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Job Duties
Work on kill floor: skinning, eviscerating, splitting slaughtered livestock with power saw, beef, hogs, sheep and goats.\n cleaning and moving carcasses into cooler. Daily cleanup.\nWork in processing room: breaking down carcasses from hanging rail and cutting them into primal\ncuts on band saw. Trim and debone cuts for further processing, cutting meat on band saw into\nsteaks and roasts. Grinding and packaging of ground meat.\nWrapping and labeling of cuts of meat and smoked products. Putting boxed meat into freezer.\nDaily cleanup.
Workers will process and bag seed corn. Must be able to work long hours, where conditions may be hot and humid, the majority of the workday is spent on ones feet. Must be able to lift 70lbs. to shoulder height repetitively throughout the workday and able to lift and carry 70 lbs. Workers may be required to submit to random drug tests at the discretion of the employer. Drug testing and background checks may be performed during the interview process. Use of personal cell phone or other personal electronic device during working hours strictly prohibited except for work-related calls or emergencies and violation may result in immediate termination. \nLos trabajadores procesarán y embolsarán semillas de maíz. Debe poder trabajar muchas horas, donde las condiciones pueden ser cálidas y húmedas, la mayor parte de la jornada laboral se pasa de pie. Debe ser capaz de levantar 70 libras. a la altura de los hombros repetidamente a lo largo de la jornada laboral y capaz de levantar y transportar 70 lbs. Los trabajadores pueden ser obligados a someterse a pruebas de drogas al azar a discreción del empleador. Se pueden realizar pruebas de drogas y verificaciones de antecedentes durante el proceso de la entrevista. El uso de teléfonos celulares personales u otros dispositivos electrónicos personales durante las horas de trabajo está estrictamente prohibido, excepto para llamadas relacionadas con el trabajo o emergencias, y la violación puede resultar en el despido inmediato.
Crops/Commodities: \nBees and honey. \nWorker must be familiar with working with bees in all stages, from the egg through fully developed workers, drones and queens; must work all aspects of commercial bee keeping, including assessing a colony to determine if it needs food or medicine, feeding and medicating bees, maintaining hives in a healthy state, increasing number of hives, raising and replacing queens, making divides, making, painting and cleaning boxes, supering hives. Harvest/extract honey. Run queen breeding yard and produce queen bees. Manipulate and service hive structures and haul bees to and from different hive locations to ensure healthy and productive honeybee colonies. Must respond correctly to bees to harmonize with their natural cycle and keep them in the healthiest state possible for survival and profitability. General maintenance and servicing of equipment and facility.\n\nWorkers will raise bees to produce honey. Assembles beehives using hand tools. Inserts honeycomb of bees into beehive or inducts wild swarming bees into hive of prepared honeycomb frames. Places screen plug in hive entrance to confine bees and sets hive in orchard, clover field, or near other source of nectar and pollen. Forces bees from hive, using smoke pot or by placing carbolic acid soaked pad over hive to inspect hive and to harvest honeycomb. Scrapes out parasites, such as wax moth larvae, and removes vermin such as birds and mice. Collects royal jelly form queen bee cells for sale as base for cosmetics and as health food. Destroys superfluous queen bee cells to prevent division of colony by swarming. Burns hive of diseased bee colony or sterilizes hive, using caustic soda solution. Uncaps harvested honeycombs and extracts hone. Workers will load and unload trucks of beehives. Will find and remove old queens from hives and replace with new queen. Workers will remove frames covered with bees, and shake them off into cages.\n\nAll workers will be responsible for picking up trash cleaning bathrooms, sweeping floors and other farm sanitation duties. \n\nWork is to be done in the field for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 70 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet daily for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers must have no fear of bees and be non-allergic to bee stings, pollen, honey or other products of the hive. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day. Temperatures may range from 10 to 110 F. Must be able to work in excessive humidity. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop operations. This is a very demanding and competitive business in which quality specifications must be rigorously adhered to. Saturday work required. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. \n\nEmployer has a strict prohibition on tobacco usage. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind will be permitted in the fields, in worker housing, or anywhere on company premises. This is necessary to protect against transmission of toxins by hands and tools contaminated with tobacco by-products. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or found in possession of smoking materials including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco or smoking paraphernalia. \n\nWorkers will drive tractors, if needed. Workers will be instructed in the safety and operation of light trucks and tractors before operating.
Drive/operate equipment for custom liquid manure application on a farm for a farmer; perform duties like; loading, pumping, and application of liquid manure; repair and maintain equipment and pumps during the season. Duties that are included but are not limited to: tractor driving, fueling equipment, fixing and maintaining equipment fleet, and making sure that equipment stays clean and ready to go. Looking to build relationships with people to work for a longer season in the upcoming years.\n\nEquipment: We run all new and modern John Deere and Case farm machinery.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids), and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive semi-trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nEquipment: Tractor, combine, trucks \nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans
Perform duties like: Drive and operate farm machinery to harvest and store beans, corn and sugar beets. Drive grain trucks and sugar beet trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Perform truck driving duties and general lubrication, service (check fluids) and incidental repair to farm machinery. Maintenance of the farm shop, which includes sweeping farm shop floor and cleaning up around grain bins. Washing and winterizing equipment. Operate tractors and tillage equipment. Maintain equipment. Grain handling. Hand rock picking with machine and UTV.\nEquipment: Tractor, combine, grain and sugar beet trucks \nCrops: Beans, Corn, Sugar Beets
Agriculture Equipment Operator to operate equipment used to process corn seed. Must have the correct type of license required by State and Federals laws, and drivers responsible for transporting workers will be required to have a valid and unexpired Federal Farm Labor Contractor or Federal Farm Labor Contractor Employee Registration with driving authorization. Will be responsible for operating the vehicles used to move crops on the farm. Must be able to safely operate the buses that are used to transport workers to and from work sites. Should be able to provide proof of accident-free driving record and background. Workers may be requested to submit to random drug or alcohol tests at no cost to the worker. Failure to comply with the request or testing positive may result in immediate termination. Operate forklifts and equipment used to move supplies and harvesting equipment in the field. Maintain harvest equipment. Must be able to reach, bend and lift items weighing 70 pounds. Must be able to work outdoors in dusty/dirty conditions, at extreme heat and cold inclement weather. Must be able to listen to, understand, and follow simple instructions of supervisors and dispatcher. Must be able to work in fields where ants, snakes and poison ivy are encountered. The alternative work is truck maintenance and farm maintenance – including the repair, irrigation, vehicles and various equipment and tools used on the farm. Use of personal cell phone or other personal electronic device during working hours strictly prohibited except for work-related calls or emergencies and violation may result in immediate termination.
Workers will make fence and trellis repairs along with other orchard maintenance, activities will also include harvesting, picking, cleaning, grading, sorting, packing into boxes in the field and loading boxes of apples onto trucks, in the field. Workers will pull weeds, may mow orchard grounds, cut down and fertilize trees. Must be able to work in extreme weather conditions, stand and walk long periods of time, use sharp instruments, be able to work with open fire, able to do ladder work and lift 50lbs. 1 month of apple orchard harvest experience required.
Operate tools and equipment for building and updating ag facilities – August to December; Maintain and operate irrigation pivots – August to September; Operate cutters and mergers for putting up hay (alfalfa) – August to September; Loading and unloading of straw – August to September; Operate equipment such as tractors, payloaders, and ag trucks for harvesting, transporting and storing crops such as silage, earlage, soybeans, kidney, etc. – August to November; Apply manure to fields after harvest for fertilizing – September to December; May have to work nights, possibly weekends; Employer may request but cannot require workers to work on their Sabbath; Maintaining of worksite and equipment; Also cleaning location and equipment; Rate of pay may be more depending on experience.
Worker's activities include harvesting, picking, cleaning, grading, sorting, packing into boxes in the field and loading apples onto trucks. Must be able to lift 50 lbs.
Manually plant, cultivate, and harvest produce. Use hand tools, shovels, hoes, tampers, brooms, rakes, pruning shears, and ladders. Clean, pack, sort, slice, box, load and transport harvested products. Construct trellis and repair fences. Participate in irrigation activities for all crops. Set up and operate, repair and maintain equipment, vehicles, tractors, forklifts and tractor drawn machinery, ie, spreaders, mowers, plows, cultivators, disks. Work with small engine equipment. Repair and maintain buildings and grounds. Assist in the production of apple cider, peel, slice apples and other apple products. Food safety standards must be followed in all areas of employment. The worker may be asked to work on the sabbath, under all types of weather, hot, cold, rain, and snow, workdays may vary.\nCrops: apples, strawberries, pumpkins\n\n45 minute lunch break offered
Stacking and bagging potato sacks. Grading potatoes. Discard inferior or defective products or foreign matter, and place acceptable products in containers for further processing. Maintain/clean shop area. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. This job involves manual labor, lifting, and carrying. Must be able to communicate, follow instructions, and be physically capable of performing all job duties.\n\n30-minute lunch break offered\n\nCrops: Potatoes
Set, operate and maintain farm equipment in order to cultivate, fertilize, harvest and haul grain including corn, soybean and alfalfa crops. General farm related duties such as shop work, equipment servicing and facility/grounds maintenance and upkeep. Operate a dragline manure pumping system to fertilize fields. Workers who have a valid driver's license and doctor's certificate may drive vehicles to transport workers and may be offered additional hours. \n\nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a workers Sabbath or federal holidays. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time. Workers should expect occasional periods of little or no work because of weather-reason. These periods can occur anytime throughout the season. Workers may be assigned a variety of duties in any given day and different tasks on different days.\n\nPersons seeking employment in this position must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Employer reserves the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but is unwilling to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason. \n\nIn accordance with 8 CFR 214.2(h)(5)(xi)(A) and 20 CFR 655.135(j)?(k), employer prohibits the solicitation and payment of recruitment fees by workers. Workers who pay or are solicited to pay such a fee must inform the employer immediately. Employer will investigate all claims of illegal fees and take immediate remedial action as appropriate. Workers should be able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. All terms and conditions included in the job order will apply equally to all seasonal workers (U.S. and foreign H-2A), employed in the occupation described in this job order. Employer will advise all foreign H-2A workers of their responsibility to depart the United States upon separation of employment or completion of the H-2A contract period, unless the workers obtain an extension of status. Failure to contact the respective SWA office within the timeframe specified in 20 CFR 653.501(c)(3)(i) shall disqualify any applicant from the assurances set forth therein.\n\nIn the event that the applicable H-2A wage rate decreases for any reason during the employer's recruitment and/or H-2A contract period in the instant job order, the employer reserves the right to decrease its offered/paid hourly wage to the new, lower wage rate, as long as the new lower rate remains the highest of the AEWR, the prevailing hourly wage or piece rate, an agreed-upon collective bargaining wage, and the federal and state minimum wages in effect at the time work is performed. Work performed under the contract is exempt from federal overtime pay requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).\n\nWorkers compensation insurance is provided. The carrier is SFM Mutual Insurance Company. Notify Dustin Walsh at (320) 368-0058 in the event of an injury as soon as possible within 30 days. \n
Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: Operate various farm equipment (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for planting, spraying, cultivating, fertilizing, and harvesting of crops. Load/unload trucks. Drive trucks. Maintain/repair machinery. Ground maintenance on farm and/or housing, i.e. weed eating, mowing. Minor construction of farm structures. Maintain/clean facilities. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. Crops: spring wheat, soybeans, sugar beets, sunflowers.\n\nOne hour lunch break offered.\n\nMay be required to work additional and longer hours in October during sugar beet harvest.
On farms, construction of livestock buildings. Measure and layout livestock buildings. Excavate footings and level the earth to grade specifications. Tie rebar, position wall-forms and place all concrete. Clean site. One (1) month of wall-setting experience required.
Workers will pick, clean, grade, sort, pack and load apples. Perform seasonal maintenance of apple orchard.\nWorkers will plant trees, do fence and trellis repair and maintenance. May cut down and fertilize trees. Workers\nwill clean, sanitize and maintain harvesting and packing equipment. Stage produce for transportation, storage and\nprocessing. Must be able to operate a 55 HP or larger tractor for transporting and staging. Work in extreme\nweather conditions, stand and walk long periods of time, use sharp instruments, able to do ladder work and lift 50\nlbs.
We operate a small custom forage harvesting business in South Dakota for the corn silage season. It consists of 1 chopper, 1 packing tractor and 4 straight trucks with live bottom forage boxes. We work when the weather allows, some Sundays, and run late at night if there is rain forecasted. We have 3 Kenworth T800 trucks with air ride, air conditioning, 10 and 18 speed manual transmissions, and Meyer chain floor boxes, and 1 Western Star truck with air ride, air conditioning, 10 speed, and chain floor box. \n\nWe need seasonal employees to assist with our hay harvesting season. Employees main job will be to operate equipment for the corn harvest season: duties also include driving alongside the forage harvester, keeping a steady speed and distance from the machine, until truck is full, then drive to the pile location at a reasonable speed, unload when and where told, and return to the chopper, repeating that for as long as necessary to complete the job. Employees will assist with loading and packing equipment and moving to the next job where the process repeats. While operating vehicles, employees will watch and warn others of obstacles or changes, pay attention on the roads, be careful and respectful of others, and clean the cab of truck out at the end of each day. \n\nBefore harvest season starts and after it is complete, employees will assist with the following duties on the employer’s own farm. These duties will not be completed for any customers listed on the itinerary. Duties would include running tractor with various implements, loaders, hauling and stacking hay, maintaining fence line, building new fence, and washing and prepping equipment for harvest or winter storage. Spread ash and lime on fields to prepare for planting. Employer may provide pay increases for performance and experience at employer’s discretion. Employer may provide performance bonuses at the end of the contract at the employer’s discretion.
Operating tractors for spring tillage, rock picking, planting and spraying for corn, soybeans and wheat. Operating disk bine, rake, merger, tractor, trucks and choppers for hay harvest. Operating combine, chopper, grain cart, trucks and silage carts for fall harvest. Fall tillage work, scrapers and rock picking. Daily maintenance and repair of equipment. Assisting with moving cattle from spring calving pasture to summer pasture and back to the farm for the winter. Assist with fencing and maintaining cattle health.
Unloading of Grain Trucks, Processing of Grain, Packaging of Grain, Loading Grain into trucks or containers for overseas shipment. Warehouse cleaning and maintenance. Testing of samples of grain.
Worker's activities include pruning, weeding, thinning, tree planting and harvesting, general apple orchard tree and trellis maintenance on occasion and perform any other orchard related duties. Must be able to lift 50 lbs.
We need seasonal help in August until February to load and fill potato storage, assist in storing of the potatoes including temperature and humidity control during the storage season. Employees will need to monitor and adjust humidity to keep optimum storage conditions. Load and unload of the storage as well as the quality control of all potatoes that are being shipped out. Grade and sort products according to factors such as size and quality to ensure correct processing and usage. Place products in containers according to grade and mark grades on containers. In February employee will prepare fields and plant potatoes, in March until May employees will operate center pivots, hilling, spraying machines and in June harvest potatoes. Employee will also need to do routine repairs and maintenance on all grading equipment.
General farm worker responsibilities will be to apply pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer to crops and livestock; plant, maintain, and harvest food crops; and tend livestock. Repair farm buildings and fences, works with irrigation repairs and cleans and maintains barns. Worker must have one month of experience with general farming and must be able to lift up to 50 pounds.
Workers will harvest apples. They will pick and fill bags with apples that weigh around 30lbs. Workers will also be responsible for tying young apple trees to wires. Thinning apples when necessary. Workers will be using ladders and platforms during operations. Workers should be able to lift 50lbs.
Assist farm owner in combining, harvesting, and delivering crop to market. Duties include driving combine to harvest corn and driving trucks for delivering corn to bins and elevators.
Tractor Operator pulling potato carts from field to winter storage facility and performing tillage operations. Perform general labor during harvest. Include grading potatoes entering the storage facility, driving bobcat, hauling dirt with our dump truck, assisting in equipment maintenance, and setting up conveyor equipment. Hand sorting potatoes by quality level. Drive forklift to move pallets of potatoes into storage and from storage into semi-trucks. Setting up conveyors, performing general maintenance, cleaning and sanitizing equipment and facilities with a pressure washer, grading out rotten seed potatoes on the seed line, driving tractor performing spring tillage.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine and tractor. General lubrication, service (checking fluids) and incidental repair to farm machinery. Clean and drive semi-trucks with attached grain or sugar beet trailer to transport crops to elevator or storage area. General farm work. Clean the shop facilities. Must be able to obtain a driver's license within 30-90 days of hire and a CDL license is a must. \n\nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans, Sugar Beets\n\nEquipment: John Deere Tractor, Combines, and Planters, Case IH Sprayers, Mack and International Semi's
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive semi-trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \nEquipment: Semi-trucks & tractors\nCrops: Corn, Kidney Beans, Soy Beans, Sugar Beets
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store forage crops. Attach farm implements, such as haybine, rake and baler to tractor. Till soil; Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate large Square Balers. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive trucks to transport crops to storage area. Equipment: larger New Holland front wheel assist tractors and Massey Fergurson Balers with Proag stacker. Claas self propelled forage harvester, semis, larger Artex Manure Spreaders\nCrops: Alfalfa
Crops/Commodities: \nCorn, soybeans, small grains. \nThis job requires a minimum of six months of verifiable prior experience operating/servicing agricultural equipment such as combines, tractors, sprayers, and balers. Crops to be harvested and/or hauled include corn, soybeans, small grains. Workers must be able to perform all duties with accuracy and efficiency. \n\nOperates self-propelled custom class harvesting machines to harvest a variety of grain and oilseed crops. Adjusts speed of cutters, blowers and conveyors, as well as the height of the cutting head, using hand tools. Changes cutting head as appropriate for crop and prepares for transportServices machinery and makes in-field repairs. Assists in the transport of seed to fields and fills planter as needed. Drives 4-wheel drive tractor to pull tillage equipment.\n\nDrive tractors, planters, and balers, and operate other mechanized farm equipment to plant, cultivate, and harvest crops/commodities at a diversified farming operation. Use farm equipment to cut, pull, dig, thresh, clean, chop, bag, or bundle harvested crops. Load/unload harvested crops/commodities or other materials manually or with mechanized equipment such as conveyors, or handtrucks. Perform manual and mechanized tasks including but not limited to: bushhogging fields; disking; aerating; seeding (using mechanical drills and seeders); fertilizing, weed spraying, mowing, tedding, raking, baling, and stacking.\n\nWorkers must operate all equipment properly and in a manner that protects operator, others, the employer's products and property. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.\n\nWork is to be done in the field for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers' ability to perform the job. Workers should be physically able to do the work required. Must be able to lift/carry 60 lbs. \n\nClean driving record required. Must have or be able to obtain driver's license within 30 days following hire. Workers with appropriate licenses and a valid doctor's certificate may be asked to drive other workers. Workers may drive light company vehicles on farm.\n\nEmployer has a drug policy that requires pre-employment testing, as well as post-employment employer-paid random, upon suspicion and post-accident testing. These policies are carried out uniformly for all employees, both foreign and domestic. Drug testing is not required as part of the interview process, but any worker who fails a mandatory drug test and is unable to obtain the required licensing as a result will be terminated. \n\nEmployer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations.)\n\nPersons seeking employment as experienced Agricultural Equipment Operator must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Applicants must be able to furnish verifiable job reference(s) or comparable third party documentation from recent employer(s) establishing acceptable prior experience. Successful applicants will be subject to a trial period of up to five days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated. If the performance is not acceptable to the employer the worker's employment will be terminated.\n\nEmployer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason.
On farms, building and repairing livestock buildings. Building and repairing walls and trusses. Repairing and installing curtains, feed tanks, feeders and feed lines. Tin sheeting walls, installing doors and caulking structures. Clean site. One month of framing and/or livestock equipment installation/repair experience required. Must be able to lift and carry 75lbs for 75 yds.
We grow, package and ship red and gold potatoes. We bring potatoes from the field on trucks to our facility where we unload them and put them into storage buildings. We wash the potatoes and sort them by size and grade. After the potatoes are inspected and sorted, we package them in 3, 5, 10, 15, 20- and 50-pound bags and ship them out.\n\nWe need employees to stack 3, 5, 10, 15, 20- and 50-pound bags on pallets and in bins. Shrink wrap stacked pallets. Assemble bins, boxes and other packing materials. Clean the plant and equipment. Inspect incoming potatoes during harvest and remove dirt and debris and assist in operating packing equipment. Clean harvest trucks. Operate bin piler to pile incoming potatoes in bins. Drive truck in field and under harvester. \n
We grow, package and ship red and gold potatoes. We need employees to help us in the growing and production of the potatoes. Employees must have experience operating large farm equipment such as tractors, trucks, skid loaders and forklifts. Employees must have some mechanical experience to and knowledge of how to use a variety of tools for the repair and maintenance of farm machinery and equipment. Employees will also clean farm equipment.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \nEquipment: planter, combine, sprayer, field cultivator, grain cart, quad track/ripper, row crop tractors, trucks\nCrops: Corn, Kidney Beans, Soy Beans, Sugar Beets
Operate self-propelled custom class harvesting machines to harvest a variety of foraging crops. Adjust speed of cutters, blowers, conveyors, and height of cutting head using hand tools. Change cutting head as appropriate for crops. Service machinery and make in-field repairs. Drive heavy trucks to transport crops to storage facilities. Drive transporter truck to haul harvesting equipment between work locations.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Must be able to enter and exit truck efficiently to facilitate unloading. Must observe all safety warnings and procedures. \n\nEquipment: Agricultural Tractors, Semi Tractor-Trailer combinations, UTVs, pickup trucks \nCrops: Corn, Sugar Beets
Load and unload sugar beets to sugar beet pilers; put sugar beets into bags to test sugar content using hoist, hooks, and other devices; and gather and clean scattering sugar beets and debris into piles at sugar beet plant for tractor pick-up.\n\nAll duties will be performed at the American Crystal Sugar plants and the temporary workers will not be engaged in any agricultural labor or services. The sugar beets that the temporary workers will be handling have already been harvested and transported from the farms to the sugar plants by farmers. The job duties are performed at the beet receiving stations at American Crystal's factory districts and initiate the process/manufacturing of beets into sugar products.\n\nMay perform other job duties pursuant to 53-7062.00 Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand.\n\nF.a.5a-F.a.6b: 35+ hours/week, 0-44 OT hours/week, OT varies; 12-hour shifts; 8:00 am to 8:00 pm or 8:00 pm to 8:00 am; 7 days/week during a 1015 working day season (Sun-Sat, schedule varies and includes evenings and weekends; business is open 7 days/week)\n\nF.b.9a: Workers will be paid no less than $18.00 per hour. Employer may pay higher wage rates to workers based on seniority with employer and level of skill. Overtime hours may vary and will be paid no less than $27.00 per hour.\n\nF.b.9a: Depending on work conditions, the employer may offer workers performing certain tasks during certain periods of the season an opportunity to earn an incentive bonus over and above the guaranteed rate of pay set forth above. If offered, such incentive bonuses will be based on the quantity and quality of work performed and offered to all workers working on the activity(ies) and during the time period(s) when such incentive bonuses are offered. If an incentive bonus is offered, the fact that the bonus is to be offered and the manner in which the bonus will be determined, will be explained to all affected workers before the start of any work period or activity subject to such a bonus. Incentive bonuses are offered at the sole discretion of the employer, and no bonus or opportunity to earn a bonus is promised or guaranteed.\n\nF.c.1: The H-2B Temporary Sugar Beet Piler Laborers will perform job duties at 16217 70th Street NW, Georgetown, MN 56546 and at multiple piling stations within the following counties within the area of intended employment: Clay, Norman, Polk (Minnesota) and Cass, Grand Forks, Traill (North Dakota).\n\nF.d.1: Employer will provide daily transportation from the employer-provided housing to and from worksites, or employee may report directly to the worksite on their own.
Assist machine operator by sorting, moving, and positioning lumber. Move material from saw room to the production tables using cards. Banding of raw materials and finished products. Operate hand held banding tools. Count and sort small metal plates. Operate hand held pneumatic tools at production tables. Clean up site.
Assist machine operator by performing duties requiring less skill in the assembly of pre-cut and pre-measured roof and floor trusses for the construction of buildings. Tasks include sorting, moving and positioning lumber. Clean up.
Marvin Lumber and Cedar Company, LLC, Warroad, MN, a manufacturer of wood windows and doors is offering full-time temporary employment to Production Worker positions being filled are for our manufacturing plant located in Warroad, MN. Job duties include:\n \n• Pull and prime parts for warehouse.\n• Assemble window sashes and window frames; apply aluminum clad to wood parts, glaze and install window sash.\n• May require use of woodworking, power or hand tools.\n• Place completed unit on tow line cart and deliver to loading dock.\n• Clean work area at end of shift.\n \nTemporary Production Worker positions are for the evening shift. Hours are: Mon - Thurs 3:30 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. with 0-16 hours of overtime. (2 extra hours a day and/or adding Fri. night shift of up to 10 hours.)
