and regularly cleaning and servicing farm equipment. Daily duties may vary depending on crop, weather, and field conditions. Pay increase or bonus may be possible based on experience and merit.
Two temporary position openings. $15.58 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Must be able to ride a horse on the range to move the cattle from current grazing areas to new grazing areas to assure sufficient food and to practice good range management. Must repair fences on the range to keep the animals contained and assure their safety. Must have 6 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Performs any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on a ranch or range. Feeds and waters livestock on range. Herds livestock to range for grazing. Examines animals to detect diseases and injuries. Assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corral and/or stall or manually restraining animal on the range. Applies medications to cuts and bruises, sprays livestock with insecticide and herds offspring. Binds or clamps testes or surgically removes testes to castrate livestock. Clips identifying notches or symbols on animal or brands animals using branding iron to indicate ownership. \nWorkers must be willing and able to perform all duties per the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will on call 24/7. Workers will be on call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Majority of total workdays (51%) will be on the range beginning with the first workday after the arrival of the worker at the place of employment or the advertised contractual first date of need, whichever is later, and ending on the expiration date specified in the work contract or departure of worker from USA. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions. A signed contract may be required. \n.\n
One temporary position opening. $15.58per hour + housing at no cost to the worker. Three quarter time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock, feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Light Mechanical skills preferred. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production of trees, shrubs, perennials, nursery and livestock. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to general farm work/irrigation/crop production. General Farm Work will include the following responsibilities: maintain, drive, attach and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize and harvest crops; make minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery; may mix and/or spray\nchemicals (according to appropriate restrictive use laws, when/if applicable); remove undesirable and excess growth from crops or farm grounds; remove rocks from field; paint farm structures; replace/repair fencing; perform general cleanup of farm areas; drive, load/unload pickup trucks; operate motor bike or all-terrain vehicle in the course of performing duties. Will apply specific horticultural techniques as instructed by the employer when carrying out the following responsibilities: prepare fields/plant/spray/weed and irrigate plants/shrubs/trees; recognize disease and/or nutrient/moisture requirements by plant texture/development or soil condition; observe general condition of plants and apply the appropriate care; apply chemical products; mix planting soil; pollinate/prune/transplant/pinch plants and cull appropriately to ensure development of product; propagate plants; harvest/pack and store\ncrop; maintain and repair structures/grounds; haul and spread soil/products to condition land; dig/rake and screen soil and fill cold frames/hot beds; fill growing tanks with water; plant shrubs/plants in containers; prepare flowers/plants/shrubs/trees to fill orders; move containerized trees/shrubs; dig/wrap roots of shrubs/trees; prepare crops for shipment; load/unload plant materials. Irrigation duties will include the following: Handlines: connect pipes; check alignment of pipe and adjust for proper water distribution; attach lines to water supply; turn valves to start flow of water.\nDrip Irrigation: install/maintain drip lines. In Ground Sprinklers: fix/maintain any broken lines or valves.\nOther Irrigation Duties: remove pipes from storage and lay out/place in predetermined patterns in fields; observe revolving sprinklers and adjust to ensure proper operation and uniform distribution of water.\nTo meet minimum acceptable performance standards when irrigating, the worker must, after a 10 day conditioning period, move an average of at least 48 40-foot sections of 3-inch pipe or 44 40-foot sections of 4-inch pipe per hour under normal working conditions. Duties related to the production of Livestock will include the following: check physical characteristics, observe general condition of livestock and apply the appropriate care; examine animals to detect illness/injury/disease, rate of weight gain or to determine delivery time, assist in delivery; apply or administer medications, vaccines and/or insecticides; mix feed/additives and feed/water livestock; place mineral blocks;\ndrive equipment to haul/distribute feed/water; herd livestock; confine livestock in stalls; clean/disinfect livestock corrals/stalls/sheds; dock, castrate, brand, clip/tag and clamp livestock; maintain records on animals; hoist/stack bales of hay onto wagon/truck
This job requires a minimum of three months of verifiable experience working on a commercial vegetable farm, handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities.\n\nJob includes walking 5-6 miles per day through fields, picking corn from stalk (16,000 ears per day) and packing corn on moving harvester in boxes; loading agricultural products onto trucks; harvesting vegetables and hops, topping onions; sorting, grading, and storing of crops. Cultivate, harvest and field pack vegetables. May spread plastic or other groundcovering. Cultivates, weeds and thins plants. May stake / tie plants, trellis / prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. Picks, cuts, lifts or pulls crop to harvest them. May tie vegetables in bunches or top them. Assist with irrigation and fertilization. Considerable stooping and kneeling is required. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants. May assist with general farm building maintenance and build / repair fences.\n \nWork is to be done in the field for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading / unloading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 80 pounds and lifting to a heifht of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, grasses, etc. may affect workers ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 60 to 98+ F. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. Saturday work required. Must be able to lift / carry 80 lbs.\n \nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding, rock picking, and other tasks related to general farming.\n \nEmployer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations). Persons seeking employment as experienced Farm Worker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. If verifiable: Applicants must be able to furnish verifiable job reference(s) or comparable third party documentation from recent employer(s) establishing acceptable prior experience. If verbal: Applicants must be able to furbish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Successful applicants will be subject to trial period of up to 5 days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated. If the performance during the trial period is not acceptable to the employer the workers employment will be terminated.\n \nRaises and/or bonuses may be offered to any seasonal worker employed pursuant to this job order, at the companys sole discretion, based on individual factors including work performance, skill, and tenure.\n \nEmployer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason. \n \nAll terms and conditions included in the job order will apply equally to all workers, both U.S. workers and H-2A workers, employed in the occupation described in this clearance order.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
One temporary position opening. $15.58 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. 3/4 time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock, feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Light Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Transplanting, planting, irrigating, soil mixing, caring for horticulture product, load/unload. Operate equipment.
The job entails working with animals and machinery, outdoors in all types of weather (extreme heat, wind, and cold), and occasional exposure to herding hazards, such as cattle stampedes. Performs duties like: apply or administer medication/vaccinations; mix additives in feed; check and maintain feed/water; place mineral blocks. Workers will dock, castrate, and brand livestock. Ride horse or 4-wheeler to move cows; confine livestock in stalls; herd livestock to various pastures; drive equipment. Use loader tractor and skid steer to pile manure in the feedlot and calving barns. Drive and operate farm machinery to plant, spray, cultivate, harvest and store crops/hay. Make hay; hoist and stack hay bales onto wagon or truck. Haul hay to yard from hay field with semi-trailer and hay trailer. Load and unload semi-trucks. Drive semi-trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Clean out bins. Repair, replace and build barbed wire fence. Cleanup. General lubrication, service (checking fluids) and incidental repair to farm machinery.\nEquipment: Wheel loader, Feed truck, Roller mill, Generator, Semi truck, pickup, 4 wheel drive tractor\nCrops: Corn and wheat
Crops/Commodities: \ntomatoes. \nJobs offered are working in a hydroponic greenhouse facility to prepare for new crop, perform regular crop maintenance on the old crop, including twisting, clipping, lowering, pruning, de-leafing, pest-scouring, support trussing, middle shoot removal, cleaning, harvesting and maintaining the plants. The following applies to all crops listed:\n- Tomatoes on the Vine\n- Beefsteak Tomatoes\n- Grape/Cherry Tomatoes\n- Cocktail Tomatoes\n\nUnder supervision, workers will perform manual labor to work in hydroponic greenhouse facility to prepare for new crop, perform regular crop maintenance on the old crop, including twisting, clipping, lowering, pruning, de-leafing, pest-scouring, support trussing, middle shoot removal, cleaning, harvesting and maintaining the plants. Preparation and cleaning out of old crops. Workers will set up Rockwool/peat moss, load and unload new plants onto and off of trucks and/or carts, hang and remove string and plant wire spacing. Scout for pests. Clean, sanitize and disinfect containers, materials, supplies or work areas using cleaning solutions and hand tools. Clean and maintain all grounds including gutters, irrigation lines, remove and replace old drippers, scout and maintain botrytis and close beehives. Set up and clean up CMM machines and operate tearout forklifts. The workers will ensure that the plant crop is carried out efficiently and with care in order to produce a quality grown vegetable. Proper use of gloves, hairnets, smocks, shoe covers, hand sanitizers, foot baths and clippers is required. All food safety activities will also fall under the responsibility of this job order both inside and outside the greenhouse to ensure adherence to SQF rules and regulations as well as our strict integrated pest management program. Other general agricultural labor duties as may be assigned from time to time.\n\nWorkers will perform tasks associated with packing tomatoes. Inspect tomatoes, remove segregated tomatoes from sorting stations, hand pack. Grade, sort according to company specifications in regard to size, color, appearance and quality to meet specific customer demands. Discard inferior or defective products and/or foreign matter and place only acceptable products in packaging containers for further processing. Place product in containers according to grade. Measure, weigh and count product and materials. Examine and inspect containers, materials and products to ensure that packing specifications are met. Remove completed or defective products, placing them on conveyors or in specified areas, such as allocated bins at loading docks. Place labels on clamshells or packaging containers. Stack packed tomatoes, stack boxes on pallets, lift boxes or crates, as required. Load materials and products into package processing equipment. Workers may operate agricultural machinery/equipment essential to packing tomatoes, including scales, sorting tables, palletizers and automatic lifts. Forklift operator responsibilities will include delivering pallets of finished product to cold storage, loading/unloading as needed, setting up orders for shipping, record keeping of materials and finished product. Workers will be responsible for cleaning all machinery, electronic equipment and the facility work areas at end of shift. Workers must adhere to all Food Safety Protocol.\n\nWorkers will be working under the direction of the Labor Manager, Head Grower, Crop Supervisor or an experienced Group Leader. \n\nWorkers will receive training on employer’s policies with which they must comply including Equal Employment Opportunity policies, OSHA and Food and Health safety standards and guidelines, FMLA and worker’s compensation leave policies and other standard operating procedures, around the time work commences. \n\nWorkers must attend an orientation session to review and train accordingly.
Eight temporary position openings. $15.58 per hour + free housing. Three Quarter time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. If skills available for excavation work--some river work, ditch work, pipe line digging for sprinklers. Light Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Prune fruit trees, thin blossoms, harvest, and pack peaches by hand at correct ripeness. Must be able to operate and drive tractor for orchard cultivation and to move fruit bins. Must be able to climb up and down ladder with 35 pound pack. Must be able to pick 10 bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. Will also perform orchard cleanup. One (1) month experience as a fruit harvester is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPode los árboles frutales, las flores delgadas, coseche y empaque los melocotones a mano en la madurez correcta. Debe ser capaz de operar y conducir tractores para el cultivo del huerto y mover los contenedores de fruta. Debe poder subir y bajar escaleras con un paquete de 35 libras. Usted debe ser capaz de recoger 10 bolsas de fruta por hora para la retención del trabajo. También hará la limpieza del jardÃn. Requiere una experiencia de un mes como cosechadora de fruta. El empleador no proporcionará capacitación y dará cero dÃas para que el trabajador cumpla con los estándares de producción.
Seeding, transplanting, repotting vegetable, herb, and plant starts. Work with soil and planting trays. Care for nursery stock. Use forklift, skid steer, hand tools including shovels, all provided by employer at no cost to workers.
Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production of sod, millet, grass hay, and alfalfa. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to agricultural equipment operation. General Farm Work will include the following responsibilities: maintain, drive, attach, and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize, and harvest crops; make minor mechanical adjustments and repairs on farm machinery; operate/maintain sod harvesters/mowing equipment/tractors/forklifts/trucks/trailers; may mix and/or spray chemicals (according to appropriate restrictive use laws, when/if applicable); remove undesirable and excess growth from crops or farm grounds; sow grass seed and plant plugs of sod; cut/roll/stack/load/unload sod; mow/trim/dig/rake/tend sod; prepare crop for shipment; place sod on pallets; observe general condition of sod and apply the appropriate care; harvest sod with sod cutter/tractor; trap/poison pests; paint/repair/maintain farm structures; replace/repair fencing; perform general cleanup of farm areas; operate vehicle, motor bike, or all-terrain vehicle in the course of performing duties; drive Ag\nexempt non-CDL truck or tractor with trailer attached to gather and transport harvested crop in field; haul trailer alongside crew loading crop or adjacent to harvesting machine and regulates speed to keep abreast of crew; haul loaded trailers from field to highway or worksite to worksite; may haul crop over public roads to market not to exceed 70 miles from the farm. Irrigation duties will include the following: operate, maintain and repair pivot system; turn on pump; turn valves to start flow of water; lubricate, adjust, repair, and replace parts such as sprinkler heads and drive chains using hand tools; observe revolving sprinklers and adjust to ensure\nproper operation and uniform distribution of water; install/remove pipe.
Manual labor, planting, growing, irrigating, maintaining, harvesting, and installing sod. May operate vehicles.
Worker will be required perform a variety of duties related to the production of sod, alfalfa, sorguhm, corn, oats, and wheat. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to agricultural equipment operation.\nWill apply specific horticultural techniques as instructed by the employer when carrying out the following responsibilities; prepare fields/plant/spray/weed and irrigate plants/shrubs/trees; sow seed and plant cuttings; recognize disease and/or nutrient/moisture requirements by plant texture/development or soil condition; observe general condition of plants and apply the appropriate care; pull weeds; may mix and/or spray chemicals (according to appropriate restrictive use laws, when/if applicable); harvest/pack and store crop; maintain and repair structures/grounds; repair broken pallets as needed; wash windows of buildings; sweep floors; mow/weed grounds; trim trees/shrubs; paint buildings; sow grass seed and plant plugs of sod and cut/roll/stack/load and unload sod; mow/tend sod; trap/poison pests; prepare crops for shipment; load trucks with sod; operate/maintain sod harvesters/mowing equipment/tractors/forklifts/trucks/trailers and make minor mechanical adjustments/repairs. Deliver & install sod.\nIrrigation duties will include the following:\nPivots: check alignment of pipe and adjust for proper water distribution; attach lines to water supply; turn on pump; turn valves to start flow of water; push on switch that activates circle sprinkler system; shovel and pack dirt in low spots of embankment or cut trenches in high areas to direct water flow; shovel or hoe soil to clear ditches/furrows and build embankments to appropriately channel water.\nOther Irrigation Duties: lubricate, adjust, repair and replace parts such as sprinkler heads and drive chains using hand tools; repair/replace tires/gearboxes; observe revolving sprinklers and adjust to ensure proper operation and uniform distribution of water; dig up sprinklers to repair/replace; fill wheel tracks as needed \n
We are need of seasonal workers to help plant, raise and harvest wheat and corn. Employees will need to load, fuel, do infield repairs and maintenance on equipment. Employees will operate augers, scales, grain carts, combines, tractors, baggers, semi-trailer trucks and sprayers. The duties will consist of operating farm equipment and maintenance of farm equipment throughout the season. We also irrigate farm ground through sprinklers and wells. Employee will need to check, maintain, and install irrigation as needed. We have shop buildings that he will do maintenance to the equipment in so the employee will be required to keep shop facilities clean and tools in place.
See Addendum C - A.8a - Job Duties Continued.\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nConsulte el Anexo C - A.8a - Continuación de las obligaciones laborales.
Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience working on a cattle ranch. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to, feed, and water livestock by tractor and/or team on the range to maintain cattle herd health. Wean calves, perform vaccinations, and pregnancy check cows. Move livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Clean livestock corrals, stalls, and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes, and shovels. Must know how to build and repair fencing. Must have knowledge and experience in irrigation management, planting, cultivating, and haying for livestock. Light mechanical skills preferred. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation, and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will work in conditions generally associated with CO climatic conditions.\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\nDebe poder montar a caballo y/o ATV para mover el ganado de manera segura. Debe tener 3 meses de experiencia trabajando en un rancho ganadero. Debe poder levantar 75 libras. Atender, alimentar y dar agua al ganado con un tractor y/o un equipo en el campo para mantener la salud del rebao. Destete a los terneros, realice vacunas y controle la preez de las vacas. Mueva el ganado a pastos para pastar. Ayudar con la castracin del ganado y el marcado de identificacin. Mantener todas las cercas, corrales, edificios, mejoras en el campo y equipo de ganado que se use para el manejo adecuado del ganado. Limpiar corrales de ganado, establos y cobertizos con soluciones desinfectantes, cepillos y palas. Debe saber cmo construir y reparar cercas. Debe tener conocimiento y experiencia en manejo de riego, siembra, cultivo y heno para ganado. Se prefieren habilidades mecnicas ligeras. Mantenga el equipo en condiciones de funcionamiento y observe prcticas seguras. Ayudar con el envo de vacas y terneros. Es posible que se requieran horas ms largas (turnos nocturnos durante el parto) y ms das (hasta 7 das por semana) cuando se alimenta a las vacas con raciones suplementarias, temporada de parto, riego y temporada de heno. Los trabajadores deben estar dispuestos y ser capaces de realizar todas las tareas de acuerdo con los requisitos del empleador durante el perodo del contrato. Los trabajadores trabajarn en condiciones generalmente asociadas con las condiciones climticas de CO.
Operating large farm equipment and machinery equipped with GPS such as tractor, combine, sprayer for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, moving, storing, harvesting grain and oilseed crops such as wheat, corn, soybeans, silage, hay; assisting with the operation and maintenance of irrigation systems for watering crops, repairing sprinklers; performing electrical repairs and welding on the farm; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nCrops: Alfalfa, Corn, Dry Beans, Winter Wheat\n\nEquipment: John Deere and CAT tractors with various implements and grain carts, bailers, swather, semi truck, loaders, bidirectional, forklift, skid steer, augers, RTK, manure spreader, sprayer
Operating large farm equipment and primarily John Deere machinery equipped with Greenstar GPS for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, spraying, moving, storing harvesting grain and oilseed crops such as hay, corn, fruits, vegetables; driving truck or tractor with trailer attached to move crops or equipment to designated locations; operating haying equipment for hay production of swathing, raking, baling, stacking and moving from field to storage; assisting with supplements and feeding of livestock; assisting with the operation, maintenance of irrigation systems, drip, center pivot, furrow, for watering crops; plant, weed, harvest, pack crops by hand; remove bedding plastic and clean up fields; toss and stack crops; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
General farm labor, including but not limited to moving irrigation pipe, shoveling, hoeing, harvesting, loading, removing weeds from crop fields, cutting weeds in fields, picking onions, and clipping tops.
One temporary position opening. $15.58 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Light Mechanical skills preferred. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Weeding, thinning, planting hoeing and harvesting asparagus, radish, spinach, squash, red beet, pumpkin, chili, peppers, watermelon, cantaloupe, sweet corn, and beans. \nRemove bedding plastic and clean up fields. \nMust be able to lift and carry 60 lb boxes or bags. \nMust be able to toss and stack 25 lb. watermelons and load bins. \nWorkers will pack products into boxes in the warehouse. \nMaintain farm equipment, vehicles, and farm grounds. \nMust be able to bend and stoop throughout the day. \nWork is to be done for long periods of time and requires repetitive motion and extensive walking. Workers are exposed to wet weather and the heat of the day working in the fields. \nWorkers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants. \nThree months of experience in the selection and harvesting of mature melons.
Crops/Commodities: \nVegetables/garden crops, including but not limited to herbs, squash, cucumbers, pumpkins, peppers, green onions, zucchini, melons, and sweet corn.. \nPlants, cultivates, harvests and packs vegetables, including cantaloupes, cucumbers, eggplants, green beans, jalapeño peppers, chile peppers, bell peppers, pickling cucumbers, pumpkins, sweet corn, watermelons, winter squash, yellow squash and zucchini.Works on planter, plants roots, seeds and bulbs. May spread plastic or other groundcovering. Cultivates, hand weeds and thins plants. Transplants plants, riding on transplanter or by hand. May stake/tie plants, trellis/prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. Picks, cuts, lifts, or pulls crop to harvest them.Work may include planting and cultivating. Assist with irrigation and fertilization. \n\nConsiderable stooping and kneeling is required. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants. May operate hand-operated equipment. May assist with general farm building maintenance. Employees will receive instruction from supervisor, and will be required to accurately and adequately select cull and premium produce, and distinguish size specifications. Workers must follow all food safety standards. Workers must be able to distinguish horticultural plants from weeds.\n\nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation and other tasks related to general farming. \n\nWork may also include mechanized field work using power equipment. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, planters, sprayers, cultivators and other equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate/maintain agricultural equipment with or without direction.\n\nWork is to be done for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with packaged product weighing up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. \n\nWill be trained in USDA Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification standards. Failure to abide by GAP standards will be grounds for dismissal. \n \nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker’s Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time. \n \n \nTERMINATION. All workers will be subject to a five-day trial period, during which the employer will evaluate workers' performance of required tasks. Employer reserves the right to terminate a worker at the conclusion of the trial period if the worker’s performance fails to satisfy the employer’s reasonable expectations, or is otherwise unacceptable.
Prune peach trees and wine grapes. Tie and train wine grapes. Thin peach blossoms by hand. Harvest peaches and wine grapes at appropriate ripeness. Must be able to climb a ladder with 40lb. peach picking tote. One (1) month experience required in pruning and harvesting fruit.
Crops/Commodities: \norganic vegetables and fruits, livestock. \nThis job requires a minimum of 3 months of agricultural experience working in a diversified crop farm handling manual and mechanical tasks including agricultural field work. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Workers must be able to perform manual tasks with accuracy and efficiency. Plant, cultivate and harvest vegetables. Use hand tools including, but not limited to: shovels, hoes and knives. Plant roots, seeds and bulbs. Install plastic mulch, row cover or other groundcovering. Pick up and remove plastic, drip tape and row cover by hand from ground. Till soil. Weed and thin plants. Transplant plants with machine and by hand. Pick, cut, lift, or pull crops. Tie vegetables in bunches. Grade, size, clean and pack product. Take care to prevent damaging produce and plants. Mow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, drills, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Install/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig, burn, and and maintain ditches. Clear debris from field and clean/maintain farm buildings, structures, equipment, and work areas. Fill large pots with soil. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair greenhouses, coldframes, and fences. Clean livestock pens. Load livestock for processing.\n\nWorkers will assist driver with loading, delivery, and unloading of produce at CSA drop off points and restaurants. Will also assist with market setup and loading/unloading of produce at stand. Will assist with replenishing of produce inventory as needed. \n\nWork is done in the field for long periods of time. Workers may assist in handling product weighing up to 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Work required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 5 to over 100 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. Workers should be able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. \n\nPersons seeking employment in this position must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. \n\nAll workers will be subject to a trial period of up to five days during which the employer will evaluate workers' performance of required tasks. Employer reserves the right to terminate a worker if the employer reasonably finds worker's performance during the trial period to be unacceptable. \n\nEmployer reserves the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but is unwilling to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason. \nRaises and/or bonuses may be offered to any seasonal worker employed pursuant to this job order, at the company's sole discretion, based on individual factors including work performance, skill, and tenure. \n\nAll terms and conditions included in the job order will apply equally to all workers, both U.S. workers and H-2A workers, employed in the occupation described in this job order.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids), and incidental repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nEquipment: Tractor, combine, trucks \n\nCrops: Alfalfa, Corn, Wheat
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
Two temporary position opening. $15.58 per hour + housing at no cost to the worker. A signed contract may be required. time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
workers will perform duties associated with planting, cultivating and harvesting sod/turfgrass. Aid in soil preparation, clear fields, sod, sow grass seed, plant plugs, cuts, rolls and stacks, weed, hoe, propagate, water, fertilize, spray, monitor trim, load, transport and discard sod, bag certified grass seed, load/unload pallets, aid in both center pivot and traveling gun irrigation systems, diesel and electric irrigation pumps. Transport and install sod produced on farm. Operate farm equipment, drive field trucks in and around farm. Exposure to extreme temp, repetitive movements, extensive pushing, pulling walking and frequent stooping Must be able to lift and carry 75 lbs frequently Must pass employer paid post hire drug test
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
See Addendum C - A.8a - Job Duties Continued.\n--------------------------------\nConsulte el Anexo C - A.8a - Continuacin de las obligaciones laborales.
Duties include but are not limited to the following: flood irrigation, building\nfence, forestry clean up, building and burning brush piles, cutting firewood and brush, cutting and baling hay. Other miscellaneous duties as assigned. Crops: hay & timber \n\n30 minute lunch break offered.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of goats. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to kidding goats (including night checks); bed down goats at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; make certain animals have access to fresh water; round up strays using dogs and/or fence. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; attend nannies and kids in barns during kidding season. ; attend to kidding goats (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; make certain animals have access to fresh water; move goats to appropriate pens.
Prepare the soil and till the ground. Operate farming equipment in order to plant, spray, fertilize, harvest and haul alfalfa, corn, popcorn, kidney bean, pea, perennial grass and oat crops. Maintain and repair irrigation systems. General farm maintenance duties such as servicing/repairing equipment, basic facility upkeep and shop work\n
Crops/Commodities: \nhay, milo, corn, wheat, alfalfa. \nPerforms a variety of manual and machine tasks associated with grain and hay crops production. Assist with irrigation (ditch/flood irrigation, tubes, gated plastic pipe), clean ditches, clean and maintain equipment, help load grain and seed, mow weeds, assist with mowing, cutting and baling hay, work in fields, clean around barns. Upon occasion workers may be required to dig ditches and install water lines to sheds, barns, stock tanks and other structures on the farm.\n\nWorkers will work loading trucks with bales of hay and sacks of grain weighing from 50 to 60 pounds. Workers must be able to lift such weights to a height of 5 feet over the course of the work day. Workers are expected to begin work early in the morning when fields may be wet with dew. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations.\n\nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding and other tasks related to general farming. \n\nWork may also include mechanized field work using power equipment. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, planters, sprayers, cultivators and other equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction. \n\n\nPersons seeking employment as experienced Farm Worker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Successful applicants will be subject to a trial period of up to 5 days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated. If the performance during the trial period is not acceptable to the employer the worker‘s employment will be terminated.\n\nEmployer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason. \n \nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker’s Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time. \n \n \nTERMINATION. All workers will be subject to a five-day trial period, during which the employer will evaluate workers' performance of required tasks. Employer reserves the right to terminate a worker at the conclusion of the trial period if the worker’s performance fails to satisfy the employer’s reasonable expectations, or is otherwise unacceptable. Employer may terminate a worker for lawful job-related reasons, including but not limited to situations in which the worker: (1) Is repeatedly absent or tardy; (2) malingers or otherwise refuses, without cause, to perform the work as directed; (3) commits act(s) of misconduct or repeatedly violates the Work Rules; and/or (4) fails, after completing the five day trial period, to perform work in a competent and skillful manner, consistent with the employer's reasonable expectations.