We grow, package and ship red and gold potatoes. We bring potatoes from the field on trucks to our facility where we unload them and put them into storage buildings. We wash the potatoes and sort them by size and grade. After the potatoes are inspected and sorted, we package them in 3, 5, 10, 15, 20- and 50-pound bags and ship them out.\n\nWe need employees to stack 3, 5, 10, 15, 20- and 50-pound bags on pallets and in bins. Shrink wrap stacked pallets. Assemble bins, boxes and other packing materials. Clean the plant and equipment. Inspect incoming potatoes during harvest and remove dirt and debris and assist in operating packing equipment. Clean harvest trucks. Operate bin piler to pile incoming potatoes in bins. Drive truck in field and under harvester. \n
Farm hands will perform a variety of duties related to the picking, sorting, and packing of apples, including a combination of the following: harvesting, grading, and packing apples; general groundskeeping in the apple orchard, including litter removal, weed whipping tall grass, clearing brush, and putting up, taking down and moving signs; filling bait stations with mouse poison; tying trees to tree poles; repairing fencings; mowing and trimming farmyard; loading trucks for farmers markets; assisting in stocking the Farm Store before the store opening with jams, jellies, apples, and other items; peeling and slicing of apples for pies and ciders. washing, grading.
Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: operate various equipment (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for planting, spraying, cultivating, fertilizing and harvesting of crops. Maintain/repair machinery. Operate equipment using modern technology. Maintain flood and sprinkler irrigation systems. Grain handling, hauling farm commodities. Minor farm construction projects. Maintain farm grounds/mow. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. \nCrops: wheat, rye grass, soybeans, sugar beets
General farm labor, including but not limited to planting; sampling nursery; tagging; trials packaging; trials sorting; crop inventory; staking plots; warehouse cleaning and upkeep; irrigation and farmstead maintenance. Must be able to drive and maintain farm equipment, including tractors and combines. Must be able to use mudmuster self-propelled sprayer and/or backpack sprayer with proper safety equipment. Must obtain driver's license.
Workers will work all duties involved in planting, growing, cultivating and harvesting horseradish. Workers will cut planting root slips and place into containers/or ground according to instructions, workers will trim and root slips by hand, working with sharp instruments. Worker will walk fields on uneven ground and operate tractors to harvest horseradish. Workers will prepare horseradish roots for storage by topping, raking, set separation and general trimming and saving sets on horseradish roots. In addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks relating to crop production such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding, cleaning and repairing farm buildings, and other tasks related to general farming. Worker must have 3 months general farm experience and be able to lift 50 lbs.
Workers will perform assigned duties as instructed by their supervisor. The worker will process seeds, package seeds, sort seed packets, and prepare seeds in the field on the farm for planting. The worker will walk down the aisles between the plants in the corn fields, for the purpose of detasseling seed corn, remove rogue plants, weeds and volunteer corn plants from seed corn production fields. The worker in order to perform this kind of work must be able to work outside for at least 7 hours a day in all kinds of weather and be in possession of the requisite strength and endurance, working quickly and skillfully with their hands. The employer will provide the tools necessary (if applicable) to perform the job described without charge to the worker. The employer will charge the worker for reasonable costs related to the workers refusal or negligent failure to return the tools or due to such workers willful damage or destruction of the tools.\n\nCorn Pollination - Including shoot bagging, tassel bagging, pollination, phenotypical data collection such as but not limited to plant height, ear height, leaf angles.\n\nGeneral Farm Labor: Workers may be required to perform general farm labor job duties including cleanup of working area or other tasks as needed.\n\nOther Requirements: Workers seeking employment under this job order must be available for entire period requested by the employer. \n\nThe employer retains the right to discharge any obviously unqualified worker, malingerer, or recalcitrant worker who is physically able to complete the work, but does not demonstrate a willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason.\n\nThe employer will provide the tools necessary to perform the described job duties without charge to the worker. The employer will charge the worker for reasonable costs related to the workers refusal or negligent failure to return the tools or due to such workers willful damage or destruction of the tools.
Workers will make fence and trellis repairs along with other orchard maintenance, activities will also include harvesting, picking, cleaning, grading, sorting, packing into boxes in the field and loading boxes of apples onto trucks, in the field. Workers will pull weeds, may mow orchard grounds, cut down and fertilize trees. Must be able to work in extreme weather conditions, stand and walk long periods of time, use sharp instruments, be able to work with open fire, able to do ladder work and lift 50lbs. 1 month of apple orchard harvest experience required.
Worker will prepare seed potatoes for shipping, plant, cultivate, and harvest vegetables using tractor and tractor implements. Attaches farm implements, such as plow, planter, fertilizer applicator to tractor and drives tractor in fields to prepare soil and plant, fertilize, and harvest crops. Thins, hoes, and weeds row crops using hand implements. Vegetables to be grown include: seed potatoes, carrots, corn, soybeans, and sweet corn. Must have 3 months experience in truck and tractor farming work.
Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: Operate various farm equipment (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for planting, spraying, cultivating, fertilizing, and harvesting of crops. Load/unload trucks. May involve climbing ladders, grain bins etc. Maintain/repair machinery, i.e. weld, change fluids in equipment, rotate tires, clean grain bins, wash vehicles, change brakes, check tire pressure, general maintenance, etc. Ground maintenance on farm and/or housing, i.e. weed eating, mowing. Minor construction of farm structures. Maintain/clean shop area. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. This job involves manual labor, lifting, carrying, bending, and long days in the heat and cold. Rain days are typically spent in the shop repairing equipment and preparing for the next days’ work. Must communicate in English, follow instructions, and be physically capable of performing all job duties.
Crops/Commodities: \nvegetables, perennials, bedding plants, hanging baskets. \nThis job requires a minimum of three months of prior experience working on a nursery handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities. Workers will plant, cultivate and maintain in condition for shipping and sale to customers nursery plants, including perennials, bedding plants, vegetable plants and hanging baskets; pot seedlings, prune, transplant, space, performs hand watering and drip-irrigation to ensure availability of marketable products; prune, pinch, and remove dead flowers and leaves; pack, label, pull and store plants according to variety. Workers will attach hangers to hanging baskets and hang throughout seasonal holding houses. Workers will move containerized plants using rolling carts. Workers may uncover and/or recover winter storage houses; weed, mow, load/unload truck and wagons; perform any other duties involved in the maintenance of plant materials and nursery stock and maintenance of holding yards and shipping areas.\n\nWorkers will plant, cultivate, transplant, and harvest vegetables. Workers will be expected to lay black plastic, punch and prepare the plastic for planting seeds and remove plastic at end of season. Workers will perform field maintenance activities including pulling weeds, thinning crops and spraying plants with herbicides, pesticides and fungicides. Workers will perform irrigation activities, including setting up and moving irrigation pipes and equipment. Workers will also be required to remove trash, rocks and debris from the planting/harvest area. At harvest, workers will be instructed to select vegetables based on specifications set by the supervisor. Workers will be required to bend and stoop to pick the vegetables, cut the vines using a knife and carry the vegetables to bins and trucks. Workers will unload full bins/trucks at designated market locations and sort produce for quality issues.\n\nWork will include mechanized field work using power equipment. Workers will operate tractors, sprayers, cultivators, planters, mowers, plows, disks, fumigators and other farm equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate equipment, with or without direction, in a manner that protects the operator, visitors, other employees, crops, trees, facilities and equipment. Failure to comply with operating and safety standards may result in termination. Workers will assist with the maintenance and repair of tractors and equipment.\n\nWork is to be done in the field and/or greenhouse for long periods of time. Workers may assist in loading trucks with nursery products up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers' ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations.\n\nEmployer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations).\n\nPersons seeking employment in this position must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Successful applicants will be subject to a trial period of up to 5 days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\n\nEquipment: John Deere Tractors, Combines, seeding, planting, and tillage equipment.\n\nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans, Spring Wheat, Sugar Beets
Operate heavy farm equipment such as tractors, excavators, front end loaders, skid-steer loaders to move and spread sugar beet byproducts on farm fields. General farm labor including cleaning and maintaining equipment and machinery. Must be able to lift and carry 75lbs, 100 yds. 3 months of ag equipment operation experience required.
Operating farm equipment for cultivating row crops of grain and oilseed crops; operating harvesting equipment for harvesting and transporting grain and oilseed crops to storage facilities for grinding and mixing feeds to swine production; assisting with breeding sows, artificial insemination; assisting during farrowing and helps baby pigs to survive birth and infancy, castrates, notches ears, vaccinates, flushes hog wastes into holding pits; repairs and maintenance on machinery, plumbing and finishing buildings. driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Temporary Seasonal Position: Farm worker, equipment operator | SOC Code: 45-2092\n\nAll applicants must be able, willing, qualified to perform work described & must be available for entire period.\n\nOmodt & Jorde Farms GP, Rushford, MN, Fillmore\n\nPossible shift: 7:00AM-5:00PM. 40+ May be possibility of weekend work. Crops: Corn, Soy Beans, Hay. Duties may include: Plant and harvest crops, operate and maintain machinery used in farm work such as a TMR, wheel loaders and end loaders. Assist in cattle pen cleaning & other related Farm worker, equipment operator activities as per SOC/OES 45-2092 ( Must have 3 months Combine, forklift operation & farm equipment maintenance exp. Static strength; exert max muscle force to lift, push, pull, unload, carry objects up to 50lbs; may climb, walk, stand, reach, balance, sit, stoop, bend, squat, wash, clean: equip, grounds, area. Tools supplies and equipment provided at no cost to worker. Employer guarantees 3/4 of contract. Work outdoors, exposed to weather, hot or cold; hours may vary (+/-); possible downtimes and/or extended hours. Dependable: fulfill obligations. Attn. to detail: complete work tasks. Employer provided housing available to those who cannot reasonably return to their residence within the same day. No cell phone use during work hours. \n\nMust be able to obtain a drivers license. Must be 18 years of age. Drug/alcohol/tobacco free work zone. Worker has 3 days from date of hire to show legal authorization to work in the United States. Cash advances may apply at employer discretion.
Workers will process soybeans and corn. Must be able to work long hours, where conditions may be hot and humid, the majority of the workday is spent on ones feet. Must be able to lift 70lbs. to shoulder height repetitively throughout the workday and able to lift and carry 70 lbs. Workers may be required to submit to random drug tests at the discretion of the employer. Drug testing and background checks may be performed during the interview process. Use of personal cell phone or other personal electronic device during working hours strictly prohibited except for work-related calls or emergencies and violation may result in immediate termination. \nLos trabajadores procesarán soja y maíz. Debe poder trabajar muchas horas, donde las condiciones pueden ser cálidas y húmedas, la mayor parte de la jornada laboral se pasa de pie. Debe ser capaz de levantar 70 libras a la altura de los hombros repetidamente a lo largo de la jornada laboral y capaz de levantar y transportar 70 libras. Los trabajadores pueden ser obligados a someterse a pruebas de drogas al azar a discreción del empleador. Se pueden realizar pruebas de drogas y verificaciones de antecedentes durante el proceso de la entrevista. El uso de teléfonos celulares personales u otros dispositivos electrónicos personales durante las horas de trabajo está estrictamente prohibido, excepto para llamadas relacionadas con el trabajo o emergencias, y la violación puede resultar en el despido inmediato.
Agriculture Equipment Operator to operate equipment used to process soybeans and corn. Must have the correct type of license required by State and Federals laws, and drivers responsible for transporting workers will be required to have a valid and unexpired Federal Farm Labor Contractor or Federal Farm Labor Contractor Employee Registration with driving authorization. Will be responsible for operating the vehicles used to move crops on the farm. Must be able to safely operate the buses that are used to transport workers to and from work sites. Should be able to provide proof of accident-free driving record and background. Workers may be requested to submit to random drug or alcohol tests at no cost to the worker. Failure to comply with the request or testing positive may result in immediate termination. Operate forklifts and equipment used to move supplies, crops and harvesting equipment. Maintain harvest equipment. Must be able to reach, bend and lift items weighing 70 pounds. Must be able to work outdoors in dusty/dirty conditions, at extreme heat and cold inclement weather. Must be able to listen to, understand, and follow simple instructions of supervisors and dispatcher. Must be able to work in fields where ants, snakes and poison ivy are encountered. The alternative work is truck maintenance and farm maintenance including the repair, irrigation, vehicles and various equipment and tools used on the farm. Use of personal cell phone or other personal electronic device during working hours strictly prohibited except for work-related calls or emergencies and violation may result in immediate termination.
Perform any of the following seasonal tasks to attend to livestock: Operating cattle feeding equipment along with heavy machinery for snow removal when needed. Care for beef cattle during the fall, winter and spring months. Check for frozen water tanks to ensure cattle have fresh water. Assisting with calving cows and ensuring calf health. Check cattle for sickness and treat if needed. Check and repair fences. Operate manure handling equipment and have GPS knowledge. Must have or be able to obtain a CDL or be willing to learn how to drive semi to haul feed. Must have basic knowledge or willing to learn how to operate an iPad for feeding and feed rations. Must be comfortable around cattle when: sorting, tagging, weighing, vaccinating, dehorning, castrating, loading and unloading trucks.
Temporary Seasonal Position: Farm worker; Crop | SOC Code: 45-2092\nAll applicants must be able, willing, qualified to perform work described & must be available for entire period.\nAlpha Consolidated Contracting Services, LLC, Hastings, MN, Dakota\nPossible shift: 7:00AM-6:00PM. 30-55++ May be possibility of weekend work. OT paid for over 48 hrs/wk. 1/2 hr lunch break. Crops: Corn. Duties may include: Bag hybrid seed corn and sort/husk corn.\nbag: from hopper do 45-60 bags/hr, up to 50-60lb bags (constantly), stack, 100% quality. Machine operate: willing to train. Sort: from shaking machine & rotary belt, throw away bad corn; 100% quality; care for machine speed. Must identify male/ female corn plants due to quality regulations. Must lift up to 60lbs at 45-60 bags/hour.\nMulti limb coordination, dexterous hands, arm-hand steadiness and focus is a must. Must maintain quality, Maintain, clean equip, grounds, clear trash, debris. Static strength; exert max muscle force to lift, push, pull, unload, carry objects up to 60lbs; may climb, walk, stand, reach, balance, sit, stoop, bend, squat, wash, clean: equip, grounds, area. 60lbs. Tools supplies and equipment provided at no cost to worker. Employer guarantees 3/4 of contract. Maybe outdoor work exposed to weather; hot inside building and cold outside, humid weather may fluctuate hrs (+/-); possible downtimes, extended hrs. Extensive walk, stoop, bend, reach & stand, extreme weather conditions for long periods of time. Exposure to contaminants: pollen, corn dust, rashes, bugs, allergies. Dependable: fulfill obligations. Attn. to detail: complete work tasks. Employer provided housing available to those who cannot reasonably return to their residence within the same day. No cell phone use during work hours if smoke during lunch and breaks only.\n\n
Operating large farm equipment and machinery some of which is equipped with GPS for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, moving, storing, harvesting grain and oilseed crops such as corn, soybeans, hay, wheat; driving truck or tractor with trailer attached to move crops or equipment to designated locations; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Job requires operating custom harvesting machines to harvest a variety of grain and oilseed crops, changing cutting heads as appropriate for crops, driving tractors, operating farm equipment, having mechanical skills, being able to perform maintenance, driving trucks to transport product to elevator or storage area. Applicant must have or be able to obtain a CDL. 6 months experience is also required. Increase or bonus may be possible based on experience and merit.
Unloading of Grain Trucks, Processing of Grain, Packaging of Grain, Loading Grain into trucks or containers for overseas shipment. Warehouse cleaning and maintenance. Testing of samples of grain.
Execute production plans to produce high quality plants and flowers; harvest, process, plant, space and clear plants and flowers; manage canopy and pests; perform routine cleaning, inspection, lubrication, precision checks, and other light maintenance tasks including simple replacements and repairs of facility and equipment; perform duties while meeting quality specifications and safety requirements; may operate forklift.
Function loaders, augers, and conveyers for unloading grain trucks into storage facilities at harvest; manually dump grain from grain trucks and semis with hopper bottom trailers during harvest; grade grain and coordinate truck movement; performing preventative maintenance and repairs, cleaning worksite and equipment; driving vehicle to obtain parts and supplies; daily repairs and maintenance to equipment and machinery.
November-December: weaning, vaccination programs, feeding cows, getting calves started on feed, repairing fences and waterers as needed; feeding cows, bulls, and yearlings in separate places; January-February: feeding all cows, bulls, and yearlings, sorting yearlings by weight, general cattle maintenance; March-May: selling heavy steers, sorting and weighing cattle for selling, feeding cattle as needed; prepare for calving, calving-checking cows for calves, tagging and vaccinating calves; moving calf cow pairs to pasture.
Performs any of the following tasks to attend to livestock: Maintain heated watering system. Operate snow removal equipment in order to operate feed wagons. Mix feed and additives, fill feed troughs with feed and water for livestock; remove ice formed in water. Examine animals to detect diseases and injuries. Vaccinate animals by placing vaccine in drinking water or feed using syringes and hypodermic needles. Apply medications to cuts and bruises, spray livestock with insecticide. Confine livestock in stalls. Wash and clip livestock to prepare them for calving. Assist veterinarian in delivery of offspring. Bind or clamp testes or surgically removes testes to castrate livestock. Clip identifying notches or symbols on animal or brand animal using branding iron to indicate ownership. Clean livestock stalls and sheds, using disinfectant solutions, brushes and shovels. Maintain buildings. Maintain breeding, feeding and costs records. Drive to town to pick up cattle supplies.
Apply manure/fertilizer to fields utilizing a drag line manure application method. Run hoses from manure lagoon through various growing fields. Operate tractors, pumps and various applicators in order to pump manure into the ground to fertilize fields. Service and repair farming equipment. General farm related duties such as winterizing farming equipment, facility maintenance and shop work.
Duties may include: product assembly wreath maker worker requires gather, sheer,\ncut manual, treat, arrange, tie, package of previously gathered raw nursery-Christmas tree, limbs,\nboughs, etc. material. Cut natural pine product @ 11” w/clippers, tie, treat, arrange to produce\nwreaths. Another worker tie up bouquet w/ a circular hook. 100% quality must be done & other\nrelated Nursery Worker activities as per SOC/OES 45-2092 (
Worker will prepare seed potatoes for shipping, plant, cultivate, and harvest vegetables using tractor and tractor implements. Attaches farm implements, such as plow, planter, fertilizer applicator to tractor and drives tractor in fields to prepare soil and plant, fertilize, and harvest crops. Thins, hoes, and weeds row crops using hand implements. Vegetables to be grown include: seed potatoes, carrots, corn, soybeans, and sweet corn. Must have 3 months experience in truck and tractor farming work.
Crops/Commodities: \nvegetables, perennials, bedding plants, hanging baskets. \nThis job requires a minimum of three months of prior experience working on a nursery handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities. Workers will plant, cultivate and maintain in condition for shipping and sale to customers nursery plants, including perennials, bedding plants, vegetable plants and hanging baskets; pot seedlings, prune, transplant, space, performs hand watering and drip-irrigation to ensure availability of marketable products; prune, pinch, and remove dead flowers and leaves; pack, label, pull and store plants according to variety. Workers will attach hangers to hanging baskets and hang throughout seasonal holding houses. Workers will move containerized plants using rolling carts. Workers may uncover and/or recover winter storage houses; weed, mow, load/unload truck and wagons; perform any other duties involved in the maintenance of plant materials and nursery stock and maintenance of holding yards and shipping areas.\n\nWorkers will plant, cultivate, transplant, and harvest vegetables. Workers will be expected to lay black plastic, punch and prepare the plastic for planting seeds and remove plastic at end of season. Workers will perform field maintenance activities including pulling weeds, thinning crops and spraying plants with herbicides, pesticides and fungicides. Workers will perform irrigation activities, including setting up and moving irrigation pipes and equipment. Workers will also be required to remove trash, rocks and debris from the planting/harvest area. At harvest, workers will be instructed to select vegetables based on specifications set by the supervisor. Workers will be required to bend and stoop to pick the vegetables, cut the vines using a knife and carry the vegetables to bins and trucks. Workers will unload full bins/trucks at designated market locations and sort produce for quality issues.\n\nWork will include mechanized field work using power equipment. Workers will operate tractors, sprayers, cultivators, planters, mowers, plows, disks, fumigators and other farm equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate equipment, with or without direction, in a manner that protects the operator, visitors, other employees, crops, trees, facilities and equipment. Failure to comply with operating and safety standards may result in termination. Workers will assist with the maintenance and repair of tractors and equipment.\n\nWork is to be done in the field and/or greenhouse for long periods of time. Workers may assist in loading trucks with nursery products up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers' ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations.\n\nEmployer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations).\n\nPersons seeking employment in this position must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Successful applicants will be subject to a trial period of up to 5 days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\n\nEquipment: John Deere Tractors, Combines, seeding, planting, and tillage equipment.\n\nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans, Spring Wheat, Sugar Beets
Workers will work all duties involved in planting, growing, cultivating and harvesting horseradish. Workers will cut planting root slips and place into containers/or ground according to instructions, workers will trim and root slips by hand, working with sharp instruments. Worker will walk fields on uneven ground and operate tractors to harvest horseradish. Workers will prepare horseradish roots for storage by topping, raking, set separation and general trimming and saving sets on horseradish roots. In addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks relating to crop production such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding, cleaning and repairing farm buildings, and other tasks related to general farming. Worker must have 3 months general farm experience and be able to lift 50 lbs.
Workers will make fence and trellis repairs along with other orchard maintenance, activities will also include harvesting, picking, cleaning, grading, sorting, packing into boxes in the field and loading boxes of apples onto trucks, in the field. Workers will pull weeds, may mow orchard grounds, cut down and fertilize trees. Must be able to work in extreme weather conditions, stand and walk long periods of time, use sharp instruments, be able to work with open fire, able to do ladder work and lift 50lbs. 1 month of apple orchard harvest experience required.
Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: operate various equipment (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for planting, spraying, cultivating, fertilizing and harvesting of crops. Maintain/repair machinery. Operate equipment using modern technology. Maintain flood and sprinkler irrigation systems. Grain handling, hauling farm commodities. Minor farm construction projects. Maintain farm grounds/mow. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. \nCrops: wheat, rye grass, soybeans, sugar beets
We grow, package and ship red and gold potatoes. We bring potatoes from the field on trucks to our facility where we unload them and put them into storage buildings. We wash the potatoes and sort them by size and grade. After the potatoes are inspected and sorted, we package them in 3, 5, 10, 15, 20- and 50-pound bags and ship them out.\n\nWe need employees to stack 3, 5, 10, 15, 20- and 50-pound bags on pallets and in bins. Shrink wrap stacked pallets. Assemble bins, boxes and other packing materials. Clean the plant and equipment. Inspect incoming potatoes during harvest and remove dirt and debris and assist in operating packing equipment. Clean harvest trucks. Operate bin piler to pile incoming potatoes in bins. Drive truck in field and under harvester. \n
Crops/Commodities: \nCorn, soybeans, small grains. \nThis job requires a minimum of six months of verifiable prior experience operating/servicing agricultural equipment such as combines, tractors, sprayers, and balers. Crops to be harvested and/or hauled include corn, soybeans, small grains. Workers must be able to perform all duties with accuracy and efficiency. \n\nOperates self-propelled custom class harvesting machines to harvest a variety of grain and oilseed crops. Adjusts speed of cutters, blowers and conveyors, as well as the height of the cutting head, using hand tools. Changes cutting head as appropriate for crop and prepares for transportServices machinery and makes in-field repairs. Assists in the transport of seed to fields and fills planter as needed. Drives 4-wheel drive tractor to pull tillage equipment.\n\nDrive tractors, planters, and balers, and operate other mechanized farm equipment to plant, cultivate, and harvest crops/commodities at a diversified farming operation. Use farm equipment to cut, pull, dig, thresh, clean, chop, bag, or bundle harvested crops. Load/unload harvested crops/commodities or other materials manually or with mechanized equipment such as conveyors, or handtrucks. Perform manual and mechanized tasks including but not limited to: bushhogging fields; disking; aerating; seeding (using mechanical drills and seeders); fertilizing, weed spraying, mowing, tedding, raking, baling, and stacking.\n\nWorkers must operate all equipment properly and in a manner that protects operator, others, the employer's products and property. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.\n\nWork is to be done in the field for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers' ability to perform the job. Workers should be physically able to do the work required. Must be able to lift/carry 60 lbs. \n\nClean driving record required. Must have or be able to obtain driver's license within 30 days following hire. Workers with appropriate licenses and a valid doctor's certificate may be asked to drive other workers. Workers may drive light company vehicles on farm.\n\nEmployer has a drug policy that requires pre-employment testing, as well as post-employment employer-paid random, upon suspicion and post-accident testing. These policies are carried out uniformly for all employees, both foreign and domestic. Drug testing is not required as part of the interview process, but any worker who fails a mandatory drug test and is unable to obtain the required licensing as a result will be terminated. \n\nEmployer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations.)\n\nPersons seeking employment as experienced Agricultural Equipment Operator must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Applicants must be able to furnish verifiable job reference(s) or comparable third party documentation from recent employer(s) establishing acceptable prior experience. Successful applicants will be subject to a trial period of up to five days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated. If the performance is not acceptable to the employer the worker's employment will be terminated.\n\nEmployer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason.
We grow, package and ship red and gold potatoes. We bring potatoes from the field on trucks to our facility where we unload them and put them into storage buildings. We wash the potatoes and sort them by size and grade. After the potatoes are inspected and sorted, we package them in 3, 5, 10, 15, 20- and 50-pound bags and ship them out.\n\nWe need employees to stack 3, 5, 10, 15, 20- and 50-pound bags on pallets and in bins. Shrink wrap stacked pallets. Assemble bins, boxes and other packing materials. Clean the plant and equipment. Inspect incoming potatoes during harvest and remove dirt and debris and assist in operating packing equipment. Clean harvest trucks. Operate bin piler to pile incoming potatoes in bins. Drive truck in field and under harvester. \n
We grow, package and ship red and gold potatoes. We need employees to help us in the growing and production of the potatoes. Employees must have experience operating large farm equipment such as tractors, trucks, skid loaders and forklifts. Employees must have some mechanical experience to and knowledge of how to use a variety of tools for the repair and maintenance of farm machinery and equipment. Employees will also clean farm equipment.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Must be able to enter and exit truck efficiently to facilitate unloading. Must observe all safety warnings and procedures. \n\nEquipment: Agricultural Tractors, Semi Tractor-Trailer combinations, UTVs, pickup trucks \nCrops: Corn, Sugar Beets
On farms, building and repairing livestock buildings. Building and repairing walls and trusses. Repairing and installing curtains, feed tanks, feeders and feed lines. Tin sheeting walls, installing doors and caulking structures. Clean site. One month of framing and/or livestock equipment installation/repair experience required. Must be able to lift and carry 75lbs for 75 yds.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine and tractor. General lubrication, service (checking fluids) and incidental repair to farm machinery. Clean and drive semi-trucks with attached grain or sugar beet trailer to transport crops to elevator or storage area. General farm work. Clean the shop facilities. Must be able to obtain a driver's license within 30-90 days of hire and a CDL license is a must. \n\nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans, Sugar Beets\n\nEquipment: John Deere Tractor, Combines, and Planters, Case IH Sprayers, Mack and International Semi's
Workers will perform assigned duties as instructed by their supervisor. The worker will process seeds, package seeds, sort seed packets, and prepare seeds in the field on the farm for planting. The worker will walk down the aisles between the plants in the corn fields, for the purpose of detasseling seed corn, remove rogue plants, weeds and volunteer corn plants from seed corn production fields. The worker in order to perform this kind of work must be able to work outside for at least 7 hours a day in all kinds of weather and be in possession of the requisite strength and endurance, working quickly and skillfully with their hands. The employer will provide the tools necessary (if applicable) to perform the job described without charge to the worker. The employer will charge the worker for reasonable costs related to the workers refusal or negligent failure to return the tools or due to such workers willful damage or destruction of the tools.\n\nCorn Pollination - Including shoot bagging, tassel bagging, pollination, phenotypical data collection such as but not limited to plant height, ear height, leaf angles.\n\nGeneral Farm Labor: Workers may be required to perform general farm labor job duties including cleanup of working area or other tasks as needed.\n\nOther Requirements: Workers seeking employment under this job order must be available for entire period requested by the employer. \n\nThe employer retains the right to discharge any obviously unqualified worker, malingerer, or recalcitrant worker who is physically able to complete the work, but does not demonstrate a willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason.\n\nThe employer will provide the tools necessary to perform the described job duties without charge to the worker. The employer will charge the worker for reasonable costs related to the workers refusal or negligent failure to return the tools or due to such workers willful damage or destruction of the tools.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \nEquipment: planter, combine, sprayer, field cultivator, grain cart, quad track/ripper, row crop tractors, trucks\nCrops: Corn, Kidney Beans, Soy Beans, Sugar Beets
Farm hands will perform a variety of duties related to the picking, sorting, and packing of apples, including a combination of the following: harvesting, grading, and packing apples; general groundskeeping in the apple orchard, including litter removal, weed whipping tall grass, clearing brush, and putting up, taking down and moving signs; filling bait stations with mouse poison; tying trees to tree poles; repairing fencings; mowing and trimming farmyard; loading trucks for farmers markets; assisting in stocking the Farm Store before the store opening with jams, jellies, apples, and other items; peeling and slicing of apples for pies and ciders. washing, grading.
Workers will harvest apples. They will pick and fill bags with apples that weigh around 30lbs. Workers will also be responsible for tying young apple trees to wires. Thinning apples when necessary. Workers will be using ladders and platforms during operations. Workers should be able to lift 50lbs.
Work on kill floor: skinning, eviscerating, splitting slaughtered livestock with power saw, beef, hogs, sheep and goats.\n cleaning and moving carcasses into cooler. Daily cleanup.\nWork in processing room: breaking down carcasses from hanging rail and cutting them into primal\ncuts on band saw. Trim and debone cuts for further processing, cutting meat on band saw into\nsteaks and roasts. Grinding and packaging of ground meat.\nWrapping and labeling of cuts of meat and smoked products. Putting boxed meat into freezer.\nDaily cleanup.
General farm labor, including but not limited to planting; sampling nursery; tagging; trials packaging; trials sorting; crop inventory; staking plots; warehouse cleaning and upkeep; irrigation and farmstead maintenance. Must be able to drive and maintain farm equipment, including tractors and combines. Must be able to use mudmuster self-propelled sprayer and/or backpack sprayer with proper safety equipment. Must obtain driver's license.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive semi-trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \nEquipment: Semi-trucks & tractors\nCrops: Corn, Kidney Beans, Soy Beans, Sugar Beets
Tractor Operator pulling potato carts from field to winter storage facility and performing tillage operations. Perform general labor during harvest. Include grading potatoes entering the storage facility, driving bobcat, hauling dirt with our dump truck, assisting in equipment maintenance, and setting up conveyor equipment. Hand sorting potatoes by quality level. Drive forklift to move pallets of potatoes into storage and from storage into semi-trucks. Setting up conveyors, performing general maintenance, cleaning and sanitizing equipment and facilities with a pressure washer, grading out rotten seed potatoes on the seed line, driving tractor performing spring tillage.
We need seasonal help in August until February to load and fill potato storage, assist in storing of the potatoes including temperature and humidity control during the storage season. Employees will need to monitor and adjust humidity to keep optimum storage conditions. Load and unload of the storage as well as the quality control of all potatoes that are being shipped out. Grade and sort products according to factors such as size and quality to ensure correct processing and usage. Place products in containers according to grade and mark grades on containers. In February employee will prepare fields and plant potatoes, in March until May employees will operate center pivots, hilling, spraying machines and in June harvest potatoes. Employee will also need to do routine repairs and maintenance on all grading equipment.
Worker's activities include pruning, weeding, thinning, tree planting and harvesting, general apple orchard tree and trellis maintenance on occasion and perform any other orchard related duties. Must be able to lift 50 lbs.
Operate self-propelled custom class harvesting machines to harvest a variety of foraging crops. Adjust speed of cutters, blowers, conveyors, and height of cutting head using hand tools. Change cutting head as appropriate for crops. Service machinery and make in-field repairs. Drive heavy trucks to transport crops to storage facilities. Drive transporter truck to haul harvesting equipment between work locations.
General farm worker responsibilities will be to apply pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer to crops and livestock; plant, maintain, and harvest food crops; and tend livestock. Repair farm buildings and fences, works with irrigation repairs and cleans and maintains barns. Worker must have one month of experience with general farming and must be able to lift up to 50 pounds.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store forage crops. Attach farm implements, such as haybine, rake and baler to tractor. Till soil; Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate large Square Balers. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive trucks to transport crops to storage area. Equipment: larger New Holland front wheel assist tractors and Massey Fergurson Balers with Proag stacker. Claas self propelled forage harvester, semis, larger Artex Manure Spreaders\nCrops: Alfalfa
Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: Operate various farm equipment (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for planting, spraying, cultivating, fertilizing, and harvesting of crops. Load/unload trucks. Drive trucks. Maintain/repair machinery. Ground maintenance on farm and/or housing, i.e. weed eating, mowing. Minor construction of farm structures. Maintain/clean facilities. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. Crops: spring wheat, soybeans, sugar beets, sunflowers.\n\nOne hour lunch break offered.\n\nMay be required to work additional and longer hours in October during sugar beet harvest.
We operate a small custom forage harvesting business in South Dakota for the corn silage season. It consists of 1 chopper, 1 packing tractor and 4 straight trucks with live bottom forage boxes. We work when the weather allows, some Sundays, and run late at night if there is rain forecasted. We have 3 Kenworth T800 trucks with air ride, air conditioning, 10 and 18 speed manual transmissions, and Meyer chain floor boxes, and 1 Western Star truck with air ride, air conditioning, 10 speed, and chain floor box. \n\nWe need seasonal employees to assist with our hay harvesting season. Employees main job will be to operate equipment for the corn harvest season: duties also include driving alongside the forage harvester, keeping a steady speed and distance from the machine, until truck is full, then drive to the pile location at a reasonable speed, unload when and where told, and return to the chopper, repeating that for as long as necessary to complete the job. Employees will assist with loading and packing equipment and moving to the next job where the process repeats. While operating vehicles, employees will watch and warn others of obstacles or changes, pay attention on the roads, be careful and respectful of others, and clean the cab of truck out at the end of each day. \n\nBefore harvest season starts and after it is complete, employees will assist with the following duties on the employer’s own farm. These duties will not be completed for any customers listed on the itinerary. Duties would include running tractor with various implements, loaders, hauling and stacking hay, maintaining fence line, building new fence, and washing and prepping equipment for harvest or winter storage. Spread ash and lime on fields to prepare for planting. Employer may provide pay increases for performance and experience at employer’s discretion. Employer may provide performance bonuses at the end of the contract at the employer’s discretion.
Operating tractors for spring tillage, rock picking, planting and spraying for corn, soybeans and wheat. Operating disk bine, rake, merger, tractor, trucks and choppers for hay harvest. Operating combine, chopper, grain cart, trucks and silage carts for fall harvest. Fall tillage work, scrapers and rock picking. Daily maintenance and repair of equipment. Assisting with moving cattle from spring calving pasture to summer pasture and back to the farm for the winter. Assist with fencing and maintaining cattle health.
Assist farm owner in combining, harvesting, and delivering crop to market. Duties include driving combine to harvest corn and driving trucks for delivering corn to bins and elevators.
Workers will pick, clean, grade, sort, pack and load apples. Perform seasonal maintenance of apple orchard.\nWorkers will plant trees, do fence and trellis repair and maintenance. May cut down and fertilize trees. Workers\nwill clean, sanitize and maintain harvesting and packing equipment. Stage produce for transportation, storage and\nprocessing. Must be able to operate a 55 HP or larger tractor for transporting and staging. Work in extreme\nweather conditions, stand and walk long periods of time, use sharp instruments, able to do ladder work and lift 50\nlbs.
Manually plant, cultivate, and harvest produce. Use hand tools, shovels, hoes, tampers, brooms, rakes, pruning shears, and ladders. Clean, pack, sort, slice, box, load and transport harvested products. Construct trellis and repair fences. Participate in irrigation activities for all crops. Set up and operate, repair and maintain equipment, vehicles, tractors, forklifts and tractor drawn machinery, ie, spreaders, mowers, plows, cultivators, disks. Work with small engine equipment. Repair and maintain buildings and grounds. Assist in the production of apple cider, peel, slice apples and other apple products. Food safety standards must be followed in all areas of employment. The worker may be asked to work on the sabbath, under all types of weather, hot, cold, rain, and snow, workdays may vary.\nCrops: apples, strawberries, pumpkins\n\n45 minute lunch break offered
Stacking and bagging potato sacks. Grading potatoes. Discard inferior or defective products or foreign matter, and place acceptable products in containers for further processing. Maintain/clean shop area. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. This job involves manual labor, lifting, and carrying. Must be able to communicate, follow instructions, and be physically capable of performing all job duties.\n\n30-minute lunch break offered\n\nCrops: Potatoes
Set, operate and maintain farm equipment in order to cultivate, fertilize, harvest and haul grain including corn, soybean and alfalfa crops. General farm related duties such as shop work, equipment servicing and facility/grounds maintenance and upkeep. Operate a dragline manure pumping system to fertilize fields. Workers who have a valid driver's license and doctor's certificate may drive vehicles to transport workers and may be offered additional hours. \n\nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a workers Sabbath or federal holidays. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time. Workers should expect occasional periods of little or no work because of weather-reason. These periods can occur anytime throughout the season. Workers may be assigned a variety of duties in any given day and different tasks on different days.\n\nPersons seeking employment in this position must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Employer reserves the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but is unwilling to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason. \n\nIn accordance with 8 CFR 214.2(h)(5)(xi)(A) and 20 CFR 655.135(j)?(k), employer prohibits the solicitation and payment of recruitment fees by workers. Workers who pay or are solicited to pay such a fee must inform the employer immediately. Employer will investigate all claims of illegal fees and take immediate remedial action as appropriate. Workers should be able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. All terms and conditions included in the job order will apply equally to all seasonal workers (U.S. and foreign H-2A), employed in the occupation described in this job order. Employer will advise all foreign H-2A workers of their responsibility to depart the United States upon separation of employment or completion of the H-2A contract period, unless the workers obtain an extension of status. Failure to contact the respective SWA office within the timeframe specified in 20 CFR 653.501(c)(3)(i) shall disqualify any applicant from the assurances set forth therein.\n\nIn the event that the applicable H-2A wage rate decreases for any reason during the employer's recruitment and/or H-2A contract period in the instant job order, the employer reserves the right to decrease its offered/paid hourly wage to the new, lower wage rate, as long as the new lower rate remains the highest of the AEWR, the prevailing hourly wage or piece rate, an agreed-upon collective bargaining wage, and the federal and state minimum wages in effect at the time work is performed. Work performed under the contract is exempt from federal overtime pay requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).\n\nWorkers compensation insurance is provided. The carrier is SFM Mutual Insurance Company. Notify Dustin Walsh at (320) 368-0058 in the event of an injury as soon as possible within 30 days. \n
Operate tools and equipment for building and updating ag facilities – August to December; Maintain and operate irrigation pivots – August to September; Operate cutters and mergers for putting up hay (alfalfa) – August to September; Loading and unloading of straw – August to September; Operate equipment such as tractors, payloaders, and ag trucks for harvesting, transporting and storing crops such as silage, earlage, soybeans, kidney, etc. – August to November; Apply manure to fields after harvest for fertilizing – September to December; May have to work nights, possibly weekends; Employer may request but cannot require workers to work on their Sabbath; Maintaining of worksite and equipment; Also cleaning location and equipment; Rate of pay may be more depending on experience.
Crops/Commodities: \nBees and honey. \nWorker must be familiar with working with bees in all stages, from the egg through fully developed workers, drones and queens; must work all aspects of commercial bee keeping, including assessing a colony to determine if it needs food or medicine, feeding and medicating bees, maintaining hives in a healthy state, increasing number of hives, raising and replacing queens, making divides, making, painting and cleaning boxes, supering hives. Harvest/extract honey. Run queen breeding yard and produce queen bees. Manipulate and service hive structures and haul bees to and from different hive locations to ensure healthy and productive honeybee colonies. Must respond correctly to bees to harmonize with their natural cycle and keep them in the healthiest state possible for survival and profitability. General maintenance and servicing of equipment and facility.\n\nWorkers will raise bees to produce honey. Assembles beehives using hand tools. Inserts honeycomb of bees into beehive or inducts wild swarming bees into hive of prepared honeycomb frames. Places screen plug in hive entrance to confine bees and sets hive in orchard, clover field, or near other source of nectar and pollen. Forces bees from hive, using smoke pot or by placing carbolic acid soaked pad over hive to inspect hive and to harvest honeycomb. Scrapes out parasites, such as wax moth larvae, and removes vermin such as birds and mice. Collects royal jelly form queen bee cells for sale as base for cosmetics and as health food. Destroys superfluous queen bee cells to prevent division of colony by swarming. Burns hive of diseased bee colony or sterilizes hive, using caustic soda solution. Uncaps harvested honeycombs and extracts hone. Workers will load and unload trucks of beehives. Will find and remove old queens from hives and replace with new queen. Workers will remove frames covered with bees, and shake them off into cages.\n\nAll workers will be responsible for picking up trash cleaning bathrooms, sweeping floors and other farm sanitation duties. \n\nWork is to be done in the field for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 70 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet daily for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers must have no fear of bees and be non-allergic to bee stings, pollen, honey or other products of the hive. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day. Temperatures may range from 10 to 110 F. Must be able to work in excessive humidity. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop operations. This is a very demanding and competitive business in which quality specifications must be rigorously adhered to. Saturday work required. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. \n\nEmployer has a strict prohibition on tobacco usage. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind will be permitted in the fields, in worker housing, or anywhere on company premises. This is necessary to protect against transmission of toxins by hands and tools contaminated with tobacco by-products. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or found in possession of smoking materials including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco or smoking paraphernalia. \n\nWorkers will drive tractors, if needed. Workers will be instructed in the safety and operation of light trucks and tractors before operating.
Agriculture Equipment Operator to operate equipment used to process corn seed. Must have the correct type of license required by State and Federals laws, and drivers responsible for transporting workers will be required to have a valid and unexpired Federal Farm Labor Contractor or Federal Farm Labor Contractor Employee Registration with driving authorization. Will be responsible for operating the vehicles used to move crops on the farm. Must be able to safely operate the buses that are used to transport workers to and from work sites. Should be able to provide proof of accident-free driving record and background. Workers may be requested to submit to random drug or alcohol tests at no cost to the worker. Failure to comply with the request or testing positive may result in immediate termination. Operate forklifts and equipment used to move supplies and harvesting equipment in the field. Maintain harvest equipment. Must be able to reach, bend and lift items weighing 70 pounds. Must be able to work outdoors in dusty/dirty conditions, at extreme heat and cold inclement weather. Must be able to listen to, understand, and follow simple instructions of supervisors and dispatcher. Must be able to work in fields where ants, snakes and poison ivy are encountered. The alternative work is truck maintenance and farm maintenance – including the repair, irrigation, vehicles and various equipment and tools used on the farm. Use of personal cell phone or other personal electronic device during working hours strictly prohibited except for work-related calls or emergencies and violation may result in immediate termination.
Workers will make fence and trellis repairs along with other orchard maintenance, activities will also include harvesting, picking, cleaning, grading, sorting, packing into boxes in the field and loading boxes of apples onto trucks, in the field. Workers will pull weeds, may mow orchard grounds, cut down and fertilize trees. Must be able to work in extreme weather conditions, stand and walk long periods of time, use sharp instruments, be able to work with open fire, able to do ladder work and lift 50lbs. 1 month of apple orchard harvest experience required.
Worker's activities include harvesting, picking, cleaning, grading, sorting, packing into boxes in the field and loading apples onto trucks. Must be able to lift 50 lbs.
Perform duties like: Drive and operate farm machinery to harvest and store beans, corn and sugar beets. Drive grain trucks and sugar beet trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Perform truck driving duties and general lubrication, service (check fluids) and incidental repair to farm machinery. Maintenance of the farm shop, which includes sweeping farm shop floor and cleaning up around grain bins. Washing and winterizing equipment. Operate tractors and tillage equipment. Maintain equipment. Grain handling. Hand rock picking with machine and UTV.\nEquipment: Tractor, combine, grain and sugar beet trucks \nCrops: Beans, Corn, Sugar Beets
Workers will process and bag seed corn. Must be able to work long hours, where conditions may be hot and humid, the majority of the workday is spent on ones feet. Must be able to lift 70lbs. to shoulder height repetitively throughout the workday and able to lift and carry 70 lbs. Workers may be required to submit to random drug tests at the discretion of the employer. Drug testing and background checks may be performed during the interview process. Use of personal cell phone or other personal electronic device during working hours strictly prohibited except for work-related calls or emergencies and violation may result in immediate termination. \nLos trabajadores procesarán y embolsarán semillas de maíz. Debe poder trabajar muchas horas, donde las condiciones pueden ser cálidas y húmedas, la mayor parte de la jornada laboral se pasa de pie. Debe ser capaz de levantar 70 libras. a la altura de los hombros repetidamente a lo largo de la jornada laboral y capaz de levantar y transportar 70 lbs. Los trabajadores pueden ser obligados a someterse a pruebas de drogas al azar a discreción del empleador. Se pueden realizar pruebas de drogas y verificaciones de antecedentes durante el proceso de la entrevista. El uso de teléfonos celulares personales u otros dispositivos electrónicos personales durante las horas de trabajo está estrictamente prohibido, excepto para llamadas relacionadas con el trabajo o emergencias, y la violación puede resultar en el despido inmediato.
Drive/operate equipment for custom liquid manure application on a farm for a farmer; perform duties like; loading, pumping, and application of liquid manure; repair and maintain equipment and pumps during the season. Duties that are included but are not limited to: tractor driving, fueling equipment, fixing and maintaining equipment fleet, and making sure that equipment stays clean and ready to go. Looking to build relationships with people to work for a longer season in the upcoming years.\n\nEquipment: We run all new and modern John Deere and Case farm machinery.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids), and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive semi-trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nEquipment: Tractor, combine, trucks \nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans
On farms, construction of livestock buildings. Measure and layout livestock buildings. Excavate footings and level the earth to grade specifications. Tie rebar, position wall-forms and place all concrete. Clean site. One (1) month of wall-setting experience required.
Unloading of Grain Trucks, Processing of Grain, Packaging of Grain, Loading Grain into trucks or containers for overseas shipment. Warehouse cleaning and maintenance. Testing of samples of grain.
Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: Operate various farm equipment (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for planting, spraying, cultivating, fertilizing, and harvesting of crops. Load/unload trucks. May involve climbing ladders, grain bins etc. Maintain/repair machinery, i.e. weld, change fluids in equipment, rotate tires, clean grain bins, wash vehicles, change brakes, check tire pressure, general maintenance, etc. Ground maintenance on farm and/or housing, i.e. weed eating, mowing. Minor construction of farm structures. Maintain/clean shop area. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. This job involves manual labor, lifting, carrying, bending, and long days in the heat and cold. Rain days are typically spent in the shop repairing equipment and preparing for the next days’ work. Must communicate in English, follow instructions, and be physically capable of performing all job duties.
Employees will be working in an A/C building. Duties will include but are not limited to sorting potatoes, grading potatoes, packaging potatoes, stacking potato bags onto pallets, sweeping floors, splitting/stacking wood, and taking out the garbage.
Crops/Commodities: \nlivestock and crops including but not limited to zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, green beans, winter squash, onions, peppers, sweet corn, beets, grains. \nPlant, cultivate and harvest vegetables. Use hand tools including, but not limited to: shovels, hoes and knives. Till soil. Weed and thin plants. \n\nPick, cut, lift, or pull crops. Tie vegetables in bunches. In addition, workers must be able and willing to pick cucumbers and harvest cabbage with a knife. Grade, size and sort product. Take care to prevent damaging produce and plants. \n\nFeed and water livestock. Herd livestock to pasture for grazing. Herd animals into corral and/or stall. Maintain/repair fences used to contain herd animals. Must be able to find and maintain bearings to grazing areas. Examine animals for diseases and injuries. Assist with livestock vaccination. Apply routine medications. Tend to cuts and bruises. Assist with livestock castration. Clips, brand, or tag animals. Perform general herd care. \n\nMow, cut, and weed fields. Perform hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences.\n\nUse power equipment including but not limited to: tractors, planters, mowers, plows, utility vehicles, cultivators, fork lifts, pallet jacks, skid loaders. Must operate agricultural equipment safely, with or without direction. \n\nGrade and pack vegetable crops by hand or with mechanized packing equipment, including but not limited to bagging machines, bin feeding machines, box machines, labeling machines, regular and high stacking forklifts. Sort graded vegetable crops in appropriate containers according to packing instructions. Deliver pallets of finished product to cold storage. Load/unload product. Prepare orders for shipping. Keep material and product records accurately. Cleaning and sanitation of tools, equipment and working area required. \n\nWork is done in the field for long periods of time. Workers may assist in handling product weighing up to 50 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Work required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, moderate winds, direct sun, muddy conditions, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 35 to over 95 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. \n\nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a timely and proficient manner without close supervision. \n\nTobacco use in non-designated areas strictly prohibited. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind permitted in the fields, worker housing, or anywhere on company premises except designated smoking areas. This is necessary to protect against transmission of toxins and contamination from tobacco by-products. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or in possession of smoking materials, including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco or smoking paraphernalia. \n\nWorkers with an insurable driver’s license may be asked to drive company vehicles, including semi-trucks, within a 150 mile radius of the farm.