All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of hay and livestock. The larger percentage of the work activities will be related to general farmwork/irrigation/hay production. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks required in general farmwork and the production of hay: adjust alignment of pipes ; adjust gates and pipe connections to control water flow; adjust valves to start and/or adjust water flow; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assemble and place pipe in assigned patterns in fields; evaluate the condition of the crop/weather and adjust harvesting and post-harvest activity based on evaluation; loading/unloading trucks; \nmaintain/drive/attach and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize, apply chemicals and harvest crops; maintenance of farm structures; operate maintain and repair all components of a sprinkler; operate multiple types of pumps; removal of excess plant growth from farm grounds; remove pipe from fields and place in storage; remove pipe from storage; shovel and pack dirt in low spots or cut trenches to direct water flow; use proper material and methods to repair irrigation equipment \nPerform any combination of the following tasks attending to livestock: apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; clean and disinfect livestock corrals, pens and handling facilities; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; lift and stack bales of hay and sacks of grain and mineral onto a feed truck or wagon; spray livestock with insecticide
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don?t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
One temporary position opening. $15.58 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. Three Quarter time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock, feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Must be able to ride a horse to move the sheep from current grazing areas to new grazing areas to assure sufficient food and to practice good range management on private and governmental leases. Move sheep to forest permit, move camp and sheep every 3 days. Must repair fences to keep the animals contained and assure their safety, chop burdock. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds Tends flocks of sheep grazing on range or pasture; moves sheep to and about area assigned for grazing; prevents animals from wandering or becoming lost, assures sufficient water and forage. Use trained dogs to round up strays and assist in moving flock to other locations. Trains and uses guard dogs to protect flock from predators. Beds down sheep near campsite each night. Guards flock against predatory animals and eating poisonous plants. May assist in lambing, docking, castrating, dehorning, shearing, vaccinating, drenching, and medicating animals. Incorporate range management practices to assure good range health. The employer at no cost to the worker will supply all tools and equipment necessary to perform required tasks. Take steps to provide additional forage and to manage livestock to assure forage availability. Workers must be willing to perform all duties according to the employer's requirements during the contract period. Workers will be on call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Majority of total workdays (51%) will be on the range beginning with the first workday after the arrival of the worker at the place of employment or the advertised contractual first date of need, whichever is later, and ending on the expiration date specified in the work contract or departure of worker from USA. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
All job duties are directly related to the production of crops and livestock with the larger percentage related to agricultural equipment operation. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks required in equipment operation, farmwork and the production of crops: adjust alignment of pipes ; adjust gates and pipe connections to control water flow; adjust valves to start and/or adjust water flow; adjust, repair, and service farm machinery and notify supervisors when machinery malfunctions; apply medications to cuts and bruises; apply, monitor, and control fertigation (applying fertilizer through irrigation) chemicals applied through irrigation system; dump solutions, powders, or seeds into planter or sprayer machinery; evaluate the condition of the crop/weather and adjust harvesting activity based on evaluation; irrigate soil through operation of sprinkler systems which includes but is not limited to adjusting valves to start and/or adjust water flow, using proper material and methods to repair irrigation equipment; loading/unloading trucks; maintain/drive/attach and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize, apply chemicals and harvest crops; maintenance of farm structures; mix specified material or chemicals and dump solutions/powders into irrigation system or sprayer machinery; observe and listen to machinery operation to detect equipment malfunctions; operate maintain and repair all components of a sprinkler; operate multiple types of pumps; perform some maintenance and adjustments to implements/tractors/equipment; removal of excess plant growth from farm grounds; remove pipe from fields and place in storage; remove pipe from storage; shovel and pack dirt in low spots or cut trenches to direct water flow; use proper material and methods to repair irrigation equipment. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks attending to livestock: apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; clean and disinfect livestock corrals, pens and handling facilities; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; lift and stack bales of hay and sacks of grain and mineral onto a feed truck or wagon; operate and tend equipment such as pickups, 4-wheelers, tractors, tub grinders and skid steers trailers (livestock, utility and flatbed); spray livestock with insecticide.
Participating in irrigation activities, using a shovel and manual labor; driving and controlling farm equipment including, but not limited to: tractor and disc, pit packing tractor, tractor & plastic Nuflex layer for irrigation, tractor and cultivator; driving truck & trailer for silage and beet harvest; operating vehicles to get to and from farms, operating tractor, hay rake, and hay baler; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Must be able to drive ATVs. Build fencing prior to grazing season and repair as needed throughout grazing season. Irrigation construction prior to grazing season. Irrigate pastures as necessary for maximum crop growth. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings. Range improvements, and livestock equipment for proper cattle management. Clean all livestock stalls and sheds using disinfectant solutions, brushes, and shovels. Maintain shop, milking facility, animal housing facilities, restrooms and break rooms as clean and functional. Monitor water sources such as ditch, wells, city holding ponds, etc. Monitor herd for health changes and report any changes in health to supervisor. Operate front end loaders and tractors to maintain irrigation pivot tracks, pasture planting, pasture maintenance and manure spreading. Assist in talking cows safely to and from pastures during the grazing season. Assist in taking cows to and from parlor for milking. Mowing of pastures and around facilities. Communicate with the farm manager regarding the condition of the pasture and the rotational schedule during grazing season. Treat individual animals and provide for down animals as required by protocol. Wean calves, vaccinations, mastitis, and pregnancy cow checks. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence and flood and sprinkler irrigation knowledge and management. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, extreme heat, etc.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
We need seasonal employees to assist with our crop production (wheat, corn, millet, sorghum, hay, and millet hay). Employees will need to operate equipment including tractors, combines, grain carts, silage cutters, feed trucks, loaders, sprayers, semi-trucks, swather, baler, hay raking equipment and other farm equipment. Employees will need to assist with all aspects of planting, spraying, raising, harvesting, and hauling of these crops. Employees will need to complete routine repairs and maintenance on equipment including oil changes, blowing out filters and radiators, fixing tires, greasing equipment, changing brakes, bearing and blades on the equipment as directed. Employees will operate four and two-wheel drive tractors and implements using guidance GPS systems including Trimble and JD Greenstar. Understanding technology is important for that reason. Employees must have previous experience driving semi-tractor/trailers to haul crops from the fields to storage. Job also include general farm duties including repair and build new barbed and electric fences, welding, shovel stuck sprinklers, change sprinkler gear boxes and u-joints. Employees will need to unload grain with grain augers and complete other general farm duties as assigned.
Must be able to drive ATVs. Build fencing prior to grazing season and repair as needed throughout grazing season. Irrigation construction prior to grazing season. Irrigate pastures as necessary for maximum crop growth. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings. Range improvements, and livestock equipment for proper cattle management. Clean all livestock stalls and sheds using disinfectant solutions, brushes, and shovels. Maintain shop, milking facility, animal housing facilities, restrooms and break rooms as clean and functional. Monitor water sources such as ditch, wells, city holding ponds, etc. Monitor herd for health changes and report any changes in health to supervisor. Operate front end loaders and tractors to maintain irrigation pivot tracks, pasture planting, pasture maintenance and manure spreading. Assist in talking cows safely to and from pastures during the grazing season. Assist in taking cows to and from parlor for milking. Mowing of pastures and around facilities. Communicate with the farm manager regarding the condition of the pasture and the rotational schedule during grazing season. Treat individual animals and provide for down animals as required by protocol. Wean calves, vaccinations, mastitis, and pregnancy cow checks. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence and flood and sprinkler irrigation knowledge and management. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, extreme heat, etc.
All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of hay and livestock. The larger percentage of the work activities will be related to general farmwork/irrigation/hay production. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks required in general farmwork and the production of hay: adjust alignment of pipes ; adjust gates and pipe connections to control water flow; adjust valves to start and/or adjust water flow; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assemble and place pipe in assigned patterns in fields; evaluate the condition of the crop/weather and adjust harvesting and post-harvest activity based on evaluation; loading/unloading trucks; \nmaintain/drive/attach and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize, apply chemicals and harvest crops; maintenance of farm structures; operate maintain and repair all components of a sprinkler; operate multiple types of pumps; removal of excess plant growth from farm grounds; remove pipe from fields and place in storage; remove pipe from storage; shovel and pack dirt in low spots or cut trenches to direct water flow; use proper material and methods to repair irrigation equipment \nPerform any combination of the following tasks attending to livestock: apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; clean and disinfect livestock corrals, pens and handling facilities; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; lift and stack bales of hay and sacks of grain and mineral onto a feed truck or wagon; spray livestock with insecticide
Worker will be required perform a variety of duties related to the production of sod. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to general farm work/irrigation/crop production.\nWill apply specific horticultural techniques as instructed by the employer when carrying out the following responsibilities; maintain, drive, attach and operate farm/sod implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize and harvest sod; operate/maintain sod harvesters/mowing equipment/tractors/forklifts/trucks/trailers and make minor mechanical adjustments/repairs; remove rocks, roots, limbs and other debris from fields; remove undesirable and excess growth from sod or farm grounds; sow grass seed and plant plugs of sod; observe general condition of sod and apply the appropriate care; pull weeds, hoe, water, fertilize, monitor, tend/mow sod; harvest sod with sod cutter/tractor; cut/roll/stack sod and place on pallets.\nIrrigation duties will include the following:\nPivots: push on switch that activates circle sprinkler system \n
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. Maintenance of irrigation equipment such as pivot repair and maintenance. Chemical application. General lubrication, service (check fluids), and incidental repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nCrops: Alfalfa, Corn, Silage\n\nEquipment: Tractor, Combine, Grain Trucks
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
We operate a family run farm that primarily grows corn and wheat. We have some crops under pivot irrigation and some as dryland crops. We maintain our own equipment. Employee will need to complete routine repairs and maintenance on equipment. We periodically grow specialty crops. We also own and maintain ranch land as well but do not currently run livestock. We haul our grain from fields to storage locations. We also fabricate small steel projects, and we are particular on the quality of work we do. We always strive to be a top producer rather than the largest producer. Other duties will include rebuilding equipment. We have an extensive service program for all equipment that will need to be followed when completing maintenance on the equipment. We spray chemicals on our crops. Employee will also need to keep the yard and shop clean. We repair and maintain pivot irrigation systems and haul fertilizer. Employee will need to work in and around grain bins and build fences. Haul grain short distances to local storage locations. Operate large machines for harvest our crops. Employee will need to be able to work long hours and work with a variety of people. Job includes some very basic cleaning maintenance jobs. Employee will need to haul fertilizer and spray and mow weeds. Run farm equipment including a tractor.
Job duties include the operation of farm equipment to plant, spray, and harvest crops. Employees will operation equipment such as pickups, semi trucks and semi tractor trailer, tandem axle trucks, sprayers, mower, and tractors. Semi trucks are driven to transport crops to the grain bins or market. Duties also include mowing, cleaning grain from bins, minor construction around the farmstead, performing mechanical repair and maintenance on equipment and farmstead, as well as lifting for daily activities. Employees must have 3 months of experience, must have basic English literacy, reading, and math skills, as well as the ability to obtain a drivers license within 30 days of hire. Increase or bonus may be possible depending on experience and merit.
Plant/harvest horticulture plants (trees, shrubs, flowers, plants etc.). General farm/nursery work associated with all aspects of farming/nursery. Farm field/shed sanitation duties includes: mow grass, dig ditches, levees, fences, etc. Maintenance/operation of farm equipment.
We need seasonal workers to assist with our farming operation which consists of approximately 5000 acres of dry land wheat, dryland corn and Irrigated corn. Applicant will need to be able to safely operate grain and liquid fertilizer trucks, plant corn, operate irrigation sprinklers, general maintenance of farm equipment, maintenance of irrigation pivots, disking and chiseling to prepare for seeding and assist with other day to day operations associated with a grain farm. Complete general farm duties as assigned including fence and property repair and maintenance.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
We need seasonal employees to operate tractors and other farm equipment to assist with planting, growing and harvesting of our crops (corn, pinto beans, soybeans and rye). Employees will need to drive trucks to haul our harvested crops to the appropriate storage locations. Employees will be required to complete routine repairs and maintenance on equipment including cleaning, changing tires, oil, blowing out radiators, tapping out engine air filters and cab air filters, changing coolant and hydraulic filters and and taking care of the equipment. Job will require shop work and keeping the shop and tools clean and organized. All our ground is irrigated ground so we will have to watch sprinklers all summer long. They break down we have to fix them whether its electrical, a gearbox, center drive, contractor, a short in the wire whatever case may be we get it back up and rolling as soon as possible. May be required to pull irrigation wells and service sprinklers. Must be able to set Chemigators, insectigators and fertilizer pumps. Must have knowledge of GS3 auto guidance systems on equipment. Must be able to run telehandler/wheel loads and climb grain bins. No fear of heights.