Employees on farms, will perform general maintenance tasks including repair, dismantle, and remodel livestock buildings. Repair and/or install feed equipment, waterlines, gating, insulation, doors, ceilings, and roofs. Repair and/or install ventilation equipment. Framing, tin sheeting, and welding for buildings and equipment repairs and remodeling. Equipment Maintenance requires hand tools and all other necessary tools provided to change oil and do other equipment maintenance that can only be done in good weather conditions throughout the spring, summer and fall. Bait stations will be placed in order to keep mice from entering our buildings and causing damage or spreading diseases. Bait is placed every other week during contract period. Employees will also be required to take part in lawn care which will require the use of lawn mower, rakes, branch cutter, and weed cutters. Employees may assist with all aspects of corn production. In the fall, harvest and preparation would start in late September and run through December. Grain hauling from remote locations continues after harvest through the winter months as we store it for later usage as feed. Employees will also participate in the spreading of manure to maintain farm soil quality. Manure is applied in the fall from late September through December when crops are removed, and the ground is not frozen. In the spring, application occurs in late March through June before the corn is planted. Laborers are responsible for preparing, maintaining, cleaning, and operating all machinery and equipment used for the handling of the manure. Truck transportation is needed for the handling of crop inputs and grain. Equipment operated may include ATV, pickup, semi-truck, tractor, seed tender or combine harvester. Must be able to lift and carry 75 lbs for 75 yards.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nCrops: Corn, Kidney Beans, Soy Beans\n\nEquipment: Truck, tractor, Combine
Prepping the equipment, machinery, and carrot storage facilities by cleaning and sanitizing; cleaning and inspecting the wooden storage crates prior to filling them; repairing wooden storage crates; unloading carrots from semi trailers with a bulk receiving conveyor; using mechanical equipment to place the carrots into wooden storage crates; using a forklift to move the crates to and from the refrigerated storage facility; cleaning up debris and loose carrots from around the harvest equipment; assisting with field harvest; assisting with washing line duties such as cleaning and forklift operation; assisting with packaging line duties such as cleaning, inspecting, or operating the bagging machinery; during times of peak need hours requested may increase to up to 12 hours per day; work at night may be requested.
Assisting with edible bean harvest by emptying trucks, monitoring all dumping operations; assisting with the operation of the grain dryer for getting crops to correct moisture content, take samples of loads; monitoring and ensuring that no classes/varieties get mixed; empty dirt bins and clean the inside before refiling; helping in general harvest operations; workers must know basic operation of forklifts to clean up worksite; daily repairs and maintenance to harvesting equipment and machinery.
Temporary Seasonal Position: Farm worker; Crop | SOC Code: 45-2092\nAll applicants must be able, willing, qualified to perform work described & must be available for entire period.\nAlpha Consolidated Contracting Services, LLC, Hastings, MN, Dakota\nPossible shift: 7:00AM-6:00PM. 30-55++ May be possibility of weekend work. Crops: Corn. Detassel: walk, cruise & pull tassels from female corn plants w/ 100% quality pulling. Care for pollen & sharp leaves. Rogueing: walk, cruise & chop off w/ shovel male corn plants growing among female plants, with 100% quality; bag: from hopper do 45-60 bags/hr, up to 50-60lb bags (constantly), stack, 100% quality. Machine operate: willing to train. Sort: from shaking machine & rotary belt, throw away bad corn; 100% quality; care for machine speed. Must identify male/ female corn plants due to quality regulations. Must lift up to 60lbs at 45-60 bags/hour. Multi limb coordination, dexterous hands, arm-hand steadiness and focus is a must. Must maintain quality, Maintain, clean equip, grounds, clear trash, debris. Static strength; exert max muscle force to lift, push, pull, unload, carry objects up to 60lbs (possible 2-person); may climb, walk, stand, reach, balance, sit, stoop, bend, squat, wash, clean: equip, grounds, area 60lbs. Outdoor work exposed to weather; hot, humid weather may fluctuate hrs (+/-); possible downtimes, extended hrs. Extensive walk, stoop, bend, reach & stand when heavy rain-will walk in mud, in extreme weather conditions long periods of time may lead to sun stroke. Exposure to contaminants: pollen, corn/field dust, rashes, bugs, allergies. Dependable: fulfill obligations. Attn. to detail: complete work tasks & other related Farm worker; Crop activities as per SOC/OES 45-2092 ( \nRequirements: Must show proof of legal authority to work in the U.S. Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco free work zone. No minimum education requirement. On-the-job training provided. All applicants must be able, willing, qualified to perform work described and must be available for the entire period specified. Based on Employer's discretion/cost: Worker may have random drug/alcohol testing during employment: positive test/ refusal to abide = dismissal. Possible background check post hire at employer's expense. No smoking, drinking or talking on the phone during work hours.\nDepends on Experience. The wage(s) offered equal(s) or exceed(s) the highest of the prevailing wage or the Federal, State, or local minimum wage. Piece rate may apply. Bonuses may apply. Cash advances may apply at employer’s discretion. Work may be paid on group production basis or by the hour on specific tasks. Possible weekend/holiday work. (Overtime possible, but not required or guaranteed. If overtime is worked, wage is paid at a rate of time and a half per hour worked beyond 40 hours each week. Overtime not required. This employer will also comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws pertaining to overtime hours. Transportation & subsistence will be reimbursed (by check in 1st work wk) for cost from the place from which the worker has come to work for the employer, whether in the U.S. or abroad, to the place of employment. \n\n
Crops/Commodities: Asparagus, Snap Peas, Snap Beans, Sweet Corn, Broccoli, Hard Squash and Pumpkins\n\nThis job requires a minimum of 3 months of experience working on a commercial agricultural operation handling both manual and mechanized tasks associated with commodity production. Applicants must be able to furnish verifiable job reference(s) or comparable third-party documentation from recent employer(s) establishing acceptable prior experience. Workers must be able to perform manual and mechanized tasks with accuracy and efficiency. Plant, cultivate and harvest vegetables. Use hand tools including, but not limited to shovels, hoes and knives. Spread plastic or other ground covering. Clean plastic by hand from ground upon removal. Till soil. Weed and thin plants. Pick rocks. Transplant plants by hand. Pick, cut, lift, or pull crops. Hand-pick all vegetables produced. Tie vegetables in bunches. Grade, size and field pack product. Take care to prevent damaging produce and plants. Mow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Use power equipment including but not limited to tractors, planters, mowers, plows, sprayers, cultivators, power shears, chain saws, high lifts, forklifts, skid loaders. Must operate agricultural equipment safely, with or without direction. Install/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Work on production line. Grade, size, sort, and pack product. Bunch/bundle product pursuant to supervisor instructions. Fill bins/trays and other containers with product, level bins, and prepare product for shipment to market or storage. Perform quality control on inbound/outbound loads. Follow quality control standards and production procedures. Handle product carefully to prevent damage. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Palletize and stack boxes/containers. Use power equipment including, but not limited, to forklifts, conveyor belts, and cooling equipment/refrigeration units. Operate equipment safely, with or without direction. Assist with regular maintenance on equipment. Clean/sanitize workstation and equipment. Work is done in the field for long periods of time. Workers may assist in handling product weighing up to 50 pounds and lifting to a height of 4 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Crew Leads communicate with owners, assign daily tasks to team, check work quality, and may clock in/out other workers.\n\nWork required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 20 to over 95 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honeybees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker's ability to perform the job. Workers should be able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. Employer-paid post-hire drug testing is required upon reasonable suspicion of use. Workers with a clean driving record (no major moving violations such as but not limited to Driving While Intoxicated or Reckless Driving) and able to obtain an insurable driver's license may be required to drive company vehicles or asked to drive other workers. Persons seeking employment in this position must be available the entire contract.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. Run grain cart and tillage. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery and trucks. Drive semi-trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Maintenance of the farm shop. Must be able to obtain a valid Class A CDL within 30 days of hire.\n\nList of equipment: Combines, tractors, semi-trucks, grain carts, beet harvester, sprayer.\n\nCrops: Corn, Kidney Beans, Silage, Soy Beans, Sugar Beets
Crops/Commodities: \nlivestock and crops including but not limited to zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, green beans, winter squash, onions, peppers, sweet corn, beets, grains. \nPlant, cultivate and harvest vegetables. Use hand tools including, but not limited to: shovels, hoes and knives. Till soil. Weed and thin plants. \n\nPick, cut, lift, or pull crops. Tie vegetables in bunches. In addition, workers must be able and willing to pick cucumbers and harvest cabbage with a knife. Grade, size and sort product. Take care to prevent damaging produce and plants. \n\nFeed and water livestock. Herd livestock to pasture for grazing. Herd animals into corral and/or stall. Maintain/repair fences used to contain herd animals. Must be able to find and maintain bearings to grazing areas. Examine animals for diseases and injuries. Assist with livestock vaccination. Apply routine medications. Tend to cuts and bruises. Assist with livestock castration. Clips, brand, or tag animals. Perform general herd care. \n\nMow, cut, and weed fields. Perform hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences.\n\nUse power equipment including but not limited to: tractors, planters, mowers, plows, utility vehicles, cultivators, fork lifts, pallet jacks, skid loaders. Must operate agricultural equipment safely, with or without direction. \n\nWorkers with an insurable driver’s license may be asked to drive company vehicles within a 150 mile radius of the farm.\n\nGrade and pack vegetable crops by hand or with mechanized packing equipment, including but not limited to bagging machines, bin feeding machines, box machines, labeling machines, regular and high stacking forklifts. Sort graded vegetable crops in appropriate containers according to packing instructions. Deliver pallets of finished product to cold storage. Load/unload product. Prepare orders for shipping. Keep material and product records accurately. Cleaning and sanitation of tools, equipment and working area required. \n\nWork is done in the field for long periods of time. Workers may assist in handling product weighing up to 50 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Work required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, moderate winds, direct sun, muddy conditions, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 35 to over 95 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. \n\nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a timely and proficient manner without close supervision. \n\nTobacco use in non-designated areas strictly prohibited. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind permitted in the fields, worker housing, or anywhere on company premises except designated smoking areas. This is necessary to protect against transmission of toxins and contamination from tobacco by-products. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or in possession of smoking materials, including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco or smoking paraphernalia. \n\nPersons seeking employment in this position must be available for the
On farms, building, maintaining and repairing livestock buildings. Repairing and installing curtains, feed tanks, feeders, feed lines and gates. Tin sheeting walls, installing doors and caulking structures. Clean sites. Common hand power tools will be used.
Plant, weed, hand pick, clean produce/flowers. Wash, sort place produce in containers. Load on truck, and transport to warehouse/market. Clean work areas and store materials. Operate tractor to cultivate fields. General maintenance of farm buildings/facilities/grounds. Non smoking/tobacco/drug environment. Work at market as cashier, answer phones, stock, price, label, clean, and water (market is solely for produce grown by the employer.)\n\nCrops: corn, tomatoes, beans, peppers, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, zucchini, berries, radish
Weed and care for vegetables using hand tools. Manually harvest vegetables by hand. General facility maintenance and farm upkeep.
Cleaning, grading, sorting, packing, and loading harvest product. Workers should be able to lift 50lbs. Must have 3 months experience.\n\nThe employer will furnish without cost all tools, supplies, or equipment required in the performance of work. \n\nAll terms and conditions included in this job order will apply to all workers, domestic and foreign, employed under this job order.
We harvest approximate 10,000 acres of vegetables (peas and sweet corn). Our harvest season begins in mid-June and runs through the first week in October. Employees will need to operate a harvester. Employees will need to complete routine maintenance and repairs and assisting field mechanics with the maintenance of the harvester. Haul crops to processing location.
Maintain and operate irrigation pivots – June to September; Operate cutters and mergers for putting up hay (alfalfa) – June to September; Operate tools and equipment for building and updating ag facilities – June to December; Loading and unloading of straw – August to September; Operate equipment such as tractors, payloaders, and ag trucks for harvesting, transporting and storing crops such as silage, earlage, soybeans, kidney, etc. – August to November; Apply manure to fields after harvest for fertilizing – September to December.; May have to work nights, possibly weekends. Employer may request but cannot require workers to work on their Sabbath; maintaining of worksite and equipment; also cleaning location and equipment; rate of pay may be more depending on experience.
Crops/Commodities: \nlivestock and crops including but not limited to zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, green beans, winter squash, onions, peppers, sweet corn, beets, grains. \nPlant, cultivate and harvest vegetables. Use hand tools including, but not limited to: shovels, hoes and knives. Till soil. Weed and thin plants. \n\nPick, cut, lift, or pull crops. Tie vegetables in bunches. In addition, workers must be able and willing to pick cucumbers and harvest cabbage with a knife. Grade, size and sort product. Take care to prevent damaging produce and plants. \n\nFeed and water livestock. Herd livestock to pasture for grazing. Herd animals into corral and/or stall. Maintain/repair fences used to contain herd animals. Must be able to find and maintain bearings to grazing areas. Examine animals for diseases and injuries. Assist with livestock vaccination. Apply routine medications. Tend to cuts and bruises. Assist with livestock castration. Clip, brand, or tag animals. Perform general herd care. \n\nMow, cut, and weed fields. Perform hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences.\n\nUse power equipment including but not limited to: tractors, planters, mowers, plows, utility vehicles, cultivators, fork lifts, pallet jacks, skid loaders. Must operate agricultural equipment safely, with or without direction. \n\nWorkers with an insurable driver’s license may be asked to drive company vehicles within a 150 mile radius of the farm.\n\nGrade and pack vegetable crops by hand or with mechanized packing equipment, including but not limited to bagging machines, bin feeding machines, box machines, labeling machines, regular and high stacking forklifts. Sort graded vegetable crops in appropriate containers according to packing instructions. Deliver pallets of finished product to cold storage. Load/unload product. Prepare orders for shipping. Keep material and product records accurately. Cleaning and sanitation of tools, equipment and working area required. \n\nWork is done in the field for long periods of time. Workers may assist in handling product weighing up to 50 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Work required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, moderate winds, direct sun, muddy conditions, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 35 to over 95 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. \n\nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a timely and proficient manner without close supervision. \n\nTobacco use in non-designated areas strictly prohibited. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind permitted in the fields, worker housing, or anywhere on company premises except designated smoking areas. This is necessary to protect against transmission of toxins and contamination from tobacco by-products. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or in possession of smoking materials, including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco or smoking paraphernalia. \n\nPersons seeking employment in this position must
Walking fields for weed control (kidney beans, carrots, corn, etc), maintain irrigation systems June-Sept; operating equipment such as tractors and loaders for harvesting and transporting hay July-Oct; operating kidney bean harvest equipment such as dump carts; operate and maintain irrigation systems July-Sept; maintaining farm for weed control, tree trimming July-Nov; apply manure to fields after harvest for fertilizer Sept-Dec; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Walk beans, combine, rod beans, pick rocks, combine corn, haul crops to elevator, run grain cord.
Marlin Dahl Farms' annual growing cycle is usually June through March. The regular operation of the farms is as follows: workers will drive farm machinery to harvest, haul, and spread manure; June-July: workers will ready equipment for the field, plant and tend to the maturing plants, apply chemicals as required; June-July-Aug-Sept: workers will tend to crops, then harvest crops of corn, soybeans, and hay when they are ready, drive semi-trucks to haul grain to storage or other sites as required, monitor dryers, and plow fields; Oct-Nov-Dec-Jan-Feb-March: workers will drive farm machinery to spread fertilizer / manure, haul grain, and ready equipment for Spring planting. Dec-Jan-Feb-March: empty hog pits one more time, and work on remodeling hog barns. April and May: workers are no longer needed because harvest is completed and the ground is not ready to begin farming operations till June.
Crops/Commodities: \nbedding plants, fruits, herbs, vegetables. \nPrepare fields/soil for planting. Remove cull stock, debris, tree stumps, brush, ferns, vines and other growth from planting area using tractor, mattocks, brush hooks and/or axes. \n\nPlant, cultivate and harvest fruits and vegetables. Use hand tools including, but not limited to: shovels, hoes and knives. Plant roots, seeds and bulbs. Spread plastic or other groundcovering. Clean plastic by hand from ground upon removal. Till soil. Weed and thin plants. Transplant plants by hand. Stake/tie plants, trellis/prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. \n\nPick, cut, lift, or pull crops. Tie vegetables in bunches. Grade, size and field pack product. Take care to prevent damaging produce and plants. \n\nPlant, cultivate and maintain nursery plants, including perennials, bedding plants, vegetable plants and hanging baskets in condition for shipping and sale to customers. Pot seedlings. Attach hangers to baskets and hang throughout seasonal holding houses. Move containerized plants using rolling carts. Pot seedlings or ‘liners’ by hand or mechanical planter. Propagate plants from cuttings. Perform general plant maintenance. Prune, trim, space, transplant and cull plants to ensure availability of marketable products. Irrigate and apply fertilizer. Pack, label, tag, pull, and store plants by variety. Count, grade, and inventory plants. Prepare plants for digging by tying or wrapping as necessary. Dig plants. Drum lacing and quarter lacing. Wrap burlap or other covering around root balls and secure with twine and/or staples. Crimp wire baskets. Must understand nursery quality control standards and have working knowledge of production procedures. Must harvest crops according to specific standards. Must select and harvest crops pursuant to customer needs. Products must be handled carefully to prevent damage.\n\nMay remove / dispose of bad produce into compost pile or where needed, as directed.\nMow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. \n\nWorker may need to shovel, load and spread chicken and cattle based manure into compost piles and upon fields and high growing sites.\nLift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. May load product onto truck for delivery. May drive, operate and maintain farm vehicles, machinery and power equipment including but not limited to: tractors, planters, mowers, plows, sprayers, cultivators, power shears, chain saws, high lifts, fork lifts, skid loaders. Must operate agricultural equipment safely, with or without direction. \n\nInstall/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Install and remove levee gates. Clear debris from field and clean/maintain farm buildings, structures, equipment, and work areas. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences. \n\nMay sell farm products at retail outlets. \n\nWork is done in the field for long periods of time. Workers may assist in handling product weighing up to 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Work required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 10 to over 100 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job.
\nMarlin Dahl Farms' annual growing cycle is usually June through March. The regular operation of the farms is as follows: workers will drive farm machinery to harvest, haul, and spread manure; June-July: workers will ready equipment for the field, plant and tend to the maturing plants, apply chemicals as required; June-July-Aug-Sept: workers will tend to crops, then harvest crops of corn, soybeans, and hay when they are ready, drive semi-trucks to haul grain to storage or other sites as required, monitor dryers, and plow fields; Oct-Nov-Dec-Jan-Feb-March: workers will drive farm machinery to spread fertilizer / manure, haul grain, and ready equipment for Spring planting. Dec-Jan-Feb-March: empty hog pits one more time, and work on remodeling hog barns. April and May: workers are no longer needed because harvest is completed and the ground is not ready to begin farming operations till June.
Operating large farm equipment and machinery equipped with GPS for swathing, raking, bailing, moving, storing, and harvesting crops such as hay; building and replacing agricultural facilities; maintaining grass pasture; spreading manure to be used on fields as fertilizer; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest, store crops, spread manure, and fertilize fields. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled harvest equipment. Assist with agriculture drainage. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and repair to farm machinery, crop storage, farm buildings and other in season repairs on farm. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \nCrops: Alfalfa, Corn, Hay, Silage\nEquipment: Farm Equipment-Bobcat, Catepillar, Claas, John DeereTrucks-Kenworth, PeterbiltHand tools-shovels, forks, rakes, hammers, drills, paint brushes, tools, etc.
Prepare fields for planting. Pick rocks and operate tractors to till the soil. Operate farming equipment in order to plant, spray, harvest and haul grain, soybean and sunflower crops. General farm upkeep duties such as servicing and repairing farming equipment, facility maintenance and shop work.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; spray and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate a variety of forage harvest equipment. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Various other farm related tasks.\nCrops: Alfalfa, Carrots, Corn, Dry Beans, Kidney Beans, Silage, Sugar Beets, Wheat\nEquipment: A wide variety of ag equipment, including semis, tractors used in a number of different functions, shop & maintenance equipment, & vehicles used for transportation.
Drive and operate excavator, dozer, tile plow, farm tractor, along with pickup truck as well as possibly semi and dump truck. Will need to be able to dig set-in holes (keeping dirt separate), locate pipes, and hold grades without a spotter. Must be able to make connections and backfill using a sawzall and/or a cordless drill. Would need to be able to backfill set-ins and over-cut using bulldozers. Must have the ability to learn GPS technology along with operating the plow. Needs to be able to operate a farm tractor. All positions will require general maintenance and keep equipment clean, along with any manual labor that may come up as the daily tasks occur. Employer may request but cannot require workers to work more than 40 hours in a work week, or on their Sabbath or on Federal Holidays, due to weather conditions and other farm-related factors beyond the employer’s control.\n\nEquipment: Shovel, Sawzall, Drill, Pickups, Dozer, Excavator, Commercial Grade Tile Plow, Farm Tractors, and GPS Equipment. Interdrain 2050GP Tile Plows (3), John Deere 470G Excavator, John Deere 350D Excavator, John Deere 210G Excavators (4), John Deere 950K Dozers (2), John Deere 850J Dozer, John Deere 7920 Tractors (2), John Deere 7820 Tractor,\nJohn Deere 7730 Tractor, Chevrolet 2500 Pickup Trucks (6), Kenworth T800 Semi Trucks (2)\nKenworth T800 Dump Truck
Raises honey bees to produce honey and maintain colony health through feed/supplements; find and cage queens, install queen cells; assembles bee hives, inserts honeycomb of bees into hives; forces bees from hives; uncaps harvested honeycombs; moving bee boxes; driving farm vehicle to obtain supplies, honey extracting equipment, and misc. tools used to work with honey bees; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment, worksite, and colony boxes.
Crops/Commodities: \nfruits, vegetables, honey. \nPlants, cultivates, harvests and packs vegetables and fruits. Works on planter, plants roots, seeds and bulbs. May spread plastic or other groundcovering. Cultivates, weeds and thins plants. Transplants plants, riding on transplanter or by hand. May stake/tie plants, trellis/prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. Picks, cuts, lifts, or pulls crop to harvest them. May tie vegetables in bunches or top them. Assist with irrigation and fertilization. Considerable stooping and kneeling is required. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants. \nWorkers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading/unloading of product. \nWork is to be done in the field for long periods of time. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. \nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, mowing, weeding and other tasks related to general farming. Clear debris from field and clean/maintain farm buildings, structures, equipment, and work areas. May operate and help maintain tractors or hand-operated equipment. \nWork may also include mechanized field work using power equipment. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, planters, sprayers and cultivator and other equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction.\nWorkers may work with bee hives under supervision. Supervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Access colonies to determine if it needs food, feeding bees. Making, painting and cleaning boxes, supering hives. Harvest/extract honey. Manipulate and service hive structures and haul bees to and from different hive locations to ensure healthy and productive honeybee colonies. Workers need to have no fear of bees and be non-allergic to pollen and bee stings.\nA clean driving record (no major moving violations such as but not limited to Driving While Intoxicated or Reckless Driving) required to drive company vehicles.Workers with appropriate licenses may operate general purpose vehicles to transport workers, equipment and product from one field location or facility to another, and transport produce to market. Workers will load/unload, display, sell produce grown on Svihel Vegetable Farm at farmers markets. \nEmployer has a strict prohibition on tobacco usage. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind will be permitted in the fields, in worker housing, or anywhere on company premises. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or found in possession of smoking materials including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco or smoking paraphernalia, including vape pens or e-cigarettes. \nPersons seeking employment as experienced Farm Worker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. \n \nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker’s Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day.
Measure and layout livestock building. Mix, pour, or spread concrete, using portable cement mixer. Tend pumps, compressors, or generators to provide power for tools, machinery or equipment. Position and dismantle forms for pouring concrete, using saws, hammers, nails, or bolts. Smooth and finish freshly poured cement or concrete, using floats, trowels, screeds, or powered cement finishing tools. Operate jackhammers or drills to break up concrete or pavement. Position, join, align, or seal structural components, such as concrete wall section or pipes. Tie rebar, position aluminum wall-forms and place all concrete. Clean Jobsite. Must be able to lift and carry 75lbs/75yds. One month of aluminum wall-form setting experience required.\n
Worker will manually plant, cultivate and harvest vegetables and fruits. Use hand tools such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, shears, and knives.\nDuties may include tilling soil and applying fertilizers; transplanting, weeding, thinning, or pruning crops; applying pesticides; cleaning, grading, sorting, packing, and\nloading harvest products. May participate in irrigation activities. Workers should be able to lift 50lbs. Must have 3 months experience.\n\nThe employer will furnish without cost all tools, supplies, or equipment required in the performance of work. All terms and conditions included in this job order will apply to all workers, domestic and foreign, employed under this job order.\n
Our farm utilizes seasonal help from spring planting through fall harvest. Workers will assist with all aspects of grain, corn, and soybean production. Preparing the land for planting starts in April and then planting occurs from April until June. In the summer months, July to September, Workers will participate in maintenance of crops and farm. In the fall, harvest and production would start in September and run through November. Laborers are responsible for preparing, maintaining, cleaning, operating, and repairing all machinery and equipment used for farm labor. Workers will also participate in hauling grain using a truck, cleaning out the grain bins using a broom and shovel, trimming tree branches along field edges using a chainsaw, and picking rocks using a tractor and rock picker. Ability to use farm, operation, and maintenance machinery. Must be able to lift and carry 75lbs/75yds. Regular drivers’ license required.
I farm 3800 acres of corn, wheat, tall fescue, canola, soybeans, oats, and sunflowers. I also do a variety of work ranging from seeding to ditching. The fall is the busiest time since I have about 10,000 acres of custom combing to get done besides my own farm. Employees will need to assist with all aspects of planting, raising, harvesting and hauling our own crops. Jobs that will need to be done are yard maintenance, equipment maintenance, driving truck, tractor operation, and combine operation. From August 1 until December 1 employee will assist with a combine to custom combine/harvest of wheat, corn, soybeans, canola, rye-grass and cereal rye for the client listed on the itinerary. Employees will need to complete routine repairs and maintenance on equipment. \n\n***Please note for future years our starting date will be April 1 to cover our entire crop season. This is the earliest date available for 2022.
Operates self-propelled custom harvesting machines to harvest a variety of grain and oilseed crops. Adjusts speed cutter, blowers and conveyors and height of cutting head, using hand tools. Changes cutting head as appropriate for crop. Drives heavy truck to transport grain to elevator or storage area. Drives transporter truck to haul harvesting machines between work sites. Employees will also service machinery and make in field repairs.
Worker will manually plant, cultivate and harvest vegetables and fruits. Use hand tools such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, shears, and knives. Duties may include tilling soil and applying fertilizers; transplanting, weeding, thinning, or pruning crops; applying pesticides; cleaning, grading, sorting, packing, and loading harvested products. May participate in irrigation activities. Workers should be able to lift 50 lbs. Must have 1 month of experience. Drug test and criminal background check required post hire and will be at the employer’s expense. Must have or be able to obtain a regular driver's license within 30 days of hire.
Worker will manually plant, cultivate and harvest vegetables and fruits. Use hand tools such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, shears, and knives.\n\nDuties may include tilling soil and applying fertilizers; transplanting, weeding, thinning, or pruning crops; applying pesticides; cleaning, grading, sorting, packing, and loading harvest products. May participate in irrigation activities. Workers should be able to lift 50lbs. Must have 3 months experience.\n\nThe employer will furnish without cost all tools, supplies, or equipment required in the performance of work. All terms and conditions included in this job order will apply to all workers, domestic and foreign, employed under this job order
Possible duties: dig holes to plant seedling trees without J or U root, carefully secure seedling\nwith soil, maintain seedling growth by spray, hand prune, maintain surrounding vegetation,\npile/remove debris, identify disease/undesirable trees and remove them, thin and space trees\nwith the use of power saws and hand saws. Gather/Package Forest Products. Maintain tallies\nof trees examined.
On farms, set up Symmons and Duraform concrete forms, place and repair concrete, finish concrete, caulk structures, grout slat lines, repair damaged slats, clean job sites, Respect company tools. Must be able to lift and carry 75 pounds for 75 yards, 1 month of wall-form setter and concrete experience required.
Crops/Commodities: \nhoneybees. \nThis job requires a minimum of 3 months of agricultural experience working in a honeybee farm handling manual tasks. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Workers must be able to perform manual tasks with accuracy and efficiency. \n\nMow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. \n\n Must be familiar with working with bees in all stages, from egg through mature workers, drones and queens. Must work all aspects of beekeeping. Access colony to determine if food or medicine is needed. Feeding and medicate bees for diseases and pests. Maintain hives in healthy state. Raise and replace queens. Make divides. Make, paint and clean boxes. Harvest/extract honey. Run queen breeding yard and produce queen bees. Manipulate and service hive structures. Haul bees to and from different hive locations. Ensure healthy and productive honeybee colonies. Harmonize bees with their natural cycle. Assemble hives using hand tools. Inserts honeycombs into hive. Induct wild swarming bees into prepared honeycomb frames. Place screen plug in hive entrance to confine bees. Set hive in orchard, clover field, or near other source of nectar and pollen. Force bees from hive using smoke pot or carbolic acid soaked pad. Inspect hive and to harvest honeycomb. Remove parasites and vermin. Collect royal jelly. Destroy superfluous queen bee cells to prevent colony division. Burn diseased hive or bee colony. Sterilize hive using caustic soda solution. Uncap harvested honeycombs and extracts honey. Find and remove old queens from hives and replace with new queen. Remove frames covered with bees and shake into cages. Must have no fear of bees and be non-allergic to bee stings, pollen, honey or other products of the hive. \n\nWork is done in the field for long periods of time. Workers may assist in handling product weighing up to 70 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Work required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 10 to over 110 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. Workers should be able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. \n\nWorkers may not report for work while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Except for moderate alcohol consumption in company housing during non-working hours, the possession or use of illegal drugs or alcohol on company premises is prohibited and will be cause for termination. Use, possession, transfer, offer, sale or manufacture of marijuana and/or controlled substances strictly prohibited. All work sites are alcohol and drug free work places. Employees must not report for work, enter the employers’ property or perform service while under the influence of or having used alcohol, marijuana, illegal controlled substances, or any other substance that may in any way adversely affect their alertness, coordination, reaction or safety. \n\nWorkers with a clean driving record (no major moving violations such as but not limited to Driving While Intoxicated or Reckless Driving) and able to obtain an insurable driver's license may be required to drive company vehicles.
Plant, weed, hand-pick all fruits/ vegetables/flowers. Wash, sort, pack, place in containers, load and transport to proper building/area. Clean and maintain work areas, materials and vehicles. Operate tractors/machinery/vehicles to cultivate, weed, deliver, etc. all produce or materials needed. Duties can include tilling, applying fertilizers/plant production materials, transplanting, weeding, thinning, pruning and disposal of trimmings, trellising, irrigating and general maintenance/care of trees/plants. Building and repairing fences and play areas. General feeding/maintenance of farm animals. General maintenance of buildings, grounds, facilities as needed. Unload delivery trucks as needed. Work with small engine equipment. Set up and operate spreaders, mowers, tractors, forklifts, discs, tractor drawn equipment, etc. Workers may be asked to handle food products outside of crops grown. Food safety standards must be followed in all areas of employment. Job may require 7 days a week, under all types of weather, hot, cold, rain or snow. May supervise 1-3 workers. Other miscellaneous duties as needed.\n\nCrops: strawberries, raspberries, apples, pumpkins, squash, gourds, flowers, misc. garden crops.
Prepare bees and beekeeping equipment. Raise and isolate queen bees. Split hives. Feed and medicate bees. Monitor, maintain and increase beehives. Load and unload beehives. Transport beehives. Mow and perform forestry duties around bee yards. Harvest, extract and package honey and other bee byproducts. Clean and sanitize honey extraction plant and equipment. Build and repair bee boxes and other beekeeping equipment. Winterize all beekeeping facilities and equipment at the end of the season.
Planting crops such as carrots, kidney beans, corn, etc. May; walking fields for weed control, maintain irrigation systems June-Sept; operating equipment such as tractors and loaders for harvesting and transporting hay July-Oct; operating kidney bean harvest equipment such as dump carts; operate and maintain irrigation systems July-Sept; maintaining farm for weed control, tree trimming July-Nov; apply manure to fields after harvest for fertilizer Sept-Dec; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Crops/Commodities: \nhoney. \nWorker must be familiar with working with bees in all stages, from the egg through fully developed workers, drones and queens; must work all aspects of commercial bee keeping, including assessing a colony to determine if it needs food or medicine, feeding and medicating bees, maintaining hives in a healthy state, increasing number of hives, raising and replacing queens, making divides, making, painting and cleaning boxes, supering hives. Harvest/extract honey. Run queen breeding yard and produce queen bees. Manipulate and service hive structures and haul bees to and from different hive locations to ensure healthy and productive honeybee colonies. Must respond correctly to bees to harmonize with their natural cycle and keep them in the healthiest state possible for survival and profitability. General maintenance and servicing of equipment and facility.\n\nAll workers will be responsible for picking up trash cleaning bathrooms, sweeping floors and other farm sanitation duties. \n\nInstall/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Install and remove levee gates. \n\nApply pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other crop protectants. Apply fertilizers, plant growth chemicals, conditioners, and other plant related treatments at the correct times depending on plant type, growth, climate and crop conditions.\n\nMow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences.\n\nMust wear assigned personal protective equipment when required. Must report for work daily wearing work clothing and boots or other durable foot wear. Workers wearing clothing inappropriate for work will not be permitted to start work.\n\nWork is to be done in the field for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Workers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 70 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet daily for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers must have no fear of bees and be non-allergic to bee stings, pollen, honey or other products of the hive. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day. Temperatures may range from 10 to 110 F. Must be able to work in excessive humidity. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop operations. This is a very demanding and competitive business in which quality specifications must be rigorously adhered to. \n\nEmployer has a strict prohibition on tobacco usage. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind will be permitted in the fields, in worker housing, or anywhere on company premises. This is necessary to protect against transmission of toxins by hands and tools contaminated with tobacco by-products. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or found in possession of smoking materials including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco or smoking paraphernalia. \n\nWorkers will drive tractors, if needed. Workers will be instructed in the safety and operation of trucks and tractors before operating. Trucks and tractors should be driven in a manner to protect operator, other workers, products and equipment. Repeated failure to obey safety requirements and operating instructions may result in termination.
Workers will work all duties involved in planting, growing, cultivating and harvesting horseradish. Workers will cut planting root slips and place into containers/or ground according to instructions, workers will trim and root slips by hand, working with sharp instruments. Worker will walk fields on uneven ground and operate tractors to harvest horseradish. Workers will prepare horseradish roots for storage by topping, raking, set separation and general trimming and saving sets on horseradish roots. In addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks relating to crop production such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding, cleaning and repairing farm buildings, and other tasks related to general farming. Worker must have 3 months general farm experience and be able to lift 50 lbs.
Operates self-propelled custom class harvesting machines to harvest a variety of grain and oilseed crops. Adjusts speed of cutters, blowers and conveyers and height of cutting head, using hand tools. Changes cutting head as appropriate for crops; drives truck to transport produce to storage area. Drives harvesting machines between worksites. Services machinery, and makes in field repairs. Driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, spray and harvest grain crops. \nAttach Farm implements such as plow, seeder, rock picker to tractor. \nGeneral lubrication, service, assembly and repairs to farm machinery. \nDrive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\nOther miscellaneous and manual duties assigned.\n\nCrops include but not limited to: Barley, wheat, soybeans, corn, edible beans, peanuts, cotton.
Raises honey bees to produce honey and maintain colony health through feed/supplements; find and cage queens, install queen cells; assembles bee hives, inserts honeycomb of bees into hives; forces bees from hives; uncaps harvested honeycombs and extracts approx. 75 pounds of honey from honeycombs; must be able to lift 75 pound boxes for honey transport; transporting bee boxes from hives to extracting facility; driving farm vehicle to obtain supplies, honey extracting equipment, and misc. tools used to work with honey bees; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment, worksite, and colony boxes.
Measure and layout livestock building. Mix, pour, or spread concrete, using portable cement mixer. Tend pumps, compressors, or generators to provide power for tools, machinery, or equipment. Position and dismantle forms for pouring concrete, using saws, hammers, nails, or bolts. Smooth and finish freshly poured cement or concrete, using floats, trowels, screeds, or powered cement finishing tools. Operate jackhammers or drills to break up concrete or pavement. Position, join, align, or seal structural components, such as concrete wall section or pipes. Tie rebar, position aluminum wall-forms and place all concrete. Clean Jobsite. Must be able to lift and carry 75lbs/75yds. One month of aluminum wall-form setting experience required.
Employees will operate farm machinery such as tractors with towed implements to perform farm activities of planting, cultivation, harvesting of crops and grains such as wheat, barley, sunflowers & beans. Employees will drive tractors and operate equipment, drills, disks, and drags to furrow and prepare the soil, seed and fertilize. They will deliver materials, supplies or crops to farm storage or local elevators. Augers will be used to load / unload crops. Maintenance on equipment, structures and grounds will need to be done.\n\nEmployees must have a valid drivers license or capable of obtaining one in 30 to 60 days. \n Cell phone usage is limited to operational business related calls only. NO TEXTING. \nNo smoking in the housing unit, equipment or vehicles. No drinking of alcoholic beverages during working hours otherwise is discouraged. \nNo Educational level required. Semi truck driving experience is necessary.\nMust have 3 months tractor driving with GPS, computerized monitors and towed implements.\n\n\n
Operates tractors, tractor-drawn machinery, and self-propelled machinery to plow, harrow and fertilize soil, plant, cultivate, spray, and harvest crops of corn and soy beans.
Prepare fields for planting. Pick rocks and operate tractors to till the soil. Operate farming equipment and trucks in order to plant, spray, harvest and haul small grain crops. Harvest, bale and stack alfalfa hay. Load, haul and apply manure to fields. Service and repair farming machinery. Build and repair farm structures. General farm upkeep duties such as facility maintenance and shop work. Winterize all farming equipment at the end of the growing season.
Workers will perform various activities associated with the growing and harvesting of grass/ sod at a commercial turf grass farm. The required work week is 40-50+ hours Monday through Friday and on Saturdays as needed. Workers may be offered less work or be requested to work more hours on any given day, depending on crop and weather conditions. Workers may be requested but will not be required to work as much as eight(8) hours per day on the Sabbath and or Federal Holidays. Work hours are determined by crop and weather conditions. The work day may begin/end earlier or later on any given day and evening, night hours may be required. Workers may be requested to work additional hours, weekends, holidays, and the Sabbath depending on crop conditions and need. Theses activities will be performed exclusively in an outdoor environment. Workers will aid in soil preparation, will be sodding large areas, sow grass seed, plant plugs of sod grass, cuts, rolls and stacks sod in accordance with supervisor's instructions. It will be necessary to weed, hoe and propagate. Water, fertilize, spray, monitor, trim, weed, cut, roll & unroll, stack, load, transport, and discard sod. Operate mowing equipment or drive a tractor pulling a wagon through the field or between fields. Bagging of certified grass seed, and perform any other activities associated with growing grass for production on a sod nursery. Workers will operate trucks, forklifts, and tractors in order to complete various tasks. With the tractors they will drag, disk, till soils, and operate sod specific equipment in the fields. Workers will work with sod planting/ seeding equipment, construct and repair pallets for sod, and load and unload empty pallets by hand or with forklift. Prior to seeding fields, and throughout the cultivation and production of sod they will clean fields of rocks, roots, limbs, stumps and trees, along with excessive leaves on edges. Miscellaneous cleaning and debris removal from fields and farm.\nWorkers will be required to use both center pivot and traveling gun irrigation systems, diesel and electric irrigation pumps. They will also set up and run traveling irrigation guns in fields, and run irrigation lines using aluminum irrigation pipes to go long distances. Bagging of sand with shovels will be required and cleaning of debris from water ways and suction lines will be necessary. Fueling of irrigation equipment along with light maintenance.\nWorkers will be responsible for performing general maintenance around the farm. This will include but not limited to mowing, trimming, removing weeds, clearing and maintaining fence lines, and maintaining buildings / yard in good repair.\nWorkers may be required to operate tractors, bobcats, mowers, field vacs, drags, tillers, rollers. Before any worker is requested to operate any farm equipment, workers will be instructed in the safe operation of the equipment.\nLicensed workers may be requested to use/ drive trucks in and around the farm in supportive rolls to other farming operations, and make deliveries of sod to sites.
Operating large farm equipment and machinery equipped with GPS such as semi truck or tractor with trailer attached for delivering crop inputs to be applied on grain and oilseed crops such as corn and soybeans; perform safety inspections and maintenance on equipment and machinery.
We farm 2500 acres of corn and soybeans. We do all our own farming including hauling our crops from the fields to storage. We also we apply all our chemicals and fertilizer to the fields. We need a seasonal employee to assist with growing these crops including driving semi-trucks to haul crop, operate large farm equipment. Complete general farm duties as required. Employee must have strong mechanical skills since the employee will be required to complete routine repairs and maintenance on equipment. Employer may provide performance bonuses at the end of the contract at the employer?s discretion. \n\n\n***Please note in 2023 and all future filings we will need to adjust our starting date to cover our entire crop season.
Crops/Commodities: \nbedding plants, fruits, herbs, vegetables. \nPrepare fields/soil for planting. Remove cull stock, debris, tree stumps, brush, ferns, vines and other growth from planting area using tractor, mattocks, brush hooks and/or axes. \nPlant, cultivate and harvest fruits and vegetables. Use hand tools including, but not limited to: shovels, hoes and knives. Plant roots, seeds and bulbs. Spread plastic or other groundcovering. Clean plastic by hand from ground upon removal. Till soil. Weed and thin plants. Transplant plants by hand. Stake/tie plants, trellis/prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. \nPick, cut, lift, or pull crops. Tie vegetables in bunches. Grade, size and field pack product. Take care to prevent damaging produce and plants. \nPlant, cultivate and maintain nursery plants, including perennials, bedding plants, vegetable plants and hanging baskets in condition for shipping and sale to customers. Pot seedlings. Attach hangers to baskets and hang throughout seasonal holding houses. Move containerized plants using rolling carts. Pot seedlings or ‘liners’ by hand or mechanical planter. Propagate plants from cuttings. Perform general plant maintenance. Prune, trim, space, transplant and cull plants to ensure availability of marketable products. Irrigate and apply fertilizer. Pack, label, tag, pull, and store plants by variety. Count, grade, and inventory plants. Prepare plants for digging by tying or wrapping as necessary. Dig plants. Drum lacing and quarter lacing. Wrap burlap or other covering around root balls and secure with twine and/or staples. Crimp wire baskets. Must understand nursery quality control standards and have working knowledge of production procedures. Must harvest crops according to specific standards. Must select and harvest crops pursuant to customer needs. Products must be handled carefully to prevent damage.\nMay remove / dispose of bad produce into compost pile or where needed, as directed.\nMow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. \nWorker may need to shovel, load and spread chicken and cattle based manure into compost piles and upon fields and high growing sites.\nLift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. May load product onto truck for delivery. May drive, operate and maintain farm vehicles, machinery and power equipment including but not limited to: tractors, planters, mowers, plows, sprayers, cultivators, power shears, chain saws, high lifts, fork lifts, skid loaders. Must operate agricultural equipment safely, with or without direction. \nInstall/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Install and remove levee gates. Clear debris from field and clean/maintain farm buildings, structures, equipment, and work areas. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences. \nMay sell farm products at retail outlets. \nWork is done in the field for long periods of time.\nWorkers may assist in handling product weighing up to 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Work required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 10 to over 100 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job.
Assisting with grinding and mixing feeds for swine production; keep pens clean and sanitized by powerwashing; assisting with breeding sows artificial insemination, recording dates bred on sow cards; moving sows from breeding pens to gestation pens; giving shots when necessary to keep pigs healthy; assisting during farrowing and help baby pigs to survive birth and infancy, castrates, notches ears, vaccinates, clipping teeth and tails, recording number of pigs each sow has, dates born, treatments given; wean pigs from sows, flushes hog waste into holding pens, replaces filters, valves for water plumbing, harvesting and moving grain and oilseed crops to storage facilities for grinding and mixing; repair and maintenance to barn, gates, feeders and waters, equipment, machinery, fences; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \nCrops: Alfalfa, Corn, Dry Beans, Oats, Soy Beans\nEquipment: Tractor, Skid, Steer Loader, Forklift, Combine
Sod: Perform various activities associated with growing grass and sod at a commercial turf grass nursery. These activities will be performed exclusively in an outdoor environment. Aid in soil preparation. Will be sodding large areas, sow grass seed, plant plugs of sod grass, cuts, rolls, and stacks sod in accordance with supervisor’s instructions. Weed, hoe and propagate. Water, fertilize, spray, monitor, trim, weed, cut, roll, stack, load, transport, and discard sod. Operate mowing equipment or drive a tractor pulling a wagon through the field or between fields. Bag certified grass seed. Perform any other activities associated with growing grass and sod in a nursery. Workers will operate trucks, forklifts, and tractors. Tractors will drag, tow, lift sod specific equipment through the fields. Workers will work with sod harvesting equipment. Workers will work with sod planting equipment. Load and unload empty pallets by hand. \n\nStraw: Workers must load hay bales weighting up to 60 lbs. from farm to tractor-trailers via a conveyor. Stacks hay on conveyor and restack in trailer according to instructions. Hay harvested is dropped at end of conveyor. Using hay hooks, worker places bales on conveyor while other workers in the barn stack hay in hay/mow according to direction. Hay and straw harvested averages about 2500 bales per day.\n\nCorn, Beans & Wheat: Workers will perform a variety of manual tasks appropriate for grain crops being planted cultivated and harvested. Workers will help in preparing the land for planting. This may include attaching farm implements such as a plow, disc, and drill to tractor. May drive a tractor in field to till soil in preparation of planting. Worker may apply various types of fertilizer to the soil and plants. These bags can weigh 75 lbs. Workers may cultivate and thin crops using a hoe. Workers will remove undesirable and excess growth, such as tassel, suckers, and weeds by hand. Carries supplies such as bags and bailing wires to the fields. Clears irrigation ditches, using shovel. Workers may husk and shell corn. Loads and unloads trucks, unloads grain onto conveyors to storage bins or elevators. Cleans and lubricates farm machines. \nClean fields of rocks, roots, limbs, stumps, and trees. Miscellaneous cleaning and debris removal from fields and farm.\n\nIrrigation: Workers will be required to use both center pivot and traveling gun irrigation systems, diesel, and electric irrigation pumps. Bagging of sand with shovels will be required and cleaning of debris from dams and suction lines.\n\nGeneral Maintenance: Workers will be responsible for performing general maintenance around the farm. This will include fence mending, mowing, and weeding eating. Workers will repair and paint buildings to ensure they are in good repair. \n\nFarm Equipment Operation: Workers may be required to operate tractors, bobcats, mowers, weed eaters and other farm equipment during daily operations, as an incidental activity. Before any worker is require to operate any farm equipment, workers will be instructed in the safety and operation of the tractor before driving the tractor. Tractors should be driven in a manner to protect operator, other workers, products, trees, crops, and equipment. Repeated failure to obey safety requirements and operating instructions may result in termination.\n\nTrucks: Workers will be required to use drive field trucks in and around the farm to accomplish tasks in a supportive role to tractors and equipment. This sometimes required them to transport on non-private streets and highways. \n\nDuring certain duties, workers may be required to work in teams to accomplish a certain task. When engage in teamwork activities workers must coordinate with other members of the team to accomplish the task. \n\n
Perform duties on a farm for a farmer like: Drive/operate equipment such as GPS autosteer systems and skid-steer loader for liquid and dry manure management; attach implements; perform removal, pumping, application, and treatment of manure. Clear and maintain\nirrigation ditches. Clean and maintain yards, grounds, and facilities. Record information about liquid manure management. Repair, lubricate, and maintain equipment and pumps. May need to change oil, equipment disassembly and reassembly, welding, fabricating and sanding/grinding. Mechanical work in the shop and semi-truck driving.\n\n\nEquipment:\nCAT 1050 tractor, New Holland T9.670 tractor, New Holland Disk Mower, 62 Foot Pool Lagoon Pump, Nuhn Lagoon Boat Agitator, Puck Boat Agitator, various other tractors and farm equipment, manure tanks, hose dragging equipment, and pit pumps.
On farms, assembling and installing livestock feed equipment and remodeling livestock buildings. Assembling, remodel, repairing, and/or installing floors, ceilings, curtains, gating, ceiling panels, feed tanks, water lines, feeders and feed lines. Tin sheeting walls, install doors, caulk structures, and clean site. Job requires working around livestock and the strong smell of manure. Work must be completed on or before October 31, 2022. The farmer will need time to clean and sanitize the building prior to the barn being populated with livestock due to biosecurity concerns. Must be able to life and carry 75lbs, 75yds, walk, stoop, bend, push, pull, operate hand tools, work in temperature extremes for extended periods of time, work with the strong smell of manure periodically with livestock present. Three (3) months of agricultural equipment installation experience required.
Plant trees/shrubs/perennials in containers/field; apply fertilizer to plant material; pull/hoe weeds; water plants; ball harvested trees; harvest shrubs/trees from field; prune/trim trees; tie tree tops; install irrigation throughout nursery; drive tractors, bobcats, utility vehicles, farm vehicles, & other related farm equipment; use hand tools such as shovels, hoes, axes; pull customer orders by hand; load orders by hand.