Working conditions: Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with uneven fields and the CO climate. These conditions include dust, extremes of temperature and humidity, wind and at times, exposure to high levels of pollen. Workers should wear clothing suited to these conditions, including closed-toe shoes, hats, gloves, protective sleeves, and jackets which will provide adequate protection and allow freedom of movement. \n\nWorkers must be able to listen, understand, and follow the instructions of company supervisors and managers. \nWorkers must be willing to perform all duties according to the employer’s rules and regulations during the contract period.\n\nJob duties: Operate tractors to prepare the ground for planting and harvesting potatoes, malt barley and seed potatoes. \nWorker will perform a variety of tasks using a tractor, such as discing, mowing, floating, cultivating, harvesting, fertilizing and chemical applications. \nWorker must have prior experience mixing chemicals and calibrating the equipment.\nWorker needs to know how to calibrate agricultural implements such as chemical spray nozzles, operate backhoes, and perform routine tractor maintenance and basic repairs. \nWorkers will assist in cleaning warehouses. \nMust be able to lift and carry 50 lb boxes or bags.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health pro
Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; spray livestock with insecticide
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; spray livestock with insecticide
Job requires the operation of farm equipment including, but not limited to, tractors with various implements, grain carts, semi-trucks, and other large equipment to till soil; prepare land; and plant, cultivate, fertilize, spray, and harvest crops; and transport crops to storage area. Job will also require workers regularly cleaning and servicing equipment and performing mechanical repair and maintenance on equipment as required. Equipment may be operated on public roads. Job duties will require the use of hand tools in fields when managing crops and fields and performing repair and maintenance on equipment. Daily duties may vary depending on crop, weather, and field conditions. Pay increase or bonus may be possible depending on experience and merit.
Pull weeds/chop: Workers will walk along rows as specified by employer and remove weeds and grass from fields by hand or using a hoe. Cultivate and hand-harvest mixed vegetables and small grains, including field corn. Duties may include cleaning, field packing, loading and unloading harvested vegetables. May construct trellises, repair fences and farm buildings, or participate in irrigation activities. Field grade, sort, or classify vegetables by size, weight, color, or condition. Prolonged walking, standing, bending, stooping and reaching. Job is outdoors and continues in all types of weather. The use or possession or being under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol during working time is prohibited. Workers may be requested to submit to random drug or alcohol tests at no cost to the worker. Failure to comply with the request or testing positive may result in immediate termination. All testing will occur post-hire and is not a part of the interview process. Negative result may be required post-hire and before commencing work. Must be able to lift 75 lbs. to shoulder height repetitively throughout the workday and able to lift and carry 75 lbs. in field. Must not hinder another workers productivity. Requires three months verifiable prior work experience cultivating and hand-harvesting mixed vegetables and small grains, including field corn.\n\nAll workers are required to follow common sanitary practices at all times. This is particularly important when touching crops for human consumption. Workers are required to cleanse their hands by washing thoroughly with soap and water before entering field for harvest activities and after each break. Smoking and the use of tobacco products prohibited during working time.\n\nWorkers may be required to perform work that is incidental to farming the crops listed in the application. All other duties, if any assigned, will be those duties of Farm Worker, Diversified Crops, DOT code 407.687-010 (SOC (ONET/OES) code 45-2092.02). This is a very demanding and competitive business in which quality specifications must be rigorously adhered to. Sloppy work cannot and will not be tolerated.\n\nThe worker understands that if he abandons his employment or is terminated for cause prior to the end of the anticipated period of employment, the worker will forfeit the guarantee and reimbursement of certain transportation costs. Excessive absences and/or tardiness cannot be tolerated and may result in termination. \n\nDaily individual work assignments, crew assignments, and location of work will be made by and at the sole discretion of the employer and/or workers supervisor. Workers may be assigned a variety of duties in any given day and/or different tasks on different days. Workers will be expected to perform any of the listed duties and work on any crop as assigned by the employer and/or workers supervisor.\n\nHalar malas hierbas/Cortar: Los trabajadores caminarn junto filas segn especificado por el empleador y removern las malas hierbas y pasto de los campos a mano o con una azada. Cultivar y cosecha frutas y verduras. Deberes pueden incluyen campo-embalaje, carga y descarga de cosechad de frutas y verduras. Puede construir enrejados, reparar cercas y edificios de la granja, o participar en actividades de riego. Clasificar en el campo por grado, ordenar o clasificar las frutas y vegetales por el tamao, peso, color o condicin. Se prolongada estar de pie, agacharse, doblarse y alcanzar. El trabajo contina al aire libre y en todo tipo de clima. Se prohbe el uso o posesin o estar bajo la influencia de alcohol o drogas ilegales durante el tiempo de trabajo. Los trabajadores pueden ser solicitados a someterse a pruebas de drogas al azar o alcohol, sin costo alguno para el trabajador. El incumplimiento de la solicitud o
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
One temporary position opening. $14.82 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Crops/Commodities: \nBedding Plants. \nThis job requires a minimum of three months of prior experience working on a diversified crop farm or nursery handling manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities. Plants, cultivates and maintains bedding plants in condition for shipping and sale to customers. Pots seedlings, prunes, transplants, spaces, irrigates and culls plants to ensure availability of marketable products. Packs, labels, pulls and stores plants according to variety. May uncover and/or recover winter storage houses. Weeds, mows, loads/unloads truck and wagons. May operate tractors and other mechanical equipment under supervision. Performs any other duties involved in the maintenance of plant materials and nursery stock and maintenance of holding yards and shipping areas.\n\nWork is to be done for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with packaged product weighing up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. Saturday work required.\n\nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding and other tasks related to nursery operation. \n\nWork may also include mechanized field work using power equipment. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, planters, sprayers, cultivators and other equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction. \n\nWhile the employer does not require prospective applicants to take and pass a drug test prior to a hiring decision, the employer has a no-exceptions drug policy requiring newly-hired employees to take and pass an employer-paid drug and alcohol test. Every new hire and returning seasonal worker must undergo testing before start working with the company. All testing is conducted uniformly after an initial job offer has been extended and accepted by the new hire. If an employee tests positive, he/she is immediately terminated and paid for all hours worked between the first date of employment and the date of termination, if any. In the case of a non-local or foreign worker who is terminated for cause resulting from failure to pass a drug/alcohol test, the employer will arrange least-cost transportation to the worker's place of recruitment, at the worker's expense. The employer will also test at random, upon reasonable suspicion of use, and after a worker has an accident at work.\n\nEmployer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations.)\n\nPersons seeking employment in this position must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establish job reference(s) from recent employer(s) establishing acceptable prior experience. Successful applicants will be subject to a trial period of up to 5 days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated.
Workers will perform pruning, thinning, and harvesting of fruit trees. Workers will plant, cultivate, and harvest sweet cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, and apples by hand at correct ripeness and pack using various packaging methods. Workers will perform all tasks traditionally included in the operation of organic fruit orchards, including but not limited to irrigating, mowing, pest control, and fertilizing. Additional duties include weeding, inspecting, grading, sorting, packing, storing, and pre-and post-harvest treatment of crops. Workers will also perform general farm maintenance and cleanup activities, including assisting with repairs and maintenance of basic tools, farm equipment, and irrigation system. Must be able to operate farm equipment and drive tractors for crop cultivation. Must be able to climb up and down a ladder with a 35 lb. tote. Must be able to pick 10-bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. One (1) month of experience in harvesting tree fruit is required. A valid driver's license is also required to make local deliveries. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standard.\n----------------------------------------------------------\nLos trabajadores realizarán la poda, el aclareo y la cosecha de árboles frutales. Los trabajadores plantarán, cultivarán y cosecharán cerezas, melocotones, ciruelas, nectarinas y manzanas a mano en la madurez correcta y envasarán utilizando varios métodos de envasado. Los trabajadores realizarán todas las tareas que tradicionalmente se incluyen en la operación de huertos de frutas orgánicas, que incluyen, entre otras, irrigación, corte, control de plagas y fertilización. Las tareas adicionales incluyen el deshierbe, la inspección, la clasificación, la clasificación, el empaque, el almacenamiento y el tratamiento de los cultivos antes y después de la cosecha. Los trabajadores también realizarán actividades generales de limpieza y mantenimiento de la granja, incluida la asistencia con las reparaciones y el mantenimiento de las herramientas básicas, el equipo agrÃcola y el sistema de riego. Debe poder operar equipos agrÃcolas y conducir tractores para el cultivo de cultivos. Debe poder subir y bajar una escalera con una bolsa de 35 libras. Debe poder recoger bolsas de fruta de 10 bushel por hora para conservar el empleo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en la cosecha de frutos de árboles. También se requiere una licencia de conducir válida para realizar entregas locales. El empleador no proporcionará capacitación y permitirá cero dÃas para que el trabajador alcance el estándar de producción.
General: Workers will perform any of the following duties: Orchard clean-up, building and repairing tree trellises and other hand tasks. Training of apple and peach trees to trellises, including limb positioning, clipping and tying limbs and shoots to wire. Must be able to train trees to trellis without constant management supervision. Weeding, irrigating, cleaning, general maintenance around the worker house. Workers may also operate tractors. Workers will be instructed in safety and operation of the tractor before driving. Tractors should be driven in a manner to protect operator, other workers, products, trees, crops and equipment. Repeated failure to obey safety rules and operating instructions may result in termination.\n\nPlanting: Workers will prepare fields for planting by clearing cull stock, brush and debris, dig holes, plant seedlings or 'liners' by hand and shovel dirt around newly planted trees. Planting of vegetables.\n\nThinning is a manual process used to control the size and fruit quality of grown fruit. Workers will be given appropriate training by supervisors. Ability to pick up, use and safely handle a 12' orchard ladder weighing approximately 40 lbs is necessary for performance of thinning tasks. This process requires the employee to be able to appropriately remove the smallest fruit blossom, bud and/or identifiable fruit from within a cluster of other fruits. Workers will be expected to be able to identify and remove fruit that is misshapen, damaged and/or have other quality problems as directed by supervisors.\n\nPruning: Pruning numerous varieties of apple and peach trees according to established company procedures based on the difference in the treatment of different varieties. Work will be performed on trees for long periods of time using a variety of pruning equipment including hand shears, hand loppers, hand saws and 12' foot ladders. Pruning and thinning may be done from the ground or ladder up to 12' in heights or from a motorized platform. Workers pruning trees may be required to selectively prune only trees of a certain size as instructed by supervisor. Workers are expected to have requisite pruning skills to be able to identify and remove stubs or broken branches, downward growing branches, branches which rub against each other, shaded interior branches, dead wood and shoots/suckers with hand pruning saws and clippers, mechanized clippers and pole pruners. Occasionally workers my be required to use chain saws and other mechanized equipment in pruning activities. Careful pruning requires knowledge of what to prune, how much to prune and fruit trees' growth habits. The primary reason for pruning fruit trees is to improve fruit quality and thus increase crop marketability and value.\n\nApple/Peach/Vegetable Harvest: Maximization of fruit quality is of paramount importance. Different varieties of apples and peaches will be picked according to established company procedures based on the end use(spot picking for fresh; small percentage of culls for processing). Workers must be able to differentiate between colors accurately in order to perform color-specific picking. Workers will use a picking bag or basket and ladders up to 12' in length and will place picked fruit in bins. Hand harvesters may be instructed to pick culls and peelers (as directed and identified by supervisor) and drop on ground or place in bin. Hand harvesters may be required to selectively pick only fruit of a certain color and/or size. Vegetable harvest. \n\nCare must be taken when picking to not damage or bruise fruit. Workers must be able to pick and dump fruit without stem punctures, bruising or other damage which diminishes quality. Observation, by supervisor, of bruised, damaged or cull fruit will result in written disciplinary action up to and including termination. A written disciplinary notice may occur when a bin is inspected and a significant number of culls, bruised or damaged fruit is found. \n
All aspects of commercial beekeeping. Maintain hives, move hives, divide hives, super hives, extract honey. General repair and maintenance of equipment and facility.
All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of hay and livestock. The larger percentage of the work activities will be related to general farmwork/irrigation/hay production.\nPerform any combination of the following tasks required in general farmwork and the production of hay: adjust alignment of pipes ; adjust gates and pipe connections to control water flow; adjust valves to start and/or adjust water flow; assemble and place pipe in assigned patterns in fields; evaluate the condition of the crop/weather and adjust harvesting and post-harvest activity based on evaluation; loading/unloading trucks; maintain/drive/attach and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize, apply chemicals and harvest crops; maintenance of farm structures; operate maintain and repair all components of a sprinkler; operate multiple types of pumps; removal of excess plant growth from farm grounds; remove pipe from fields and place in storage; remove pipe from storage; shovel and pack dirt in low spots or cut trenches to direct water flow; use proper material and methods to repair irrigation equipment\nPerform any combination of the following tasks attending to livestock: apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; clean and disinfect livestock corrals, pens and handling facilities; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; lift and stack bales of hay and sacks of grain and mineral onto a feed truck or wagon; spray livestock with insecticide.