Worker will manually plant, cultivate and harvest vegetables and fruits. Use hand tools such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, shears, and knives. Duties may include tilling soil and applying fertilizers; transplanting, weeding, thinning, or pruning crops; applying pesticides; cleaning, grading, sorting, packing, and loading harvested products. Workers should be able to lift 50 lbs. Must have 1 months experience.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store silage and grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. Transport fertilizer. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\n\nEquipment: Tractor, trucks, combine \n\nCrops: Corn, Kidney Beans, Peas, Soy Beans, Wheat
Perform duties like: Drive and operate farm machinery to harvest and store beans, corn and sugar beets. Drive grain trucks and sugar beet trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Perform truck driving duties and general lubrication, service (check fluids) and incidental repair to farm machinery. Maintenance of the farm shop, which includes sweeping farm shop floor and cleaning up around grain bins. Washing and winterizing equipment. Operate tractors and tillage equipment. Maintain equipment. Grain handling. Hand rock picking with machine and UTV.\n\nEquipment: Tractor, combine, grain and sugar beet trucks \n\nCrops: Beans, Corn, Sugar Beets
Worker will manually plant, cultivate and harvest vegetables and fruits. Use hand tools such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, shears, and knives. \n\nDuties may include tilling soil and applying fertilizers; transplanting, weeding, thinning, or pruning crops; applying pesticides; cleaning, grading, sorting, packing, and \nloading harvest products. May participate in irrigation activities. Workers should be able to lift 50lbs. Must have 3 months experience. \n\nThe employer will furnish without cost all tools, supplies, or equipment required in the performance of work. All terms and conditions included in this job order will apply to all workers, domestic and foreign, employed under this job orde\n\n\n
Worker will manually plant, cultivate and harvest vegetables and fruits. Use hand tools such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, shears, and knives.\nDuties may include tilling soil and applying fertilizers; transplanting, weeding, thinning, or pruning crops; applying pesticides; cleaning, grading, sorting, packing, and\nloading harvest products. May participate in irrigation activities. Workers should be able to lift 50lbs. Must have 3 months experience.\n\nThe employer will furnish without cost all tools, supplies, or equipment required in the performance of work. All terms and conditions included in this job order will apply to all workers, domestic and foreign, employed under this job order.\n
Operating large farm equipment and primarily John Deere machinery equipped with GPS such as combine, tractor, no till planter, air seeder, sprayer for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, storing, harvesting grain and oilseed crops such as wheat, soybeans, sugar beets, silage; assessing field conditions and crop maturity for adjusting down pressure of openers and settings of tractors and tillage equipment, setting seed depth at planting; grain bin and auger operation; walking fields pulling off type weeds; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Crops/Commodities: \nvegetables, perennials, bedding plants, hanging baskets. \nThis job requires a minimum of three months of prior experience working on a nursery handling both manual and machine tasks associated with commodity production and harvest activities. Workers will plant, cultivate and maintain in condition for shipping and sale to customers nursery plants, including perennials, bedding plants, vegetable plants and hanging baskets; pot seedlings, prune, transplant, space, performs hand watering and drip-irrigation to ensure availability of marketable products; prune, pinch, and remove dead flowers and leaves; pack, label, pull and store plants according to variety. Workers will attach hangers to hanging baskets and hang throughout seasonal holding houses. Workers will move containerized plants using rolling carts. Workers may uncover and/or recover winter storage houses; weed, mow, load/unload truck and wagons; perform any other duties involved in the maintenance of plant materials and nursery stock and maintenance of holding yards and shipping areas.\n\nWorkers will plant, cultivate, transplant, and harvest vegetables. Workers will be expected to lay black plastic, punch and prepare the plastic for planting seeds and remove plastic at end of season. Workers will perform field maintenance activities including pulling weeds, thinning crops and spraying plants with herbicides, pesticides and fungicides. Workers will perform irrigation activities, including setting up and moving irrigation pipes and equipment. Workers will also be required to remove trash, rocks and debris from the planting/harvest area. At harvest, workers will be instructed to select vegetables based on specifications set by the supervisor. Workers will be required to bend and stoop to pick the vegetables, cut the vines using a knife and carry the vegetables to bins and trucks. xWorkers will unload full bins/trucks at designated market locations and sort produce for quality issues.\n\nWork will include mechanized field work using power equipment. Workers will operate tractors, sprayers, cultivators, planters, mowers, plows, disks, fumigators and other farm equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate equipment, with or without direction, in a manner that protects the operator, visitors, other employees, crops, trees, facilities and equipment. Failure to comply with operating and safety standards may result in termination. Workers will assist with the maintenance and repair of tractors and equipment.\n\nWork is to be done in the field and/or greenhouse for long periods of time. Workers may assist in loading trucks with nursery products up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations.\n\nEmployer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations).\n\nPersons seeking employment in this position must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Successful applicants will be subject to a trial period of up to 5 days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans, Spring Wheat, Sugar Beets, Sunflower\nEquipment: Tractors, Sprayers, Combines, Semi-Trucks
F & P Forages farms approximately 2000 acres of alfalfa hay, and corn. Most of machine and building maintenance is done in house. We need seasonal employee to assist with all aspects of growing these crops. Employees will need to operate tractors, payloaders, semi-trucks, and miscellaneous farm equipment. Employees will perform maintenance and repairs on equipment, buildings, and property. Employee must be a team player with strong communication skills with a good work ethic. Complete general farm duties as assigned. Employer may provide pay increases for performance, longevity and/or experience at employer’s discretion. Employer may provide performance bonuses at the end of the contract at the employer’s discretion.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attachfarm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvestingequipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanicalrepair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nEquipment: tractor, combine, trucks \n\nCrops: Alfalfa, Soy Beans, Spring Wheat, Sugar Beets
Duties required: hothouse/greenhouse tomato crop work in all stages. This includes cleaning, removing stems, cleaning end crop plants, removing any crop leftovers, washing structure, disinfecting area for planting, nursing new plants, tying, pruning, leafing, harvesting, and packing, as well as general farm labor. This will be done under extreme weather conditions. Heavy bending, stooping and lifting will be involved on a daily basis.\n\nThe employer will provide the tools necessary to perform the described job duties without charge to the worker. The employer will charge to the workers for reasonable costs related to the worker's refusal or negligent failure to return the tools or due to such worker's willful damage or destruction of the tools.\n\nEight (8) hours per day, Monday through Friday and five (5) hours on Saturday is normal, however, the worker may be requested but not required to work additional hours per day and the Sabbath and/or federal holidays and Sunday depending upon the conditions of the crop, maturity of the crop and market conditions. There will be two or three shifts due to multiple trips made to pick up workers from housing and to return them after work. Shifts will begin at 7:00 am, 7:30 am and 8:00 am as needed. All workers will be required to take an uninterrupted lunch break of at least a half hour in order to rest and eat their meal.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids), and incidental repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nEquipment: Tractor combine, trucks \nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans
Champion Forestry Service of Bemidji, MN is seeking 22 temporary seasonal workers from 04/01/2022 to 11/30/2022: Under supervision, perform manual work necessary using hand tools to cut away or excess branches from trees or shrubs to maintain right-of-way for roads, sidewalks, or utilities, or to\nimprove appearance, health, and value of tree. Prune or treat trees or shrubs using handsaws, hand pruners, clippers, and power pruners.\n\n\nThis position is for 36 hours per week, Monday -Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., however may vary days or times to accommodate inclement weather.\n\nOn the job training is provided. No overtime is required or permitted. Drug testing is required, is random and is paid for by employer. Drug and alcohol use not tolerated.\n\nExtensive travel within the area of intended employment required. Some overnight travel may be required. Wage range dependent upon location $23.56/$23.86 per hour.\n\nAreas of employment include and are limited to the Northwest and Northeast Minnesota nonmetropolitan areas, including the counties of Beltrami, Hubbard, Clearwater, Itasca.\n\nEmployer provided optional housing is available at no cost to the worker for all workers in a mobile workforce where workers are performing duties for short durations at multiple worksites.\n\nA single workweek will be used as the standard for computing wages due and the beginning date of the pay period is Sunday. The employer will make all deductions from the worker paychecks as required by law. Unless precluded by Congress, the employer will guarantee to offer employment for a total number of work hours equal to at least three-fourths of the workdays of each 12-week period of the total employment period; and, if the guarantee is not met, the employer will pay the worker what the worker would have earned if the employer had offered the guaranteed number of days. The employer provides all tools, supplies and equipment required to perform the job at no cost. When workers are in an area for a short period of time and may not be able to procure temporary housing easily, the employer will pay the cost of lodging to the extent such costs would reduce pay below the offered wage rate for the area of intended employment. Employer provides transportation daily to and from the designated central pickup location and worksites. Temporary workers will be paid prevailing wage.\n\nEmployer provides transportation between worksites at no cost to the worker. For the benefit of any worker Champion Forestry Service offers optional transportation from a\ncentral point to and from the work site. If elected, a fee for this service of $7.00/day with a maximum of $35.00/week whichever is smaller.\nWorkers are responsible for daily transportation to\nand from the designated central pick-up location or first daily worksite.\n\nThe employer will reimburse non-local workers the reasonable one-time inbound transportation expense from the point of recruitment to the place of employment including a daily travel subsistence allowance for meals of a minimum of $12.68 per 24-hour travel period or up to the CONUS meal reimbursement rate of $55.00 when receipts are provided, no later than in the first workweek, and the balance will be reimbursed if the worker completes half the employment period\n\nH-2B workers will be reimbursed in the first workweek for all visa, visa processing, border crossing and other related government fees, excluding passport fees.\n\nU.S. workers hired in connection with this recruitment will be offered at least the same benefits, wages, and working conditions that are offered to visa holding workers.\n\nThe reasonable cost of return transportation and subsistence will be paid for by the employer if the non-local worker completes the employment period or is dismissed early by the employer.\n\nWage Determination:P-400-21314-696335 Wage Source: OES\n\nRefer to ID Tree Trimmer when applying.\n\nApply at the nearest office of MNDEED employment security.\nCareerForce
Performs duties on an organic corn and soybean farm like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Equipment: Large 200+ HP tractors with GPS, grain cart, tillage tools, mower, bob cat, ATV, trucks, semi's. \nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans
Set, operate and maintain farm equipment in order to cultivate, fertilize, harvest and haul grain including corn, soybean and alfalfa crops. General farm related duties such as shop work, equipment servicing and facility/grounds maintenance and upkeep. Operate a dragline manure pumping system to fertilize fields. Workers who have a valid driver's license and doctor's certificate may drive vehicles to transport workers and may be offered additional hours. \n\nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a workers Sabbath or federal holidays. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time. Workers should expect occasional periods of little or no work because of weather-reason. These periods can occur anytime throughout the season. Workers may be assigned a variety of duties in any given day and different tasks on different days.\n\nPersons seeking employment in this position must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Employer reserves the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but is unwilling to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason. \n\nIn accordance with 8 CFR 214.2(h)(5)(xi)(A) and 20 CFR 655.135(j)–(k), employer prohibits the solicitation and payment of recruitment fees by workers. Workers who pay or are solicited to pay such a fee must inform the employer immediately. Employer will investigate all claims of illegal fees and take immediate remedial action as appropriate. Workers should be able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. All terms and conditions included in the job order will apply equally to all seasonal workers (U.S. and foreign H-2A), employed in the occupation described in this job order. Employer will advise all foreign H-2A workers of their responsibility to depart the United States upon separation of employment or completion of the H-2A contract period, unless the workers obtain an extension of status. Failure to contact the respective SWA office within the timeframe specified in 20 CFR 653.501(c)(3)(i) shall disqualify any applicant from the assurances set forth therein.\n\nIn the event that the applicable H-2A wage rate decreases for any reason during the employer’s recruitment and/or H-2A contract period in the instant job order, the employer reserves the right to decrease its offered/paid hourly wage to the new, lower wage rate, as long as the new lower rate remains the highest of the AEWR, the prevailing hourly wage or piece rate, an agreed-upon collective bargaining wage, and the federal and state minimum wages in effect at the time work is performed. Work performed under the contract is exempt from federal overtime pay requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).\n\nWorkers compensation insurance is provided. The carrier is SFM Mutual Insurance Company. Notify Dustin Walsh at (320) 368-0058 in the event of an injury as soon as possible within 30 days. \n
We grow corn, soybeans, wheat, and ryegrass on around 3000 acres. Employees will need to assist with all aspects of growing these crops. Duties will include general maintenance on vehicles and farm machinery, general tillage operations and semi-truck driving during spray season and harvest season. Employee will also be tasked will some yard work during the season. Keeping the workshop clean is also a requirement. Employees will need to operate farm equipment to assist with these crop duties. Employees will need to complete routine repairs and maintenance on equipment. Employer may provide performance bonuses at the end of the contract at the employer’s discretion. \n\n***Please note for future years our starting date will be March 1 to cover our entire crop season. This is the earliest date available for 2022.
We farm 12,500-acres of corn, soybeans, and edible beans. We need seasonal employees to assist with our crop production and hauling of the crops. Employees will need to help keep farm running in good order including sweeping and mowing. Employees will need to haul harvested crop to storage locations. Drive truck to help support planters and sprayers (water/fertilizer/mix chemical). Employees will need to operate tractor and possible other farm equipment as needed. Complete general farm duties as assigned. Employees will need to complete routine repairs and maintenance on equipment. Employer may provide pay increases for performance, longevity and/or experience at employer’s discretion. Employer may provide performance bonuses at the end of the contract at the employer’s discretion. \n\n***Please note that on future applications we will be adjusting our starting date to March 15 to cover our entire crop season.
Perform duties on a farm for a farm like: Assist in liquid manure application, operation duties such as; applying liquid manure using liquid manure tank applicator; drive/operate late model John Deer MFWD tractors and center articulate tractors, skid loaders and Houle manure equipment; operate the latest GPS auto steer and mapping technologies; repair and maintain equipment during the season.\n\nEquipment:\nLate model John Deere tractors, skid loaders, combines, Mocos, balers, and tillage equipment. Please note: All tractors have auto steer/GPS technologies. Late model Houle manure equipment. Semi tractors, grain trailers and manure tanker trailers.
Temporary Seasonal Position: Nursery Worker | SOC Code: 45-2092.01\n\nAll applicants must be able, willing, qualified to perform work described & must be available for entire period.\n\nCannon Tree Farm, Cannon Falls, MN, Goodhue\n\nPossible shift: 8:00AM-4:30PM. 40+ May be possibility of weekend work. Crops: Trees/Shrubs. Duties may include: workers will pin and rope balled and burlap trees, tightening wire cages with various hand tool. Applying granulated fertilizer to all trees. Plant new transplants (spring and fall) in containers with hand scoops/shovels and new field bareroot transplants. Remove/install winter covers/protection. Use bamboo or fiberglass rods to stake trees. Prune trees with hand pruners as needed. Digging up and preparing sold trees, Maintain nursery with regular mowing, watering, weeding, and general cleanup, harvest trees and shrubs when they become of age/maturity. Maintain nursery grounds daily, providing a safe and clean work environment & other related Nursery Worker activities as per SOC/OES 45-2092.01 ( On-the-job training provided. Static strength; exert max muscle force to lift, push, pull, unload, carry objects up to 80lbs (possible 2-person); may climb, walk, stand, reach, balance, sit, stoop, bend, squat, wash, clean: equip, grounds, area. Tools supplies and equipment provided at no cost to worker. Employer guarantees 3/4 of contract. Work outdoors, exposed to weather, hot or cold; hours may vary (+/-); possible downtimes and/or extended hrs. Dependable: fulfill obligations. Attn. to detail: complete work tasks. Employer provided housing available to those who cannot reasonably return to their residence within the same day. No cell phone use during work hours. \n\n Must be 18 years of age. Drug/alcohol/tobacco free work zone. Based on Employer's discretion/cost: Worker may have random drug/alcohol testing during employment: positive test/ refusal to abide = dismissal. Worker has 3 days from date of hire to show legal authorization to work in the United States. Cash advances may apply at employer discretion.
Manually plant, cultivate, and harvest vegetables, fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and field crops. Use hand tools, such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, hand pruners, shears, and knives. Duties may include tilling soil and applying fertilizers; transplanting, weeding, thinning, or pruning crops; applying pesticides; or cleaning, grading, sorting, packing, unloading and loading harvested products.\n
Manually plant, cultivate, and harvest vegetables, fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and field crops. Use hand tools, such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, hand pruners, shears, and knives. Duties may include tilling soil and applying fertilizers; transplanting, weeding, thinning, or pruning crops; applying pesticides; or cleaning, grading, sorting, packing, unloading and loading harvested products.
Plant, cultivate and maintain nursery stock. Planting of trees, shrubs & turf production. Extensive physical labor, operate weed whips, chain saws, and back pack blowers up to 8 hours per day. Loading and unloading deliveries of nursery products up to 8 hours per day. Extensive pushing, pulling, walking, bending, kneeling or stooping up to 8 hours per day. Hoeing & pulling weeds.
Operate farm equipment, fix equipment, drive semi-truck, general farm labor, perform maintenance on all farm equipment.\nAssist with daily farm functions, grain handling tasks, minor construction projects. Maintain farm grounds and other misc. duties assigned.\n\nCrops: wheat, ryegrass, soybeans, corn, hay
Sod: Perform various activities associated with growing grass and sod at a commercial turf grass nursery. These activities will be performed exclusively in an outdoor environment. Aid in soil preparation. Will be sodding large areas, sow grass seed, plant plugs of sod grass, cuts, rolls, and stacks sod in accordance with supervisor’s instructions. Weed, hoe and propagate. Water, fertilize, spray, monitor, trim, weed, cut, roll, stack, load, transport, and discard sod. Operate mowing equipment or drive a tractor pulling a wagon through the field or between fields. Bag certified grass seed. Perform any other activities associated with growing grass and sod in a nursery. Workers will operate trucks, forklifts, and tractors. Tractors will drag, tow, lift sod specific equipment through the fields. Workers will work with sod harvesting equipment. Workers will work with sod planting equipment. Load and unload empty pallets by hand. \n\nStraw: Workers must load hay bales weighting up to 60 lbs. from farm to tractor-trailers via a conveyor. Stacks hay on conveyor and restack in trailer according to instructions. Hay harvested is dropped at end of conveyor. Using hay hooks, worker places bales on conveyor while other workers in the barn stack hay in hay/mow according to direction. Hay and straw harvested averages about 2500 bales per day.\n\nCorn, Beans & Wheat: Workers will perform a variety of manual tasks appropriate for grain crops being planted cultivated and harvested. Workers will help in preparing the land for planting. This may include attaching farm implements such as a plow, disc, and drill to tractor. May drive a tractor in field to till soil in preparation of planting. Worker may apply various types of fertilizer to the soil and plants. These bags can weigh 75 lbs. Workers may cultivate and thin crops using a hoe. Workers will remove undesirable and excess growth, such as tassel, suckers, and weeds by hand. Carries supplies such as bags and bailing wires to the fields. Clears irrigation ditches, using shovel. Workers may husk and shell corn. Loads and unloads trucks, unloads grain onto conveyors to storage bins or elevators. Cleans and lubricates farm machines. \nClean fields of rocks, roots, limbs, stumps, and trees. Miscellaneous cleaning and debris removal from fields and farm.\n\nIrrigation: Workers will be required to use both center pivot and traveling gun irrigation systems, diesel, and electric irrigation pumps. Bagging of sand with shovels will be required and cleaning of debris from dams and suction lines.\n\nGeneral Maintenance: Workers will be responsible for performing general maintenance around the farm. This will include fence mending, mowing, and weeding eating. Workers will repair and paint buildings to ensure they are in good repair. \n\nFarm Equipment Operation: Workers may be required to operate tractors, bobcats, mowers, weed eaters and other farm equipment during daily operations, as an incidental activity. Before any worker is require to operate any farm equipment, workers will be instructed in the safety and operation of the tractor before driving the tractor. Tractors should be driven in a manner to protect operator, other workers, products, trees, crops, and equipment. Repeated failure to obey safety requirements and operating instructions may result in termination.\n
General farm labor. Clean, maintain, repair, field ready equipment. Clean grain bins. Drive trucks and tractors to perform crop raising duties. Plant, harvest, cultivate crops using tractor drawn machinery.\n\nBenefits: cell phone, health insurance\n\nCrops: wheat, soybeans, sugar beets
Operating large farm equipment and machinery equipped with GPS such as tractor for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, moving, storing, harvesting grain and oilseed crops such as hay, corn, wheat, soybeans; assisting with auguring grain and grain bin maintenance; mow and bale hay; must be able to speak English; assisting with vaccinating, ear tagging, supplements and feeding of livestock; turn cows out to grass pasture, assisting with birthing of baby calves from mother cows; care for calves by feeding, vaccinating, administering medicine; wean calves, pull calves off grass pasture to be sold; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\n\nEquipment: tractor, trucks, combine \n\nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans
Perform any combination of following duties concerned with preparing soil and growth media, cultivating and otherwise participating in horticultural activities. Plants, weeds, waters, cuts and transplants bedding plants, perennial shrubs, evergreens and trees. Packs flowers, plants and shrubs to fill orders and loads onto trucks for marketing. Work on potting line transplanting seedlings, trees, shrubs, evergreens and perennials into selling containers and place in growing area. Will fill pots/baskets with potting soil in preparation for planting. May be required to work on the irrigation process in the greenhouses and growing range. Will be working with flowering trees and shrubs. Will plant, cultivate, harvest, grade, store and ship container and field grown horticultural products. Some hand digging of specific plants, trees, evergreens and shrubs from the field will be required. Spring digging includes balled and burlap trees and planting bare root trees in pots and field. Care of the field, trees and shrubs includes staking, trimming and mowing. Exposure to extreme temp, repetitive movements, extensive pushing, pulling walking and frequent stooping Must be able to lift and carry 50 lbs frequently Must pass employer paid post hire drug test Transportation provided to jobsite from central location
Operate equipment, i.e. bobcats, sprayers, tractors, etc. to plant, transplant, irrigate, prune, pot, tag, harvest and install trees, shrubs and perennials. Load, unload, and deliver nursery stock. Maintain farm equipment and irrigation systems. \nCrops: deciduous trees, evergreen trees, perennials, shrubs\n\n
Crops/Commodities: \nBarley, soybeans, sunflowers, edible beans, corn, wheat. \nThis job requires a minimum of 6 months of agricultural experience handling both manual and mechanized tasks including operating agricultural equipment. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Workers must be able to perform manual and mechanized tasks with accuracy and efficiency. Work in fields. Perform manual and machine tasks associated with the grain and oilseed production. Plant, cultivate and harvest crops. Mow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Use power equipment including but not limited to: tractors, planters, mowers, plows, sprayers, cultivators, chain saws, high lifts, fork lifts, skid loaders. Must operate agricultural equipment safely, with or without direction. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences. Fertilize crops by applying manure in field. Operate towed machines including, but not limited to, grain carts. Drive tractors/trucks and operate heavy farm equipment. Clean/sanitize equipment. \n\nWork is done in the field for long periods of time. Workers may assist in handling product weighing up to 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Work required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 10 to over 100 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. \nWorkers should be able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. \n\nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a timely and proficient manner without close supervision. Workers must operate equipment, with or without direction, in a manner that protects operator, visitors, other workers, products, trees, crops and equipment. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in termination. \n\nEmployer requires all newly-hired employees to take and pass an employer-paid drug test before starting work. Drug test not required for prospective applicants prior to hiring decision. All testing is conducted uniformly after an initial job offer has been extended and accepted by the new hire. Workers testing positive will be immediately terminated and paid for all hours worked between the first date of employment and the date of termination, if any. In the case of a non-local or foreign worker who is terminated for failure to pass a drug test, the employer will arrange least-cost transportation to the worker's place of recruitment, at the worker's expense. The employer will also test at random. Employer requires all newly hired employees to take and pass an employer-paid background check. All background checks are conducted uniformly after an initial job offer has been extended and accepted by the new hire.
Operating large farm equipment and machinery equipped with GPS for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, moving, storing, harvesting grain and oilseed crops such as corn, potatoes; service and repair equipment; develop and maintain farm infrastructure; perform general farming duties; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite
General farm labor. Clean, maintain, repair, weld, field ready equipment. Clean, repair grain bins and building. Drive trucks and tractors to perform crop raising duties. Plant, harvest, till, cultivate crops using tractor drawn machinery. Work well with others.\nCrops: sugar beets, wheat, corn, canola
Crops/Commodities: \nnursery stock, including bedding plants, trees, and shrubs, ornamentals. \nPerform manual and mechanized tasks associated with the outdoor production of horticultural products. Plant, cultivate, and maintain nursery stock, trees, shrubs, bedding plants, plugs, liners, and other horticultural varieties. Prepare fields/soil for planting. Remove cull stock, debris, tree stumps, brush, ferns, vines and other growth from planting area using hand tools or mechanized equipment (rakes, shovels, hoes, tractors, mattocks, brush hooks and/or axes).. Plant/pot seedlings or ‘liners’ by hand or mechanical planter. Propagate plants from cuttings. Prepare trees for digging by tying or wrapping as necessary. Hand dig trees and other plants with shovel or tree spade. \n\nPerform general plant maintenance. Irrigate and apply fertilizer or other chemicals. Train, prune, trim, shear, space, transplant and cull trees and/or plants to ensure availability of marketable products. Shear trees with proper taper and bud cut angle for quality. Tie/position trees and plants by tying or wrapping as necessary. Count, inventory, and grade trees. Select trees for cutting according to grade. Cut trees using axe or chainsaw. Drag cut trees from cutting area. Bale trees using tree baler. Wrap burlap or other covering around root balls and secure with twice and/or stapes. Pack, label, tag, pull, sort, and store plants by variety. Clean/maintain work area.\n\n\nInstall/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Install and remove levee gates. \n\nApply pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other crop protectants. Apply fertilizers, plant growth chemicals, conditioners, and other plant related treatments at the correct times depending on plant type, growth, climate and crop conditions.\n\nWorkers must operate all equipment properly and in a manner that protects operator, others, the employer’s products and property. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.\n\nMow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences.\n\nMust wear assigned personal protective equipment when required. Must report for work daily wearing work clothing and boots or other durable foot wear. Workers wearing clothing inappropriate for work will not be permitted to start work.\n\nOutdoor work required when plants are wet, or during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours may vary. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. Work is done outdoors for long periods of time and requires prolonged periods of standing and/or walking, repetitive movements, and frequent bending and/or stooping. Workers must be able to handle, lift, and carry heavy or bulky objects (product, containers) in accordance with the specified lifting requirements. \n\nEmployer-paid post-hire drug testing is required upon reasonable suspicion of use and after a worker has an accident at work. \n\nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised.
Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: operate various farm equipment/machinery (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for planting, spraying, cultivating, fertilizing and harvesting of crops. Equipment maintenance/repair. Drive truck to haul grain. Crops: wheat, soybeans, ryegrass, corn\n\nOne hour lunch break offered.\n\nMay provide cell phone plan.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate and harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive semi-trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nEquipment: Semi-trucks & tractors\n\nCrops: Corn, Kidney Beans, Soy Beans, Sugar Beets
Duties may include: raising & transporting seedlings; sort tree seedlings, discarding substandard seedlings, according to standard charts or verbal instructions. Plant: seedlings/trees. Selects optimum planting location to meet spacing, soil, and shade requirements; may perform only part of the planting function such as baring soil, or tamping soil around plant Spray or inject vegetation with insecticides to kill insects or to protect against disease or with herbicides to reduce competing vegetation; enhance growth. Trim trees or other vegetation; cut trees or logs. Incidental driving & other related Forestry Worker activities as per SOC/OES 45-4011 (\n\nPossible weekend/holiday work.\n\nAt Employer’s sole discretion: possible raises and/or bonuses based on individual factors such as work performance or skill (not guaranteed). Piece rate may apply: worker will never make less than Prevailing Wage/Federal/state/local minimum wage.
Tasks to be completed are to operate tractors with GPS and designated towing equipment, drills, disks, and drags to furrow and prepare the soil, seed, plant and fertilize. Must have experience with operating John Deere AMS technology computer systems and equipment. Limited experience they must have to learn quickly. Workers will move materials, supplies or crops to designated locations. Routine maintenance will need to be done on equipment, structures and grounds. Worker must be a self starter, highly motivated and able to complete projects with limited supervision and no direct supervision once trained. Must have willingness to work flexible hours, dependable and hard working. \n\nEmployees must have a valid drivers license or capable of obtaining one in 30 days. \nSemi-truck driving experience is needed.\nCell phone usage is limited to business related calls only. NO TEXTING. \nNo smoking or drinking of alcoholic beverages during working hours. \nNo Educational level required. \n Must have three months experience with operating John Deere equipment GPS and AMS technology computer systems with towed implements. \n\n
Worker will prepare seed potatoes for shipping, plant, cultivate, and harvest vegetables using tractor and tractor implements. Attaches farm implements, such as plow, planter, fertilizer applicator to tractor and drives tractor in fields to prepare soil and plant, fertilize, and harvest crops. Thins, hoes, and weeds row crops using hand implements. Vegetables to be grown include: seed potatoes, carrots, corn, soybeans, and sweet corn. Must have 3 months experience in truck and tractor farming work.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\nCrops: Soy Beans, Sugar Beets, Sunflower, Wheat\nEquipment: John Deere track and wheel tractors John Deere autosteer systems John Deere tillage equipment John Deere harvest equipment John Deere planting equipment Sugar beet harvest equipment Diesel Semis
Crops/Commodities: \nsoybeans, corn, alfalfa. \nMow and cut fields. Prepare and/or clear land for planting using mechanized or hand equipment to remove trash, rocks, or other debris or material that may interfere with planting or harvesting activities. Level land by moving dirt and other materials. Equipment may include tractors, dozers, planters, mowers, plows, cultivators, chainsaws, skid loaders, and trucks or other vehicles. Perform shoveling, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences.\n\nDrive tractors and balers, and operate other mechanized farm equipment to plant, cultivate, and harvest grain, hay, and/or crops. Perform manual and mechanized tasks including but not limited to: bushhogging fields; disking; aerating; seeding (using mechanical drills and seeders); fertilizing, weed spraying, mowing, tedding, raking, baling, and stacking. Operate grain carts. \n\nPlant and harvest soybeans. Drive tractors and balers, and operate other mechanized farm equipment to plant, cultivate, and harvest grain, hay, and/or crops. Perform manual and mechanized tasks including but not limited to: bushhogging fields; disking; aerating; seeding (using mechanical drills and seeders); fertilizing, weed spraying, mowing, tedding, raking, baling, and stacking. Operate grain carts. Load seed into hoppers and assist with mechanical soybean planting. \nPerform service work on farm equipment, clean shop, yard maintenance, general farm maintenance and facility maintenance. Operate equipment including, but not limited to rakes, tillage equipment, tractors, skidloaders, payloader, grain cart, trucks, mergers, hay cutting equipment, TMR mixer, grinder mixer, manure spreader, combine, and chopper\n\nInstall/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Install and remove levee gates. \nWorkers must operate all equipment properly and in a manner that protects operator, others, the employer’s products and property. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.\n\nWorkers may be required to perform incidental cattle duties including, but not limited to: Cleaning pens, hauling manure, assisting with calving, and moving cattle. \n\nMust wear assigned personal protective equipment when required. Must report for work daily wearing work clothing and boots or other durable foot wear. Workers wearing clothing inappropriate for work will not be permitted to start work.\n\nOutdoor work required when plants are wet, or during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours may vary. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. Work is done outdoors for long periods of time and requires prolonged periods of standing and/or walking, repetitive movements, and frequent bending and/or stooping. Workers must be able to handle, lift, and carry heavy or bulky objects (product, containers) in accordance with the specified lifting requirements. \nWorkers with a clean driving record (no major moving violations such as but not limited to Driving While Intoxicated or Reckless Driving) and able to obtain an insurable driver's license may drive company vehicles. Workers with appropriate licenses and a valid doctor's certificate may transport other workers. \nSupervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers.
We need general farm workers to assist with our farming needs starting in March through December. This will include planting, spraying and harvesting corn, beans and alfalfa hay, assist with the finishing of hogs and other duties as assigned. Employees should be able to operate farm equipment including tractors and combines, and power wash hog stalls as directed. Drive semi-trucks to and from storage areas.
Crops/Commodities: \nfruits, vegetables, honey. \nPlants, cultivates, harvests and packs vegetables and fruits. Works on planter, plants roots, seeds and bulbs. May spread plastic or other groundcovering. Cultivates, weeds and thins plants. Transplants plants, riding on transplanter or by hand. May stake/tie plants, trellis/prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. Picks, cuts, lifts, or pulls crop to harvest them. May tie vegetables in bunches or top them. Assist with irrigation and fertilization. Considerable stooping and kneeling is required. Care must be taken to prevent damaging produce and plants. \nWorkers are expected to perform duties including boxing, weighing and loading/unloading of product. \nWork is to be done in the field for long periods of time. Workers will assist in loading trucks with product weighing up to and including 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. \nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: irrigation, ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, mowing, weeding and other tasks related to general farming. Clear debris from field and clean/maintain farm buildings, structures, equipment, and work areas. May operate and help maintain tractors or hand-operated equipment. \nWork may also include mechanized field work using power equipment. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, planters, sprayers and cultivator and other equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction.\nWorkers may work with bee hives under supervision. Supervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors. Access colonies to determine if it needs food, feeding bees. Making, painting and cleaning boxes, supering hives. Harvest/extract honey. Manipulate and service hive structures and haul bees to and from different hive locations to ensure healthy and productive honeybee colonies. Workers need to have no fear of bees and be non-allergic to pollen and bee stings.\nA clean driving record (no major moving violations such as but not limited to Driving While Intoxicated or Reckless Driving) required to drive company vehicles.Workers with appropriate licenses may operate general purpose vehicles to transport workers, equipment and product from one field location or facility to another, and transport produce to market. Workers will load/unload, display, sell produce grown on Svihel Vegetable Farm at farmers markets. \nEmployer has a strict prohibition on tobacco usage. No smoking or tobacco use of any kind will be permitted in the fields, in worker housing, or anywhere on company premises. Employer reserves the right to discharge any employee found smoking or found in possession of smoking materials including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco or smoking paraphernalia. \nPersons seeking employment as experienced Farm Worker must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. \n \nEmployer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker’s Sabbath or federal holidays. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day.
Employees will maintain machinery and prepare for planting. During planting the employees will load seed, drive trucks, and operate tractors. Duties also include water truck operation, clean up, yard projects, maintenance of harvest equipment, hauling grain, and cleaning out grain bins. While harvesting the employees will fill grain bins, operate bailing equipment, and drive semi-trucks. Employees will perform manual labor such as cleaning and washing equipment, vehicle, and shop area, shoveling, sweeping bins, general farm labor, and maintenance. Must be able to operate tractors, truck-trailers, sprayer, combine, telehandlers, planters, diggers-feild cultivators, beet harvesters, beet toppers, large square baler, discbine, swather, and bale stacker. Pay increase or bonus may be possible based on experience or merit. \n
Workers may perform the following duties which are related to nursery production and distribution in open growing fields and in environmentally controlled structures (ECS).\n\nAssist supervisors in directing assigned tasks and instructing workers in planting, cultivating, harvesting techniques, grading, labeling, packing, and loading activities. May serve as lead worker in small crews.\n\nFill containers or flats using automated soil flat-filling machinery; place identification stakes, tags, and individualized pre-pricing information on finished product; prune, pinch, remove dead leaves, old flowers, and dead or “leggy” branches off of plants to create market quality product; lay down ground cloth, install shade cloth, or shade coverings on multiple sized environmentally controlled structures (ECS); maintain heaters, irrigation booms, fans and other equipment commonly used in environmentally controlled structures; install poly ventilation tubes in ECS’s; implement temperature control in ECS for optimal plant growth by adjusting thermostats on heaters or by opening and closing doors and vents; fertilize plants utilizing irrigation hose or irrigation boom; fill customer orders by directing self to plant location, selecting quality plants, and placing product on carts; place plastic or paper sleeve over plant before shipment to customers; perform quality control and accurate counts by recounting pulled order and assuring plant quality; and assist in sowing seeds in trays or field seed beds.\n\nPull orders (while selecting quality plants) according to customer request; place tags and apply marketing material to finished product; prunes trees and marketable plants; perform quality control; dipping, drenching and spraying plants with pesticides or herbicides; label, count and grade plants using instruments and quality standards of nursery; record information to maintain records for accurate inventory using spreadsheet or computerized inventory control equipment including computer, handheld inventory device; process and package shipping paperwork, mix soil and prepare growth media using skid steer or front end loader; cover or uncover poly structures greater than 14’ wide.\n\nPerform budding, grafting, grading, staking, tying, and harvesting bare root nursery stock; assemble and disassemble warehouse storage bins; inspect for outbreak or disease; observe and adjust environmental controls; conduct inventory of plant materials; conduct quality control inspections; prepare and organize orders for boxing, operate irrigation pumps and monitor particular/individual crops water needs to ensure application of correct amount of irrigation water; perform heavy manual labor; perform minor adjustments, maintenance or repair of equipment and machinery; operate large agricultural machinery, harvest, rake, and bale sudan grass used for winter protection.\n\nConstruct container covering sleeves and pot wraps for marketing purposes; build and assemble bamboo trellises used in plant production; place plants back in the field that were mistakenly order pulled, cancelled by customer, damaged, or of poor quality; fix and maintain signage used for identifying hundreds of plant varieties in fields; enter planting records into computer; remove, repair, and replace above ground irrigation parts; erect hoop houses by utilizing a mechanical jack hammer to pound metal stakes into the ground for stabilization; irrigate plant material (hundreds of varieties) based on plant variety water need and climate conditions; spray for weeds utilizing backpack and sprayer for chemicals. Taking and sticking unrooted softwood, hardwood and tissue culture cuttings, and dividing of perennial clumps.\n\nCONTINUED ON ADDENDUM C
Performs duties like: Drive and operate farm machinery to cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and incidental repair to farm machinery. Make sure equipment is clean and ready to use. Drive trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\n\nCrops: Beans, Corn\n\nEquipment: John Deere and Case farm machinery
Workers will plant cultivate and harvest farm grown Christmas trees. Workers will plant fertilize and herbicide new seedlings. Will dig cut and harvest trees weighing up to 100 lbs. Will use skid loader and trucks to dig and haul trees. Will also haul and lift trees manually. Will prune and shear trees and remove brush weeds and other growth from planting area using hand tools. Harvesting activities include pre harvest preparation harvest and post harvest work. Will shear and prune trees to improve shape and modify height and width to make trees marketable. Will use shearing blades and or pruning clippers as directed by supervisor using extreme care not to damage trees. Workers will plant and pot seedlings, prune, transplant, space, perform hand watering and drip-irrigation, remove dead vegetation and leaves, pack, label, pull and store plants according to variety. Workers will move containerized plants. Workers will select trees under the direction of supervisor will cut drag and haul trees to staging and loading area. May use a chainsaw or ax to cut trees. May load trees onto mechanical bailer and lift and load trees onto trucks and trailers. Must use care in transporting and handling trees so as not to damage trees or tree limbs. Workers with truck and tractor experience will likely operate skid loaders to dig and transport trees. Employer does not require drivers license. Employees with drivers license may drive trucks necessary for transport of trees.\nWorking Conditions:\nWork is performed in all weather conditions. Must be able to lift up to 100 pounds. Must be prepared to work in a physically demanding environment on daily basis. 95% of work is performed in an outdoor environment. \n\nTools and Equipment:\nEmployer will furnish, without charge, all tools, supplies, and equipment required in the performance of the specified work.\n
Operating large farm equipment and machinery equipped with GPS for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, harvesting crops; driving farm trucks for moving grain crops from field to storage facilities; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Drive trucks and tractors to perform a variety of crop raising duties. Field ready implements and equipment. Cultivate, plant, harvest, spray crops using tractor drawn machinery. Operate, repair farm implements. Haul grain to market. \nCrops: corn, soybeans
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and incidental repair to farm machinery. Drive semi-trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nCrops: Sugar Beets, Corn, Soy Beans\n\nEquipment: Tractor, Combine, Grain Trucks
Operating large farm equipment and machinery equipped with GPS for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, moving, storing, harvesting grain and oilseed crops such as soybeans, corn; picking rock; grain bin and auger operation; walking fields pulling off type weeds; operating haying equipment for hay production of swathing, raking, baling, stacking and transporting from field to storage; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Crops/Commodities: \nincluding but not limited to sugar beet, kidney beans, soybeans, corn alfalfa. \nPerforms a variety of manual and machine tasks associated with crops including but not limited to sugar beet, edible bean, grain and oilseed production: plant, cultivate and weed as needed. Sprays herbicides and insecticides and applies fertilizer. Under supervision, operates farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store crops. Operates grain carts in the field in loading of trucks. Under supervision, assists with servicing, cleaning and maintenance of trucks, trailers and machinery. By way of example and not limitation power equipment may include tractors, planters, sprayers, cultivators, combines, sugar beet lifter and other farm equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction. \n\nManipulate controls to set, activate, and adjust mechanisms on machinery. Adjust speeds of cutters, blowers, and conveyors and height of cutting head. Clean, adjust, repair, and perform routine service on equipment (e.g., lubricating grease points, inspecting and maintaining fluid levels, checking belt and conveyor tensions, and maintaining tires, wheels, bearings, belts, and other wear parts). Repair or replace defective parts. Attach farm implements (e.g., plows, harrows, discs, sprayers) using hand tools. May assist with other general farm maintenance or repairs.\n\nIn addition, workers may be required to perform variable tasks such as the following: ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, weeding and other tasks related to general farming. Work is to be done for long periods of time. Workers should be able to work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers are exposed to wet weather early in the morning through the heat of the day, working in fields. Temperatures may range from 10 to 100 F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Workers should be physically able to do the work required with or without reasonable accommodations. \n\nInstall/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Install and remove levee gates.\n\nApply pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other crop protectants. Apply fertilizers, plant growth chemicals, conditioners, and other plant related treatments at the correct times depending on plant type, growth, climate and crop conditions.\n\nWorkers must operate all equipment properly and in a manner that protects operator, others, the employer’s products and property. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.\n\nMust wear assigned personal protective equipment when required. Must report for work daily wearing work clothing and boots or other durable foot wear. Workers wearing clothing inappropriate for work will not be permitted to start work.\n\nOutdoor work required when plants are wet, or during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours may vary. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job. Work is done outdoors for long periods of time and requires prolonged periods of standing and/or walking, repetitive movements, and frequent bending and/or stooping.
Set-up, operate and maintain farming equipment for planting, spreading fertilizer and harvest. Operate trucks to haul Boll Farms crops and other agricultural commodities from Boll Farms to elevator(s) and storage site(s). Complete general farming duties such as servicing equipment, shop work and maintenance to farm ground, buildings and equipment. Operate heavy trucks and spreaders to transport and apply fertilizer to Boll Farms fields and other farmers fields.
Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: operate various equipment (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for planting, spraying, cultivating, fertilizing and harvesting of crops. Maintain/repair machinery and trucks. Grain handling, hauling farm commodities. Minor farm construction projects. Maintain farm grounds/mow. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. \n\nCrops: corn, soybeans
Drives/operates farm machinery, plant, cultivate, spray, fertilize, harvest, store grain crops of corn, soybeans, wheat, barley, and edible beans. Attach farm implements, e.g. plow, disc, drill to tractor, till soil, plant and cultivate grain. Tows harvesting equipment, drives/operates self-propelled combine to harvest crops. Performs duties like lubricating, repairing farm machinery and transports produce to elevator or storage area lifting at least 60 lbs.
Drive/operate farm machinery, plant, cultivate, spray, fertilize, harvest, store grain, crops of corn, soybeans, wheat,\nand sugar beets. Attach farm implements, e.g., plow, disc, drill to tractor, till soil, plant and cultivate grain. Tow\nharvesting equipment and drive/ operate self-propelled combine to harvest crops. Perform duties like lubricating,\nrepairing farm machinery and transport produce to elevator or storage area. Must be able to lift 60lbs. Minimum of\n(3) months experience required. To comply with Federal, State and County regulations - must be willing to obtain\nan appropriate driver's license (class D) within two months of employment. If applicant does have a license,\napplicant must furnish employer with current "driver's abstract" showing acceptable driving record. No high school\ndiploma/GED required.
Workers will operate 280-600hp farm machinery to till, plant, spray, cultivate, and harvest corn and bean crops. Workers will maintain and repair equipment and facilities. Must be physically able to regularly lift 50 lbs., climb and check grain bins, and have no fear of heights. No smoking is allowed on property or housing. Workers must possess at least an operator driver’s license, have 3 months experience of heavy equipment operation, tech or GPS navigation experience is helpful. Drug screens will be conducted upon accident or incident and will be at the cost of the employer. Failure or refusal of the drug test is grounds for immediate termination.
Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: operate various equipment (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for planting, spraying, cultivating, fertilizing and harvesting of crops. Maintain/repair machinery and trucks. Grain handling, hauling farm commodities. Minor farm construction projects. Maintain farm grounds/mow. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. \n\nCrops: corn, soybeans
Operate self-propelled custom class harvesting machines to harvest a variety of foraging crops. Adjust speed of cutters, blowers, conveyors, and height of cutting head using hand tools. Change cutting head as appropriate for crops. Service machinery and make in-field repairs. Drive heavy trucks to transport crops to storage facilities. Drive transporter truck to haul harvesting equipment between work locations.
Job requires operating custom harvesting machines to harvest a variety of grain and oilseed crops, changing cutting heads as appropriate for crops, driving tractors, operating farm equipment, having mechanical skills, being able to perform maintenance, driving trucks to transport product to elevator or storage area. Applicant must have or be able to obtain a CDL. 6 months experience is also required. Increase or bonus may be possible based on experience and merit.