One temporary position opening. $15.58 per hour + housing at no cost to the worker. A signed contract may be required. time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, etc.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
Perform manual labor to plant, cultivate, and harvest Cabbage, watermelons, pumpkins and other Vegetable crops. Duties include tilling soil, transplanting, weeding, thinning, applying fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Set up and operate irrigation equipment, clear and maintain irrigation ditches. Monitor crops-determine harvest-ready vegetables , identify plants, pests, and weeds to determine the selection and application of pesticides and fertilizers. Record crop information such as pesticide use and harvest yield. Cleaning, packing, and loading of harvested products. Duties may include field preparation, set up and maintain irrigation systems, preform hand cultivation activities such as planting seeds, plugs, thinning, weeding, and hoeing in the field. May load and unload supplies, boxes, containers, etc. Load and unload produce during harvest. Farm maintenance repairing fences and farm buildings. Operate tractors, tractor-drawn machinery, and self-propelled machinery to plow, harrow, and fertilize the soil, or to plant, cultivate, spray and harvest crops. Operate, repair, and maintain farm vehicles, implements, mechanical equipment, and power tools. Operates, repairs, and maintains farm vehicles (tractor, ATV, trucks, vans, and UTV) implements, mechanical equipment, and power tools. Assist in loading trucks with the product. Job duties vary during the contract period due to crop or market conditions. Workers are given specific instructions given for each days work. The job requires being reliable, responsible, and dependable.\n Sanitation Requirements: When hand harvesting crops for human consumption, it is critical that all workers follow food and common personal safety sanitary practices at all times. Assist with Good Agricultural Practices policies. Employees are required to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before entering or reentering the field for harvest activities. \n\nPost-employment drug tests paid for by employer.
Workers will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production of beef cattle. Must be able to lift at least 50 lbs. Drive ATVs or tractors throughout ranch to check on fences, cattle and other livestock. Drive cattle to meant processing building, cutting and packaging of beef, deliver beef back to our coolers/freezers. Assist in delivery of calves and clip/tag after birth. Build fencing prior to grazing season and repair as needed throughout grazing season. Irrigation construction prior to grazing season. Irrigate pastures as necessary. Repair, maintain and construct all fencing prior to and during grazing season. Maintain corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment for proper cattle management. Clean livestock stalls and sheds using disinfectant solutions, brushes, and shovels. Maintain shop, animal housing facilities, restrooms and break rooms as clean and functional. Construction and painting of barns, sheds, and pens. Wood chopping and forest mitigation. Observe cattle to learn their patterns and behaviors and monitor herd for health changes. Report any changes in health to supervisor. Assist in taking cows safely to and from pastures during the grazing season. Treat individual animals and provide for down animals as required by protocol. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employer’s requirements during the contract period. There is a possibility that the position could be trained in and required to perform meat cutting. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, extreme heat and cold, etc.
All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of hay and livestock. The larger percentage of the work activities will be related to general farmwork/irrigation/hay production. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks required in general farmwork and the production of hay: adjust alignment of pipes ; adjust gates and pipe connections to control water flow; adjust valves to start and/or adjust water flow; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assemble and place pipe in assigned patterns in fields; evaluate the condition of the crop/weather and adjust harvesting and post-harvest activity based on evaluation; loading/unloading trucks; \nmaintain/drive/attach and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize, apply chemicals and harvest crops; maintenance of farm structures; operate maintain and repair all components of a sprinkler; operate multiple types of pumps; removal of excess plant growth from farm grounds; remove pipe from fields and place in storage; remove pipe from storage; shovel and pack dirt in low spots or cut trenches to direct water flow; use proper material and methods to repair irrigation equipment \nPerform any combination of the following tasks attending to livestock: apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; clean and disinfect livestock corrals, pens and handling facilities; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; lift and stack bales of hay and sacks of grain and mineral onto a feed truck or wagon; spray livestock with insecticide.
Workers will work on a 180-acre tree farm growing Blue Spruce trees. Job duties include but are not limited to: tree planting, watering/irrigation, tree shaping, weed control, tree removal and wrapping for transportation and sale, tree cutting, and general property upkeep and maintenance including mowing. Workers must be able to lift 50 lbs. \n\nLos trabajadores trabajarán en una granja de árboles de 180 acres cultivando árboles de abeto azul. Las tareas del trabajo incluyen, pero no se limitan a: plantación de árboles, riego / riego, modelado de árboles, control de malezas, remoción de árboles y envoltura para transporte y venta, corte de árboles y mantenimiento general de la propiedad, incluido el corte. Los trabajadores deben poder levantar 50 libras.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nCrops: Milo, Sunflower, Sorghum\n\nEquipment: Tractor, Combine, Grain Trucks
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, spray, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\n\nCrops: Corn, Winter Wheat, Hay\n\nEquipment: John Deere R4045 SprayerCase 380 tractorCat 775 tractor2000 Peterbuilt truck2000 International feedtruck w/ roto mix feed boxNew holland L230 skid steerCat 926 M loaderHonda ATV
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nCrops: Corn, Winter Wheat\n\nEquipment: 3-John Deere 8345R Tractors with front wheel assist and IVT Transmission with GPS guidance2-John Deere S-9770 Combines with 12 row Corn Heads and 32 foot Stripper headers1- John Deere 4940 Sprayer with 120 foot boom2- Kinzie 1050 Grain Carts Row Crop Model4- Peterbilt Semi Tractors with 42 foot Grain Trailers1- Cat 966G Loader with 5 cubic yard bucket1- Hitchcock Manure Spreader Box 36 foot long on 4 axles pulled by farm tractor1- Spread-all Manure Spreader Box 20 foot long on 2 axles pulled by farm tractor\n\n
Five temporary position opening. $14.82 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. Three quarter time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock, feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Light Mechanical skills preferred. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
We need seasonal employees to assist with our season starting in February until cattle are sold in December. Employees will be checking cattle for health, making feed, and feeding the cattle while confined prior to going to fields and processing cattle when we buy them and before selling them. Employees will also need to doctor cattle if needed, build fences and repairs fences as needed. Complete general farm duties associated with cattle care. \n
Worker will be required to perform a variety of duties related to the production of sod. The majority of the work activities during the overall contract period, however, will be related to general farm work/irrigation/crop production.\nWill apply specific horticultural techniques as instructed by the employer when carrying out the following responsibilities: sow grass seed and plant plugs of sod and cut/roll/stack/load and unload sod; remove weeds from crops or farm grounds; mow/tend sod; operate forklift; prepare crops for shipment.\nIrrigation duties will include the following: \nPivots: push on switch that activates circle sprinkler system; turn on pump; shovel and pack dirt in low spots of embankment or cut trenches in high areas to direct water flow; refill trenches. \nOther Irrigation Duties: lubricate, adjust, repair and replace parts such as sprinkler heads and drive chains using hand tools.
We have a farm in CO where we raise millet, wheat and corn. We need seasonal employees to assist with all aspects of growing these crops. Employees will need to drive tractor for tillage operations, operate a sprayer for fertilizer application and weed control. Employees will also need to complete maintenance and repair of equipment used on the farm and assist in harvesting and hauling of grain.
Thin blossoms and fruit from peaches and grapes. Harvest fruit by hand at appropriate ripeness, pack into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb a ladder with 30 lb. picking tote. Must pick 10 bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. Will also perform orchard cleanup. One (1) month experience in pruning and fruit harvesting is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n------------------------------------------------------------------\nAdelgaza las flores y los frutos de los melocotoneros y las vides de uva. Coseche la fruta a mano en la madurez apropiada, empquela en cajas de envo. Debe poder subir una escalera con una bolsa para recoger de 30 lb. Debe recoger 10 bolsas de fruta por hora para la retencin del trabajo. Tambin se realizar la limpieza del huerto. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en poda y cosecha de fruta. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y no dar ningn da para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.
See Addendum C - A.8a. - Job Duties Continued.\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nVer Anexo C - A.8a. - Continuacin de los deberes laborales.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or
Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as nternal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; spray livestock with insecticide
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
The basic duties of a ranch hand on a working ranch are tending livestock and repairing and cleaning fences, ranch buildings, and equipment. Tending livestock usually includes feeding, watering, birthing, branding, shearing, roping, sorting, pasturing, herding, grooming, or trimming, cleaning stalls and basic doctoring skills for the ranch's horses, cattle, poultry, pigs, and/or sheep. Having raised healthy animals through this attentive care, ranch hands must also haul the livestock to market or to a shipping terminal for the purposes of selling or butchering. Ranchers specialize in nurturing and caring for these young animals. Cow-calf raisers must keep track of breeding and calving season, and they must have enough rudimentary veterinary skills to aid heifers in the birthing of calves and even in the treatment of animals that are wounded or hurt during the birthing process. Moving or herding cattle to and from different pastures, transporting animals to new locations or to market, protecting the herd from wild animals or even poachers and providing basic veterinary care to sick or injured animals as the need arises. As with any piece of property, a ranch requires a great degree of general maintenance and oversight. Because of the vastness of many ranches, this work includes tasks such as building and repairing fences to separate pastures and building and maintaining all buildings on the property, maintaining machinery, trucks, tractors, and other equipment used in ranching. Other maintenance tasks for entry level ranch jobs include groundskeeping, operating machinery such as mowing and baling hay fields, removing dead or fallen trees and ensuring there are no poisonous or dangerous plants or animals on the property that could harm the livestock, daily irrigation of fields using modern sprinkler systems, setting up irrigation tubes to direct water to specific areas and digging new ditches to move water to new locations.
Three temporary position openings. $14.82 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Two temporary position openings. $14.82 per hour + housing at no cost to the worker. A signed contract may be required. time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock, feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, etc.
Two temporary position opening. $14.82 per hour + housing at no cost to the worker. A signed contract may be required. time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 60 pounds. Attend to livestock, feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Light Mechanical skills preferred. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, etc.
Planting, cutting, mowing, digging, watering, fertilizing and harvesting sod, opertate tractors/sod farm equipment, general clean up.
Two temporary position openings. $14.82 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Light Mechanical skills preferred. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Winter pruning of peach trees, rake brush, plant trees, clean/maintain work area, cut weeds, thin blossoms/fruit from trees. Harvest cherries/peaches/pears at correct ripeness, pack into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb down ladder with 35 lbs pack. Must pick 10 bushel bags (50 lbs) per hour for job retention. Requires 1 month experience pruning and thinning peaches or 1 month experience harvesting peaches. Workers will be trained in food safety and must follow guidelines to retain employment.
Must be able to ride a horse on the range to move the cattle from current grazing areas to new grazing areas to assure sufficient food and to practice good range management. Must repair fences on the range to keep the animals contained and assure their safety. Must have 6 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Performs any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on a ranch or range. Feeds and waters livestock on range. Herds livestock to range for grazing. Examines animals to detect diseases and injuries. Assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corral and/or stall or manually restraining animal on the range. Applies medications to cuts and bruises, sprays livestock with insecticide and herds offspring. Binds or clamps testes or surgically removes testes to castrate livestock. Clips identifying notches or symbols on animal or brands animals using branding iron to indicate ownership. \nWorkers must be willing and able to perform all duties per the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will on call 24/7. Workers will be on call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Majority of total workdays (51%) will be on the range beginning with the first workday after the arrival of the worker at the place of employment or the advertised contractual first date of need, whichever is later, and ending on the expiration date specified in the work contract or departure of worker from USA. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions. A signed contract may be required. \n\n
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\n\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***\n
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\nEquipment: Tractor, Sprayer and Combine.\nCrops: Corn, Winter Wheat
Job requires operating farm equipment, tractors with various implements, combines, and sprayers to till soil, plant, cultivate, irrigate, fertilize, & harvest crops. Job will also require driving semi-trucks to transport products to elevator or storage area from fields during harvest; performing mechanical repair and maintenance on tractors and field equipment; operating and maintaining irrigation equipment such as well motors and pivots; using hand tools in fields for repairs and weeding; operating mowers; performing work in and around grain bins such as leveling, shoveling, and sweeping grain; transferring grain between grain bins and in and out of trucks coming from fields during harvest using augers and other automatic grain moving equipment. Daily work duties may vary. Increase or bonus may be possible depending on experience or merit.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. Attends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions. Range herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals don’t disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\n\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions. The worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted). ***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***\n
All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of hay and livestock. The larger percentage of the work activities will be related to general farmwork/irrigation/hay production. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks required in general farmwork and the production of hay: adjust alignment of pipes ; adjust gates and pipe connections to control water flow; adjust valves to start and/or adjust water flow; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assemble and place pipe in assigned patterns in fields; evaluate the condition of the crop/weather and adjust harvesting and post-harvest activity based on evaluation; loading/unloading trucks; \nmaintain/drive/attach and operate farm implements/tractors/equipment to till soil, plant, cultivate, fertilize, apply chemicals and harvest crops; maintenance of farm structures; operate maintain and repair all components of a sprinkler; operate multiple types of pumps; removal of excess plant growth from farm grounds; remove pipe from fields and place in storage; remove pipe from storage; shovel and pack dirt in low spots or cut trenches to direct water flow; use proper material and methods to repair irrigation equipment \nPerform any combination of the following tasks attending to livestock: apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; clean and disinfect livestock corrals, pens and handling facilities; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; lift and stack bales of hay and sacks of grain and mineral onto a feed truck or wagon; spray livestock with insecticide.