Employees on farms, will perform general maintenance tasks including repair, dismantle, and remodel livestock buildings. Repair and/or install feed equipment, waterlines, gating, insulation, doors, ceilings, and roofs. Repair and/or install ventilation equipment. Framing, tin sheeting, and welding for buildings and equipment repairs and remodeling. Equipment Maintenance requires hand tools and all other necessary tools provided to change oil and do other equipment maintenance that can only be done in good weather conditions throughout the spring, summer and fall. Bait stations will be placed in order to keep mice from entering our buildings and causing damage or spreading diseases. Bait is placed every other week during contract period. Employees will also be required to take part in lawn care which will require the use of lawn mower, rakes, branch cutter, and weed cutters. Employees may assist with all aspects of corn production. In the fall, harvest and preparation would start in late September and run through December. Grain hauling from remote locations continues after harvest through the winter months as we store it for later usage as feed. Preparing the land for planting starts in March and then planting occurs from April until June. Employees will also participate in the spreading of manure to maintain farm soil quality. Manure is applied in the fall from late September through December when crops are removed, and the ground is not frozen. In the spring, application occurs in late March through June before the corn is planted. Laborers are responsible for preparing, maintaining, cleaning, and operating all machinery and equipment used for the handling of the manure. Truck transportation is needed for the handling of crop inputs and grain. Equipment operated may include ATV, pickup, semi-truck, tractor, seed tender or combine harvester. Must be able to lift and carry 75 lbs for 75 yards.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Help maintain buildings and grounds.\n\nCrops: Alfalfa, Corn, Soy Beans, Spring Wheat, Sunflower\n\nEquipment: semi tractor  with hopper bottom trailer  - four wheel drive tractors - front wheel assist tractors - case quad track - case combines - skid steer
Drive trucks and tractors to perform a variety of crop raising duties. Field ready implements and equipment. Cultivate crops using tractor drawn machinery. Operate, repair farm implements, pick rock. Haul grain to market.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids), and incidental repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Operate hay equipment. \nCrops: Corn\nEquipment: Tractor, Combine, Grain Trucks
Workers will perform any of the following duties: prepare soil and cultivate sod grass lawns, haul and spread topsoil, and fertilize the fields. Workers will also dig, rake, and screen soil before seeding. Cut/mow the established grass. Seed with either seeders pulled by agricultural equipment like farm tractors or by hand; spray and weed the sod grass lawns. Install sod, seed, and erosion control materials. Maintain farm equipment, load sod onto trailers and drive truck to deliver to customers and installation sites. Must have the ability to operate the sowing, mowing, cutting and installation equipment. Other miscellaneous duties assigned.\n30 minute meal break.\n\nCrops: sod\n
Crops/Commodities: \nCorn, soybeans, small grains. \nThis job requires a minimum of six months of verifiable prior experience operating/servicing agricultural equipment such as combines, tractors, sprayers, and balers. Crops to be harvested and/or hauled include corn, soybeans, small grains. Workers must be able to perform all duties with accuracy and efficiency. \n\nOperates self-propelled custom class harvesting machines to harvest a variety of grain and oilseed crops. Adjusts speed of cutters, blowers and conveyors, as well as the height of the cutting head, using hand tools. Changes cutting head as appropriate for crop and prepares for transportServices machinery and makes in-field repairs. Assists in the transport of seed to fields and fills planter as needed. Drives 4-wheel drive tractor to pull tillage equipment.\n\nDrive tractors, planters, and balers, and operate other mechanized farm equipment to plant, cultivate, and harvest crops/commodities at a diversified farming operation. Use farm equipment to cut, pull, dig, thresh, clean, chop, bag, or bundle harvested crops. Load/unload harvested crops/commodities or other materials manually or with mechanized equipment such as conveyors, or handtrucks. Perform manual and mechanized tasks including but not limited to: bushhogging fields; disking; aerating; seeding (using mechanical drills and seeders); fertilizing, weed spraying, mowing, tedding, raking, baling, and stacking.\n\nWorkers must operate all equipment properly and in a manner that protects operator, others, the employer’s products and property. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination.\n\nWork is to be done in the field for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, insect spray, related chemicals, etc. may affect workers’ ability to perform the job. Workers should be physically able to do the work required. Must be able to lift/carry 60 lbs. \n\nClean driving record required. Must have or be able to obtain driver’s license within 30 days following hire. Workers with appropriate licenses and a valid doctor's certificate may be asked to drive other workers. Workers may drive light company vehicles on farm.\n\nEmployer has a drug policy that requires pre-employment testing, as well as post-employment employer-paid random, upon suspicion and post-accident testing. These policies are carried out uniformly for all employees, both foreign and domestic. Drug testing is not required as part of the interview process, but any worker who fails a mandatory drug test and is unable to obtain the required licensing as a result will be terminated. \n\nEmployer assures that workers will be provided transportation from living quarters to work site every day (for workers who must be provided housing under the applicable regulations.)\n\nPersons seeking employment as experienced Agricultural Equipment Operator must be available for the entire period requested by the employer. Applicants must be able to furnish verifiable job reference(s) or comparable third party documentation from recent employer(s) establishing acceptable prior experience. Successful applicants will be subject to a trial period of up to five days during which their performance of required tasks will be evaluated. If the performance is not acceptable to the employer the worker's employment will be terminated.\n\nEmployer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malingerer or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product, or for any other lawful reason.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\n\nEquipment: Tractor, truck, combine Crops: \n\nCorn, soybeans, wheat, sunflower
Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: operate various equipment (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for planting, spraying, cultivating, fertilizing and harvesting of crops. Maintain/repair machinery. Maintain flood and sprinkler irrigation systems. Grain handling, hauling farm commodities. Minor farm construction projects. Maintain farm grounds/mow. Other miscellaneous duties assigned.\n\nCrops: perennial rye grass, wheat, sunflowers, soybeans, specialty crops
Operating large farm equipment and primarily John Deere machinery equipped with GPS such as tillage tools, grain cart, rock picker for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, moving, storing, harvesting grain and oilseed crops such as wheat, soybeans, corn; picking rock; install tile drainage; run a dozer, help with connections, operate skidloader; maintain farm facilities and buildings; manual labor in extreme temperatures, extensive pushing, pulling, walking, and repetitive movements; work well with others in the group; grain bin and auger operation; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Drive and Operate farm machinery to plant, rock – pick, cultivate, harvest and store crops. Use planting equipment such as a John Deere DB60, 36 row planters, and a John Deere DB80, 48 row planters. Cultivating with equipment such as a John Deere 2210 cultivator. Drive tractors such as John Deere 7610, John Deere 2940, John Deere 4440, John Deere 4850, John Deere 8520T, John Deere 9320T, John Deere 9520T, John Deere 9620, John Deere 9430, and John Deere 9630 to pull, operate and move other farm equipment. Attach farm implements; such as a John Deere 3710 or John Deere 3700 plow, John Deere 635 disc or John Deere 637 disc, and operate a John Deere 455 front fold 30’ drill to a tractor. Tow harvesting equipment such as John Deere 640FD and John Deere 645FD bean head, John Deere 612C and John Deere 718C corn head. Drive and operate self-propelled combine such as John Deere S780 and John Deere 9870. To assist with getting grain out of the field, from the combine and to the trucks with grain carts such as Brent 1082 and Brent 1394 grain carts. Perform a variety of maintenance duties such as lubricating and repairing farm machinery and trucks. Move farm machinery and equipment to and from multiple locations and fields during planting and harvesting season. Assist with transporting water to the fields during spraying season with a water truck. Spray crops with sprayers such as John Deere 4930 and John Deere 8520T, 3-point sprayer. Drive trucks to transport crops to elevators or storage area. Exposure to extreme temp, repetitive movements, extensive pushing, pulling walking and frequent stooping Must have CDL or ability to obtain CDL within 30-90 days of hire. Must be able to lift and carry 60 lbs frequently Must pass employer paid post hire drug test Transportation provided to jobsite from central location
Drive trucks and tractors to perform crop raising duties. Harvest, plant, cultivate crops using tractor drawn machinery. Operate tractor and rock picker to pick rocks. Clean grain bins. Operate, repair farm implements. Haul livestock, grain to market. Shovel grain and clean up around farm.\nCrops: soybeans, corn
Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: operate various equipment (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for planting, spraying, cultivating, fertilizing and harvesting of crops. Maintain/repair machinery. Operate equipment using modern technology. Maintain flood and sprinkler irrigation systems. Grain handling, hauling farm commodities. Minor farm construction projects. Maintain farm grounds/mow. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. \nCrops: wheat, rye grass, soybeans, sugar beets
Operating large farm equipment and machinery equipped with GPS (autosteer) such as tractors, combines, sprayers, planters for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, storing, harvesting grain and oilseed crops such as wheat, soybeans, corn, canola, sunflowers; assessing field conditions and crop maturity for adjusting down pressure of openers, threshing settings of combines, and flow rate of sprayers; rock picking; driving farm vehicle; daily maintenance and upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Operating large farm equipment and machinery equipped with GPS (auto guidance) such as tractor, sprayer for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, moving, storing, harvesting grain and oilseed crops such as wheat, sunflowers, soybeans, flax, oats, barley; maintaining and welding equipment; CRP maintenance including mowing, spraying, burning; cleaning equipment and bins, moving grain; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Servicing and operating large up to date farm equipment such as row crop tractors, 4WD tractors, and ground sprayers for tillage, fertilizing, planting, and spraying of wheat, soybeans, sunflowers and corn; maintaining and operating combines and tractors for harvesting crops; doing fall tillage and ditching; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Raises honey bees to produce honey and maintain colony health through feed/supplements; find and cage queens, install queen cells; assembles bee hives, inserts honeycomb of bees into hives; forces bees from hives; uncaps harvested honeycombs and extracts approx. 75 pounds of honey from honeycombs; must be able to lift 75 pound boxes for honey transport; transporting bee boxes from hives to extracting facility; driving farm vehicle to obtain supplies, honey extracting equipment, and misc. tools used to work with honey bees; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment, worksite, and colony boxes.
Temporary Seasonal Position: Nursery Worker | SOC Code: 45-2092\n\nAll applicants must be able, willing, qualified to perform work described & must be available for entire period.\n\nHoffman & McNamara Co, Hastings, MN, Dakota\n\nPossible shift: 6:00AM-6:00PM. 40+ May be possibility of weekend work. Crops: Trees/Shrubs. Duties may include: harvesting, loading, unloading, carrying, planting, mulching, fertilizing, watering, weed pulling, weed spraying and maintaining plants including balled and burlaped, container and bare root trees, shrubs, perennials and other plants. Driving various farm equipment: tractors, skid loaders, and trucks. Perform regular maintenance on tools and equipment used & other related Nursery Worker activities as per SOC/OES 45-2092 ( On-the-job training provided. Static strength; exert max muscle force to lift, push, pull, unload, carry objects up to 60lbs (possible 2-person); may climb, walk, stand, reach, balance, sit, stoop, bend, squat, wash, clean: equip, grounds, area.60lbs. Tools supplies and equipment provided at no cost to worker. Employer guarantees 3/4 of contract. Work outdoors, exposed to weather, hot or cold; hrs may vary (+/-); possible downtimes and/or extended hrs. Dependable: fulfill obligations. Attn. to detail: complete work tasks. Employer provided housing available to those who cannot reasonably return to their residence within the same day. Cell phone use allowable during designated breaks. \n\n Must be 18 due to state labor laws. Drug/alcohol/tobacco free work zone. Worker has 3 days from date of hire to show legal authorization to work in the United States. Cash advances may apply at employer discretion. \n\n
Workers will plant cultivate and harvest farm grown Christmas trees. Workers will plant fertilize and herbicide new seedlings. Will dig cut and harvest trees weighing up to 100 lbs. Will use skid loader and trucks to dig and haul trees. Will also haul and lift trees manually. Will prune and shear trees and remove brush weeds and other growth from planting area using hand tools. Harvesting activities include pre harvest preparation harvest and post harvest work. Will shear and prune trees to improve shape and modify height and width to make trees marketable. Will use shearing blades and or pruning clippers as directed by supervisor using extreme care not to damage trees. Workers will select trees under the direction of supervisor will cut drag and haul trees to staging and loading area. May use a chainsaw or ax to cut trees. May load trees onto mechanical bailer and lift and load trees onto trucks and trailers. Must use care in transporting and handling trees so as not to damage trees or tree limbs. Workers with truck and tractor experience will likely operate skid loaders to dig and transport trees. Employer does not require drivers license. Employees with drivers license may drive trucks necessary for transport of trees. Merit based pay increases will be reserved at the sole discretion of the employer. \nWorking Conditions:\nWork is performed in all weather conditions. Must be able to lift up to 100 pounds. Must be prepared to work in a physically demanding environment on daily basis. 95% of work is performed in an outdoor environment. \n\nTools and Equipment:\nEmployer will furnish, without charge, all tools, supplies, and equipment required in the performance of the specified work.\n
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\n\nEquipment: John Deere Tractors, Combines, seeding, planting, and tillage equipment.\n\nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans, Spring Wheat, Sugar Beets
Crops/Commodities: \nbedding plants, fruits, herbs, vegetables. \nPrepare fields/soil for planting. Remove cull stock, debris, tree stumps, brush, ferns, vines and other growth from planting area using tractor, mattocks, brush hooks and/or axes. Plant, cultivate and harvest fruits and vegetables. Use hand tools including, but not limited to: shovels, hoes and knives. Plant roots, seeds and bulbs. Spread plastic or other groundcovering. Clean plastic by hand from ground upon removal. Till soil. Weed and thin plants. Transplant plants by hand. Stake/tie plants, trellis/prune plants, and set poles and wires for vine plants. Pick, cut, lift, or pull crops. Tie vegetables in bunches. Grade, size and field pack product. Take care to prevent damaging produce and plants. Plant, cultivate and maintain nursery plants, including perennials, bedding plants, vegetable plants and hanging baskets in condition for shipping and sale to customers. Pot seedlings. Attach hangers to baskets and hang throughout seasonal holding houses. Move containerized plants using rolling carts. Pot seedlings or ‘liners’ by hand or mechanical planter. Propagate plants from cuttings. Perform general plant maintenance. Prune, trim, space, transplant and cull plants to ensure availability of marketable products. Irrigate and apply fertilizer.\nPack, label, tag, pull, and store plants by variety. Count, grade, and inventory plants. Prepare plants for digging by tying or wrapping as necessary. Dig plants. Drum lacing and quarter lacing. Wrap burlap or other covering around root balls and secure with twine and/or staples. Crimp wire baskets. Must understand nursery quality control standards and have working knowledge of production procedures. Must harvest crops according to specific standards. Must select and harvest crops pursuant to customer needs. Products must be handled carefully to prevent damage.\nMay remove / dispose of bad produce into compost pile or where needed, as directed.\nMow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. \nWorker may need to shovel, load and spread chicken and cattle based manure into compost piles and upon fields and high growing sites.\nLift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. May load product onto truck for delivery. May drive, operate and maintain farm vehicles, machinery and power equipment including but not limited to: tractors, planters, mowers, plows, sprayers, cultivators, power shears, chain saws, high lifts, fork lifts, skid loaders. Must operate agricultural equipment safely, with or without direction. \nInstall/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Install and remove levee gates. Clear debris from field and clean/maintain farm buildings, structures, equipment, and work areas. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Build/repair fences. \nMay sell farm products at retail outlets. \nWork is done in the field for long periods of time. Workers may assist in handling product weighing up to 60 pounds and lifting to a height of 5 feet. Workers must work on their feet in bent positions for long periods of time. Work requires repetitive movements and extensive walking. Work required in fields when plants are wet with dew and rain, and may be required during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours can range from 10 to over 100 degrees F. Workers may be required to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker’s ability to perform the job.
Operating large farm equipment and machinery equipped with GPS for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing, planting, moving, storing, harvesting grain and oilseed crops such as corn, soybeans, sugar beets; driving truck or tractor with trailer attached for moving crops or equipment to designated locations; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Sod: Perform various activities associated with growing grass and sod at a commercial turf grass nursery. These activities will be performed exclusively in an outdoor environment. Aid in soil preparation. Will be sodding large areas, sow grass seed, plant plugs of sod grass, cuts, rolls, and stacks sod in accordance with supervisor’s instructions. Weed, hoe, and propagate. Water, fertilize, spray, monitor, trim, weed, cut, roll, stack, load, transport, and discard sod. Operate mowing equipment or drive a tractor pulling a wagon through the field or between fields. Bag certified grass seed. Perform any other activities associated with growing grass and sod in a nursery. Workers will operate trucks, forklifts, and tractors. Tractors will drag, tow, lift sod specific equipment through the fields. Workers will work with sod harvesting equipment. Workers will work with sod planting equipment. Load and unload empty pallets by hand. \n\nClean fields of rocks, roots, limbs, stumps, and trees. Miscellaneous cleaning and debris removal from fields and farm.\n\nIrrigation: Workers will be required to use both center pivot and traveling gun irrigation systems, diesel, and electric irrigation pumps. Bagging of sand with shovels will be required and cleaning of debris from dams and suction lines.\n\nGeneral Maintenance: Workers will be responsible for performing general maintenance around the farm. This will include fence mending, mowing, and weeding eating. Workers will repair and paint buildings to ensure they are in good repair. \n\nFarm Equipment Operation: Workers may be required to operate tractors, bobcats, mowers, weed-eaters and other farm equipment during daily operations, as an incidental activity. Before any worker is require to operate any farm equipment, workers will be instructed in the safety and operation of the tractor before driving the tractor. Tractors should be driven in a manner to protect operator, other workers, products, trees, crops, and equipment. Repeated failure to obey safety requirements and operating instructions may result in termination.\n\nTrucks: Workers will be required to use drive field trucks in and around the farm to accomplish tasks in a supportive role to tractors and equipment. This sometimes required them to transport on non-private streets and highways. \n\nDuring certain duties, workers may be required to work in teams to accomplish a certain task. When engage in teamwork activities workers must coordinate with other members of the team to accomplish the task. \n\nEmployer retains the right to discharge an obviously unqualified worker, malinger, or recalcitrant worker who is physically able but does not demonstrate the willingness to perform the work necessary for the employer to grow a premium quality product. \n \nFull Crop Commitment: This is regular work, seven hours per day, Monday-Friday, and five hours on Saturday for the full remainder of the period of employment. The worker agrees to work for assigned employer(s) whenever work is available during the full remaining period of employment even though work may be slack at times. The worker understands that if the worker quits or is terminated for cause prior to the end of the period of employment, the worker will not receive the 3/4 guarantees and will not receive certain transportation reimbursements. Excessive tardiness and/or absences will not be tolerated and will result in termination.\n\nDaily individual work assignments, crew assignments, and location of work, will be made by and at the sole discretion of the farm manger and/or farm supervisor as the needs of the farming operation dictate. Workers may be assigned a variety of duties in any given day and/or different tasks on different days. Workers will be expected to perform any of the listed duties and work on any crop as assigned by the worker's supervisor.\n
A Greenhouse Production Associate will help in all areas of annual and perennial production. Daily tasks are, but not limited to; planting plants on the automated planting line or by hand, hand-watering, weeding, deadheading, pulling landscape, contractor and garden center orders, and keeping detailed records when planting, shipping, and pulling orders. This position also requires being able to work in a variety of weather conditions. \nMust be physically capable of bending, twisting, being on their feet for long hours, and able to lift at least 25 lbs. repeatedly. Assist in other departments, such as garden center, field work with trees, or ornamental potted trees and shrubs (Woody Plants). Must pay attention to detail. Must be available for weekend work.\n\nThis job requires a rotating shift schedule. Hours/schedule may vary.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids), and incidental repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Farm yard maintenance such as mowing, trimming, painting fences, etc. Welding and metal fabrication.\nEquipment: Tractor and Combine \nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans, Sugar Beets, Wheat
Servicing and operating large up to date farm equipment such as row crop tractors, 4WD tractors, and ground sprayers for tillage, fertilizing, planting, and spraying of wheat, soybeans, and sugarbeets; maintaining and operating equipment such as trucks, combines, and tractors for harvesting crops and moving crops to storage facilities, and doing fall tillage; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Assist with operating farming equipment to till soil, plant and harvest crops. Assist with swine duties such as vaccination and treatment of sickness. General maintenance and servicing of equipment and farm grounds.
Operate irrigation equipment, combine, augers, etc. necessary for planting/harvest. General farm labor. Clean, maintain, and repair field ready equipment. Maintain irrigation system. Drive trucks, tractors and combines to perform crop raising duties, i.e., harvest, cultivate, plant, bale. Clean grain bins. Maintain farm grounds. Haul crops to storage/market. Fertilizer, manure application and weed control. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. 30 minute mean break.\n\nCrops: alfafa hay, corn, soybeans
Drives/operates farm machinery, plant, cultivate, spray, fertilize, harvest, store grain crops of corn, soy beans, black beans and sugar beets. Attach farm implements, e.g. plow, disc, drill to tractor, till soil, plant and cultivate grain. Tows harvesting equipment, drives/operates self-propelled combine to harvest crops. Performs duties like lubricating, repairing farm machinery and transports produce to elevator or storage area.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids), and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive semi-trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\n\n Equipment: tractor, combine, trucks \n\nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans
Operating large farm equipment and machinery for cultivating, tilling, fertilizing and planting of grain, oilseed crops and sugar beets; operating row tillage for weed control; operating large farm equipment for harvesting and transporting grain, oilseed crops and sugar beets to storage facilities; service and maintain equipment in the field; driving farm vehicle; minor daily and incidental upkeep to equipment and worksite.
Drive CDL class trucks to haul organic fertilizer to farming operations. Operate farm equipment to apply fertilizer to farmers fields. Basic maintenance to farming equipment.
On farms, building, repairing, and remodeling of livestock buildings. Removing, repairing, and setting slats, installation of feeders and feed lines and installation of gates. Tin sheeting walls, install door, place and repair concrete, caulk structures, welding. Clean job sites. One month of livestock equipment installation/repair experience required. Must be able to lift and carry 75lbs for 75yds.
On farms, building, repairing, and remodeling of livestock buildings. Removing, repairing, and setting slats, installation of feeders and feed lines and installation of gates. Tin sheeting walls, install door, place and repair concrete, caulk structures, welding. Clean job sites. One month of livestock equipment installation/repair experience required. Must be able to lift and carry 75lbs for 75yds.
Prune trees; plant trees; wrap tree trunks; de-weed tree rows; tie trees up for shipping; crimp wire baskets; staple burlap; tie tree twine around the tree and back to wire basket; shave/prune off roots of tree ball when harvested; lay and set up drip irrigation for trees; stake trees; pull tree stakes; water trees.
Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: Operate various farm equipment (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for planting, spraying, cultivating, fertilizing, and harvesting of crops. Load/unload trucks. May involve climbing ladders, grain bins etc. Maintain/repair machinery, i.e. weld, change fluids in equipment, rotate tires, clean grain bins, wash vehicles, change brakes, check tire pressure, general maintenance, etc. Ground maintenance farm and/or housing, i.e. weed eating, mowing. Minor construction of farm structures. Maintain/clean shop area. This job involves manual labor, lifting, carrying, bending, and long days in the heat and cold. Rain days are typically spent in the shop repairing equipment and preparing for the next days’ work. Must communicate in English, follow instructions, and be physically capable of performing all job duties. Hog loading, marking, and sorting. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. \n\n30 minute-1 hour meal break, season/weather permitting.\n\n\nCrops: corn, soybeans, peas, sweet corn
All aspects of commercial beekeeping. Raise queens, feed and prepare them for winter. Putting on boxes for honey production, pull honey from hives and extract it from the combs by means of updated extracting equipment. Haul bees, driving to and from different hive locations.
Prepare equipment and till the ground. Operate farming equipment in order to plant, spray, fertilize, harvest and haul grain, bean and sugar beet commodities. General farm maintenance duties such as servicing/repairing/cleaning equipment, basic facility upkeep and shop work.
We need seasonal employees to assist with our sod operation. Employees will operate farm equipment to assist with preparing the fields before planting, seeding the fields, and harvesting sod. Additional duties include mowing and cleaning the fields, complete routine maintenance and repairs on equipment and cleaning the workshop as needed. Employees must be able to operate equipment including tractors, mowers and forklifts. Employees will complete general farm duties, as necessary. Haul sod to designated areas. Must be able to lift 50 lbs.
Prepare fields for planting. Pick rocks and operate tractors to till the soil. Operate farming equipment in order to plant, spray and harvest corn and soybean crops. Transport harvested commodities from farm to market using grain trucks. General farm upkeep duties such as servicing equipment, facility maintenance and shop work.
Workers will perform general farm operations and tasks like but not limited to - till the ground, apply pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers to crops, participate and maintain and harvest crops. Drive and operate a combine, sprayer , tractors, & 90 & 60 ft planter. Repair structures, equipment and fences, maintain and service all farm equipment, participate in irrigation activities, load and unload trucks and farming vehicles, work with hand tools in the field and workshop, perform post harvest duties.\n\nList of equipment: JD combine S790, JD track tractors - 8345, 8270, 9570, 9520, 8320, 8370, - JD planter - R4038 sprayer.\n\nCrops: Corn and Soy Beans
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \nEquipment: tractor, combine, trucks \nCrops: Corn, Dry Beans, Soy Beans, Spring Wheat, Sugar Beets
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids), and incidental repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \n\nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans, Spring Wheat\n\nEquipment: Semi TrucksJD Tractors
We farm over 10,000 acres of wheat, ryegrass, corn, soybeans, canola, and cereal rye. Drive trucks and tractors to perform a variety of crop raising duties. Field ready implements and equipment. Plant, cultivate crops using tractor drawn machinery. Operate, repair farm implements. Operate equipment to harvest crops. Complete general farm duties as assigned. On farm grain handling. On farm drainage. Pick rocks. Complete routine repairs and maintenance on equipment. \n\n***Please note the change in our start date to cover our entire crop season starting with planting the crop in March.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.
Manually plant, cultivate, and harvest produce. Use hand tools, shovels, hoes, tampers, brooms, rakes, pruning shears, and ladders. Clean, pack, sort, slice, box, load and transport harvested products. Construct trellis and repair fences. Participate in irrigation activities for all crops. Set up and operate, repair and maintain equipment, vehicles, tractors, forklifts and tractor drawn machinery, ie, spreaders, mowers, plows, cultivators, disks. Work with small engine equipment. Repair and maintain buildings and grounds. Assist in the production of apple cider, peel, slice apples and other apple products. Food safety standards must be followed in all areas of employment. The worker may be asked to work on the sabbath, under all types of weather, hot, cold, rain, and snow, workdays may vary.\nCrops: apples, strawberries, pumpkins\n\n45 minute lunch break offered
Workers will plant trees, do fence and trellis repair and other orchard maintenance, pick strawberries, thin apples, cut away dead and excess branches from fruit trees using handsaws, chainsaws, pruning hooks and shears, may apply healing compound to pruning wounds. Workers will pull weeds and may mow orchard grounds, and May cut down and fertilize trees. Workers will operate pruning equipment and tractors to remove limbs and brush from pruning sites. Must be able to work in extreme weather conditions, stand and walk long periods of time, use sharp instruments, be able to work with open fire, able to do ladder work and lift 50lbs. 1 month of experience required.
Manually plant, cultivate, and harvest vegetables, fruits, nuts and field crops. Use hand tools, such as shovels, trowels, hoes, tampers, pruning hooks, shears, and knives. Use machinery, such as tractors, combines, tandem trucks, semi-trucks, etc. Duties may include tilling soil and applying fertilizers; transplanting, weeding, thinning, or pruning crops; applying pesticides; cleaning, packing, and loading harvested products. May construct trellises, repair fences and farm buildings, or participate in irrigation activities.
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \nCrops: Corn, Kidney Beans, Soy Beans\n
Drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids), and incidental repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area.\nEquipment: combines, tractors, grain handling equipment, grain hauling equipment\nCrops: Corn, Soy Beans, Wheat
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and mechanical repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. \nEquipment: Challenger/Agco Tractors; Lexion Combines; Diesel Semi Trucks.\nCrops: Soy Beans, Spring Wheat, Sugar Beets
Performs duties like: drive and operate farm machinery to plant, cultivate, harvest and store grain crops. Attach farm implements, such as plow, disc and drill to tractor. Till soil; plant and cultivate grain. Cultivate 4,000 acres of alfalfa, and haul manure to spread in fields. Tow harvesting equipment. Drive and operate self-propelled combine. General lubrication, service (check fluids) and incidental repair to farm machinery. Drive grain trucks to transport crops to elevator or storage area. Must be able to help plant/harvest crops, trucking and put up hay. Crops: AlfalfaEquipment: Tractor, Combine, Grain Trucks
We need seasonal employees to assist with our our corn and soybean farming operation. We are looking for a responsible, clean, non-smoker that has extensive experience driving a 13-speed semi and large tractor for tillage. We need an employee with experience with a self-propelled sprayer would be a bonus. Mechanical ability and willingness to clean and detail equipment inside and out would also be required. Routine maintenance and repairs on equipment will be required. We have an extensive variety in our daily job description which helps immensely with much less boredom as every day is a little different. We operate Peterbilt trucks and require truck driving experience. We pride ourselves in a safe, well maintained and excessively clean operation. I will never require anyone to do a job I will not do myself. We have a large heated and well-lit shop where we do most maintenance and repair. We require that employees show up on time, be friendly and engaged. Must have experienced in safely driving semi pulling 48' trailer, operating large tractor pulling 50' field cultivator, operating skid steer loader, having some experience operating 120' self-propelled sprayer will be beneficial.