This job requires a minimum of three months experience in pruning, thinning and/or harvesting tree fruit and grape vines. Workers must be able to perform all work activities with accuracy and efficiency.\n\n(SEE JOB ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IN ADDENDUM C)\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\nEste trabajo requiere un mnimo de tres meses de experiencia en la poda, el adelgazamiento y/o la cosecha de rboles frutales y vides de uva. Los trabajadores deben poder realizar todas las actividades laborales de manera precisa y eficiente.\n\n(VER INFORMACIN ADICIONAL DEL TRABAJO EN EL APNDICE C)
We need seasonal workers to haul agricultural products. Employee will also assist in making compost out of manure and straw and liquid fertilizer and apply to fields. Drive semi-trucks and operate heavy farm equipment like tractors, combines and other agricultural machines. Employees will need to complete routine maintenance and repairs on equipment. Must have a CDL or appropriate driver's license or be able to obtain one within 30 days of hire. Employer will conduct post-hire drug testing at employer's expense as required by DOT requirements. Require 3 months' experience.\n\n
Perform duties like: drive and operate farm and potato equipment to plant, cultivate, harvest and store potatoes. Till soil; plant and cultivate winter potatoes. Pay attention to crop quality and sort as needed. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive potato trucks to transport potatoes to storage area and packing facility on the farm. Assist with packing and bagging potatoes in the packing facility on the farm. Make sure packaging facility is clean and sanitized. Maintain safe and clean work environment by keeping shelves, pallet area, and workstations neat at all times. Comply with procedures, rules, and regulations. Organize warehouse and work area on the farm. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Will be responsible for building and yard repair as well as various projects that worker may be assigned. \nEquipment: tractor \nCrop/s: Potatoes
Performs duties like: drive and operate potato and corn equipment to plant, cultivate, harvest and store potatoes and corn. Till soil; plant and cultivate potatoes. Pay attention to crop quality and sort as needed. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive potato trucks to transport potatoes to storage area. Will be responsible for building and yard repair as well as various projects that worker may be assigned. Must keep accurate and detailed field and crop records. General lubrication (check fluids) and incidental repair to farm machinery.\nEquipment: Tractor, Truck\nCrops: Corn, Potatoes
Job requires the operation of tractors, combines, grain carts, ATVs, mowers, semi-trucks, sprayers, forklifts, and other farm equipment with various implements attached to plant, cultivate, spray, irrigate, harvest and transport crops to buyers or storage locations. Job will also require workers to perform maintenance and repair on farm and field equipment; mow and perform grounds keeping duties; maintain and operate irrigation equipment such as pivots and well motors; clean shop areas and farm buildings; work in and around grain bins by leveling grain and transferring grain between bins and to trucks using augers; perform weed control; maintaining and repairing farm buildings; use hand tools for digging and fencing; transport gravel from a gravel pit to the farm to use on roads and driveways when required. Farm duties may vary daily. Increase or bonus may be possible depending on experience and merit.
We need seasonal employees to help with the application of fertilizers and agricultural herbicides to farm ground. Employees will operate application equipment and spreaders. To apply fertilizers to farm ground. Employees will be required to assist in the routine maintenance and repairs of application equipment and supporting equipment. Employees will need to operate equipment. Support equipment such as front-end loaders and transfer conveyors for these products. Employer may provide pay increases for longevity and experience.
Tend to flocks of sheep grazing on ranch. Moves sheep to and about area assigned for grazing. Prevent animals from wandering or becoming lost, use trained dogs to round up strays and assist in moving flock to other locations. Use guard dogs to protect from predators. Guards flock against predatory animals and eating poisonous plants. Maintain all fences, corrals, bunkhouses, buildings, and livestock equipment used for proper livestock management. May assist in lambing, docking, castrating, dehorning, shearing, vaccinating, drenching, and medicating animals. May brand, tag, clip, or otherwise mark sheep for identification purposes. May sort and cut culls. May feed animals supplementary rations. \n
Daily herd management, feeding livestock, irrigating crops and crop harvest.\n\nWorkers must be familiar with and able to safely operate and ATV, and be able to ride a horse to work with livestock on ranch. Must be able to lift 75 lbs. Perform any combination of the following tasks on the ranch. Assist with calving heifers. Must be familiar with and able to identify livestock diseases. Able to detect and assist with calving problems, and weigh newborn calves. Assist with shipping and weaning calves. Maintain all fences, corrals, bunkhouses, buildings, and livestock equipment used for proper livestock management. Must have a knowledge of building and repair of fencing, and assist with haying operations.
We raise corn, millet, wheat and forage plants. We plant and harvest our own crops. We haul hay to our ranch locations, grain from fields to our storage facilities and employer owned fields/locations. We need equipment operators to operate tractors and various implements (planters, drills, sweeps, etc), balers, windrower, combines, loaders, and trucks. Would require employees to operate a semi-truck and trailer, CDL not required for farm drivers but experience driving a truck required. Regular maintenance/clean-up of the equipment. Yard and shop maintenance/clean-up, including but not limited to trash pick-up, sweeping, weed control and grain storage maintenance and cleaning required.
Winter pruning of fruit trees using handsaws and pruning tools. Rake brush and orchard cleanup. Thin blossoms and fruit on peach and cherry trees. Harvest fruit by hand at correct ripeness. Pack fruit into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb up and down orchard ladder with pruning tools and 35 lb. picking tote. Must be able to pick 10 bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. One (1) month experience pruning and harvesting fruit trees is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n---------------------------------------------------------\nPoda invernal de rboles frutales mediante sierras de mano y herramientas de poda. Rastrillo y limpieza de huerta. Delgadas flores y frutos sobre melocotoneros y cerezos. Cosechar la fruta a mano en la madurez correcta. Empaque la fruta en cajas de envo. Debe poder subir y bajar la escalera de la huerta con herramientas de poda y una bolsa de recoleccin de 35 lb. Debe ser capaz de recoger 10 bolsas de fruta por hora para la retencin del trabajo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia de poda y cosecha de rboles frutales. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y no dar ningn da para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.
Crops/Commodities: \nnursery stock, flowers, bedding plants, shrubs. \nPlants, cultivates and maintains in condition for shipping and resale to customers nursery stock. Pots seedlings, prunes, spaces, irrigates and culls plants to ensure availability of marketable products. Packs, labels, pulls and stores plants according to variety. Loads/unloads truck and wagons. Workers will perform work including but not limited to planting, transplanting, watering in nursery. Count and inventory plants. Propagate plants from cuttings. Fill, lift and carry various size pots with soil and plants weighing as much as 60 pounds. Plants must be handled carefully so that minimal leaves, limbs and roots are broken during transplanting process. Performs any other duties involved in the maintenance of plant materials and nursery stock and general maintenance of greenhouse and production areas.\nWorkers with a clean driving record (no major moving violations such as but not limited to Driving While Intoxicated or Reckless Driving) and able to obtain an insurable driver's license may drive company vehicles. Workers with appropriate licenses and a valid doctor's certificate may transport other workers.\nWork is to be done for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. \nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a timely and proficient manner without close supervision. Employer will instruct workers in the safety and operation of equipment before use. Workers must operate equipment in a manner that protects operator, visitors, other workers, products, trees, crops and equipment. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in termination.\nMust wear assigned personal protective equipment when required. Must report for work daily wearing work clothing and boots or other durable foot wear. Must wear proper protective footwear that is closed-toe in nature with a non-slip sole, such as work boots or trail-type shoes. Shorts, bathing suits or other casual clothing not permitted. Workers wearing clothing inappropriate for work will not be permitted to start work.\nEmployer-paid post-hire drug and alcohol testing is required upon reasonable suspicion of use. Workers may not report for work while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Except for moderate alcohol consumption in company housing during non-working hours, the possession or use of illegal drugs or alcohol on company premises is prohibited and will be cause for termination.\nTobacco use strictly prohibited on company property except for specifically designated areas. No smoking, vaping or tobacco use of any kind permitted in the fields, company vehicles, worker housing, or on company premises. This is necessary to protect against transmission of toxins and contamination from tobacco by-products. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found using any type of tobacco product in unauthorized areas. \nWork may also include mechanized work using power equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction. \nPersons seeking employment as experienced Nursery Worker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. \n
Crops/Commodities: \nalfalfa, milo, wheat. \nDrive tractors,rake hay, make and mow irrigation ditches, operate other mechanized farm equipment to prepare and maintain flood irrigation systems. Perform manual and mechanized tasks including but not unlimited to flood irrigation.\n\nManipulate controls to set, activate, and adjust mechanisms on machinery. Perform routine service on equipment (e.g. maintaining tires, wheels, bearings, belts, and other wear parts). Repair or replace defective parts. Attach farm implements (e.g., hay rake, mower) using hand tools. May assist with other general farm maintenance or repairs.\n\nInstall/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Install and remove levee gates. \n\nApply herbicides for weed control on irrigation ditches. \n\nWorkers must operate all equipment properly and in a manner that protects operator, others, the employer’s products and property. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.\n\nMust wear assigned personal protective equipment when required. Must report for work daily wearing work clothing and boots or other durable foot wear. Workers wearing clothing inappropriate for work will not be permitted to start work.\n\nOutdoor work required when plants are wet, or during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours may vary. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. Work is done outdoors for long periods of time and requires prolonged periods of standing and/or walking, repetitive movements, and frequent bending and/or stooping. Workers must be able to handle, lift, and carry heavy or bulky objects (product, containers) in accordance with the specified lifting requirements. \n\nClean driving record required. Must have or be able to obtain driver’s license within 30 days following hire. Workers with appropriate licenses and a valid doctor's certificate may be asked to drive other workers. \n\nApplicants must be able to furnish verifiable job reference(s) or comparable third party documentation from recent employer(s) establishing acceptable prior experience. Supervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a proficient manner without close supervision. \n\nWorkers residing in employer-provided housing will be provided free transportation between housing and worksite each work day. \n \nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker’s Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time. \n \n \nTERMINATION. All workers will be subject to a five-day trial period, during which the employer will evaluate workers' performance of required tasks. Employer reserves the right to terminate a worker at the conclusion of the trial period if the worker’s performance fails to satisfy the employer’s reasonable expectations, or is otherwise unacceptable.
Winter pruning of fruit trees, raking of brush, tree planting, and frost protection tasks. Thin blossoms and fruit from trees. Harvest peaches, pears, and apples at correct ripeness and pack into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb up and down ladder with 35 lb. pack. Must pick 10-bushel bags (approximately 50 lbs. each) of fruit per hour for job retention Perform orchard cleanup. One (1) month of experience pruning and harvesting tree fruit is required. Workers will be trained in Food Safety and must follow guidelines to retain employment. Applicants must agree to random post-hire drug testing. The employer will incur all expenses related to the drug test. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n--------------------------------------\nPoda de rboles frutales en invierno, rastrillado de matorrales, plantacin de rboles y labores de proteccin contra heladas. Delgadas flores y frutos de los rboles. Coseche melocotones, peras y manzanas en la madurez correcta y empaqutelos en cajas de envo. Debe poder subir y bajar escaleras con un paquete de 35 lb. Debe recoger bolsas de 10 bushel (aproximadamente 50 libras cada una) de fruta por hora para conservar el trabajo. Realizar la limpieza del huerto. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en poda y cosecha de rboles frutales. Los trabajadores recibirn capacitacin en seguridad alimentaria y deben seguir las pautas para conservar el empleo. Los solicitantes deben aceptar someterse a pruebas de deteccin de drogas al azar despus de la contratacin. El empleador incurrir en todos los gastos relacionados con la prueba de drogas. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y permitir cero das para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as nternal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals fro
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against
Job requires a minimum of 1 month prior experience pruning and thinning peach and pear trees & 3 months experience driving farm tractors. Must be able to climb up & down ladder with heavy 35# pack, carry 50# ladder, and pick 20 1/2 bushel buckets of fruit per hour to retain employment.\n\n
Winter pruning of peach trees and raking of brush. Thin blossoms and fruit from trees. Harvest peaches at correct ripeness and pack into shipping boxes. One (1) month of experience pruning fruit trees and harvesting peaches is required. Must be able to climb up and down a ladder with a 35-pound pack. Must be able to pick 10-bushel bags (50 pounds each) per hour for job retention. Employer will provide 4 days of training to reach the 10 bushels/hour production standard. Employer will pay costs of required random post-employment drug and alcohol testing.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPoda del invierno de los melocotones y del rastrillo del cepillo. Delgadas flores y frutos de los rboles. Coseche los melocotones en la madurez correcta y empacar en cajas de envo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en podar rboles frutales y cosechar duraznos. Debe ser capaz de subir y bajar escalera con paquete de 35 libras. Debe ser capaz de recoger 10 bolsas de bushel (50 libras cada una) por hora para retener el trabajo. El empleador proporcionar 4 das de entrenamiento para alcanzar el estndar de produccin de 10 bushels/hora. El empleador pagar los costos de las pruebas de drogas y alcohol post-empleo.
Four temporary position opening. $14.82 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. 3/4 time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock, feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Light Mechanical skills preferred. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Must have 3 months experience with 800 - 1000 head flocks. One reference required. \nAttends sheep and/or goat flock grazing on range or pasture: Herds flock and rounds up strays using trained dogs. Attend to sheep grazing on the range to include: Herding sheep on the range or in pastures while riding on horseback, riding ATVs, or walking on foot. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. Drenches sheep and/or goats. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions.\nRange herding is completed when vegetation is not in a dormant state. A range herder requires knowledge and maintenance of rangeland in order to avoid overgrazing of the range land and prevention of animals ingesting noxious weeds. The proper grazing action of these animals helps to reduce wildland fire fuel, increase soil fertility and improve vegetation. Experienced employees hired for this type of position would need to have the knowledge of maintaining a herd on a range so the animals dont disperse in large open areas, be able to promote proper grazing of rangeland, and predator control on the range.\nMay assist in lambing, docking, and shearing. The following seasonal duties will need to be performed. Herder will need to move pregnant ewes to lambing grounds. Be able to identify signs of ewes going into labor and identify potential problems during the labor process. Know how and when to assist during difficult births. Be able to properly constrain ewes for difficult births and able to graft orphan lambs to mothers. Ability to identify herd health issues including but not limited to malnutrition of ewes and lambs, prolapse and mastitis. Provide water to animals, including minor maintenance of water troughs and water lines. May need to haul water in truck to supplement animal water needs. May need to provide supplement feed for the ewes and lambs if the range has insufficient forage. Disperse livestock on the range to reduce overcrowding and increase the success of mother and lamb bonding. Protect vulnerable livestock (lambs & ewes in labor) from predators. Move Ewes and lambs and assist in branding, castrating, vaccinating, tagging, and worming. Ability to safely catch lambs with a hook. Move ewes and lambs to summer range grounds. \n\nSome work/tasks may occur off the range, but more than 50% of work will be performed on the range. Western Range Association and its member ranches facilitate practices of good animal husbandry. Employees that are found abusing, neglecting or abandoning livestock entrusted to their care may be terminated for cause. If the negligent/abusive actions of an employee result in the loss/death of livestock/animals or cause harm to another person, the employee may be held accountable for these actions.\nThe worker will live in the employer provided range housing. Said housing will be clean and in good repair at the time it is provided to the employee. The employee is responsible to maintain the housing unit in a reasonable level of cleanliness in order to avoid flies, mice or other vermin. The employee is responsible to alert the employer of damage to the housing unit within a reasonable amount of time. The employee may be held accountable for damage to the housing unit that is the result of negligence on the part of the employee (normal wear and tear excepted).\n***Hours worked footnote: On call for up to 24 hours 7 days a week***
Three temporary position openings. $14.82 per hour + housing at no cost to the worker. Three quarter time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock, feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters, calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Light Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, etc.
Prune and thin blossoms from peaches, cherries, grapes, rake brush; irrigate; harvest fruit at correct ripeness and pack into shipping boxes; may spray pesticides. Drive farm trucks on and off the farm premises. Must be able to\nclimb down ladder with 35 lb pack. Workers must be able to thin blossoms off 60 'V' trees, or 25 'quad' trees per 8 hr. day and must average 1440 lbs. peaches picked per day over 5 day period. 1 month pruning and thinning\nexperience required. Workers must be able to work at speed of average worker.
One temporary position opening. $14.82 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. Three quarter time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Light Mechanical skills preferred. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Crops/Commodities: \nPeaches, pears, apricots, apples, cherries, watermelons. \nThis job requires a minimum of three months of prior experience working on a fruit or vegetable farm, handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities. Workers must be able to perform manual as well as mechanized activities with accuracy and efficiency. Workers will drive tractors to spray, cultivate and transport fruit and field boxes; prune fruit trees, thin and harvest peaches, apricots, cherries, pears and apples. Productivity must be at least 50 boxes per day of fresh market fruit, including apples, peaches, pears, and 70 boxes per day of processing fruit, including apples, peaches, pears. Workers must be physically able to pick tree fruit, most of which is done from ladders, with lower branches being picked from ground. Picked fruit is placed in a metal-framed canvas covered picking bucket with canvas straps that slip over the head and rest on the shoulders. Filled bucket, weighing up to 35 lbs., is emptied into bulk bins. When necessary, workers are required to handle and pick from ladders up to 12 ft. in length and weighing 10 to 15 pounds. Worker places ladder firmly against or within tree in a secure position so as not to break limbs or knock off fruit and to prevent slipping or falling. All fruit must be handled with care to avoid bruising. Each tree will be picked according to instructions given each day by the orchard foreman. Primary duty will be to harvest fruit; however other duties will be offered including hand thinning fruit, picking roots, rocks and other debris, mulching, pruning, cutting shoots and suckers, raking cuttings and debris, inserting/removing tree spreaders, pulling or cutting thorny plants, weeds and vines from around trees (some weeds may be noxious), hand placement of rodent baits around trees, operation and maintenance of tractors and other equipment, cleaning and clearing fence rows and farm buildings. May load and unload trucks, install irrigation equipment and clean equipment. Employer expects workers to work with or without supervision at such tasks.\n\nMust be able to safely maneuver ladders up to 12 feet in length on steep and uneven terrain. Must be experienced in distinguishing between apple varieties and be able to spot pick trees for acceptable color. Field supervision monitors workers to ensure fruit is not bruised in picking. Must be able to sort out fruit with defects. \n\nTasks include planting, cultivating and harvesting watermelons, averaging 25-30 pounds each. May stake/tie plants, trellis/prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. Considerable stooping and kneeling is required. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants.\n\nWork may also include heavy mechanized orchard work using power equipment. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, string trimmers, sprayers, planters and cultivators. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction. Workers must be able to perform all duties of entry level workers as well as perform additional mechanized activities with accuracy and efficiency.\n\nWork is to be done for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 40 to 105 F.
Prune peach trees & rake brush. Thin blossoms and fruit from peach trees. Harvest peaches at correct ripeness, pack into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb down ladder with 35 lb. pack on back. Must pick 10 bushel bags of peaches/hour for job retention. 1 mo. experience pruning fruit trees and harvesting peaches needed. Employer will provide 1 day of training and allow 3 days of work for workers to reach the clearly defined production standard.
Six temporary position openings. $14.82 per hour + free housing. 3/4 time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Workers may or may not ride a horse. Must have 6 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Returning workers may be offered longevity pay and/or production bonus – signed contract \nmay be required. \n\nPerforms any combination of the following tasks on the ranch. Attend to livestock—feeds and waters livestock on range or at ranch headquarters—calving, maintaining cattle herd health and put up& lay down fences on national forest. Cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Herd’s livestock to pasture for grazing. Examines animals to detect diseases and injuries. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. \n\nWorkers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employer’s requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, etc. Temperatures in early spring and late fall are cool; winters very cold (-30 degrees F.) temperatures during working hours in the summer can reach a high of 100 degrees F.\n\n\n
One temporary position opening. $14.82 per hour + housing at no cost to the worker. A signed contract may be required. Three quarter time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock--feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters. Calving, and maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, etc.
Winter prune, thin blossoms and fruit on peach and pear trees. Workers will plant, cultivate, and harvest peaches, pears, and vegetables by hand at correct ripeness and pack using various packaging methods. Must be able to climb up and down ladder with 35 lb. pack. Must be able to pick 10 bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. Workers will also perform general farm maintenance and field cleanup activities. One (1) month experience as a fruit and vegetable harvester is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPoda de invierno, flores finas y frutos en melocotoneros y perales. Los trabajadores plantarn, cultivarn y cosecharn melocotones, peras y verduras a mano en la madurez correcta y empacarn utilizando varios mtodos de empaque. Debe poder subir y bajar escaleras con un paquete de 35 lb. Debe poder recoger 10 sacos de fruta por hora para conservar el empleo. Los trabajadores tambin realizarn actividades generales de mantenimiento agrcola y limpieza de campos. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia como recolector de frutas y verduras. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y permitir cero das para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.
Worker must be familiar with and able to safely operate an ATV and be able to ride a horse to work livestock on ranch. Four temporary position openings. A signed contract may be required. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Performs any combination of the following tasks on the ranch. Attend to livestock including cattle and other farm animals. Feeds hay and supplements to livestock, observing livestock daily for herd health. Assist in shipping of yearling using safe practices to protect animals and workers. Maintain all fences, corrals, bunkhouses, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper livestock management. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, flood and sprinkler irrigation knowledge and management, and assist with haying operations by covering haystacks with tarps, May have to work weekends during irrigation season. Maintain small equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Worker must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employer's requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Must be able to ride a horse on the range to move the cattle from current grazing areas to new grazing areas to assure sufficient food and to practice good range management. Must repair fences on the range to keep the animals contained and assure their safety. Must have 6 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Performs any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on a ranch or range. Feeds and waters livestock on range. Herds\nlivestock to range for grazing. Examines animals to detect diseases and injuries. Assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corral and/or stall or manually restraining animal on the range. Applies medications to cuts and bruises, sprays livestock with insecticide and herds offspring. Binds or clamps testes or surgically removes testes to castrate livestock. Clips identifying notches or symbols on animal or brands animals using branding iron to indicate ownership. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties per the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will on call 24/7. Workers will be on call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Majority of total workdays (51%) will be on the range beginning with the first workday after the arrival of the worker at the place of\nemployment or the advertised contractual first date of need, whichever is later, and ending on the expiration date specified in the work contract or departure of worker from USA. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
This job requires a minimum of three months experience in thinning and/or harvesting tree fruit. Workers must be able to perform all work activities with accuracy and efficiency.\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nEste trabajo requiere un mnimo de tres meses de experiencia en el adelgazamiento y / o la cosecha de rboles frutales. Los trabajadores deben poder realizar todas las actividades laborales con precisin y eficiencia.\n\n(SEE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IN ATTACHMENT / VER INFORMACIN ADICIONAL EN ADJUNTO)
Water, fertilize, plant, clean, cover, pack, move, and load the crops of bedding plants (annuals & perennials). Mow\n& trim. May operate vehicles.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nCrops: Winter Wheat, Corn
Prune peach trees and grapevines. Tie and train grapevines. Thin peaches by hand. Harvest peaches and grapes at appropriate ripeness and pack peaches into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb up and down ladder with 30 pound pack on back. Must be able to pick 10-bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. Will also perform orchard cleanup. One (1) month pruning and fruit harvesting experience is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n----------------------------------------------------------\nPode los duraznos y las vides. Ate y entrene las vides de uva. Melocotones finos a mano. Coseche los duraznos y las uvas con la madurez adecuada y empaque los duraznos en las cajas de envo. Debe poder subir y bajar escaleras con un paquete de 30 libras en la espalda. Debe poder recoger bolsas de fruta de 10 bushel por hora para retener el trabajo. Tambin realizar la limpieza del huerto. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en poda y cosecha de frutas. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y dejar cero das para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.
Winter pruning of fruit trees and grape vines using handsaws and pruning tools. Rake brush and orchard/vineyard cleanup. Thin blossoms and fruit on peach, apricot, cherry trees, and grapevines. Harvest fruit by hand at correct ripeness. Pack fruit into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb up and down orchard ladder with pruning tools and 35 lb. picking tote. Must be able to pick 10 bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. One (1) month experience pruning and harvesting fruit trees/grapevines is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPoda invernal de frutales y vides mediante sierras de mano y herramientas de poda. Cepillo de rastrillo y limpieza de huertos / viñedos. Delgadas flores y frutos de melocotón, albaricoque, cerezos y vides. Coseche la fruta a mano en la madurez correcta. Empaque la fruta en cajas de envÃo. Debe poder subir y bajar la escalera del huerto con herramientas de poda y una bolsa de recolección de 35 lb. Debe poder recoger 10 sacos de fruta por hora para conservar el empleo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en poda y cosecha de árboles frutales / vides. El empleador no proporcionará capacitación y permitirá cero dÃas para que el trabajador alcance los estándares de producción.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of goats and sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes and nannies using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; administer medication as needed; assist with docking; assist with hauling water when winter and drought conditions eliminate natural sources of water for sheep and goats; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with supplemental feeding (when weather or quality of forage precludes use of range forage); assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend animals in barns during kidding/lambing season; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); bed down animals at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed supplemental rations to sheep and goats when available forage is not sufficient to increase the plane of nutrition; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; make certain animals have access to fresh water; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes and nannies using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; administer medication as needed; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; attend animals in barns during kidding/lambing season; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations to sheep and goats when available forage is not sufficient to increase the plane of nutrition; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; make certain animals have access to fresh water; move animals to appropriate pens; use proper animal husbandry skill to prevent hypothermia/abortion/death.
Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the open range: feeds and waters livestock, herds livestock to pasture for grazing; examines animals to detect diseases and injuries; assists with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corral and or stall manually restraining animal on the range; applies medications to cuts and bruises; sprays livestock with insecticide; assists with castration; clips ID notches on or brands animals. Must be able to ride and handle horses in a manner to assure the safety of the worker, co worker, and livestock. Must be able to find and maintain bearings to grazing areas. Must be willing and able to occasionally live and work independently or in small groups of workers in isolated areas for extended periods of time. 9 hours per day is normal but workers may be on call for up to 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Minimum 6 months verifiable work experience required. \n\nRealizar cualquier combinacin de las siguientes tareas para asistir a la ganadera en extensivo : alimentos y aguas ganado, rebaos de ganado en pastizales para el pastoreo ; examina los animales para detectar enfermedades y lesiones; ayuda con la vacunacin del ganado por el pastoreo en corral y detener o restringir manualmente animales en el rea de distribucin; aplica medicamentos para cortes y contusiones ; sprays de ganado con insecticida ; ayuda con la castracin ; muescas clips de identificacin en las marcas o los animales. Debe ser capaz de montar y manejar caballos de una manera de asegurar la seguridad del trabajador, compaero de trabajo, y la ganadera. Debe ser capaz de encontrar y mantener los rodamientos hacia zonas de pasto. Debe estar dispuesto y capaz de vivir y trabajar de forma independiente o en pequeos grupos de trabajadores en zonas aisladas durante largos perodos de tiempo de vez en cuando. 9 horas al da es normal, pero los trabajadores pueden estar de guardia durante 24 horas al da, 7 das a la semana. Mnimo 6 meses comprobable\nexperiencia laboral requerida.
Winter pruning of fruit trees and grapevines, and raking of brush. Workers will plant, cultivate, and harvest peaches, pears, grapes, blackberries, and vegetables by hand at correct ripeness and pack using various packaging methods. Workers will thin blossoms, tie, train, and remove shoots from vines. Additional tasks include weeding, inspecting, grading, sorting, storing, and pre- and post-harvest treatment of crops. Workers will also perform general farm maintenance and cleanup activities. Must be able to operate and drive tractor for crop cultivation. Must be able to climb up and down a ladder with 35 lb. tote. Must be able to pick 10-bushel bags of fruit or 400 pounds of grapes per hour for job retention. One (1) month experience in tree fruit, grape, or vegetable harvesting is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standard.\n-------------------------------------------------------------\nPoda invernal de frutales y vides, y rastrillado de matorrales. Los trabajadores plantarn, cultivarn y cosecharn melocotones, peras, uvas, moras y verduras a mano en la madurez correcta y empacarn utilizando varios mtodos de empaque. Los trabajadores ralearn las flores, atarn, entrenarn y quitarn los brotes de las enredaderas. Las tareas adicionales incluyen desyerbar, inspeccionar, clasificar, clasificar, almacenar y tratar los cultivos antes y despus de la cosecha. Los trabajadores tambin realizarn actividades generales de limpieza y mantenimiento de la granja. Debe poder operar y conducir un tractor para el cultivo de cultivos. Debe poder subir y bajar una escalera con una bolsa de 35 libras. Debe poder recoger bolsas de fruta de 10 bushel o 400 libras de uvas por hora para conservar el empleo. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en la cosecha de frutas de rboles, uvas o vegetales. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y permitir cero das para que el trabajador alcance el estndar de produccin.\n
Crops/Commodities: \nBedding Plants. \nThis job requires a minimum of three months of prior experience working on a diversified crop farm or nursery handling manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities. Plants, cultivates and maintains bedding plants in condition for shipping and sale to customers. Pots seedlings, prunes, transplants, spaces, irrigates and culls plants to ensure availability of marketable products. Packs, labels, pulls and stores plants according to variety. May uncover and/or recover winter storage houses. Weeds, mows, loads/unloads truck and wagons. May operate tractors and other mechanical equipment under supervision. Performs any other duties involved in the maintenance of plant materials and nursery stock and maintenance of holding yards and shipping areas.\n\nWork is to be done for long periods of time. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading of product. Workers will assist in loading trucks with packaged product weighing up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. Saturday work required. Employer-paid post-hire drug and alcohol testing is required at random, upon reasonable suspicion of use and after a worker has an accident at work.\n\nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding and other tasks related to nursery operation. \n\nWork may also include mechanized field work using power equipment. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, planters, sprayers, cultivators and other equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction. \n\nEmployer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations.)\n\nPersons seeking employment in this position must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Successful applicants will be subject to a trial period of up to 5 days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated. If the performance during the trial period is not acceptable to the employer the workers employment will be terminated. \n\nRaises and/or bonuses may be offered to any seasonal worker employed pursuant to this job order, at the company's sole discretion, based on individual factors including work performance, skill, and tenure. \n\nEmployer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason. \n\nAll terms and conditions included in the job order will apply equally to all workers, both U.S. workers and H-2A workers, employed in the occupation described in this clearance order. \n \nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a workers Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break.
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of livestock. Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock on the range: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading and unloading livestock according to shipping schedules; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd to appropriate grazing area; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify and locate the more nutrient dense cool season grasses within grazing areas; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from consuming any identified; move livestock to spring and summer grazing areas; move pregnant livestock at a pace sufficient to ensure they receive ample water/forage during daylight hours before bedding down at night; report to rancher dehydration & other indicators of deterioration in body condition/behavioral changes indicating malnutrition; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. Perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock at the ranch: administer medication as needed; apply medications to cuts and bruises; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist with castration of livestock; assist with irrigating forage; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend to pregnant livestock and newborn offspring (including night checks); brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify livestock that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young offspring vulnerable to hot or cold temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new offspring born; make certain animals have access to fresh water; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor grazing areas for poisonous and/or noxious plants and take action to prevent animals from
Required to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and spend the majority of workdays on the range. All job duties are closely and directly related to the production of sheep. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the range: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with docking; assist with gathering and sorting lambs for shipping; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with weed control on grazing areas (including noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed supplemental rations; feed, water and tend to the dogs (both guard and working dogs) and horses; guard against predatory animals and from eating poisonous and/or noxious plants; herd mature ewes and young offspring between grazing areas in a manner to assure body condition is maintained in mature ewes and growth of offspring; identify and administer appropriate medication for various health issues such as internal parasites, respiratory issues, injuries, etc.; identify ewes that are preparing to give birth; intensely monitor and treat both mother and young vulnerable to the colder temperatures and sickness; keep accurate record of new lambs born; load bales of hay and/or sacks of grain onto truck or trailer used for feeding; make certain animals have access to fresh water; mix and feed supplemental milk to bum lambs; monitor animals for weight gain, thrift and health problems; monitor for birthing problems and take correct actions when problems are identified; monitor forage on grazing areas to identify dangerous plants and assess available feed; report to rancher on water/forage/weather conditions; round up strays using dogs and/or fence; spray livestock with insecticide. \nPerform any combination of the following tasks to attend sheep on the ranch: administer emergency minor medical care to sick/injured pregnant ewes using roping methods to gently immobilize animal without causing undue stress; apply herbicides to noxious, invasive and poisonous plant species on grazing areas; assist in the maintenance of tools, equipment and handling facilities necessary to production; assist in the shearing of sheep by herding sheep into corrals and through the shearing plant; assist with castration of livestock; assist with docking; assist with irrigating forage; assist with loading trucks with lambs and/or ewes for transportation; assist with sorting and cutting of culls; assist with tagging sheep when the shearing crew needs it; assist with the vaccination of livestock by herding into corrals and/or stalls or manually restraining animals ; attend sheep and lambs in barns during lambing season(including night checks); attend to lambing ewes (including night checks); bed down flock at appropriate night site; brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark young animals for identification purposes; build and/or maintain fence and facilities to ensure the safety and health of animals and forage; care for newly born offspring; clean feeding equipment and the lambing shed; ensure newly born lambs stand and nurse ; feed and water and ensure adequate provision of both; feed,
Two temporary position openings. $14.82 per hour + free housing. A signed contract may be required. time guarantee. Work tools, supplies and equipment will be provided at no cost to the worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to worksite provided by employer or paid by employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Must be able to ride horses and/or ATV in order to move the livestock safely. Must have 3 months experience and provide (1) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicants skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Attend to livestock feeds and waters livestock by tractor and/or team on range or at ranch headquarters calving, maintaining cattle herd health. Builds & cleans corrals. Wean calves, vaccinations and pregnancy check cows. Moves livestock to pasture for grazing. Assist with castration of livestock, and identification marking. Maintain all fences, corrals, cabins, buildings, range improvements, and livestock equipment used for proper cattle management. Cleans livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Must have knowledge of building and repair of fence, irrigation knowledge and management, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock. Light Mechanical skills preferred. Maintain ranch buildings. Maintain equipment in a working condition and observe safe practices. Assist with the shipping of cows and calves. Longer hours (night shifts during calving) and more days (up to 7 days per week) may be required when feeding cows supplemental rations, calving season, irrigation and haying season. Workers must be willing and able to perform all duties according to the employers requirements during the contract period. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions.
Winter prune, thin blossoms, harvest peaches and apples by hand at ripeness. Must be able to climb up and down ladder with 35 lb. pack on back. Must be able to operate and drive a tractor or forklift to load and unload fruit bins. Will also perform orchard cleanup. Must be able to pick 10 bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. One (1) month experience as a fruit harvester is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nPoda de invierno, flores delgadas, cosecha de duraznos y manzanas a mano en la madurez. Debe ser capaz de subir y bajar escalera con 35 lb. paquete en la espalda. Debe ser capaz de operar y conducir un tractor o montacargas para cargar y descargar cajas de frutas. Tambin realizar la limpieza del huerto. Debe ser capaz de recoger 10 bolsas de fruta por hora para la retencin del trabajo. Se requiere una experiencia de uno (1) mes como cosechadora de fruta. El empleador no proveer entrenamiento y le dar cero das para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.
Prune and thin blossoms and fruit from peach trees. By hand, transplant plants to field, plant seeds, hoe, and harvest various vegetables at correct ripeness. Harvest peaches by hand at correct ripeness and pack into shipping boxes. Must be able to climb up and down ladder with 30-pound pack on back. Must be able to pick 10-bushel bags of fruit per hour for job retention. Will also perform orchard and field cleanup. One (1) month pruning and fruit harvesting experience is required. The employer will provide no training and allow zero days for the worker to reach the production standards.\n------------------------------------------------\nPoda y flores y frutos delgados de los melocotoneros. A mano, trasplante las plantas al campo, plante las semillas, azadone. y coseche varias verduras en la madurez correcta. Coseche los duraznos a mano en la madurez correcta y empaqutelos en cajas de envo. Debe poder subir y bajar escaleras con un paquete de 30-libras en la espalda. Debe poder recoger 10-sacos de fruta por hora para conservar el empleo. Tambin realizar limpieza de huertos y campos. Se requiere un (1) mes de experiencia en poda y recoleccin de frutas. El empleador no proporcionar capacitacin y permitir cero das para que el trabajador alcance los estndares de produccin.
Workers must be able to ride a horse and repair fences to keep the animals contained and assure their safety on the range. Must have 3 months' experience and provide (I) reference from previous employer with knowledge of applicant's skills. Must be able to lift 75 pounds. Tends flocks of sheep grazing on range or pasture; moves sheep to and about area assigned for grazing; prevents animals from wandering or becoming lost, using trained dogs to round up strays and assist in moving flock to other locations. Beds down sheep near campsite each night. Guards flock against predatory anima Is and eating poisonous plants. May assist in lambing, docking, castrating, dehoming, shearing, vaccinating, drenching, and medicating animals. May attend sheep and Iambs in barns during lambing season. May brand, tag, clip or otherwise mark sheep for identification purposes. May sort and cut culls. May feed animals supplementary rations. The employer at no cost to the worker will supply all tools and equipment necessary to perform required tasks. Workers must be willing to perform all duties per the employer's requirements during the contract period. Workers will be on call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Workers will spend more than 50 percent of the contract period in the herding or production of livestock on the range. Workers will be expected to work in conditions normally associated with CO climatic conditions, which may include, at times, dusty conditions, wind, etc. Temperatures in early spring and late fall are cool; winters very cold (-30 degrees F.) and temperatures during working hours in the summer can reach a high of 100 degrees F. Returning workers may be offered longevity pay and/or production bonus A signed contract may be required. See Seasonal Job Descriptions
s looking to fill a Sheepherder position in Ovid, CO. This is a temporary position. The employer is looking to fill one (1) opening from October 11, 2021 through September 30, 2022. The wage offer is $1727.75 per month. \nDuties and requirements: Attends sheep flock grazing on range or pasture. Herds flock and rounds up strays. Beds down flock near evening campsite. Guards flock from predatory animals and from eating poisonous plants. May examine animals for signs of illness and administer vaccines, medications and insecticides according to instructions. May assist in lambing, docking and shearing. May feed animals supplementary feed. May perform other farm or ranch chores related to the production and husbandry of sheep on an incidental basis.\nThis is a full-time position. Workers will be on call for up to 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Workers will spend the majority of the workdays during the period of employment on the range. Range housing will be provided. Transportation to and from range location will be provided at no cost to worker when required. Employer will provide, without charge or deposit charge, free and convenient cooking facilities and an adequate provision of food for workers to prepare their own meals. 4.5 gallons of water per\nworker, per day, will be provided to workers without charge or deposit. Employer will provide worker with cell phone, without charge or deposit charge, so that worker may communicate with employer. Employer will come to range site 2-3 times weekly to deliver supplies and check on safety of employee and animals. \nApplicants must possess at least 3 months of experience in similar occupations involving the herding of livestock on the range. All tools, supplies, and equipment will be provided to the worker without charge or deposit charge. \nWorkers' compensation insurance will be provided at no charge.\nThe employer will pay in advance or reimburse H-2A workers in the first work week for all visa, visa processing, border crossing and other related fees, including those mandated by the government (excluding passport fees). For workers outside reasonable commuting distances, transportation (including transportation and, to the extent necessary, lodging) to the place of employment will be provided by the employer, if the worker completes half of the employment period (50% period), if not already paid in full prior to the 50% period. Return transportation and subsistence will be provided or paid for to same worker if the worker completes the employment period or is dismissed early by the employer except where the worker has employment with a subsequent employer. Transportation payments or reimbursements will be equal to the most economical and reasonable common carrier for the distances involved. Daily meals will be provided at a rate of at least $13.17 per day of travel (or the current minimum subsistence amount published in the Federal Register), to a maximum of $55.00 per day (or the current maximum amount published in the Federal Register) to workers. \nThe employer guarantees to offer each covered worker employment for a total number of hours equal to at least 75% of the workdays in the contract period. If during the total work contract period the employer does not offer sufficient workdays to the H-2A or corresponding workers to reach the total amount required to meet the three-fourths guarantee, the employer must pay such workers the amount they would have earned had they actually worked for the guaranteed number of workdays. Wages for the guaranteed 75% period will be calculated at no less than the rate stated in the work contract.